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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Personal success / Evidencia: Éxito personal

Fuente: SENA

Education is a primordial pillar in life. In this evidence, you have to record an audio or video with
your answers to the following questions: / La educación es un pilar fundamental en la vida. En esta
evidencia, usted debe grabar un video oun audio en el cual responda a las siguientes preguntas:
-What have you studied?
I have studied secretarial

-What are you studying now?

I study industrial engineering

-What have been your motivations to study?

My motivation to study is my family because I want them to be proud of me

-Do you plan to study anything else? Why or why not?

I plan to study systems engineering, I like everything that has to do with computers

-What do you want to do professionally speaking in the next three years?

In the next three years I would like to be in a good company and also create my own business to
sell clothes online since I also like that a lot, and I want to generate employment for other people


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