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Senior Project Action Plan

Due: Friday, November 6th, 2020

The purpose of Senior Project at NP3 is to promote engaged citizenship by empowering students to take
direct action on issues of concern, while demonstrating the academic, professional, and social skills
necessary to successfully improve a community.

Senior Project Action:

What is the clear objective/goal of the Action for your Senior Project? (Without saying “raise awareness.”)
What need will you address and what specifically will you achieve?

The core objective of my action is to make and distribute blankets to California wildfire victims
who have lost their homes. This helps to address the emotional needs of the wildfire victims by
providing security and comfort through the gift of a blanket. Having a blanket to call their own gives
these victims a sense of stability in their uprooted lives at this time. The second objective of my project
is to attach a letter of encouragement to each blanket, with the goal of putting a smile on their face
and giving them some hope. I will be connecting with a fire-shelter sanctuary center and giving out
these blankets to the families there.

Mentors & Contacts:

You must have at least ONE outside adult mentor (not your parent or an NP3 HS teacher). A mentor
should have experience or knowledge around your chosen issue and be willing to advise and support you
throughout your project.

Full Name Organization & Job Title Contact Email

Sarah Jessop Street Assistant Director of Youth & sarah.jessop.street@st

Family Ministry

Action Plan:
Identify the tasks necessary to successfully complete your project.

Check when Date Due To Do List/Task Description

completed (Remember, your final
Board Presentations are in
April 2021)

❏ December 2020 Connect with an organization and find where I can deliver the

❏ January 2020 Collect blanket materials and write letters

❏ February 2020 Make the blankets & attach letters

❏ March 2020 Drop blankets off & complete Senior Project reflection

❏ April 2020 Finish and present project

Proof of Impact:
What evidence will you provide to demonstrate the impact? Examples: photos, surveys, testimonials,
acknowledgments from organizations, data/charts, etc.

I will take pictures through each step of my project and get testimonials from both the fire-shelter
sanctuary center and recipients of the blankets.

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