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Online Resources

1.  (Links to an external site.)

a. This website stood out to me because it talks about how preparing
teachers to influence children to read. The website talks about how
evidence supports that teachers having knowledge on children's literature
varies throughout communities. And how many teachers have not even
had to take classes about influencing literature on their students. The
website brings light to the situation and focuses on just how important
teachers influencing their students to read is. This is because of the
overwhelming benefits that come with the reading starting at a young
childrens-literature (Links to an external site.)
a. I chose this website because it discusses the importance of planning
engaging lessons by using children's literature. In this world, it is
important for teachers to show students how important reading is and to
learn to love it. This website focuses on the strategies that are used to
help teach students to love reading. It talks about the necessary skills that
are needed in order to successfully teach students literature and make it
engaging and creative.
childrens-literature/ (Links to an external site.)
a. This website stuck out to me because it talks about the values of
children's literature. It mainly focused on how giving children the ability
and access to different types of literature is key to their success in
learning and loving to read. It talks about how educators are there to help
students want to read. It also focuses on the values that literature
provides students with such as opportunity, responsibility, and
developing their own thoughts and opinions. It also talks about how
reading and literature can be important to students that want to learn
about their own cultural heritage and the culture of others. Which is huge
in today's world.
4.  (Links to an external
a. This website was probably my favorite. I chose it because of all the extra
options that it had along with it. It wasn't just focused on one section it
had a lot to offer. What I mainly took from it is how getting children to
read is a huge step in preparing them to be successful in school. It also
focuses on how children's literature has the ability to enhance language
skills and major critical thinking skills which are foundations for higher
learning. And without developing these important skills it is a way to set
up a child for failure in their future school career.
5.  (Links to an
external site.)
a. I chose this website because it had step-by-step reasoning and
explanation for the importance of reading in the classroom and in life. It
provided those reading this website with an exact answer in benefit to
reading at a young age. Some of these reasons were: improving
concentration, improving memory, discovering parts of the world, brain
exercises, boost critical thinking skills, develop empathy, develop
language skills, enhance imagination, better performance in school,
entertainment, and good self-image. Every single one of those points
creates an opportunity for a child to better themselves not only in their
future educational careers but their life as well. This website provided
each of these reasons with detailed descriptions as to how they will
better a child.
6. (Links to an external site.)
a. This link offers free storybooks that are available to be read online. This
is a beneficial resource that is able to be used since purchasing various
books that children want to read can begin to get pricy. These online
book copies have pictures included in them and it is exactly the same
just digital. This is a great resource to use when reading out loud to
students in the classroom.
7.  (Li
nks to an external site.) 
a. This is a valuable website because it can be used When trying to find different
books that fit under certain genres. For example, fiction, nonfiction, historical
fiction, comedy, there are a bunch of books under certain tabs that fit different
areas of reading.
8. (Links to an external site.) 
a. This website allows for teachers to be up to date on what the latest classroom
books are. It also creates examples on how they can incorporate these books in
their own classroom lesson plans.
a. This website has resources of all kinds for teachers and even parents. There are
literature-based resources however, there are also various ither subjects included.
This website provides resources based on the topic you are searching for and then
various links that you can click on to find more resources based on that topic such
as flashcards or worksheets.
a. This website is geared mainly towards student usage; however, it can be
beneficial to educators as well. One of the reasons being that it is a great thing for
educators to see the types of activities that children like to do and participate in.
This goes a really long way in their learning.

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