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©American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Systematic review

Telegenetics: a systematic review of telemedicine in

genetics services
Jennifer S. Hilgart, BSc, MSc1, Julie A. Hayward, BSc1, Bernadette Coles, MSc2 and
Rachel Iredale, MA, Phd3

Purpose: Telemedicine is being increasingly used in many areas with ­telegenetics, and patients were generally more receptive to tele-
of health care, particularly to reduce the barriers that rural popula- genetics than the genetics practitioners were. The studies had limita-
tions face in accessing health-care services. Telemedicine may also be tions of small sample sizes and lack of statistical analyses.
effectively utilized in clinical genetics services—an application that
has been termed “telegenetics.” Conclusions: This review suggests that telegenetics may be a useful
tool for providing routine counseling and has the potential to evalu-
Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted to ate pediatric patients with suspected genetic conditions. Prospective,
identify studies of genetic consultations carried out through video- fully powered studies of telegenetics that explore the accuracy of
conferencing so as to determine whether conclusions can be drawn diagnoses and patient outcomes are needed to allow informed deci-
about the value of telegenetics. A total of 14 articles reporting data sions to be made about the appropriate use of telemedicine in genet-
from 12 separate studies met the inclusion criteria. ics service delivery.
Results: In a majority of these studies, patients received their tele- Genet Med 2012:14(9):765–776
genetics consultation at a local clinic or outreach center, from where
they communicated via a synchronous video link with a genetics Key Words: clinical genetics; genetic counseling; systematic review;
practitioner. All the studies reported high levels of patient ­satisfaction telegenetics; telemedicine

Telemedicine is the use of electronic and communication tech- care and access to on-call hospital specialists but not for the
nologies for medical diagnostic, monitoring, and therapeutic local delivery of services between hospitals and primary care.11
purposes when distance and/or time separate the participants.1 Despite the lack of consensus within the literature regarding
The term telemedicine often refers to a real-time interaction the effectiveness of telemedicine in improving the quality of, or
between a patient and a health professional through video- access to health care, its use remains widespread.12
conferencing rather than face to face. By enabling contact with Telemedicine may be particularly effective in medical special-
health service providers in distant locations, telemedicine can ties in which verbal interactions are a key part of the assessment
benefit rural populations by reducing geographical barriers to process, such as in psychiatry and neurology. Research in these
accessing specialist health services.2–5 Other benefits of telemed- areas demonstrates that care via telemedicine produces outcomes
icine include improved efficiency and reduced costs of health comparable to those of face-to-­face consultations.13–17 Genetics
services. The large number of articles and reviews published in services are often based on counseling and may therefore also
recent years about telemedicine demonstrates the increasing be a specialized field of health care in which telemedicine can
use of, and research into, telemedicine services. be effectively utilized as an alternative to standard ­face-to-face
In a review of reviews, Ekeland et al.6 identified 80 systematic interactions between health professionals and patients.
reviews published between 2005 and 2009 on the impact and Referrals to genetics services are generally suggested if a
cost of telemedicine in various areas of health care, including patient is suspected of being at risk of, or affected by, a genetic
psychiatry, dermatology, and diabetes. Ekeland et al. concluded disorder. For example, genetics specialists can diagnose a
that the results of these reviews were diverse; some suggested that patient with symptoms of a disease or carry out a disease risk
telemedicine has positive therapeutic effects and increases effi- assessment or a reproductive risk assessment relating to a pos-
ciency within health services,7,8 while other reviews concluded sible carrier status or pregnancy. This often involves several
that the evidence for the benefits of telemedicine was inconsis- visits to a genetics clinic to undergo genetic counseling and
tent and limited.9,10 The data relating to the cost-­effectiveness physical evaluation, receive genetic test results, and attend fol-
of telemedicine are also mixed; a recent review found that syn- low-up appointments. In Europe and the United States, access
chronous video communication was cost effective for home to ­genetics services is often available only in urban centers,18,19

Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; 2Cancer Research Wales Library, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; 3Faculty of Health, Sport and Science, University of

Glamorgan, Pontypridd, UK. Correspondence: Rachel Iredale (

Submitted 13 December 2011; accepted 27 February 2012; advance online publication 12 April 2012. doi:10.1038/gim.2012.40

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Systematic review HILGART et al | Review of telegenetics

which means that remote populations may not have access to the criteria. Any disagreement about a particular study was resolved
information, treatment, and psychosocial support that genetics through discussion and/or referred to a third person.
services can offer. The potential for using telemedicine in clini-
cal genetics service delivery has been highlighted by a number Information extraction
of authors,19–21 who have suggested that it may enable more equi- Two review authors independently extracted data from each of
table access to genetics services for people who must otherwise the studies included in the review. The data extracted included
travel long distances to specialist centers. Indeed, an increasing study design, method and setting; participant characteris-
number of studies are exploring alternative models of service tics; and relevant outcomes. Any differences in opinion were
provision, including genetic counseling over the telephone,22,23 resolved through discussion. Reviewers were not blinded as to
and genetics consultations via real-time videoconferencing,24 so authorship, journal, or institution.
as to improve equality of access, improve cost efficiency, and
help to meet the increasing demand for these services. Quality assessment
Our systematic review aims to synthesize the evidence A formal quality assessment was not performed because a
available to date about genetic consultations carried out majority of the studies were nonrandomized studies with small
via videoconferencing, a process that has been termed sample sizes, whereas all well validated quality assessment tools
“telegenetics”.24,25 Our aim was to determine whether conclu- are intended for use in the context of randomized controlled
sions can be drawn about the value of telegenetics, and to trials.
provide recommendations for further research and its adop-
tion in clinical practice. RESULTS
Study characteristics
METHODS A total of 14 articles reporting data from 12 separate studies met
Search strategy all the study selection criteria. Details of the studies included, pub-
The literature search focused on English-language articles per- lished between the years 2000 and 2011, are provided in Table 2.
taining to the use of telemedicine in clinical genetics services The studies were conducted in the United States, Canada, the
(see Table 1 for search key words). The following electronic UK, and Australia. All the studies utilized real-time videoconfer-
databases were searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, encing via multiple high-speed ISDN lines (between 128 and 384
CINAHL, British Nursing Index, Cochrane Library, and the kbps) to provide clinical genetics services to remote or outreach
Web of Science. Each database search was conducted dur- areas. ISDN lines are considered to be effective in transmitting
ing the week of 28 November 2011 to identify articles pub- high-resolution images and are reasonably fast and secure. In a
lished from January 1996 up to November 2011. The Science majority of the studies, patients received their telegenetics con-
Citation Index was searched to find articles that cited the stud- sultations at a local clinic or outreach center. Exceptions to this
ies included in the database search results. The reference lists were Meropol et al.,26 a study in which the participants were
of all relevant articles and other reviews were used to identify counseled in their own homes, and Gattas et al.,27 in which both
additional studies. the telegenetics group and the face-to-face group had their con-
sultations in the same hospital in Brisbane, Australia, so as to
Eligibility criteria remove the advantages of travel time and cost.
Studies were included in this review if they were published The studies included in our review related to the use of tele-
in a peer-reviewed journal in English and were aimed at genetics in counseling for hereditary cancer,26,28–33 prenatal
evaluating the effectiveness, cost, or feasibility of synchro- counseling,34 pediatric services,35,36 and services for a range of
nous telemedicine consultations in any area of clinical genet- genetic disorders.24,27,37 Of the 125 patients who were evaluated
ics. Studies that did not include genetics consultations were and/or counseled via telemedicine in the study by Lea et al.,37
excluded. Randomized controlled trials and nonrandomized 64% received pediatric and/or neurological genetics consulta-
pilot studies were considered for inclusion. Both quantitative tions and the rest received consultations for cancer or repro-
and qualitative studies were eligible, but reviews, letters with ductive genetics counseling. Pediatric telegenetics services often
no primary data, case studies, and unpublished studies were included physical examinations, whereas consultations for can-
excluded. cer generally only involved a review of the patients’ family his-
The outcomes of interest were clinical efficacy, knowledge, tory, the provision of information, and psychosocial support.
perceived risk, affective outcomes (e.g., distress, anxiety, and The type of genetics practitioner involved in the telemedicine
depression), behavioral outcomes (e.g., surveillance/surgery consultations varied between studies. In several studies, patients
uptake and genetic testing uptake), satisfaction, and cost of the had a genetics counselor or nurse present with them at the out-
service. All titles and abstracts were screened in accordance reach clinic while they communicated via a synchronous video
with the inclusion criteria. Full-text articles were obtained link with a geneticist or a genetics counselor.24,27,30–33,38 In a study
whenever more information was required to make a decision by Stalker et al.,36 a genetics counselor obtained information on
about inclusion. Two reviewers independently reviewed the patients’ family and medical history via teleconferencing, and
full-text studies to determine whether they met the inclusion a local pediatrician conducted a physical examination. The

766 Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012 | Genetics in medicine

Review of telegenetics | HILGART et al Systematic review

Table 1  Review search strategy


  1. Telemedicine/   1. Exp telemedicine/   1. Telemedicine/   1. (MH “Telemedicine”)

  2. Remote consultation/   2. Exp teleconsultation/   2. Internet/   2. (MH “Telehealth+”)
  3. Videoconferencing/   3. Exp videoconferencing/   3. Telecommunications/   3.(MH “Telenursing”)
  4. Internet/   4. Internet/   4. (Telehealth$ or tele-health$   4. (MH “Remote Consultation”)
  5. Telecommunications/   5. Exp telecommunication/ or telemed$ or tele-med$   5. (MH “Videoconferencing”)
  6. (Telehealth$ or tele-health$   6. (Telehealth$ or tele-health$ or telecommunication$ or   6. TX telehealth* or tele-health*
or telemed$ or tele-med$ or telemed$ or tele-med$ telemanag$ or tele-manag$ or telemed* or tele-med*
or telecommunication$ or or telecommunication$ or or telecare or tele-care or or telecommunication* or
telemanag$ or tele-manag$ or telemanag$ or tele-manag$ telesupport$ or tele-support$ telemanag* or tele-manag*
telecare or tele-care or telesupport$ or telecare or tele-care or or telemonitor$ or tele- or telecare or tele-care or
or tele-support$ or telemonitor$ or telesupport$ or tele-support$ monitor$ or mobile health$ telesupport* or tele-support*
tele-monitor$ or mobile health$ or or telemonitor$ or or ehealth$ or e-health$ or or telemonitor* or tele-
ehealth$ or e-health$ or mhealth tele-monitor$ or mobile mhealth or m-health or mobile monitor* or mobile health*
or m-health or mobile device$).tw. health$ or ehealth$ or device$).tw. or ehealth* or e-health*
  7. Computer e-health$ or mhealth or   5. Computer or mhealth or m-health or
  8. ((Tele$ or remote or video$) adj2 m-health or mobile device$).   6. ((Tele$ or remote or video$) mobile device*
(care$ or consult$ or clinic$ or tw. adj2 (care$ or consult$ or   7. Telegenetic* or tele-genetic
counsel$)).tw.   7. Computer clinic$ or counsel$)).tw.   8. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6
  9. Or/1-8   8. ((Tele$ or remote or video$)   7. Genetics/   9. (MH “Genetics, Medical+”)
10. Genetics/ adj2 (care$ or consult$ or   8. Genetic counseling/ 10. (MH “Genetic Counseling”)
11. Genetics medical/ clinic$ or counsel$)).tw.   9. (Genetic$ adj3 (service$ or risk$ 11. (Genetic*) N£ (service* or
12. Genetic counseling/   9. Or/1-8 or counsel$ or clinic$ or test$ or risk* or counsel* or clinic*
13. Exp genetic services/ 10. Exp medical genetics/ screen$)).tw. or test* or screen*)
14. Genetic predisposition to disease/ 11. Genetic counseling/ 10. (Telegenetic$ or tele-genetic$). 12. 9 or 10 or 11
15. (Genetic$ adj3 (service$ or risk$ 12. Exp genetic service/ tw. 13. 8 and 12
or counsel$ or clinic$ or test$ or 13. Exp genetic predisposition/ 11. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 14. 13
screen$)).tw. 14. (Genetic$ adj3 (service$ or 12. 7 or 8 or 9
16. Or/10-15 risk$ or counsel$ or clinic$ or 13. 11 and 12
17. 9 and 16 test$ or screen$)).tw. 14. 10 or 13
18. (Telegenetic$ or tele-genetic$).tw. 15. Or/10-14
19. 17 or 18 16. 9 and 15
20. Limit 19 to English language 17. (Telegenetic$ or
18. 16 or 17
19. Limit 18 to (human and
English language)

patients then returned to the clinic for a ­face-to-face consulta- many did not involve any statistical analyses on outcomes mea-
tion with the clinical geneticist. Three of the studies explored sures because of small sample sizes. Only one study indicated
genetics counseling via teleconference with a genetics counselor that validated measurement tools with acceptable reliability
only; these comprised one study involving prenatal counseling34 had been used to assess outcomes.33 That study was also the
and two studies involving hereditary cancer counseling.26,29 only one to mention that power calculations were conducted
Coelho et al.,28 described a study of genetics counseling for can- to ensure that any significant between-group differences were
cer via teleconference with a genetics consultant. detected. Eight of the studies did not have a comparison group,
Only one of the studies in our review involved randomization and reported data solely on those who received genetics services
of participants to receive either a telegenetics consultation or a via a telemedicine.24,26,29–32,35–38 All the studies measured patient
face-to-face consultation, with both groups attending the same satisfaction with the telegenetics consultation; in some cases,
hospital for their appointments.27 Patients in the telegenetics the health professionals’ satisfaction was also assessed. The
group communicated via a video link with the consultant, who methods of measuring satisfaction varied between studies, with
was located only 10 meters away. The majority of the studies many researchers developing their own scales of satisfaction,
used a retrospective or cross-sectional design, with evalua- whereas others based their scales on previous research. Three
tions and assessments occurring after the telegenetics consulta- studies reported on affective outcomes such as cancer-specific
tion. Three studies were prospective studies with assessments distress, general anxiety, and depression.24,28,33 There were no
both before and after telegenetics counseling.24,28,33 Two studies reports on clinical or behavioral outcomes such as uptake of
involved conducting qualitative interviews, one with patients32 genetics testing or cancer screening after telegenetics counsel-
and the other with genetics professionals,30,31 to explore their ing for hereditary cancer. However, Lea et al.,37 Hopper et al.,35
experiences of telegenetics. The other studies involved the gath- and Stalker et al.36 reported on the clinical efficacy of diagnos-
ering of data through surveys and/or telephone interviews, and ing pediatric genetic disorders through the use of telegenetics.

Genetics in medicine | Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012 767

Table 2  Summary of studies included in the review
Reason(s) for genetics
Author and consultation and service(s)
location provided Study design and methods Outcome measures Key findings Conclusions

Abrams and Prenatal genetics counseling Quantitative cross-sectional survey Postcounseling measures: For both groups, satisfaction Patient satisfaction with prenatal
Geier34 with genetics counselor via completed post-counseling. -Satisfaction with the with counseling scores averaged genetic counseling was similar among
USA telemedicine Comparison between prenatal counseling process between 4 and 5 (5 = highest those receiving the counseling via
Videoconferencing between genetics counseling via -Patient’s experience of satisfaction possible), including videoconferencing and those receiving
the patient in an obstetrician’s telemedicine (n = 7) and face-to- videoconferencing. helpfulness of genetics counseling it face-to-face in a clinic. Patients
Systematic review

office in a satellite clinic and the face counseling (n = 14). and satisfaction with amount counseled via telegenetics reported
genetics counselor at the clinical of time given. Both groups felt positive experiences with using the
genetics clinic. All counseling session was confidential; 100% of technology, and stated that it reduced
sessions included discussion of telegenetics group gave positive travel time. Confidentiality was not a
testing options, acquisition of responses about counseling concern for those receiving telegenetics
family history, and informed process and a majority of in-person counseling.
consent. counseling responses were positive.
All telegenetics patients reported
that it was an advantage, mainly
because of reduced travel time. One
telegenetics patient would have
preferred an in-person consultation
in the clinic.

Coelho et al.28 Family history of breast/ovarian Prospective study comparing -Knowledge of cancer Increase in knowledge of genetics No significant difference in the quality
UK or colon cancer telegenetics counseling (n = 16) genetics of cancer in both telegenetics and of genetics counseling for cancer via
Patients received genetics and face-to-face counseling -Cancer risk-related face-to-face groups. Statistically telegenetics as compared to face-
counseling for cancer with a (n = 21) for cancer. anxiety significant increase in knowledge to-face. In both groups, knowledge
genetics consultant. (Contents Quantitative pre- and -Satisfaction. in the combined (telemedicine plus of the genetics of cancer improved,
of counseling sessions are not postcounseling questionnaire, face-to-face) group (P = 0.02). and anxiety levels decreased. Overall,
described.) including true/false questions, Significant decrease in anxiety after the patients were satisfied with
Likert scale questions, and open- counseling in telegenetics group telegenetics, which suggests that it
ended questions for free-text (P = 0.00), face-to-face group is a useful alternative to face-to-face
responses. (P = 0.01), and combined group counseling when geographical distance
Participants assigned to either (P = 0.00). is an issue.
telegenetics group or face-to- Total satisfaction score significantly
face group depending on their higher in telegenetics group (mean
geographical location. = 23.12) than in face-to-face group
(mean = 22; P = 0.08). Face-to-face
group did not feel as satisfied as
telegenetics group in regard to their
emotional needs having been met
(P = 0.02).

Table 2 Continued on next page.

Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012 | Genetics in medicine

HILGART et al | Review of telegenetics
Table 2  Continued.
Reason(s) for genetics
Author and consultation and service(s)
location provided Study design and methods Outcome measures Key findings Conclusions

d’Agincourt- Family history of breast/ Pilot study to assess the Post-counseling measures: High levels of satisfaction with Telemedicine is an effective means of
Canning et al.29 ovarian or colorectal cancer, or effectiveness and acceptability of -General satisfaction, the telegenetics counseling providing genetics counseling for cancer
Canada melanoma. cancer genetics counseling with comfort level, (average score 4.68 of 5). No to rural and underserved populations,
Telegenetics counseling between a genetic counselor present via comprehension of participant reported that the for whom economic or personal
Hereditary Cancer Program in telemedicine (n = 48). information, quality of telegenetics format made it difficult situations would have been a barrier
Review of telegenetics | HILGART et al

Vancouver/Victoria and hospitals Cross-sectional quantitative service, time- and cost- to communicate or understand to access. Telegenetics services were
in six rural communities. survey completed postcounseling, savings for patient. the information. Cost savings convenient, and resulted in time- and
Counseling provided by four including Likert scale questions -Genetics counselor’s averaged $1,000 per person. cost-savings to patients. A support
genetics counselors. Counseling and open-ended questions. satisfaction with Patients reported high levels of person may be needed to assist patients
involved review of family history, telemedicine. convenience with telemedicine at the remote site and act as a liaison
discussion of cancer risk, risk and preferred consultations to take between sites.
management strategies, and place in their local communities.
psychosocial support. Technical difficulties encountered
were minor. Genetics counselors
were less satisfied with telemedicine

Genetics in medicine | Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012

than patients (average score 3.97
out of 5) and reported difficulties in
establishing rapport.

Gattas et al.27 Most of the patients were Randomized trial comparing Postconsultation measures: Patients, counselors and consultants Telegenetics is an acceptable alternative
Australia referred for counseling because telegenetics consultation (n = 16) -Ease of communication, reported high satisfaction with to face-to-face consultations and
of a family history of cancer. and face-to-face consultation maintaining eye contact, telegenetics consultation. A reduces travel cost and time. It is
Pre-clinic telephone contact (n = 8). Patients were randomly comfort of room, and majority indicated that they would not suitable for family consultations
made by genetics counselor allocated to the two groups. The satisfaction with clinic be happy to use telemedicine in because multiple patients are difficult to
to gather family history consultations for both groups format. the future and would recommend see on-screen.
information. Genetics counselor took place in the same hospital, it to others. Satisfaction scores for
was in the room with the patient with a genetic counselor and a telegenetics consultation were
during the telegenetics session genetics consultant. comparable with those for face-to-
with the genetics consultant. Cross-sectional quantitative face consultation.
telephone questionnaire: four
Likert-scale questions completed

Gray et al.24,38 Six patients had family histories Prospective pilot study of Pre- and post-consultation Data showed a trend toward Telegenetics may be an acceptable
UK of cancer. Two patients were telegenetics consultation (n = 8; measures: reductions in anxiety and worry method of communication between
referred for other genetic six cancer-related and two for -Knowledge of genetics and improvement in knowledge genetics specialists and patients, and
conditions (not specified by the other genetic conditions). -Anxiety of genetics after telegenetics may help meet the increasing demand
authors). Quantitative questionnaire -Illness-related worries consultation. Patients reported for genetics services.
The patient and the genetics completed pre- and -Satisfaction (patients and higher satisfaction levels
nurse communicated with postconsultation. health professionals). with telegenetics than health
geneticist via telemedicine from professionals did. Patients and
a remote clinic. genetic consultants reported that
telegenetics consultation was no
different from, or was

Table 2 Continued on next page.

Systematic review
Table 2  Continued.

Reason(s) for genetics
Author and consultation and service(s)
location provided Study design and methods Outcome measures Key findings Conclusions

Sessions involved examination of even preferable to, face-to-face

family history and discussion of interaction. Genetics nurses felt
hereditary cancer. less at ease and less able to observe
patients’ nonverbal behavior.

Hopper et al.35 Children with developmental Evaluation of parents’ satisfaction Postconsultation measures: Clinically indicated tests were Overall satisfaction with the technology
Australia delay. with a telegenetics consultation -Satisfaction at 3 months requested for several patients. was high from parents, pediatricians,
The genetics counselor took for children with developmental post-consultation Physical measurements taken and geneticists. The large camera was
physical measurements and still delay (n = 10). (outcomes not specified) by counselors and geneticists sometimes intrusive, but this can be
Systematic review

images of the patient while a Quantitative satisfaction survey -Satisfaction at 12 months were sufficiently similar. All overcome by using newer, smaller
camera transmitted a live feed for parents of pediatric patients postconsultation parents reported high levels of cameras. Genetics practitioners need
to a geneticist. A face-to-face completed at 3 months (n = 4). -Clinical efficacy of satisfaction with the telegenetics to be familiar with the technology and
session was arranged 3 weeks Identical telephone survey at 12 telegenetics consultation. consultation, and 50% felt it was know how to solve problems. With
after the telemedicine session. months (n = 8). effective in genetic diagnosis for more experience, physical assessment of
Referring pediatrician completed their child. At 12 months, all the children via telemedicine will improve.
a survey at 3 months. respondents were satisfied with
the telegenetics experience. One
referring pediatrician noted that
some dysmorphology features were
missed through telemedicine.

Lea et al.37 Sixty-four percent of the patients Evaluation of a telegenetics pilot Postconsultation measures: Eighteen percent of the care Telemedicine offers an acceptable and
USA were pediatric patients, 14% project. - Satisfaction (patients and providers completed the evaluation, accessible solution to meet the growing
were adult patients referred Cross-sectional quantitative primary-care providers). mean satisfaction score was 3.83 of demand for genetics consultations
for cancer genetics counseling, satisfaction questionnaire 4. Minor difficulties reported with from individuals who live far from
and 7% were referred completed postconsultation connections and the equipment. genetics services centers. Telegenetics
for reproductive genetics by patients and primary-care Twenty-five percent of the patients is suitable for physical examination,
counseling. providers. Telephone interviews completed the evaluation, mean dysmorphology evaluations, and
During the 3-year project to assess qualitative parameters satisfaction score was 3.56 of 4. prenatal and cancer-related genetics
105 patients and ~250 conducted with six patients and All patients reported convenience counseling. Funding may be a barrier
family members had genetics eight providers. in terms of reduced travel. Two to sustaining telegenetics services,
consultation via telemedicine. patients would rather have seen the although cost savings are made through
When necessary, the outreach doctor in person. Providers felt that reductions in staff travel to remote sites.
site nurse performed physical patients’ problems were understood
measurements, and it was then and addressed correctly. Drawbacks
determined whether a follow- included lack of hands-on
up session in person with a examination, but this was deemed
consultant was required. not critical. The consulting
geneticist and neurologist felt
confident in evaluating patients via

Table 2 Continued on next page.

Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012 | Genetics in medicine

HILGART et al | Review of telegenetics
Table 2  Continued.
Reason(s) for genetics
Author and consultation and service(s)
location provided Study design and methods Outcome measures Key findings Conclusions
Meropol et al. Family history of colorectal or Feasibility study of telegenetic Postcounseling measures: Twenty-six (84%) of the participants Patient satisfaction with telegenetics
USA breast/ovarian cancer. counseling for cancer with genetic -Technical feasibility received counseling at a remote counseling for cancer is high, and it
Consenting participants counselor in patients’ homes, -Education and location. Participants were satisfied may therefore be a feasible alternative
were sent a Web-camera and using videoconferencing software information with the technology (mean score to face-to-face counseling sessions.
Review of telegenetics | HILGART et al

videoconferencing software (n = 31; 18 probands,13 family -Communication 4.3 of 5) although most experienced Patients receiving telegenetics
along with instructions. members). -Psychosocial comfort some technical problems. High counseling may require technical
Participants were shown a Quantitative cross-sectional of the proband during satisfaction with education and support that can be accessed from
20-min educational video about questionnaire completed counseling information (mean score 4.7). their homes through the Internet. This
cancer genetics followed by postcounseling. -Satisfaction with Participants learned about their risk requires high-speed Internet access, and
a counseling session with the counseling session for cancer and received sufficient this may potentially place a limitation
genetic counselor. and preference for information about genetic testing on uptake.
telegenetics. (mean = 4.7). Patients were satisfied
with communication (mean = 4.8).
Fifty-three percent agreed that the

Genetics in medicine | Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012

session made them feel less anxious
about their cancer risk. Twenty-two
percent felt uncomfortable with
being seen on the computer screen
and 10% felt the session was too
impersonal. All the patients would
recommend the session to others.
Nine patients would have preferred
to have face-to-face counseling.

Stalker et al.36 Pediatric genetics referrals An evaluation of pediatric Postconsultation measures: All parents agreed that the Telemedicine is an effective medium
USA requiring dysmorphology telegenetics consultations -Satisfaction with telemedicine evaluation of their for the diagnosis of dysmorphologic
examination. (n = 40). Patients with simple telegenetics evaluation child was appropriate and that their syndromes and can identify patients
Patients seen by genetic complaints such as cleft lip were -Diagnostic effectiveness child’s privacy was protected. One who are in need of further “hands on”
counselor via videoconferencing selected by the geneticist and assessed by comparing patient would have preferred a review. Telegenetics reduces waiting
to gather family and medical genetic counselor for inclusion in diagnoses made via face-to-face appointment. Waiting times and travel costs for patients,
history. Pediatrician then the telegenetics clinic. telemedicine and times were reduced from 16.9 and allows a quicker evaluation and
performed physical examination Postconsultation cross-sectional those made when months to 3.0 months diagnosis.
and requested appropriate quantitative survey completed by patients returned for a (P < 0.0001). Diagnoses were
testing. Complex cases were parents. follow-up face-to-face made for seven children, and
scheduled for face-to-face appointment. these were confirmed in the
consultation with clinical traditional genetics clinic. No
geneticist. telegenetics diagnoses were
subsequently judged to be
incorrect. All the clinicians indicated
a high level of comfort with the
security and efficiency of the
telegenetics clinic.

Table 2 Continued on next page.

Systematic review
Table 2  Continued.
Reason(s) for genetics
Author and consultation and service(s)
location provided Study design and methods Outcome measures Key findings Conclusions
Zilliacus et al. Women with a family history of Qualitative study of women’s Interviews explored All the women felt positive Women were highly satisfied with
Australia breast/ovarian cancer. experience of telegenetics patient satisfaction with about the technology and the telemedicine consultations for
The women attended an counseling for hereditary breast the technology and their majority (n = 11) were satisfied hereditary breast/ovarian cancer
outreach clinic with a genetic and/or ovarian cancer (n = 12). interaction with genetics with the interaction with their because of reduced travel and
counselor and communicated Semi-structured interviews professionals. genetics clinician. Nine of the associated costs. Telegenetics
with the geneticist via conducted after the telegenetics women would be happy to have counseling may be particularly
videoconferencing. consultation. a telegenetics consultation again, appropriate for those whose need for
whereas 7 preferred to meet the psychosocial support is low.
Systematic review

clinician in person. All the women

reported feeling a subtle difference
between telegenetics and face-
to-face interactions. Eleven of the
women described a high degree
of ‘social presence’ that led to
increased comfort with technology.
All the women felt at ease in
communicating with the clinician
and counselor. The advantage most
commonly cited was reduction in
travel time.

Zilliacus et al.33 Women with a family history of Prospective study of women’s Pre- and postcounseling Knowledge of hereditary breast and Telegenetics counseling was at least
Australia breast/ovarian cancer. experience of telegenetics measures: ovarian cancer increased as effective as face-to-face genetics
Women attending genetic counseling for hereditary breast -Knowledge about the (P < 0.001) and perceived control counseling across all outcomes
counseling for the first time and/or ovarian cancer (n = 106) genetics of breast cancer decreased (P < 0.001) over time measured. It performed better in
were invited to participate in the vs. face-to-face counseling -Perceived personal in both telegenetics and face- increasing perceived personal control. It
telegenetics consultation. The (n = 89). control to-face groups. No changes is therefore a viable alternative method
women attended an outreach Quantitative questionnaire -Impact of Events Scale found in cancer-specific anxiety, of service delivery to rural and outreach
clinic with a genetic counselor completed pre- and (cancer-specific anxiety) general anxiety, and depression in areas.
and communicated with a postcounseling. -Hospital Anxiety and either group. In terms of cancer-
geneticist via videoconferencing. Depression Scale specific anxiety, face-to-face and
-Medical Interview telegenetics counseling were
Satisfaction Scale found to have equivalent outcomes
-Consultation and (P = 0.13). No between-group
relational empathy differences were found with respect
-Telegenetics satisfaction. to change scores for knowledge,
general anxiety, and depression.
No between-group differences as
regards satisfaction and perceived
clinician and counselor empathy.
Seven percent of telemedicine
group would prefer a face-to-face
appointment. Thirty-three percent
would prefer telegenetics again.

Table 2 Continued on next page.

Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012 | Genetics in medicine

HILGART et al | Review of telegenetics
Review of telegenetics | HILGART et al Systematic review
Overall, the studies included in this review are heterogeneous

counselors felt themselves to be integral

and vary in quality. Most of the studies had limitations of small

outweighing the disadvantages. The

to the overall telegenetics process.

sample sizes that precluded the use of statistical analyses. The
Practitioners were satisfied with
telegenetics consultations and

limitations also included retrospective study designs and the

perceived the advantages as

lack of comparison groups, and the data were therefore subject

to bias.

Satisfaction with telegenetics services


All the studies reported high levels of patient satisfaction with

the telegenetics services, as ascertained through questionnaires
or interviews. Patients were generally satisfied with the tech-
nology used, the education and information provided, and
Telegenetics consultations were seen

the opportunity to communicate with genetics professionals

assistant, and counselor, which they

rural areas. Disadvantages included

as allowing less time for emotional

including facilitator, administrative

regarded as similar to their roles in

genetic clinician’s role to one of a

reported taking on multiple roles

and increased access for those in

and in detecting nonverbal cues.

without having to travel long distances. Those involved in the

All the practitioners were highly

“visiting specialist”. Counselors

associated costs for the patient,

difficulty in establishing rapport

telegenetics included increased

exploration, and as altering the

efficiency and convenience for
geneticists, reduced travel and
consultations. Advantages of

care of pediatric patients felt that telemedicine was an effec-

satisfied with telegenetics

tive medium through which to evaluate genetic conditions in

face-to-face sessions.
their children.35–37 Where a comparison group was utilized, the
satisfaction levels of those receiving telegenetics services were
Key findings

generally no different from those in the group receiving face-to-

face counseling. Indeed, in one study, the satisfaction level in the
telegenetics group was higher than in the control group.28 The
studies reported several benefits of telegenetics services: conve-
nience, reduced travel time and associated costs, and reduced
practitioners’ experiences,

and disadvantages of the

waiting times to see a genetics specialist.36 Patients tended to

satisfaction, advantages

technology, and their

be more satisfied than the genetics practitioners with telegenet-

Outcome measures

perceived role within

Interviews explored

ics counseling.24,29,37,38 Patients viewed the technical difficulties

involved as being less problematic, and were more satisfied with

the rapport established with the genetics professional.

In a study by Gray et al.,24,38 nursing staff expressed dissat-
isfaction with telegenetics because they felt excluded from the
geneticist–patient interaction and less able to observe the non-
verbal behavior of patients. Similarly, in a study by Zilliacus et
genetics clinicians, nine genetics
delivering genetics counseling
Study design and methods

al.,30,31 genetics practitioners reported that there were disad-

Qualitative study of genetics
practitioners’ experiences of

via telemedicine (n = 15; six

conducted postcounseling.
Semi-structured interviews

vantages to telegenetics counseling for patients with hereditary

breast/ovarian cancer, including inhibition of rapport between
the geneticist and the patient, and difficulty for the practitioner
in detecting nonverbal cues from patients. Patients may have

been more satisfied with telegenetics consultations because of

the savings in travel time and costs; a majority of the patients
preferred to receive genetic counseling services in a local set-
ting. In many studies, patients who received telegenetics coun-
communicated with a geneticist

seling were asked whether they would have preferred to have a

Women with a family history of

of breast and/or ovarian cancer

consultation and service(s)

with a genetic counselor and

Women with a family history

face-to-face appointment. Women receiving genetic counseling

attended an outreach clinic
Reason(s) for genetics

for cancer would be happy to have another telegenetics consul-

via videoconferencing.
breast/ovarian cancer.

tation, but a majority (n = 7) wanted to meet the geneticist in

person.32 A study by Meropol et al.,26 reported that all the par-
ticipants would recommend telegenetics counseling to other

patients, although nine of them (29%) agreed that they would

have preferred a face-to-face session. In Abrams and Grier’s34
Table 2  Continued.

study of prenatal telegenetics counseling, only one participant

would have preferred an in-person counseling session instead.
Author and

Affective outcomes

et al.30,31

The three studies that reported on affective outcomes of telege-

netics consultations used prospective study designs. All three

Genetics in medicine | Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012 773

Systematic review HILGART et al | Review of telegenetics

studies reported that patients’ knowledge of genetics increased services. In one study, telegenetics was estimated to confer an
after the telegenetics consultations. Gray et al.,24 reported that average saving of $1,000 per person.29 The same authors also
general anxiety and cancer-specific anxiety decreased over concluded that videoconferencing is less expensive than out-
time in those who received telegenetics counseling. Coelho et reach programs. They estimated that, in Canada, it would cost
al.28 found significant decreases in anxiety levels after cancer $700 for a genetics counselor to travel to a specific site to pro-
genetics counseling in the telegenetics group (P = 0.00), the vide outreach care for 12 patients at a 2-day clinic. In contrast,
face-to-face group (P = 0.01), and the combined (telemedicine the costs associated with the same number of appointments
and face-to-face) group (P = 0.00). Zilliacus et al.33 reported no through videoconferencing are negligible, provided the neces-
change in cancer-specific anxiety, general anxiety, or depression sary equipment is already available and in place.29
in either the telegenetics group or the face-to-face group in a
cohort of women receiving genetics counseling for hereditary DISCUSSION
breast/ovarian cancer. In studies that compared telegenetics Our review shows that patients are generally highly satisfied
groups with those receiving face-to-face consultations, there with the use of telemedicine in genetics service delivery, includ-
were no significant between-group differences in any of the ing genetics counseling and diagnoses of pediatric genetic con-
affective outcome variables.28,33 ditions. The studies included in the review also show that the
affective outcomes for patients receiving telegenetics consulta-
Clinical efficacy tions are comparable to those for patients receiving face-to-face
Three of the studies explored the effectiveness of telegenetics in consultations. This suggests that telegenetics is acceptable to
diagnosing genetics-related conditions in pediatric patients.35–37 patients and does not appear to have any detrimental effects on
In a study by Stalker et al.,36 a genetics counselor ascertained the patient anxiety. Neither the type of health professional involved
family history and a pediatrician performed a physical exami- in the telemedicine consultation nor the presence of a genetics
nation to screen for potential genetic syndromes. The first eight nurse/counselor at the outreach site appeared to affect patient
patients evaluated via telemedicine were also assessed in person satisfaction. Comparable results were reported from the various
by a clinical geneticist. Diagnoses were made for seven of the studies conducted in different countries. The opinions of genet-
children via telegenetics, and these were confirmed in the face- ics practitioners regarding telegenetics services were not always
to-face genetics clinic. No new diagnoses were made in the face- as positive, and many expressed concerns about the difficulty in
to-face sessions that had not been identified in the telegenetics establishing a rapport with patients via telemedicine and diffi-
sessions, and none of the diagnoses made through telegenetics culties associated with the use of the technology. Many of the
were deemed inaccurate. The authors concluded that telegenet- studies concluded that, with appropriate training and growing
ics was successful in identifying individuals in need of further experience with telegenetics services, genetics practitioners will
hands-on dysmorphologic review and in providing quicker become more accepting of the technology. In a study by Lea
confirmation of the absence of a particular genetic syndrome. et al.,37 practitioners rated telegenetics services higher after they
Lea et al.37 also reported that telegenetics was effective as a dys- had personally provided these services, suggesting that familiar-
morphology screening tool, because patients could be referred ity and confidence with using the technology will reduce prac-
for an in-person evaluation if a dysmorphologic genetic syn- titioners’ resistance to adopting telegenetics services. Although
drome was suspected. However, in a study by Hopper et al.,35 most patients appreciated the fact that telegenetics counseling
one referring pediatrician was of the opinion that several physi- had the benefits of reduced waiting times and/or shorter travel
cal characteristics could potentially be missed in a telegenetics distances, there is a need to be cautious when interpreting data
consultation. In that study, the genetics counselor took physical from patient surveys regarding telegenetics consultations. These
measurements and still images of the patients while a camera patients have received a service they ordinarily would not have,
transmitted a live feed to the clinical geneticist. Face-to-face ses- and they may therefore feel obligated to endorse it.39 This is espe-
sions were arranged 3 weeks after the telegenetics sessions. The cially relevant in studies wherein patients were allowed to choose
measurements taken in person by the genetics counselors and whether to receive telegenetics services or face-to-face services
those ascertained by the clinical geneticist from the live feeds of (e.g., the studies by d’Agincourt-Canning et al.,29 and Meropol
images varied slightly but did not affect either the assessments et  al.26 Indeed, previous research has found that patients who
or the diagnoses. The authors of the study concluded that, with were able to choose how they received their BRCA1/2 genetic
an increase in shared telegenetics experience between the genet- test result—whether by telephone or in person—reported higher
ics counselor and the geneticist, dysmorphologic assessment of levels of satisfaction than patients who did not have a choice.22
children via telegenetics consultations will improve. Studies with random assignment to telegenetics services or face-
to-face services may help to reduce this response bias.
Costs of telegenetics It could also be argued that the selection of new referrals
None of the studies included in our review formally measured for telegenetics consultations may introduce some bias into
the costs of telegenetics services. Most of the studies reported research results (e.g., the study by Stalker et al. 36). However,
that patients made savings in terms of travel time and costs by many studies have stated that telegenetics is not intended
receiving telegenetics services rather than face-to-face genetics to replace existing services but may be a useful adjunct to

774 Volume 14 | Number 9 | September 2012 | Genetics in medicine

Review of telegenetics | HILGART et al Systematic review
traditional service delivery for dysmorphologic evaluation and/ informed decisions about the appropriate use of telemedicine in
or genetics consultations. In the study by d’Agincourt-Canning genetics service delivery.
et al.,29 some participants reported that they would not have
followed through with their referral to the Hereditary Cancer ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Program had they been unable to have an appointment in their This review was funded by Tenovus, the cancer charity in Wales.
local area. Telemedicine may therefore extend access to remote
populations and reduce waiting times to consult with genetics
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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