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Teaching to Recovery Hope, Recovery, Relationships and Service So are you saying we need to teach students to be hopeful or to be helpful? “The answer Is... Yep!! Lear it, © Know it, Live it How do I teach hope? + Fist ane foremost — have hope yourselt + Help students reframe in a hopeful way + Make an extra effort to use hopeful messages + Direct students to hopeet stores + Be aware of body language, word choice, tone ‘end the environment “Be honest when you may not feel hopeful aed ‘then do something to turn tat around Teaching Hope + Students will need to have deeper reserves of hope “= People who come to us for help are focused Inward on their situation — Pegple who provide hoip have to face repeated situations where hope sin quastion this is never ending ode ce peer, carat et Three Kinds of Hope for Providers + Constantly reine hope for themselves So ey eae cmv io balovs tate werk wor) foing and tal hay wt have ena sent i + “Have hope that te people thoy halp, who are often in very difcut situations wi fd the help they need” + "Have the day hope that he organization they are 2 pat of ull bo place whore they can find ‘maaniagiu relationships with others who have ‘chosen lives of sorvice” eet cme HTT Knowing Hope * Stories, stories, stories =If you don’t have some, borrow some, Living Hope Environmental Prophylaxis * Students are sent out into non-hopeful ‘environments both as interns and later as providers/professionals ‘= What can we da in an educational environment to help students refresh and retain hope throughout their careers? " Norety =the bal anteater = * Exarpe~ Sone eller, cokers, staes (apology)

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