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April 14, 2021

To Whom it May Concern,

Grace Kenny has proven herself time and time again within the Williamsport Area School
District—first as a student teacher and then as a long-term substitute. Her talent, her dedication
and her drive moved her to the front of the line of qualified candidates that I recommend for full-
time employment.
I have witnessed first-hand and have formally observed Grace’s dedication to all students.
She is student-centered in her decision making, and I’ve seen her put student support over
personal needs. I have observed her with the most talented students (a next-year Juilliard
violinist) and first-year orchestra students. She finds ways to bring out the best in each student—
(call me, we’ll talk about how well she worked with a 4th grader who only wanted to talk about her
hamster for a 40-minute lesson. Grace was awesome!).
In this Covid-19 year, WASD has been mostly in-person, so she is well-versed in classroom
management and works well with large ensembles. Ms. Kenny’s two cooperating teachers are
experts in the field of String Music. They are national and state music presenters both with their
ensembles and as professional development and conference presenters. They are well-respected
around the state at the K-12 and University level. Grace has benefitted from their influence and
is far ahead of most any young teacher in any subject due to her exposure and involvement with
these mentors.
Grace puts in extra time. Professionally, she has assisted colleagues with virtual concerts
and has successfully planned and conducted her own concerts. She is dedicated to her school and
as you can see by her resume, Grace Kenny is a high-quality and well-rounded musician. She has
vocal experience in performance choirs. She is a singer/songwriter (which also means that she’s
good with technology these days!). She is a sousaphones and of course, a quality violinist (first
chair with our local Williamsport Symphony.
It is without reservation, that I would recommend Grace Kenny to you today. She has
proven herself over and over again in the WASD and it has been a pleasure working with her. She
is student-centered in her decision making and is a young leader. Please feel free to reach out to
me with any questions that you may have in regards to this more-than-capable candidate.


Chad Greevy, Ed.D.

Dr. Chad Greevy

Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
K-12 Unified Arts Supervisor

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