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Great Writing
????? (author): Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon
???????????? (publisher): National Geographic, Cengage Learning
??? (year): 2004-2020
???? (language): ?????????? (American English)
?????? (format): PDF
????????: ????? Great
Writing ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ? ???????? ???????????? ???????, ????? ??????
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The Great Writing Series uses clear explanations and extensive practical activities
to help students write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Each book contains
a wide variety of writing models in carefully selected rhetorical styles that
provide practice in working with the writing process to develop a final piece of
The new (Fifth) edition of the Great Writing series provides clear explanations,
extensive models of academic writing and practice to help learners write great
sentences, paragraphs, and essays. With expanded vocabulary instruction, sentence-
level practice, and National Geographic content to spark ideas, students have the
tools they need to become confident writers. Updated in this Edition: Clearly
organized units offer the practice students need to become effective independent
writers. Each unit includes: Part 1: Elements of Great Writing teaches the
fundamentals of organized writing, accurate grammar, and precise mechanics. Part 2:
Building Better Vocabulary provides practice with carefully-selected, level-
appropriate academic words. Part 3: Building Better Sentences helps writers develop
longer and more complex sentences. Part 4: Writing activities allow students to
apply what they have learned by guiding them through writing, editing, and
revising. Part 5: New Test Prep section gives a test-taking tip and timed task to
prepare for high-stakes standardized tests, including IELTs and TOEFL. The new
guided online writing activity takes students through the entire writing process
with clear models for reference each step of the way.

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