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(Including 30 Polycrest Remedies)

Newly Easy to read Version

(Based on 10th Edition)

Edited by
Sayeed Ahmad
First Newly Easy to Read Version: May, 2020

Edited by: Sayeed Ahmad

Station Road, Jamalpur-2000

CONTENTS Ignatia Amara
St. Ignatius Bean

Lycopodium Clavatum 59
Club moss
Aconitum Napellus 1
Medorrhinum 64
The Gonorrhoeal Virus
Apis Mellefica 5
Mercurius Solubilis 71
Honey bee
Quicksilver, Mercury
Arsenicum Album 8
Natrum muriaticum 74
White arsenic
Common salt
Belladonna 11
Nux vomica 79
Deadly nightshade
Poison nut
Bryonia Album 15
Phosphorus 84
Wild hop
Calcarea Ostrearum 19
Psorinum 89
Middle layer of the oyster shell
A product of psora
Causticum 24
Hahnemann’s tinctura acris sine Kali Pulsatilla Nigricans 95
Chamomilla 29
Wild chamomile Rhus toxicodendron 99
Poison oak
China Officinalis 32
Cinchona Sepia Officinalis 104
Cuttle fish
Cina Maritima 36
Worm Seed Staphysagria 109
Conium Maculatum 38
Poison Hemlock Sulphur 114
Dulcamara 41
Bitter-Sweet Thuja occidentalis 119
Tree of life
Gelsemium 44
Yellow Jasmine Tuberculinum Bacillinum 125
Pus (with Bacilli) from
Graphites 47
Tubercular Abscess
Black Leed
Hepar Sulphur 51
Glossary 129
Sulphurate of Lime
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 1

Monkshood Ranunculaceae


• It is generally indicated in acute or recent cases occurring in young persons, especially

girls of a full, plethoric1 habit who lead a sedentary [= inactive] life; persons easily
affected by atmospheric changes; dark hair and eyes, rigid muscular fibre.

Mental Generals

• Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability; afraid to go out, to go
into a crowd where there is any excitement or many people; to cross the street.

• The face is expressive of fear; the life is rendered miserable by fear; is sure his disease
will prove fatal; predicts the day he will die; fear of death during pregnancy.

• Restless, anxious, does everything in great haste; must change position often; everything
frightens him.

• Hahnemann says: “Whenever Aconite is chosen homeopathically, you must, above all,
observe the moral symptoms, and be careful that it closely resembles them; the anguish
of mind and body; the restlessness; the disquiet not to be relieved.”

• This mental anxiety, worry, fear accompanies the most minor illness.

• Music is unbearable, makes her sad (Sab.—during menses, Nat-c.).

Plethoric: characterized by plethora or excess of blood.
2 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Physical Generals

• Complaints caused by exposure2 to dry cold air, dry north or west winds, or exposure to
draughts3 of cold air while in perspiration; bad effects of checked perspiration.

• For the congestive4 stage of inflammation5 before localization takes place.

• Pains: Are intolerable, they drive him crazy [= very angry]; he becomes very restless; at

Female Reproductive System

• Amenorrhea6 in plethoric young girls; after fright7, to prevent suppression8 of menses.

Respiratory System

• Cough, croup9; dry, cracked, suffocating10; loud, rough, croaking; hard, ringing,
whistling; on expiration (Caust., on inhalation, Spong.); from dry, cold winds or drafts
of air.

Exposure: [contact] the state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection from sth
harmful or unpleasant.
Drought: a flow of cool air in a room or other small space.
Congestion: the state of part of the body being blocked with blood or mucus.
Inflammation: a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, painful and swollen (= larger
than normal) because of infection or injury.
Amenorrhea: a condition in which an adult woman does not menstruate (= there is no flow of blood
from her womb every month).
Fright: a feeling of fear.
Suppress: to prevent something from being published or made known. Suppression: act of
Croup: a disease of children that makes them cough (= force air through the throat noisily) a lot and
have difficulty breathing.
Suffocating: making it difficult to breathe normally.
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Nervous System

• On rising from a resting position, the red face becomes deathly pale, or he becomes faint
or off-balance and falls. He fears to rise again, often accompanied by vanishing of sight
and unconsciousness.

• Convulsions11: Of teething children; heat, jerks, and twitches of single muscles; child
gnaws [=keeps beating] its fist, irritates, and screams; skin hot and dry; high fever.


• Fever: Skin dry and hot; face red, or pale and red alternately; burning thirst for large
quantities of cold water; intense nervous restlessness, tossing about12 in agony13;
becomes intolerable towards evening and on going to sleep.

• Aconite should never be given simply to control the fever, never alternated with other
drugs for that purpose. If it is a case requiring Aconite, no other drug is needed; Aconite
will cure the case.

• Unless indicated by the exciting cause, it is almost always harmful in first stages of
typhoid fever.


• Aggravation [= symptoms worse]: Evening and night, pains are insupportable; in a

warm room; when rising from bed; lying on affected side (Hep., Nux-m.).

• Amelioration [= symptoms better]: In the open air (Alum., Mag-c., Puls., Sab.).

Convulsion: a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled.
Tossing about: move restlessly from side to side or un and down (Dr. S. K. Dubey).
Agony: extreme physical or mental pain.
4 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Complementary: To Coffea in fever, sleeplessness, intolerance of pain; to Arnica in

injury; to Sulphur in all cases. Rarely indicated in fevers, which bring out eruptions.

• Aconite is the acute of Sulphur, and both precede and follow it in acute inflammatory
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 5

Poison of the Honey Bee Apium Virus


• Adapted to the strumous14 [= goitrous] constitution; glands enlarged, indurated15;

scirrhus or open cancer.

• Women, especially widows; children and girls who, though generally careful, become
awkward, and let things fall while handling them (Bov.).

Mental Generals

• Ailments from jealousy, fright, rage, vexation [= annoyance], bad news.

• Irritable; nervous; fidgety [= restless]; hard to please.

• Weeping nature; cannot help crying; discouraged, hopeless (Puls.).

• Sudden, shrill [= very loud], piercing16 screams from children while waking or sleeping

Physical Generals

• Extreme sensitiveness to touch (Bell., Lach.).

• Pain: Burning, stinging, sore; suddenly migrating from one part to another (Kali-bi.,
Lac-c., Puls.).

Scrofulous: same as strumous [= goitrous] constitution. Scrofula: a disease in which
the glands swelled (= became bigger and rounder).
Indurated: having become hard.
Piercing: sharp and able to make a hole in something.
6 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Thirstlessness; in anasarca [= extreme generalized edema17]; ascites18 (Aceticum

acidum, but face more waxy and great thirst).

• Affects right side; enlargement or dropsy of right ovary; right testicle.


• Edema; bag-like, puffy swelling under the eyes (over the eyes, Kali-c.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Constipation: Sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break if much effort

were used.

• Diarrhea: Of drunkards; in eruptive diseases, especially if eruption be suppressed19;

involuntary from every motion, as though anus was wide open (Phos.).

Urinary System

• Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts; can scarcely retain the urine a
moment, and when passed scalds severely; frequent, painful, scanty [=little], bloody.


• Edema; of the hands and feet, dropsy, without thirst (with thirst, Acet-ac., Apoc.).

Edema: a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside the body and makes it swell (=
become larger or rounder than normal).
Ascites: abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen.
Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 7


• Intermittent fever21; chill 3 p.m, with thirst, always (Ign.); < warm room and from
external heat (Thuj. 3 a.m. and at 3 p.m.).


• Bad effects of acute exanthema22 imperfectly developed or suppressed (Zinc.); measles,

scarlatina, urticaria.


• Aggravation: After sleeping (Lach.); closed, especially warmed and heated rooms are
intolerable; from getting wet (Rhus-t.), but better from washing or moistening the part
in cold water.

• Amelioration: Open air; cold water or cold bathing; uncovering; pains by coughing,
walking or changing position; when sitting erect.


• Complementary: Nat-m.

• Disagrees, when used either before or after Rhus-t.

• Ars. and Puls. follow Apis well.

• Has cured scarlatina albuminuria after Canth., Dig., Hell., failed.

Intermittent Fever: a malarial fever in which feverish periods lasting a few hours alternate with
periods in which the temperature is normal.
Exanthema: an eruptive disease (such as measles) or its symptomatic eruption.
8 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

White Oxide of Arsenic As2O3

“Great prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces; fainting”.

Mental Generals

• The nature is:

(a) Depressing, melancholic, despairing, indifferent.
(b) Anxious, fearful, restless, full of anguish.
(c) Irritable, sensitive, peevish, easily annoyed.

• The greater the suffering, the greater the unhappiness, restlessness and fear of death.

• Mentally restless but physically too weak to move; cannot rest in any place; changing
places continually; wants to be moved from one bed to another, and lies now here, now

• Anxious, fear of death; thinks it useless to take medicine, is incurable, is surely going to
die; dread of death when alone, on going to bed.

• Attacks of anxiety at night driving out of bed, < after midnight.

• Teething children are pale, weak, restless, and want to be carried rapidly.

Physical Generals

• Great prostration23, with rapid sinking of the vital forces; fainting.

• Burning pains; the affected parts burn like fire, as if hot coals were applied to parts
(Anthraci.), > by heat, hot drinks, hot applications.

• Cannot bear the smell or sight of food (Colch., Sep.).

Prostration: extreme physical weakness.
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• Great thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time; eats seldom, but much.

• Rapid emaciation24: With cold sweat25 and great debility26 (Tub., Verat.); of affected
parts; marasmus27.

• Excessive tiredness from least exertion [= physical or mental effort].

• Exhaustion is not felt by the patient while lying still; when he moves, he is surprised to
find himself so weak.

• Symptoms generally worse from 1-2 p.m., 12-2 a.m.

• Bad effects from rotten food, or animal matter, whether by vaccination, smelling or

• Complaints return annually (Carb-v., Lach., Sulph., Thuj.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Burning thirst without special desire to drink; the stomach does not seem to tolerate,
because it cannot adapt, cold water; lies like a stone in the stomach. It is wanted, but he
cannot or dare not drink it.

• Gastric derangements; after cold fruits; ice cream; ice water; sour beer; bad sausage;
alcoholic drinks; strong cheese.

• Diarrhea, after eating or drinking; stool scanty; dark-colored, offensive, and whether
small or large, followed by great prostration.

• Hemorrhoids: With stitching pain when walking or sitting, not at stool; preventing sitting

Emaciation: the state of being abnormally thin or weak.
Sweat [syn. Perspiration]: drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot,
ill or afraid.
Debility: physical weakness, especially as a result of illness
Marasmus: a form of malnutrition. It happens when the intake of nutrients and energy is too low for
a person’s needs. It leads to wasting, or the loss of body fat and muscle. A child with marasmus may
not grow as children usually do.
10 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

or sleep; burning pain < by heat; fissures make voiding urine difficult.
Respiratory System

• Breathing, asthmatic; must sit or bend forward; springs out of bed at night, especially
after twelve o’clock; unable to lie down for fear of blockage; attacks like croup instead
of the usual urticaria.


• Anasarca [=Dropsy], skin pale, waxy, earth-colored (Acet-ac.).

• Skin: Dry and scaly; cold, blue and wrinkled; with cold, sticky perspiration; like
parchment28; white and pasty; black vesicles29 [= blister] and burning pain.


• Aggravation: After midnight (1 to 2 a.m. or p.m.); from cold; cold drinks or food; when
lying on affected side or with the head low.

• Amelioration: From heat in general (reverse of Sec.) except headache, which is

temporarily > by cold bathing (Spig.); burning pain > by heat.

• Complementary: All-s., Carb-v., Phos., Pyrog.

• Ars. should be thought of in ailments from: Chewing tobacco; alcoholism; sea bathing;
sausage30 [=food] poisoning; dissecting wounds31 and anthrax poison; stings of
venomous [= poisonous] insects.

Parchment: the skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on.
Vesicles: small, fluid-filled sacs that can appear on the skin.
Sausage: a mixture of meat, fat, bread, etc. cut into small pieces, put into a long tube of skin, cooked
and eaten whole or served cold in thin slices.
Dissection wound: a poisoned wound incurred during the dissection of a dead body.
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Deadly Nightshade Solanaceae


• Adapted to bilious32, lymphatic33, plethoric34 constitutions; persons who are lively and
entertaining when well, but violent and often delirious when sick.

• Women and children with light hair and blue eyes, fine complexion, mild skin; sensitive,
nervous, threatened with convulsions; tubercular patients.

Mental Generals

• Imagines he sees ghosts, ugly faces, and various insects (Stram.); black animals, dogs,

• Fear of imaginary things; wants to run away from them; hallucinations35.

• Violent delirium36; wants to bite, spit, strike and tear things; breaks into fits of laughter
and grinds the teeth; wants to bite and strike the attendants (Stram.); tries to escape (Hell.)

Physical Generals

• Great liability to take cold; sensitive to drafts of air, especially when uncovering the
head; from having the hair cut; tonsils become inflamed after riding in a cold wind

Bilious: relating to an illness, caused by too much bile, that can cause vomiting.
Lymph: a clear liquid containing white blood cells that helps to clean the tissues of the body and
helps to prevent infections from spreading.
Plethoric: characterized by plethora or excess of blood.
Hallucination: the experience of seeing something that is not really there because you are ill or have
taken a drug.
Delirium: a mental state where somebody becomes excited and not able to think or speak clearly,
usually because of illness.
12 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

(Acon., Hep., Rhus-t. takes cold from exposure of feet, Con., Cupr., Sil.).

• Quick sensation and motion; eyes snap and move quickly; pains come suddenly, last
indefinitely and cease suddenly (Mag-p.).

• Pains usually in short attacks; cause redness of face and eyes; fullness of head and
throbbing37 of carotids38.


• Vertigo39 when stooping40, or when rising after stooping (Bry.); on every change of

• Rush of blood to head and face (Aml-ns., Glon., Meli.).

• Headache, congestive, with red face, throbbing of brain and carotids (Meli.);
< from slight noise, jar41 [=shake], motion, light, lying down, least exertion;

> pressure, tight bandaging, wrapping up, during menses.

• Boring the head into the pillow (Apis, Hell., Podo.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Abdomen tender, distended42 < by least jar [=shake], even of the bed. obliged to walk
with great care for fear of a jar.

• Pain in right ileo-caecal43 region, < by slightest touch, even of the bed cover.

Throb (of a part of the body): to feel a series of regular painful movements.
Carotids: denoting the two main arteries which carry blood to the head and neck, and their two main
Vertigo: the feeling of dizziness and fear, and of losing your balance.
Stooping: bending one's head or body forwards and downwards.
Jar: an unpleasant shock, especially from things being suddenly shaken or hit.
Distended: larger than normal due to pressure from inside.
Ileo-Caecal: the valve formed by two folds of mucous membrane at the opening of the ileum into
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 13

• The transverse colon44 extends like a pad.

Female Reproductive System

• Pressing downwards as if the contents of abdomen would issue from the vulva45;
> standing and sitting erect; worse mornings (Lil-t., Murx., Sep.).

Nervous System

• Convulsions during teething, with fever (without fever, Mag-p.); comes on suddenly,
head hot, feet cold.


• Head hot and painful; red-faced; eyes wild, staring, pupils dilated46; pulse full and
bounding, circular, like buckshot47 striking the finger; mucous membrane of mouth
dry; stool delayed, and urine suppressed48; sleepy, but cannot sleep (Cham., Op.).


• Skin: Of a uniform, smooth, shining scarlet redness; dry, hot, burning; tells a burning
sensation to examining hand; the true Sydenham scarlet fever, where eruption is perfectly
smooth and truly scarlet.

the large intestine

Transverse Colon: the middle portion of the colon that extends across the abdominal cavity.
Vulva: the outer opening of the female sex organs.
Dilated Pupils: pupils that are larger than normal in size.
Buckshot: balls of lead that are fired from a shotgun.
Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
14 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Aggravation: From touch, motion, noise, draft of air, looking at bright shining objects
(Lys., Stram.); after 3 p.m., night, after midnight; while drinking; uncovering the head;
summer sun; lying down.

• Amelioration: Rest; standing or sitting erect; warm room.


• Complementary: Calcarea.

• Belladonna is the acute of Calcarea, which is often required to complete a cure.

• Similar To: Acon., Bry., Cic., Gels., Glon., Hyos., Meli., Op., Stram.
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White Bryony, Wild Hop


• It is best adapted to persons of a gouty or rheumatic diathesis49; prone to so-called bilious


• Bryonia patients are irritable, inclined to be vehement and angry. Dark or black hair, dark
complexion, firm muscular fibre; dry, nervous, slim people (Nux-v.).

Mental Generals

• Ailments from displeasure, mortification [= disgrace]51, anger (Coloc., Staph.); violence,

with chilliness and coldness; after anger chilly, but with head hot and face red (Aur.).

• Delirium52: Talks constantly about his business; desire to get out of bed and go home
(Cimic., Hyos.).

• Desires things immediately which can’t be had, or which when offered are refused.

• Children dislike to be carried, or to be raised.

Physical Generals

• Complaints: When warm weather sets in, after cold days; from cold drinks or ice in hot
weather; after taking cold or getting hot in summer; from chilling when overheated;
kicks the covers off; from exposure to draft, cold wind (Acon., Hep.); suppressed

Diathesis: a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition.
Bilious Attack: a group of symptoms consisting of headache, abdominal pain, and constipation
Mortification: syn. disgrace (= Acgvb)
Delirium: a mental state where somebody becomes excited and not able to think or speak clearly,
usually because of illness.
16 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

discharges, of menses, milk or eruption of acute exanthema53.

• Pains: Stitching, tearing, worse at night; < by motion, inspiration, coughing; >by
absolute rest, and lying on painful side (Ptel., Puls.— stitching pain, but < and > are
opposite, Kali-c.).

• Excessive dryness of mucous membranes54 of entire body; lips and tongue dry, parched
(= very dry), cracked; stool, dry as if burnt; cough dry, hard, racking55, with scanty (=
little) expectoration (= a thick substance); urine, dark and scanty; great thirst.

• One of the chief characteristics of Bryonia is aggravation from any motion, and
corresponding relief from absolute rest, either mental or physical.

• Great thirst for large quantities at long intervals.


• Headache: When stooping, as if brain would burst through forehead; from ironing56
(Sep.); on coughing; in morning after rising or when first opening the eyes; beginning
in the morning, gradually increasing until evening; from constipation (Aloe, Coll., Op.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Patient cannot sit up from nausea57 and faintness.

• Pressure in the stomach as of a stone58; relieved by eructation [= belching59] (Nux- v.,

Exanthema: a skin rash accompanying a disease or fever.
Mucous Membrane: a thin layer of skin that covers the inside of the nose and mouth and the outside
of other organs in the body, producing mucus to prevent these parts from becoming dry.
Racking: to make somebody suffer great physical or mental pain.
Ironing: the task of pressing clothes, etc. with an iron to make them smooth.
Nausea: a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.
Source: The Unabridged Dictionary of Sensation “AS IF” by Dr James William Ward.
Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
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• Constipation: Inactive, no inclination; stool large, hard, dark, dry, as if burnt; on going
to sea (Plat.).

• Diarrhea: During a spell of hot weather; bilious, acrid with soreness of anus; like dirty
water; of undigested food; from cold drinks when overheated, from fruit or sour
fermented fruits (= pickles); < in morning, on moving, even a hand or foot.

Female Reproductive System

• Mammae [= breast] heavy, of a stony hardness; pale but hard; hot and painful;
must support the breast (Phyt.).

• Vicarious60 menstruation; nosebleed when menses should appear (Phos.); blood spitting,
or hemoptysis61.

Respiratory System

• Cough: Dry, spasmodic, with gagging and vomiting (Kali-c.), with stitches inside of
chest; with headache as if head would fly to pieces; < after eating, drinking, entering a
warm room, a deep inspiration.


• Constant motion of left arm and leg (Apoc., Hell.).

Vicarious: occurring in an unexpected or abnormal part of the body instead of the usual one. e.g.:
vicarious menstruation manifested by bleeding from the nose.
Hemoptysis: the coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or
lungs. In other words, it is the airway bleeding. This can occur with lung cancer, infections such as
tuberculosis, bronchitis, or pneumonia, and certain cardiovascular conditions.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet.
18 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Aggravation: Motion, exertion [= work], touch; cannot sit up, gets faint or sick or
both; warmth, warm fold; suppressed discharges of any kind.

• Amelioration: Lying, especially on painful side (Ptel., Puls.); pressure; rest; cold, eating
cold things.


• Complementary: Alumina, Rhus-tox.

• Similar: To, Bell., Hep. for hasty speech and hasty drinking. To Ran-b. in pleuritic or
rheumatic pains in chest.

To Ptel. aching heaviness in hepatic [=liver] region; > lying on right side, greatly < lying
on left side; turning to the left causes a dragging sensation.

• After Bryonia: Alum., Kali-c., Nux-v., Phos., Rhus-t., Sulph.

Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 19

Middle Layer of Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate


• Leucophlegmatic63, blonde [= fair] hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; tendency
to obesity in youth.

• Psoric constitutions64; pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking.

• Disposed to grow fat, obese, unwieldy [= difficult to move because of weight].

• Children with red face, flabby [=loose] muscles, who sweat easily and take cold readily
in consequence.

• Large heads and abdomens; fontanelles65 and sutures open; bones soft, develop very

• Girls who are fleshy, plethoric66, and grow too rapidly.

• Difficult and delayed dentition with characteristic head sweats67, and open fontanelles.

Leucophlegmatic: Flabby, calm, apathetic, slow to act or react; unexcitable (Dr S. K. Dubey).
Psoric Constitution: The persons having this constitution are over-sensitive both physically and
mentally and frequently suffer from functional disturbance arising from emotional disturbance. Skin
dry, unwashed appearance with numerous eruptions. Itching, ameliorated by scratching, but skin
burns and smarts afterward. Hands and feet burn, flushes of heat, especially over the face: desires hot
foods and meats. Cannot stand still; the patient must walk or lean against something if he is on his
feet. Very much susceptible to cold; complaints ameliorated by heat; aggravated by winter;
ameliorated by summer. A psoric patient is always afraid of dying but lives on for years.
Fontanelle: a space between the bones of a baby’s skull, which makes a soft area on the top of the
baby’s head.
plethoric: characterized by plethora or excess of blood.
Sweat: [Perspiration] drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill or
20 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Mental Generals

• Fears she will lose her reason or that people will observe her mental confusion (Cimic.).

Physical Generals

• Profuse perspiration, mostly on back of head and neck, or chest and upper part of body

• During either sickness or convalescence [= the process of getting well], great longing
for eggs; craves indigestible things (Alum.); aversion to meat.

• Diseases: Arising from defective assimilation68; imperfect ossification69; difficulty

in learning to walk or stand; children have no disposition to walk and will not try;
suppressed70 sweat.

• Longing for fresh air (when in a room) which inspires, benefits, strengthens (Puls.,

• Coldness: General; of single parts (Kali-bi.); head, stomach, abdomen, feet and legs;
aversion to cold open air, “goes right through her”; sensitive to cold, damp air; great
liability to take cold (opposite of Sulph.).

• Sweat: Of single parts; head, scalp wet, cold; nape [=back] of neck; chest, armpit, sexual
organs; hands, knees; feet (Sep.).

• Uremic71 or other diseases brought on by standing on cold, damp pavements, or working

while standing in cold water; modelers or workers in cold clay.

• Desire to be magnetized [= attracted] (Phos.).

Assimilation: The process of incorporating nutrient material into cells after digestion and absorption.
Ossification: the natural process of bone formation.
Suppress something: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Uremia (uremic syndrome) is a serious complication of chronic kidney disease and acute kidney
injury (which used to be known as acute renal failure).
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 21

• Curvature72 of bones, especially spine and long bones; extremities 73 crooked [=bent],
deformed; bones irregularly developed.


• Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around (Sil., Sanic.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Acidity of digestive tract; sour eructation [= belching74], sour vomiting, sour stool; sour
odor of the whole body (Hep., Rheum).

• Pit of stomach75 swollen like an inverted76 saucer77, and painful to pressure.

• Stool has to be removed mechanically (Aloe, Sanic., Sel., Sep., Sil.).

• Feels better in every way when constipated.

Female Reproductive System

• Menstruation too early, too profuse, too long lasting; with subsequent amenorrhea78 and
chlorosis79 with menses scanty [=little] or suppressed80.

Curvature: the state of being curved.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
Pit of stomach: the bottom of the stomach where people say they feel strong feelings, especially fear.
Inverted: turn upside down.
Saucer: a small shallow round dish that a cup stands on.
Amenorrhea: a condition in which an adult woman does not menstruate (= there is no flow of blood
from her womb every month).
Chlorosis: an iron-deficiency anemia especially of adolescent girls.
Suppress something: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
22 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Women: Menses too early, too profuse; feet habitually cold and damp, as if they had on
cold damp stockings81; continually cold in bed.

• The least mental excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow (Sulph., Tub.).

Respiratory System

• Lung disease of tall, slender [slim or lean], rapidly growing youth; upper third of right
lung (Ars., upper left, Myric., Sulph.); oftener the guide to the constitutional remedy than
Phosphorus (compare, Tub.).

• Painless hoarseness82, < in the morning.


• Rawness84 of soles of feet from perspiration (Graph., Sanic.); blisters and offensive foot


• Aggravation: Cold air; wet weather; cold water; from washing (Ant-c.); morning;
during full moon.

• Amelioration: Dry weather; lying on painful side (Bry., Puls.).

Stockings: a pair of thin pieces of clothing that fit closely over a woman’s legs and feet.
Hoarseness: the quality in somebody's voice of sounding rough and unpleasant, especially because
of a sore throat.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Rawness: the fact of being red and painful because the skin has been damaged.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 23


• Complementary: to, Bell., which is the acute of Calc.

• Calcarea acts best: Before, Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Sil.

• It follows: Nit-ac., Puls., Sulph. (especially if pupils are dilated); is followed by, Kali-bi.
in nasal catarrh.

• According to Hahnemann, Calc. must not be used before Nit-ac. and Sulph.; may produce
unnecessary complications.

• In children it may be often repeated.

• In aged people it should not be repeated; especially if the first dose benefited, it will
usually do harm.
24 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Hahnemann’s Tinctura Acris Sine Kali


• Adapted to persons with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively
yellow, sallow85 complexion; subject to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts.

• Children with dark hair and eyes, delicate, sensitive; skin prone to intertrigo86 during
dentition (Lyc.), or convulsions87 [=fit] with eruption of teeth (Stann.).

• Patient improves for a time, then comes to a ‘standstill88’ (Psor., Sulph.).

Mental Generals

• Ailments: From long-lasting grief and sorrow (Ph-ac.); from loss of sleep, night watching
(Cocc., Ign.); from sudden emotions, fear, fright, joy (Coff., Gels.); from anger or
vexation; from suppressed89 eruptions.

• Melancholy mood: Sad, hopeless; from care, grief, sorrow; with weeping, “the least thing
makes the child cry”.

• Intense sympathy for sufferings of others.

Sallow: (of a person’s skin or face) having a slightly yellow colour that does not look healthy.
Intertrigo: a fancy name for a rash that shows up between the folds of skin. The most common areas
affected include larger skin-fold areas such as: Armpits. Beneath the breasts.
Convulsion: a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled.
Standstill: a situation in which all activity or progress has stopped.
Suppress something: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 25

Physical Generals

• Rawness or soreness: Of scalp, throat, respiratory tract, rectum, anus, urethra, vagina,
uterus (as if bruised, Arn.; as if sprained, Rhus-t.).

• At night, unable to get an easy position or lie still a moment (Eup-per., Rhus-t.).

• Must move constantly but motion does not relieve.

• Faint-like sinking of strength; weakness and trembling.

• Patient improves for a time, then comes to a “standstill” (Psor., Sulph.).

• It affects the right side most prominently.

• Cannot cover too warmly, but warmth does not >.


• Drooping90 of upper eyelids; cannot keep them open (Caul., Gels., Graph., of both lids,

Gastro-intestinal System
• Constipation: Frequent, ineffectual desire (Nux-v.); stool passes better when person
is standing; obstructed by hemorrhoids; tough and shining, like grease; in children with
nocturnal enuresis91.

Urinary System

• Urinary involuntary: When coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose (Puls., Squil., Verat.).

Droop: hang or move downwards, especially because of being weak or tired.
Nocturnal enuresis: Involuntary urination that happens at night while sleeping, after the age when a
person should be able to control his or her bladder.
26 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Female Reproductive System

• Menses: Too early, too feeble [= inadequate]; only during the day; cease [= stop] on
lying down.

Respiratory System

• Cough: With rawness and soreness in chest; with inability to expectorate92, sputum93
must be swallowed94 (Arn., Kali-c.); relieved by drinking cold water; on expiration
(Acon.); with pain in hips; remaining after pertussis [= whooping cough95]; with
expectoration chiefly at night.

• Hoarseness with rawness, and aphonia96 < in the morning (< in the evening, Carb-v.,


• Children slow in learning to walk (Calc-p.).

• Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.

• Rheumatic affections, with contraction of the flexors98 and stiffness of the joints; tension
and shortening of muscles (Am-m., Cimx., Guaj., Nat-m.).

Expectorate: to cough and make phlegm (= a thick substance) come up from your lungs into your
mouth so you can spit it out.
Sputum: liquid from the throat or lungs, especially when it is coughed up (= forced up from the lungs,
etc) because of disease.
Swallow: to take through the mouth into the stomach.
Whooping cough: a disease, especially of children, that makes them cough and have difficulty
Aphonia: loss of voice and of all but whispered speech.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Flexor: a muscle that allows you to bend part of your body.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 27

Nervous System

• Disturbed functional activity of brain and spinal cord, from exhausting diseases or severe
mental shock resulting in paralysis.

• Paralysis: Of single parts; vocal organs, tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, bladder;
generally, of right side; form exposure to cold wind or draft; after typhoid, typhus99 or
diphtheria100; gradually appearing.


• Cicatrices101, especially burns, scalds, freshen up, become sore again; old injuries re-
open; patients say “they never have been well since that burn.”

• Warts: Large, jagged, often pedunculated; bleeding easily; exuding moisture; small,
all over the body; on eyelids, face; on the nose.


• Aggravation: In clear, fine weather; coming from the air into a warm room (Bry.);
cold air, especially draft of cold air; on becoming cold; from getting wet or bathing.

• Amelioration: In damp, wet weather; warm air.


• Complementary: Carb-v., Petr.

• Incompatible: Phos. Must not be used before or after Phos., always disagrees; the Acids;

Typhus: a bacterial infection that a person can acquire when they come into contact with infected
Diphtheria: a serious disease of the throat that causes difficulty in breathing.
Cicatrices: the scar [=a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has got better] of a healed wound.
28 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Compare: Arn., must swallow mucus; Gels., Graph., Sep. in ptosis102; hoarseness, Rumx.
and Carb-v. when < changes to evening; Sulph. in chronic aphonia.

• Causticum antidotes paralysis from lead poisoning (bad effects of holding type in mouth
of compositors), and abuse of Merc. or Sulph. in scabies.

Ptosis: a drooping of the upper eyelid.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 29

Matricaria Chomomilla Campositae


• Persons, especially children, with light-brown hair, nervous, excitable temperament;

oversensitive from use or abuse of coffee or narcotics.

• Children, new-born and during period of dentition.

Mental Generals

• Peevish[=easily annoyed], irritable, oversensitive to pain, driven to despair (Coff.);

snappish [=bad-tempered], cannot return a civil answer.

• Child exceedingly irritable, fretful[=restless]; quiet only when carried; impatient,

wants this or that and becomes angry when refused, or when offered, petulantly [=in an
angry way] rejects it (Bry., Cina, Kreos.); “too ugly to live”; cross [=angry], spiteful
[= malicious].

• Piteous moaning of child because he cannot have what he wants; whining restlessness.

• Patient cannot endure any one near him; is cross, cannot bear to be spoken to (Sil.);
averse to talking, answers peevishly.

• Complaint from anger, especially chill and fever.

Physical Generals

• Pain; seems unendurable, drives to despair; <by heat; < evening before midnight; with
heat, thirst and fainting with numbness of affected part; eructations =[belching103] <.

Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
30 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Oversensitive to open air; great aversion to wind, especially about ears.

• Sleepy but cannot sleep (Bell., Caust., Op.).


• One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold.


• Toothache if anything warm is taken into the mouth (Bism., Bry., Coff.); on entering
warm room; in bed; from coffee; during menses or pregnancy.

Gastro-intestinal System

• Diarrhea: From cold, anger or chagrin104; during dentition; after tobacco; in

childbirth; from downward motion (Borx., Sanic.).

• Stool green, watery, corroding105, like chopped106 eggs and spinach107; hot, very
offensive, like rotten eggs.

Female Reproductive System

• Labor pains: Spasmodic, distressing, wants to get away from them; tearing down the
legs; press upward.

• Nipples inflammed, tender to touch (Helon., Phyt.); infant’s breasts tender to touch.

Chagrin: a feeling of being disappointed or annoyed.
Corrode: To slowly destroy by chemical action.
Chop: to cut something into pieces
Spinach: a vegetable with large, dark-green leaves that are cooked or eaten in salads.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 31

• Milk runs out in breastfeeding women (runs out after weaning108, Con.).

• Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night, compel him to walk about (Rhus-

• Burning of soles at night, puts feet out of bed (Puls., Med., Sulph.).

Nervous System

• Convulsions110 of children from breastfeeding, after a fit of anger in mother (Nux-v. after
fright in mother, Op.).


• Aggravation: By heat; anger; evening before midnight; open air; in the wind; eructation

• Amelioration: From being carried; fasting; warm, wet weather.


• Complementary: Bell. in diseases of children, cranial nerves; Cham., abdominal nerves.

• In cases spoiled by the use of opium or morphine in complaints of children.

• Compare: Bell., Borx., Bry., Coff., Puls., Sulph.

• Mental calmness contraindicates Chamomilla.

Wean: to gradually stop feeding a baby with its mother’s milk and start feeding it with solid food.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet.
Convulsion: a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled.
32 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Peruvian Bark, Cinchona officinalis Rubiaceae


• For stout [= strong and thick], dark-complexioned persons; for systems, once healthy,
which have become weakened, ‘broken down’ from exhausting discharges (Carb-v.).

Mental Generals

• Apathetic, indifferent, taciturn111 [=reserved] (Ph-ac.); hopeless, gloomy, has no desire

to live, but lacks courage to commit suicide.

Physical Generals

• Ailments; from loss of vital fluids, especially hemorrhages112, excessive lactation

[=breastfeeding], diarrhea, suppuration113 (Chinin-s.); of malarial origin, with marked
periodicity; return every other day.

• Disposition to hemorrhage from every orifice114 of the body with ringing in ears, fainting,
loss of sight, general coldness, sometimes convulsions (Ferr., Phos.).

• Pains: Drawing or tearing; in every joint, all the bones. Periosteum115, as if strained, sore

Taciturn: tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfriendly.
Hemorrhage: a medical condition in which there is severe loss of blood from a damaged blood
vessel inside a person’s body.
Suppuration: the production of a thick yellow liquid (called pus) in a cut, wound, etc. because of
Orifice: a hole or opening, especially one in the body; i.e: the nasal orifice.
Periosteum: the membrane of connective tissue that closely invests all bones except at the articular
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 33

all over; obliged to move limbs frequently, as motion gives relief; renewed by contact,
and then gradually increase to a great height.

• Unrefreshing sleep or constant spoor; < after 3 a.m., wakes early.

• Hemorrhages: of mouth, nose, bowels or uterus; long continued.

• Longing for sour things.

• Pains are < by slightest touch, but > by hard pressure (Caps., Plb.).


• Headache; as it the skull would burst; intense throbbing of head and carotids116, face
flushed; from occiput117 over whole head; < sitting or lying, must stand or walk; after
hemorrhage or sexual excesses.


• Face pale, Hippocratic118; eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins; pale, sickly
expression as after excesses; toothache while breastfeeding the child.

Gastro-intestinal System

• Excessive flatulence119 of stomach and bowels; fermentation, borborygmus120;

belching121 gives no relief (belching relieves, Carb-v.); < after eating fruit (Puls.).

• Colic: At a certain hour each day; periodical, from gallstones (Card-m.); worse at night

Carotid: either of the two large arteries in the neck that carry blood to the head.
Occiput: the back part of the head.
Hippocratic Face: the face as it appears near death and in some debilitating conditions marked by
sunken eyes and temples, pinched nose, and tense hard skin.
Flatulence: an uncomfortable feeling caused by having too much gas in the stomach.
Borborygmus: intestinal rumbling (= a long deep sound or series of sounds) caused by moving gas.
Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
34 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

and after eating; better bending double122 (Coloc.).

Female Reproductive System

• After climacteric [= menopause] with profuse hemorrhages; acute diseases often result
in dropsy123 [= edema].

Nervous System

• Great debility [= weakness], trembling, aversion to exercise; sensitive to touch, to pain,

to drafts of air; entire nervous system extremely sensitive.


• One hand icy cold, the other warm (Dig., Ip., Puls.).


• Intermittent125 fever; paroxysm126 anticipates from two to three hours each attack
(Chinin-s); returns every seven or fourteen days; never at night; sweat127 profusely all
over on being covered, or during sleep (Con.).

Bending double: the top part of their body is leaning forward towards their legs, usually because they
are in great pain.
Dropsy: [Edema] a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside the body and makes
it swell (= become larger or rounder than normal)
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Intermittent: stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly.
Paroxysm: a sudden short attack of pain, causing physical shaking that cannot be controlled.
Sweat: [Perspiration] drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill or
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 35


• Aggravation: From slightest touch; draft of air; every other day; mental emotions; loss
of vital fluids.

• Amelioration: Hard pressure; bending double.


• Complementary: Ferrum.

• Follows well: Calc-p. in hydrocephalous128.

• Compare: Chinin-s. in intermittent fever, anticipating type.

• Incompatible: after, Dig., Sel.

• Is useful in bad effects from excessive tea drinking or abuse of chamomile tea, when
hemorrhage results.

Hydrocephalous: an abnormal increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial
cavity (as from obstructed flow, excess production, or defective absorption) that is accompanied
by expansion of the cerebral ventricles and often increased intracranial pressure , skull
enlargement, and cognitive decline.
36 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Worm Seed Compositae

• Adapted to children with dark hair, very cross [=angry], irritable, ill-humored, want to
be carried, but carrying gives no relief; does not want to be touched; cannot bear
anyone to come near it; averse to caresses; desires many things; but rejects everything
offered (compare, Ant-t., Bry., Cham., Staph.).

Physical Generals

• Canine hunger: Hungry soon after a full meal; craving for sweets and different things;
refuses mother’s milk.


• Constantly digging and boring at the nose; picks the nose all the time; itching of nose;
rubs nose on pillow, or shoulder of nurse (Teucr.).


• Face is pale; sickly white and bluish appearance around mouth; sickly, with dark rings
under the eyes; one cheek red, the other pale (Cham.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Children, suffering from worms; pitiful weeping when awake, starts and screams during
sleep; grinding of teeth (Cic., Spig.); ascarides (Teucr.).
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 37

Urinary System

• Urine: Turbid [=muddy] when passed, turns milky and semisolid after standing; white
and turbid; involuntary.

Respiratory System

• Cough; dry with sneezing; spasmodic, gagging129 in the morning; periodic, returning
spring and fall.

• Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on a paroxysm130 of coughing (Bry.).


• Compare: Ant-c., Ant-t., Bry., Cham., Kreos., Sil., Staph., in irritability of children.

• In pertussis [= whopping cough], after Drosera has relieved the severe symptoms.

• Has cured aphonia131 from exposure when Acon., Phos., and Spong. had failed.

• Is frequently to be thought of, in children, as an epidemic132 remedy, when adults require

other drugs.

• Santoninum sometimes cures worm affections when Cina seems indicated, but fails
(Teucr., Spig.).

Gag: to have the unpleasant feeling in your mouth and stomach as if you are going to vomit.
Paroxysm: a sudden short attack of pain, causing physical shaking that cannot be controlled.
Aphonia: loss of voice and of all but whispered speech.
Epidemic: a large number of cases of a particular disease or medical condition happening at the same
time in a particular community.
38 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Poison Hemlock Umbelliferae


• The ‘Balm of Gilead’133 for diseases of old maids and women during and after
climacteric [= menopause].

• Especially for diseases of old men; old maids; old bachelors; with rigid muscular fibre;
persons with light hair who are easily excited; strong persons of sedentary [= inactive]

• Cancerous and scrofulous134 persons with enlarged glands; rigid fibre.

Mental Generals

• No inclination for business or study; lazy, indifferent, takes no interest in anything.

• Memory weak, unable to tolerate any mental effort.

• Gloomy; easily vexed; domineering [= bossy], quarrelsome, scolds, will not bear
contradiction (Aur.); excitement of any kind causes mental depression.

• Fears being alone, yet avoids society (Kali-c., Lyc.).

Physical Generals

• Debility of old people; complaints caused by a blow or fall.

Balm of Gilead: In ancient time the ‘Balm of Gilead’ was thought to be a remedy for all type of
wounds; similarly, Conium is considered as a remedy for the sufferings of old maids and old bechaors
(Dr S. K. Dubey).
Scrofulous: same as strumous [= goitrous] constitution. Scrofula: a disease in which
the glands swelled (= became bigger and rounder).
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 39

• Sweat day and night, as soon as one sleeps, or even when closing the eyes (Chin.).

• Glandular induration135 of stony hardness; of mammae [=breast] in persons of cancerous

tendency; after bruises136 and injuries of glands (compare, Aster.).


• Vertigo137; especially when lying down or turning in bed; moving the head slightly, or
even the eyes; must keep head perfectly still; in turning the head to the left (Coloc.); of
old people; with ovarian and uterine complaints.


• Aversion to light without inflammation of eyes; worse from using eyes in artificial light;
often the students’ remedy for night work; intense photophobia [= intolerance to light]

Urinary System

• Great difficulty in voiding urine; flow intermits [= discontinues], then flows again;
prostatic or uterine affections.

Male Reproductive System

• Stony, hard induration of the testicles.

Induration: any pathological hardening or thickening of tissue.
Bruise: a blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after somebody has fallen, been hit, etc.
Vertigo: the feeling of dizziness and fear, and of losing your balance.
40 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Female Reproductive System

• Bad effects: Of suppressed138 sexual desire, or suppressed menses; non- fulfilment of
sexual instinct [= natural tendency], or from excessive indulgence.
• Breasts sore, hard and painful before and during menstruation (Lac-c., Kali-c.).
• Menses: Feeble [= inadequate], suppressed; too late, scanty [=little], of short duration;
with rash of small red pimples over body which ceases with the flow (Dulc.); stopped by
taking cold; by putting hands in cold water (Lac-d.).
• Leucorrhea− ten days after menses (Borx., Bov.); acrid; bloody; milky; profuse; thick;

Respiratory System
• Cough; in spasmodic paroxysms139 caused by dry spot in larynx140 (in throat, Cimic.);
with itching chest and throat (Iod.); worse at night, when lying down, and during
pregnancy (Caust., Kali-br.).

• Aggravation: At night; lying down; turning or rising up, in bed; celibacy 141.
• Patients requiring Conium often improve from wine or stimulants; though persons
susceptible to Conium cannot take alcoholic stimulants when in health.
• Compare: Arn., Rhus-t., in contusions; Ars., Aster. in cancer; Calc., Psor. in glandular
• Is followed well: By Psor., in tumors of mammae [=breast] with threatening malignancy
[= serious medical conditions].

Suppress something: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Paroxysm: a sudden short attack of pain, causing physical shaking that cannot be controlled.
Larynx: (syn. voice-box) the area at the top of the throat that contains the vocal cords.
Celibacy: the state of not being married and never having sex, especially for religious reasons.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 41

Bitter-sweet Solanaceae


• Adapted to persons of phlegmatic142 scrofulous143 constitutions; restless, irritable.

• Patients living or working in a damp, cold basement, or a milk dairy (Aran., Ars., Nat-s.).

Mental Generals

• Mental confusion; cannot find the right word for anything.

Physical Generals

• Catarrhal rheumatism or skin affections, brought on or aggravated by exposure to cold,

damp, rainy weather, or sudden changes in hot weather (Bry.).

• Increased secretion of mucous membranes; perspiration being suppressed144 from cold.

• Anasarca [= extreme generalized edema]; after ague145, rheumatism, scarlet fever.

• Dropsy: After suppressed sweat; suppressed eruptions; exposure to cold.

Phlegmatic: easily suffers from cold and cough.
Scrofulous: same as strumous [= goitrous] constitution. Scrofula: a disease in which
the glands swelled (= became bigger and rounder).
Suppress something: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Ague: a disease such as malaria that causes a high temperature and shivering.
42 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Gastro-intestinal System

• Diarrhea: From taking cold in damp places, or during damp, foggy weather; change from
warm to cold weather (Bry.).

Urinary System

• Catarrhal ischuria146 in grown-up children, with milky urine; from walking with bare feet
in cold water; involuntary.


• Skin is delicate, sensitive to cold, liable to eruptions, especially urticaria; every time
patient takes cold or is long exposed to cold.

• Rash before the menses (Con.—during profuse menses, Bell., Graph.).

• Urticaria over whole body, no fever; itching burns after scratching; < in warmth, > in

• Thick brown-yellow crusts on scalp, face, forehead, temples, chin; with reddish borders,
bleeding when scratched.

• Warts, fleshy, large, smooth; on face or back of hands and fingers (Thuj.).


• Aggravation: From cold in general;cold air; cold wet weather; suppressed

menstruation, eruptions, sweat.

• Amelioration: From moving about (Ferr., Rhus-t.).

Catarrhal Ischuria: reduction in the flow of urine resulting from taking cold and cough.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 43


• Complementary: To, Bar-c., Kali-s.

• Incompatible: With Acet-ac., Bell., Lach. should not be used before or after.

• Follows well: After, Calc., Bry., Lyc., Rhus-t., Sep.

• Similar: To Merc. in ptyalism [= hypersalivation147], glandular swellings, bronchitis,

diarrhea; susceptibility to weather changes; night pains; to Kali-s. the ‘chemical

• For the bad effects or abuse of mercury.

Ptyalism: [= hypersalivation] excessive salivation.
Chemical Analogue: one medicine of vegetable kingdom becomes similar or parallel to another
medicine of mineral or chemical (Dr. S.K. Dubey).
44 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Yellow Jasmine


• For children, young people, especially women of a nervous hysterical 149 temperament
(Croc., Ign.).

• Excitable, irritable, sensitive; for the nervous affections of onanists [= persons who
masturbate] of both sexes (Kali-p.).

Mental Generals

• Bad effects from fright, fear, exciting news and sudden emotions (Ign.— from pleasant
surprise, Coff.).

• Fear of death (Ars.); complete lack of courage.

• The anticipation of any unusual difficult work, preparing for church, theatre, or to meet
an engagement, brings on diarrhea; stage fright, nervous anxiety of appearing in public

• Desire to be quiet, to be let alone; does not wish to speak or have any one near her, even
in the person be silent (Ign.).

• Children: Fear of falling, grasp the cot or hold the mom. (Borx., Sanic.).

Physical Generals

• General depression from heat of sun or summer.

Hysteria: a state of extreme excitement, fear or anger in which a person, or a group of people, loses
control of their emotions and starts to cry, laugh, etc.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 45

• Weakness and trembling [=shaking]; of tongue, hands, legs; of the entire body.

• Vertigo, spreading from the occiput [= the back part of the head] (Sil.); with double
vision, dim vision, loss of sight; seems drunk when trying to move.

• Headache: Preceded by blindness (Kali-bi.), > by profuse urination.

• Headache: Beginning in the cervical spine [=neck]; pains extend over the head, causing
a bursting sensation in forehead and eye (Sang., Sil.—begins in same way, but semi-
lateral); < by mental exertion; from smoking; heat of sun; lying with head low.

• Sensation of band around the head above eyes (Carb-ac., Sulph.); scalp sore to touch.


• Great heaviness of the eyelids; cannot keep them open (Caust., Graph., Sep.).

Cardio-vascular System

• Fears that unless on the move heart will stop beating (fears it would stop beating if she
moved, Dig.).

• Slow pulse of old age.

Nervous System

• Lack of muscular co-ordination; confused; muscles refuse to obey the will.

• Complete relaxation and prostration [=extreme physical weakness] of the whole

muscular system with motor paralysis [= paralysis of the voluntary muscles].

46 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Chill without thirst, especially along the spine, running up and down the back in rapid,
wave-like succession from sacrum to occiput.

• Aggravation: Damp weather; before a thunderstorm; mental emotion or excitement bad

news; tobacco smoking; when thinking of his ailments; when spoken to of his loss.


• Compare: Bapt. in threatening typhoid fever; Ip. in dumb ague [= a disease such
as malaria that causes a high temperature and shivering], after suppression by quinine.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 47

Black Lead Amorphous Carbon


• “What Pulsatilla is at puberty150 [= Adolescence], Graphites is at the climacteric [=


• Suited to women, inclined to obesity,who suffer from habitual constipation; with a

history of delayed menstruation.

Mental Generals

• Excessive cautiousness; timid, hesitates; unable to decide about anything (Puls.).

• Fidgety [= restless] while sitting at work (Zinc.).

• Sad, hopeless; music makes her weep; thinks of nothing but death (music is intolerable,
Nat-c., Sab.).

• Children: Impudent [rude], teasing, laugh at rebukes.

Physical Generals

• Takes cold easily, sensitive to draft of air (Borx., Calc., Hep., Nux-v.). Suffering parts
emaciate [= become thin].


• Sensation of cobwebs [=spider’s web] on forehead, tries hard to brush it off (Bar-c.,

Puberty: the period of a person’s life during which their sexual organs develop, and they become
capable of having children.
48 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Borx., Brom., Ran-s.).

• Burning round spot on vertex (Calc., Sulph. — cold spot, Sep., Verat.).

• Eczema of lids; eruption moist and fissured; lids red and margins covered with scales or


• Hears better when in a noise; when riding in a carriage or car, when there is a rumbling
sound (Nit-ac.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Diarrhea: Stools brown, fluid, mixed with undigested substances, and of an intolerable
odor often caused by suppressed151 eruptions (Psor.).

• Chronic constipation; stool difficult, large, hard, knotty, with lumps united by mucus
threads; too large (Sulph.); smarting152 sore pain in anus after stool.

Male Reproductive System

• Decided [= obvious and definite] aversion to coition (both sexes).

• Sexual debility from sexual abuse.

Female Reproductive System

• Menses: Too scanty [=little], pale, late with violent colic; irregular; delayed from getting
feet wet (Puls.).

Suppress something: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Smarting: feeling of a sharp pain in a part of your body.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 49

• Morning sickness during menstruation; very weak and prostrated [= unable to do

anything] (Alumn., Carb-an., Cocc.).

• Leucorrhea− acrid153, excoriating154; occurs in gushes155 day and night; before and
after menses (before Sep.; after Kreos.).

• Hard scars [= marks remaining after the healing of a wound] remaining after mammary
abscess, hindering the flow of milk; cancer of breast, from old scars and repeated


• The nails are brittle, crumbling, deformed (Ant-c.); painful, sore, as if ulcerated; thick
and crippled.

• Cracks or fissures, in ends of fingers, nipples, labial [= relating to lips or labia] joint; of
anus; between the toes.

• Phlegmonous157 Erysipelas158: Of face, with burning, stinging pain; commencing on

right side, going to left; after application of iodine.

Nervous System

• Cataleptic159 condition; conscious, but without power to move or speak.

Acrid: having a strong, bitter smell or taste that is unpleasant.
Excoriate: to make a person’s skin painful, and often red, so that it starts to come off.
Gush: to suddenly let out large amounts of a liquid.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Phlegmonous: relating to a phlegmon (= a purulent inflammation and infiltration of connective
Erysipelas: An acute bacterial infection of the skin and superficial lymphatic vessels, caused by
streptococci and marked by localized inflammation and fever.
Cataleptic: causing somebody to become stiff and unconscious for a short time.
50 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Unhealthy skin; every injury suppurates160 (Hep.); old scars break open again; eruptions
upon the ears, between fingers and toes and on various parts of body, from which oozes
a watery, transparent, sticky fluid.


• Aggravation: At night, during and after menstruation.


• Complementary: Caust., Hep., Lyc.

• Graphites follows well: After Lyc., Puls.; after Calc. in obesity of young women with
large amount of unhealthy adipose [=fatty] tissue; follows Sulph. well in skin affections;
after Sepia in gushing leucorrhea.

• Similar: To Lyc., Puls., in menstrual troubles.

Suppurate: (of a cut, wound, etc.) to produce a thick yellow liquid (called pus) because of infection.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 51

Sulphuret of Lime Ca.S


• For torpid [=lazy] lymphatic161 constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion,
slow to act, muscles soft and flabby [= loose].

Mental Generals

• Oversensitive, physically and mentally; the slightest cause irritates him; quick, hasty
speech and hasty drinking.

• Patient is peevish, angry at the least trifle [= a matter of a very little importance];
hypochondriac162; unreasonably anxious.

Physical Generals

• Diseases where the system has been injured by the abuse of Mercury.

• Extremely sensitive to cold air, imagines he can feel the air if a door is opened in the
next room; must be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather (Psor.); cannot bear to
be uncovered (Nux-v.—cannot bear to be covered, Camph., Sec.); takes cold from
slightest exposure to fresh air (Tub.).

• Sweats: Profusely day and night without relief; perspiration sour; offensive; easily, on
every mental or physical exertion [= physical or mental effort]. (Psor., Sep.).

Lymph: a clear liquid containing white blood cells that helps to clean the tissues of the body and
helps to prevent infections from spreading.
Hypochondriac: worried all the time about your health and believing that you are ill when there is
nothing wrong with you.
52 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Eyeballs: Sore to touch; pain as if they would be pulled back into head (Olnd., Par.).


• Middle of lower lip cracked (Am-c., Nat-m.—cracks in joints, Cund.).


• Sensation of a splinter, fish bone or plug in the throat (Arg-n., Nit-ac.); quinsy163, when
suppuration threatens; chronic hypertrophy164, with hardness of hearing (Bar-c., Lyc.,
Plb., Psor.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Diarrhea: Of children with sour smell (Calc., Mag-c.—child and stool have a sour smell,
Rheum); clay-colored stool (Calc., Podo.).

Urinary System

• Urine: Flow impeded [= hampered], voided slowly, without force, drops vertically; is
obliged to wait a while before it passes; bladder weak, is unable to finish,
seems as if some urine always remains (Alum., Sil.).

Quinsy: an abscess in the tissue around a tonsil usually resulting from bacterial infection and often
accompanied by pain and fever.
Hypertrophy: an increase in the size of an organ or tissue because its cells grow in size.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 53

Respiratory System

• Cough: When any part of the body is uncovered (Rhus-t.); croupy165, choking166,
strangling167; from exposure to dry west wind, the land wind (Acon.).

• Asthma: Breathing, anxious, wheezing168, rattling169; short, deep breathing, threatens

suffocation170; must bend head back and sit up; after suppressed171 eruption (Psor.).

• Croup: After exposure to dry cold wind (Acon.); deep, rough, barking cough, with
hoarseness and rattling of mucus; < cold air, cold drinks, before midnight or towards


• The slightest injury causes suppuration172 (Graph., Merc.).

• In diseases where suppuration seems inevitable, Hepar may open the abscess and hasten
the cure

• The skin is very sensitive to touch, cannot bear even clothes to touch affected parts
(Lach.—sensitive to slightest touch, but can bear hard pressure, Chin.).

• Skin affections extremely sensitive to touch, the pain often causing fainting.

• Ulcers, herpes, surrounded by little pimples [= a small raised red spot on the skin] or

Croup: a disease of children that makes them cough (= force air through the throat noisily) a lot and
have difficulty breathing.
Choke: to be unable to breathe because the passage to your lungs is blocked or you cannot get enough
Strangle: to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of.
Wheeze: to breathe noisily and with difficulty.
Rattling: making a series of short loud sounds when shaking or hitting against something hard.
Suffocation: the process of dying because there is no air to breathe
Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Suppuration: the production of a thick yellow liquid (called pus) in a cut, wound, etc. because of
54 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

pustules [= boils] and spread by amalgamating.


• Aggravation: Lying on painful side (Kali-c., Iod.); cold air; uncovering; eating or
drinking cold things; touching affected parts; abuse of mercury.

• Amelioration: Warmth in general (Ars.); wrapping up warmly, especially the head

(Psor., Sil.); in damp, wet weather (Caust., Nux-v., reverse of, Nat-s.).


• Complementary: To, Calendula in injuries of soft parts.

• Hepar antidotes: Bad effects of mercury and other metals; iodine, iodide of potash,
cod-liver oil; renders patients less susceptible to atmospheric changes and cold air.

• Compare: The psoric skin affections of Sulphur are dry, itching, > by scratching, and
not sensitive to touch; while in Hepar the skin is unhealthy, suppurating, moist, and
extremely sensitive to touch.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 55

St. Ignatius Bean Loganiaceae


• Especially suited to nervous temperament; women of a sensitive, easily excited nature;

dark hair and skin but mild nature, quick to perceive, rapid in execution (in striking
contrast with the fair complexion, soft, lachrymose [= weepy], but slow and indecisive,

Mental Generals

• Bad effects of anger, grief, or dissatisfied love (Calc-p., Hyos.); broods173 in solitude
over imaginary trouble.

• Mental conditions rapidly, in an almost incredibly short time, change from joy to sorrow,
from laughing to weeping (Coff., Croc., Nux-m.); moody.

• Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long-concentrated grief.

• Desire to be alone.

• Finely sensitive mood, delicate consciousness.

• Inconstant, impatient, indecisive, quarrelsome.

• Amiable in nature if feeling well, but easily disturbed by very slight emotion; easily
offended [=insulted].

• The slightest fault finding, or contradiction excites anger, and this makes him angry with

• Children, when reprimanded, scolded, or sent to bed, get sick or have convulsions174 in

Brood: to think a lot about something that makes you annoyed, anxious or upset.
Convulsion: [= fit] a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled.
56 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Ill-effects, from bad news; from vexation with reserved displeasure; from suppressed175
mental sufferings; of shame and mortification [= disgrace] (Staph.).

• Involuntary sighing176 (Lach.).

Physical Generals

• The remedy of great contradictions:

▪ The roaring in ears > by music;

▪ The piles > when walking;
▪ Sore throat feels > when swallowing;
▪ Empty feeling in stomach not > by eating;
▪ Cough < the more he coughs; cough on standing still during a walk (Astac.);
▪ Spasmodic laughter from grief;
▪ Sexual desire with impotency;
▪ Thirst during a chill, no thirst in the fever;
▪ The color changes in the face when at rest.

• Cannot bear tobacco; smoking, or being in tobacco smoke, produces or aggravates


• Sweat on the face on a small spot only while eating.

• Over sensitiveness to pain (Coff., Cham.).

• Pain in small, restricted spots.

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Sighing: taking and then letting out a long deep breath that can be heard, to show that you are
disappointed, sad, tired, etc.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 57

• Complaints return at exactly the same hour.


• Headache, as if a nail was driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it (Coff.,
Nux-v., Thuj.).


• In talking or chewing, bites inside of cheek.

Gastro-intestinal System

• Weak, empty feeling at pit of stomach177; not > by eating (Hydr., Sep.), with involuntary
sighing (Lach.).

• Constipation: From carriage riding; of a paralytic origin; with excessive urging, felt more
in upper abdomen (Verat.); with great pain, fears to go to closet [= toilet]; in women who
are habitual coffee drinkers.

• Prolapsus ani from moderate straining at stool, stooping178 or lifting (Nit- ac., Podo.,
Ruta); < when the stool is loose.

• Hemorrhoids: Prolapse with every stool, have to be replaced; sharp stitches shoot up the
rectum (Nit-ac.); < for hours after stool (Rat., Sulph.).

Nervous System

• Twitching [convulsing], jerking [= shaking], even spasms of single limbs or whole body,
when falling asleep.

Pit of stomach: the bottom of the stomach where people say they feel strong feelings, especially fear.
Stooping: bending one's head or body forwards and downwards.
58 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Fever: Red face during chill (Ferr.); chill, with thirst during chill only; > by external
heat; heat without thirst, < by covering (> by covering, Nux- v.).
Note: Ignatia bears the same relation to the diseases of women that Nux does to sanguine,
bilious men. “There are many more Ignatia persons in North America than Nux vomica
persons.” – Hering.


• Aggravation: From tobacco, coffee, brandy, contact, motion, strong odors, mental
emotions, grief.

• Amelioration: Warmth, hard pressure (Chin.); swallowing, walking.


• Incompatible: Coff., Nux-v., Tab.

• The bad effects of Ign. are antidoted by Puls.

Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 59

Wolf’s Foot, Club Moss Lycopodiaceae


• For persons intellectually keen, but physically weak; upper part of body emaciated [=
very thin], lower part semi-dropsical; predisposed179 to lung and hepatic [=liver related]
affections (Calc., Phos., Sulph.); especially in extremes of life, children and old people.

• Children, weak, emaciated; with well-developed head but small, sickly bodies.

Mental Generals

• Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, or vexation [= annoyance] with reserved

displeasure (Staph.).

• Extreme desire for wealth, greedy, miserly, malicious180, cowardly.

• Irritable; peevish and cross [= annoyance] on waking; ugly, kick and shout; easily
angered; cannot endure opposition or contradiction; seeks disputes; is beside himself.

• Weeps all day, cannot calm herself; very sensitive, even cries when thanked.

• Fear of men; of loneliness, irritable and melancholy; fear of being alone (Bism., Kali-c.,

Physical Generals

• Deep-seated, progressive, chronic diseases.

• Pains: Aching-pressure, drawing; chiefly right-sided, < four to eight p.m.

Predispose: to make it likely that you will suffer from a particular illness.
Malicious: having a desire to harm somebody.
60 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Affects right side, or pain goes from right to left, throat, chest, abdomen, liver, ovaries.

• Excessive hunger; the more he eats, the more he craves; headaches if he does not eat.

• Waking at night feeling hungry (Cina, Psor.).

• Baby cries all day, sleeps all night (Jal., Psor.).


• Catarrh181: Dry nose stopped at night, must breathe through the mouth (Am- c., Nux-v.,
Samb.); snuffles, child starts from sleep rubbing its nose; of root of nose and frontal
sinuses; crusts182 and elastic plugs (Kali-bi., Teucr.).


• Complexion pale, dirty; unhealthy; sallow183, with deep furrows184, look older than he
is; fan-like motion of alae nasi185 (Ant-t.).


• Diphtheria186: Fauces187 brownish-red, deposit spreads from right tonsil to left, or

descends from nose to right tonsils; < after sleep and from cold drinks (from warm

Catarrh: thick liquid (called phlegm) that you have in your nose and throat because, for example,
you have a cold.
Crust: a hard layer or surface, especially above or around something soft or liquid.
Sallow: (of a person’s skin or face) having a slightly yellow colour that does not look healthy.
Furrow: a deep line in the skin of the face.
Alae Nasi: the expanded outer wall of cartilage (the strong white tissue that is important in
supporting and connecting parts of the body) on each side of the nose.
Diphtheria: a serious disease of the throat that causes difficulty in breathing.
Fauces: the narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx between the soft palate and the base
of the tongue.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 61

drinks, Lach.).

• Pneumonia; neglected or maltreated, base of right lung. Involved especially; to hasten

absorption or expectoration188.

Gastro-intestinal System

• Everything tastes sour; eructation [= belching189], heartburn, waterbrash190, sour

vomiting (between chill and heat).

• Gastric affections: Excessive accumulation of flatulence191; constant sensation of

satiety192; good appetite, but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat, and he feels bloated;
fermentation in abdomen, with loud grumbling, croaking, especially lower abdomen
(upper abdomen, Carb- v.—entire abdomen, Chin.); fullness, not relieved by belching

• Constipation: Since puberty193 [= Adolescence]; since last confinement194; when away

from home; of infants; with ineffectual urging, rectum contracts and protrudes195 during
stool, developing piles.

• Discharge of blood from genitals during every stool.

• Hernia: Right sided, has cured many cases especially in children.

Expectoration: to eject from the throat or lungs by coughing.
Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
Waterbrash: a sudden flow of saliva associated with indigestion.
Flatulence: an uncomfortable feeling caused by having too much gas in the stomach.
Satiety: the state or feeling of being completely full of food.
Puberty: the period of a person’s life during which their sexual organs develop and they become
capable of having children.
Confinement: the time when a woman gives birth to a baby.
Protrude: to stick out from a place or a surface
62 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Urinary System

• Red sand in urine, on child’s diaper (Phos.); child cries before urinating (Borx.); pain
in back, relieved by urinating; renal colic, right side (left side, Berb.).

Male Reproductive System

• Impotence: Of young men, from masturbation or sexual excess; penis small, cold,
relaxed; old men, with strong desire but imperfect erections; falls asleep during an
embrace; premature ejaculation.

Female Reproductive System

• Dryness of vagina; burning in, during and after sexual intercourse (Lys.);

• Fetus appears to be turning somersaults.

Respiratory System

• Pneumonia; neglected or maltreated, base of right lung, involved especially; to hasten

absorption or expectoration.

• Cough deep, hollow, even raising mucus in large quantities affords little relief.


• One foot hot and the other cold (Chin., Dig., Ip.).

Physometra: distension of the uterus due to the presence of gas or air.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 63


• Aggravation: Nearly all diseases from 4 to 8 p.m. (Hell.—from 4 to 9 p.m., Coloc.,


• Amelioration: Warm foods and drinks; from uncovering the head; loosening the


• Complementary: Iodine.

• Bad effects: Of onions, bread; wine, spirituous liquors; tobacco smoking and chewing

• Follows well: After, Calc., Carb-v., Lach., Sulph.

• It is rarely advisable to begin the treatment of a chronic disease with Lyc. unless clearly
indicated; it is better to give first another anti-psoric.

• Lyc. is a deep-seated, long-acting remedy, and should rarely be repeated after

improvement begins.
64 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

The Gonorrheal Virus A Nosode


• For the constitutional effects of maltreated and suppressed198 gonorrhea199, when the best
selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve.

• For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord
and its membranes—even organic lesions ending in paralysis which can be traced to a
sycotic200 origin.

• For scirrhus201, carcinoma202 or cancer; either acute or chronic in development, when the
symptoms correspond, and a history of sycosis can be traced.

• Bears the same relation to deep-seated sycotic chronic affections of spinal and
sympathetic nervous system, that Psorinum does to deep-seated affections of skin and
mucous membranes.

• Children, pale, rachitic [= rickety]; dwarfed and stunted203 in growth (Bar-c.); mentally,
dull and weak.

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that is transmitted by sexual contact. Men with gonorrhea may have
a yellowish discharge from the penis accompanied by itching and burning.
Sycotic: Patients of this constitution are suspicious, cross and irritable, deceitful, jealous, cruel, and
vindictive. They suffer from diseases associated with proliferation and infiltration of tissues, warty
growths, and gouty affections, valvular diseases of the heart. Complaints ameliorated by abnormal
discharges (e.g., Leucorrhoea, coryza, etc.) They are prone to be attacked by Asthma, Rheumatism,
disease of genito-urinary organs (Dr. S. K. Dubey).
Scirrhus: a firm, densely collagenous cancer.
Carcinoma: the most common type of cancer. It begins in the epithelial tissue of the skin, or in the
tissue that lines internal organs, such as the liver or kidneys.
Stunned: that has not been able to grow or develop as much as it should.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 65

Mental Generals

• Weakness of memory; cannot remember names, words or initial letters; has to ask name
of most intimate friend; even forgets his own name.

• Cannot spell correctly; wonders how a well-known name is spelled.

• Constantly loses the thread of conversation.

• Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, question has to be repeated as she loses herself.

• Cannot speak without weeping.

• Anticipates death; always anticipating, feels matters most sensitively before they occur
and generally correctly.

• Irritated at trifles; cross [= angry] during the day, delighted at night.

• Very impatient; peevish.

• Anxious, nervous, extremely sensitive; starts at the least sound.

• Time passes too slowly (Alum., Arg-n., Cann-i.).

• Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is in such a hurry she gets fatigued.

• Many symptoms are < when thinking of them (pain return as soon as he thinks about
them, Ox-ac.).

Physical Generals

• Great heat and soreness, with enlargement of lymphatic204 glands all over body.

• Consumptive languor; fatigue; great general depression of vitality.

• Pains: Arthritic, rheumatic, a consequence of suppressed gonorrhea (Daph., Clem.);

constricting, seem to tighten the whole body (Cact.); sore all over, as if bruised (Arn.,

lymph: a clear liquid containing white blood cells that helps to clean the tissues of the body and helps
to prevent infections from spreading.
66 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Trembling all over (subjective); intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.

• State of collapse205, wants to be fanned all the time (Carb-v.); craves fresh air; skin cold,
yet throws off the covers (Camph., Sec.); cold and bathed with cold perspiration (Verat.).

• Extreme hunger immediately after eating (Chin., Lyc., Psor.).

• Constant thirst, even dreams she is drinking.

• Unsatisfied craving: For liquor, which, before she hated (Asar.); for salt (Calc., Nat-m.);
for sweets (Sulph.); for beer, ice, acids, oranges, green fruit.

• Painful stiffness of every joint in body.


• Intense burning pain in brain, < in cerebellum; extends down spine.

• Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards.

• Sensation of tightness and contraction; extends down whole length of spine.

• Headache and diarrhea from vibrating of cars.


• Sensation as if she had taken a severe cold, with distressing aching in bones; throat sore
and swollen, swallowing [= taking] of either liquids or solids impossible (Merc.).

• Throat constantly filled with thick, gray or bloody mucus from posterior nates (Hydr.).

Gastro-intestinal System
• Stools: Tenacious, clay-like, sluggish, cannot strain from a sensation of prolapse of

Collapse: a state of extreme prostration and physical depression (as from circulatory failure or
great loss of body fluids).
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 67

rectum (Alum.).

• Constriction and inactivity of bowels with ball-like stools (Lach.).

• Can only pass stool by leaning very far back; very painful as if there was a lump on
posterior surface of sphincter; so painful as to cause tears.

• Sharp, needle-like pains in rectum.

• Oozing of moisture from anus, fetid [= smelling very unpleasant] odor of fish brine
(Caust., Hep.).

Urinary System

• Severe pain (backache)) in renal region, > by profuse urination (Lyc.).

• Renal colic; intense pain in ureters, with sensation of passing of calculus (Berb., Lyc.,
Oci.); craving for ice.

• Nocturnal enuresis206: Passes enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high- colored urine in

bed every night; < by over-work or overplay, extremes of heat or cold, when the best
selected remedy fails; with a history of sycosis.

• Painful tenesmus207 of bladder and bowels when urinating.

Female Reproductive System

• For women, with chronic ovaritis, salpingitis, pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts, and other
morbid growths of the uterus and ovaries, especially if symptoms point to malignancy
[= serious medical conditions] with or without sycotic origin.

• Menses: Profuse, very dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out (Mag-c.).

Nocturnal Enuresis: involuntary urination that happens at night while sleeping, after the age when a
person should be able to control his or her bladder.
Tenesmus: continuing to exist, have influence, etc. for longer than you might expect.
68 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Metrorrhagia208: At climacteric [= menopause]; profuse for weeks, flow dark, clotted,

offensive; in gushes209, on moving; with malignant210 disease of uterus.

• Intense menstrual colic with drawing up of knees and terrible bearing down labor-like
pains; must press feet against support, as in labor.

• Intense pruritus [= itch] of labia and vagina < by thinking of it.

• Breasts and nipples sore and sensitive to touch.

• Breasts cold as ice to touch, especially the nipples, rest of body warm (during menses).

Respiratory System
• Asthma: Choking211 caused by a weakness or spasm of epiglottis212; larynx213 stopped
so that no air could enter, only > by lying on face and protruding tongue.

• Soreness of larynx as if ulcerated.

• Dyspnea214 and sense of constriction; can inhale [=breathe in] with ease, but no power
to exhale [=breathe out] (Samb.).

• Cough: Dry, nonstop, severe; painful, as if mucous membrane was torn from larynx;
deep, hollow, like coughing in a barrel; < at night, from sweets, on lying down; > by
lying on stomach.

• Sputa: Albuminous, frothy; small, green, bitter balls; sticky, difficult to raise.

Metrorrhagia: irregular uterine bleeding especially between menstrual periods.
Gush: [sudden outpouring] a large amount of something produced in a short time.
Malignant: In medicine, the word malignant is a term referring to a condition that is dangerous to
health. While it is often used interchangeably with cancer, the term is also used to describe medical
and psychological conditions other than cancer that are dangerous or ominous.
Choke: to be unable to breathe because the passage to your lungs is blocked or you cannot get enough
Epiglottis: a thin piece of tissue behind the tongue that prevents food or drink from entering the lungs.
Larynx: (syn. voice-box) the area at the top of the throat that contains the vocal cords.
Dyspnea: difficult or labored respiration.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 69

• Initial stage of consumption [= tuberculosis]; severe pains in middle lobes [= middle part
of the lungs].

Neck and Back

• Pain in back between scapulae; whole length of spine sore to touch (Chinin-s.).

• Intense burning heat, beginning in back of neck and extending down spine, with a
contractive stiffness, < by stretching.

• Lumbar vertebrae215 painful and sensitive to touch.

• Pain in sacrum216, coccyx217, and back of hips running around and down limbs.


• Rheumatism at top of shoulder and arm; pains extend to fingers, > by motion (right,
Sang.; left, Ferr.).

• Pain in legs, from hips to knees; only when walking.

• Heaviness of legs, feel like lead; walking very difficult, legs are so heavy; legs give way.

• Lower limbs ache all night, preventing sleep.

• Intensely restless and fidgety [=restless] legs and feet (Zinc.).

• Terrible burning in legs and arms during an electrical storm.

• Aching in legs, with inability to keep them still in bed, < when giving up control of
himself, when relaxing, in trying to sleep.

The lumbar vertebrae: consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in the lower
back. These vertebrae carry all the upper body's weight while providing flexibility and movement to
the trunk region.
Sacrum: a bone in the lower back, between the two hip bones of the pelvis. Pelvis: the wide curved
set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are connected to.
Coccyx: [tailbone] the small bone at the bottom of the spine.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
70 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Coldness of legs and feet; of hands and forearms.

• Drawing, contracting sensation in hamstrings and ankles; cramps in calves and soles

• Ankles turn easily when walking (Carb-an., Led.).

• Burning of hands and feet, wants them covered and fanned (Lach., Sulph.).

• Almost entire loss of nervous force in legs and arms; exhausted by slightest effort.

• Deformity of finger joints; large, swellings of joints in the fingers; swelling and painful
stiffness of ankles; great tenderness of heels and balls of feet; swellings of all joints, were
puffy, like windgalls219.


• Aggravation: When thinking of it (Helon., Ox-ac.); heat, covering; stretching; thunder

storm; least movement; sweets; from daylight to sunset (reverse of Syph.).

• Amelioration: At the seashore (reverse of Nat-m.); lying on stomach; damp weather

(Caust., Nux-m.).


• Compare: Ip., dry cough; Camph., Sec., Tab., Verat., in collapse; Pic-ac., Gels., inability
to walk; Aloe, Sulph., morning diarrhea.

• The burning feet of Sulphur and restless fidgety legs and feet of Zinc. are both found at
the same time in Medorrhinum.

Windgall: a soft tumor on a horse's leg in the region of the fetlock joint.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 71

Hahnemann’s Soluble Mercury Black Oxide


• Nervous affections after suppressed220 discharges especially in psoric patients (Asaf.).

• Glandular and scrofulous221 affections of children.


• Otorrhea222: Bloody, offensive discharge, with stabbing, tearing pain; < right side, at
night and lying on affected side.

• Furuncles and boils in external meatus223 (Pic-ac.).

• Polypus and fungus excrescences224 in external meatus (Teucr., Thuj.).


• Nosebleed: When coughing; at night during sleep; hangs in a dark clotted string from
the nose, like an icicle225.

• Acrid nasal secretion, having odor of old cheese; nostrils, red, raw, ulcerated.

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Scrofulous: same as strumous [= goitrous] constitution. Scrofula: a disease in which
the glands swelled (= became bigger and rounder).
Otorrhea: a discharge from the external ear.
Meatus: the opening to the ear canal
Excrescence: an ugly part that has grown on a part of an animal’s body caused by disease.
Icicle: a pointed piece of ice that is formed when water freezes as it falls down from something such
as a roof
72 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Male Reproductive System

• Gonorrhea226: With phimosis227 or chancroids228; green discharge, < at night; urging to

urinate; intolerable burning in fore part of urethra when passing last few drops; foreskin
hot, swollen, edematous229 and sensitive to touch; of a numb character, with threatening
or suppurating230 bubo231.

• Chancre232: Primary; regular hard Hunterian[=syphilis], with oily base; with cheesy
bottom and inverted red edges; with phimosis or paraphimosis233; deep, round,
penetrating, eating through frenulum 234 and foreskin; bleeding, painful; yellowish, fetid
[= smelling very unpleasant] discharge.

• Hahnemann’s remedy for syphilis and diseases of the genito-urinary tract. Is rarely
indicated if the tongue is dry.

Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that is transmitted by sexual contact. Men with gonorrhea may have
a yellowish discharge from the penis accompanied by itching and burning.
Phimosis: A condition in which the foreskin of the penis is too tight to be pulled back to reveal the
Chancroid: a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial infection that is characterized by
painful sores on the genitals.
Edema: a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside the body and makes it swell (=
become larger or rounder than normal).
Suppurate: (of a cut, wound, etc.) to produce a thick yellow liquid (called pus) because of infection.
Bubo: a lymph node under the arm or in the groin that has become painful and swollen (= larger than
Chancre: an area with an infection on the body that is not painful, especially one on the outer sex
organs, caused by disease (especially : the initial lesion of syphilis).
Paraphimosis: a condition in which the foreskin is retracted behind the glans penis and cannot be
brought back to its original position.
Frenulum: an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects the foreskin (prepuce) to the
vernal mucosa, and helps contract the foreskin over the glans.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 73


• Weakness and weariness of limbs: sore, bruised236.


• Diseases of the skin; intolerable biting, itching, over body, as from insect bites, < in
evening and from warmth of bed; becomes pleasant on scratching.

Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Bruised: having one or more blue, brown or purple marks on your skin after falling, being hit, etc.
74 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Common Salt NaCl


• For the anemic and cathectic237; whether form loss of vital fluids – profuse menses,
seminal losses—or mental affections.

Mental Generals

• For the bad effects: Of anger (caused by offence); of grief, fright [= feeling of fear],
vexation [= annoyance], mortification [= disgrace] or reserved displeasure (Staph.)

• Irritability: Child cross [= angry] when spoken to; crying from slightest cause; gets into
a passion about trifles [= a matter of a very little importance], especially when consoled

• Awkward, hasty, drops things from nervous weakness (Apis, Bov.).

• Marked nature to weep; sad weeping mood, without cause (Puls.), but consolation
from other < her troubles.

• Dreams: Of robbers in the house, and on waking will not believe to the contrary until
search is made (Psor.); of burning thirst.

Physical Generals

• Great emaciation238; losing flesh while living well (Abrot., Iod.); throat and neck of
children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint (Sanic.).

Cathectic: People having a general lack of nutrition and wasting, occurring in course of a chronic disease
(Dr S. K. Duby).
emaciation: the state of being abnormally thin or weak.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 75

• Great liability to take cold (Calc., Kali-c.).

• Craving for salt (Calc., Caust.); great aversion to bread.

• For the bad effects of acid food, bread, quinine, excessive use of salts; of cauterization239
of all kinds with the silver nitrate.


• Headache: Anemic, of schoolgirls (Calc-p.); from sunrise to sunset; left- sided clavus;
as if bursting; with red face, nausea and vomiting before, during and after menses; as
though a thousand little hammers were knocking in the brain during fever; > by

• Headache; beginning with blindness (Iris, Kali-bi.); with zigzag dazzling, like lightning
in eyes, ushering [=leading] in a throbbing headache; from eye strain [= weariness state
of the eye].

• The hair falls out when touched, in nursing [= breastfeeding] women (Sep.); face oily,
shiny, as if greased (Plb., Thuj.).


• Lachrymation [= flow of tears]; tears stream down the face whenever he coughs (Euphr.).


• Sensation as of a hair on the tongue (Sil.).

• Tongue: Mapped [like a map], with red insular240 patches241; like ringworm on sides
(Ars., Lach., Merc., Nit-ac., Tarax.); heavy, difficult speech, children slow in learning
to walk.

Cauterization: a medical practice or technique of burning a part of a body to remove or close off a
part of it.
Insular: connected with an island or islands.
Patch: a small area of something, especially one which is different from the area around it.
76 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Gastro-intestinal System
• Constipation: Sensation of contraction of anus; torn, bleeding, smarting242 afterwards;
stool dry, hard, difficult, crumbling243 (Am-c., Mag-m.); stitches in rectum (Nit-ac.);
involuntary, knows not whether flatus244 or feces245 escape (Aloe, Iod., Mur-ac., Olnd.,

Urinary System

• Urine: Involuntary when walking, coughing, laughing (Caust., Puls., Squil.); has to wait
a long while for urine to pass, if others are present (Hep., Mur-ac.); cutting in urethra
after (Sars.).

Male Reproductive System

• Seminal emission: Soon after coition246, with increased desire; weakness of organs with
retarded emission during an embrace; impotence, spinal irritation, paralysis, after sexual

Female Reproductive System

• Pressing, pushing towards genitals every morning; must sit down to prevent prolapsus
(Lil-t., Murx., Sep.).

Smarting: feeling of a sharp pain in a part of your body.
Crumbling: breaking something into very small pieces.
Flatus: gas in the stomach or intestines.
Feces: solid waste material that leaves the body through the anus.
Coition: sexual intercourse.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 77

Respiratory System

• Hay fever: Squirming247 sensation in the nostril, as of a small worm; brought on by

exposure to hot sun or intense summer heat.

Cardio-vascular System

• Fluttering248 of the heart; with a weak faint feeling < lying down (Lach.).

• The heart’s pulsations shake the body (Spig.).


• Painful contractions of the hamstrings (Am-m., Caust., Guaj.).


• Fever blisters, like pearls about the lips; lips dry, sore and cracked, ulcerated (Nit-ac.).

• Intermittent250: Paroxysm251 at 10 or 11 a.m.; old, chronic, badly treated cases, especially

after suppression by quinine; headache, with unconsciousness during chill and heat;
sweat > pains.

Hangnails: Skin around the nails dry and cracked (Graph., Petr.); herpes about anus and on
borders of hair at nape [=back] of neck (in bend of knees, Hep., Graph.).

Squirm: to move around a lot making small twisting movements, because you are nervous,
uncomfortable, etc.
Fluttering: moving lightly and quickly.
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
Intermittent: stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly.
Paroxysm: a sudden short attack of pain, causing physical shaking that cannot be controlled.
78 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Warts on palms of hands (sore to touch, Nat-c.).

• Eczema; raw, red, inflamed, especially in edges of hair; < from eating too much salt, at
seashore, or from ocean voyage.

• Urticaria, acute or chronic; over whole body, especially after violent exercise (Apis,
Calc., Hep., Sanic., Urt-u.).


• Aggravation: At 10 or 11 a.m.; at the seashore or from sea air; heat of sun or stove;
mental exertion, talking, writing, reading; lying down.

• Amelioration: In the open air (Apis, Puls.); cold bathing; going, without regular meals;
lying on right side (on painful side, Bry., Ign., Puls.).


• Complementary: To, Apis; acts well before and after it.

• Natrium mur. is the chronic of Ignatia, which is its ‘vegetable analogue’252.

• Is followed by Sepia and Thuja.

• Cannot often be repeated in chronic cases without an intercurrent253, called for by the

• Should never be given during fever paroxysm.

• If vertigo and headache be very persistent, or prostration254 be prolonged after Natrium,

Nux will relieve.

Vegetable Analogue: parallel or similar to the medicine prepared from vegetable kingdom (Dr S. K.
Intercurrent: occurring during and modifying the course of another disease.
Prostration: extreme physical weakness.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 79

Poison Nut Loganiaceae


• One of the best remedies with which to commence treatment of cases that have been
drugged by mixtures, bitters, vegetable pills, nostrums255 or quack256 remedies,
especially aromatic or “hot medicines,” but only if symptoms correspond.

• Adapted to thin, irritable, careful, zealous persons with dark hair and bilious257 or
sanguine [=cheerful] temperament. Disposed to be quarrelsome, spiteful, malicious;
nervous and melancholic [= unhappy].

• Debaucheries258 of a thin, irritable, nervous disposition, prone to indigestion and

hemorrhoids (persons with light hair, blue eyes, Lob.).

• “Nux is chiefly successful with persons of an ardent [= enthusiastic] character; of an

irritable, impatient temperament, disposed to anger, spite or deception.”—Hahnemann.

• Anxiety with irritability and inclination to commit suicide, but is afraid to die.

• Hypochondriac259: Literary, studious persons, who are too much at home, suffer from
want of exercise, with gastric, abdominal complaints and constipation; especially in

Nostrum: a medicine that is not made in a scientific way, and that is not effective.
Quack: a person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills.
Bilious: relating to an illness, caused by too much bile, that can cause vomiting.
Debauchery : behaviour involving too much sex, alcohol or drugs
Hypochondriac: worried all the time about your health and believing that you are ill when there is
nothing wrong with you.
80 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Mental Generals

• Persons who are very particular, careful, but inclined to become easily excited or
angered; irritable and obstinate [= refusing to change opinions].

Physical Generals

• Bad effects of: Coffee, tobacco, alcoholic stimulants; highly spiced or seasoned food;
over-eating (Ant-c.); long-continued mental over- exertion; sedentary habits; loss of
sleep (Cocc., Colch., Nit-ac.); aromatic or patent medicine; sitting on cold stones,
especially in warm weather.

• Oversensitive: To external impressions; to noise, odors, light or music (Nux-m.);

trifling [insignificant] ailments are unbearable (Cham.); every harmless word offends
[= insults] (Ign.).

• Pains are tingling, sticking, hard, aching, worse from motion and contact.

• Tendency to faint (Nux-m., Sulph.); from odors; in morning; after eating; after every
labor pain.

• Cannot keep from falling asleep in the evening while sitting or reading hours before
bedtime and awakes at 3 or 4 a.m.; falls into a dreamy sleep at daybreak from which he
is hard to arouse, and then feels tired and weak (reverse of, Puls.).


• Catarrh260: Snuffles of infants (Am-c., Samb.); coryza [=common cold], dry at night,
fluent by day; < in warm room, > in cold air; from sitting in cold places, on stone steps.

Catarrh: thick liquid (called phlegm) that you have in your nose and throat because, for example,
you have a cold.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 81

Gastro-intestinal System

• Eructation [=belching261]: Sour, bitter; nausea and vomiting every morning with
depression of spirits; after eating.

• Nausea262: Constant; after eating; in morning; from smoking; and feels “If I could only
vomit, I would be so much better.”

• Stomach: Pressure an hour or two after eating as from a stone (immediately after, Kali-
bi., Nux-m.); pyrosis [=heartburn], tightness, must loosen clothing; cannot use the mind
for two or three hours after a meal; sleepy after dinner; from anxiety, worry, brandy,
coffee, drugs, night watching, high living, etc.

• Constipation; with frequent unsuccessful desire, passing small quantities of feces263 (in
upper abdomen, Ign., Verat.); sensation as if not finished.

• Frequent desire for stool; anxious, ineffectual, > for a time after stool; in morning after
rising; after mental exertion (inactive, no desire, Bry., Sulph.).

• Alternate constipation and diarrhea (Sulph., Verat.), in persons who have taken
purgatives264 all their lives.

• Strangulated hernia265, especially umbilical266.

Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
Nausea: a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.
Feces: solid waste material that leaves the body through the anus.
Purgative: a substance, especially a medicine, that causes your bowels to empty.
Strangulated Hernia: a hernia in which the blood supply of the herniated viscus is so constricted
by swelling and congestion as to arrest its circulation. (Strangulated = made so narrow by pressure
that blood etc. cannot pass through it)
Umbilical Hernia: an abnormal bulge that can be seen or felt at the umbilicus (belly button).
This hernia develops when a portion of the lining of the abdomen, part of the intestine, and / or fluid
from the abdomen, comes through the muscle of the abdominal wall.
82 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Female Reproductive System

• Menses: Too early, profuse, lasts too long; or keeping on several days longer, with
complaints at onset [=beginning] and remaining after; every two weeks; irregular, never
at right time; stopping and starting again (Sulph.); during and after, < of old symptoms.

• Labor pains: Violent, spasmodic; cause urging to stool or to urinate; < in back; prefers a
warm room.


• Backache: Must sit up to turn over in bed; lumbago267; from sexual weakness, from

Nervous System

• Convulsions268, with consciousness (Strych.); < anger, emotion, touch, moving.


• Aversion to cold or to cold air; chilly, on least movement; from being uncovered; must
be covered in every stage of fever—chill, heat or sweat.

• Fever: Great heat, whole body burning hot (Acon.), face red and hot (Bell.), yet patient
cannot move or uncover without being chilly.


• Aggravation: Morning; waking at 4 a.m.; mental exertion; after eating or over-eating;

touch, noise, anger, spices, narcotics, dry weather; in cold air.

Lumbago: pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back.
Convulsion: a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 83

• Amelioration: In evening, while at rest; lying down, and in damp wet weather (Caust.).

• Complementary: Sulphur in early all diseases.

• Inimical: To, Zinc.; must not be used before or after.

• Follows well: After, Ars., Ip., Phos., Sep., Sulph.

• Is followed well: By, Bry., Puls., Sulph.

• Nux should be given on retiring or, what is better, several hours before going to bed;
it acts best during repose of mind and body.
84 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Phosphorus The Element


• Adapted to tall slender [=slim] persons of sanguine [= optimistic] temperament, fair

skin, delicate [=mild] eyelashes269, fine blond, or red hair, quick perceptions, and very
sensitive nature.

• Young people who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop270 (to walk stooped, Sulph.);
who are chlorosis271 or anemia; old people, with morning diarrhea.

Mental Generals

• Nervous, weak; desires to be magnetized [= attracted] (Sil.).

• Apathetic; unwilling to talk; answers slowly; moves sluggishly (Ph-ac.).

• Weary [= tired] of life, full of gloomy feelings.

Physical Generals

• Over-sensitiveness of all the senses to external impressions, light, noise, odors, touch.

• Burning: In spots along the spine; between the scapulae [= shoulder blades] (as of a
piece of ice, Lachn.); or intense heat running up the back; of palms of hands (Lach.); in
chest and lungs; of every organ or tissue of the body (Ars., Sulph.); generally in diseases
of nervous system.

Eyelash: one of the hairs growing on the edge of the eyelids.
Stoop: a posture in which the head and shoulders are habitually bent forwards.
Chlorosis: an iron-deficiency anemia especially of adolescent girls.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 85

• Hemorrhage: Frequent and profuse, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time;
metrorrhagia272, in cancer, hemoptysis273 vicarious274, from nose, stomach, anus, urethra,
in amenorrhea275.

• Hemorrhage diathesis276; small wounds bleed profusely (Kreos., Lach.); from every
mucous outlet.

• Restless, fidgety277; moves continually, cannot sit or stand still a moment (restless,
fidgety feet, Zinc.).

• Great weakness and prostration278; with nervous debility and trembling; of whole body;
weakness and weariness from loss of vital fluids (Chin., Ph- ac.).

• A weak, empty, all-gone sensation in head, chest, stomach and entire abdomen.

• Longs for: Cold food and drink; juicy refreshing things; ice cream > gastric pains.

• Perspiration has the odor of Sulphur.


• Dandruff falls out in clouds (Lyc.); hair falls out in bunches, baldness279 of single spots.

Metrorrhagia: irregular uterine bleeding especially between menstrual periods.
Hemoptysis: the coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or
lungs. In other words, it is the airway bleeding. This can occur with lung cancer, infections such as
tuberculosis, bronchitis, or pneumonia, and certain cardiovascular conditions.
Vicarious: occurring in an unexpected or abnormal part of the body instead of the usual one. e.g.:
vicarious menstruation manifested by bleeding from the nose.
Amenorrhea: a condition in which an adult woman does not menstruate (= there is no flow of blood
from her womb every month).
Diathesis: a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition.
Fidgety: (of a person) unable to remain still or quiet, usually because of being bored or nervous.
Prostration: extreme physical weakness.
Baldness: the fact of having little or no hair on the head.
86 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Eyes: Hollow280, surrounded by blue rings; lids, puffy, swollen, edematous281 (upper
lids, Kali-c.; lower, Apis).


• Sneezing282 and coryza [= common cold] from putting hands in water (Lac-d.).


• Necrosis283 of the (left) lower jaw.

Gastro-intestinal System

• As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is thrown up.

• Regurgitation284 [= vomiting] of ingest285, in mouthfuls (Alum.).

• Nausea from placing hands in warm water.

• Constipation: Feces [=stool] slender [=thin], long, dry, tough and hard (Staph.); voided
with great straining and difficulty (Caust.).

• Diarrhea: As soon as anything enters the rectum; profuse, pouring away as from a

Hollow: (of parts of the face) sinking deeply into the face.
Edema: a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside the body and makes it swell (=
become larger or rounder than normal).
Sneezing: to have air come suddenly and noisily out through your nose and mouth in a way that you
cannot control, for example because you have a cold.
Necrosis: the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue caused by injury, disease or a loss
of blood supply.
Regurgitation: the act of bringing food that has been swallowed back up into the mouth again
Ingest (something): to take food, drugs, etc. into your body, usually by swallowing (= making them
go down your throat).
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 87

hydrant286; watery, with sago-like particles; sensation, as is the anus remained open
(Apis); involuntary during cholera time (which precedes cholera, Ph-ac.); morning, of
old people.

Female Reproductive System

• During pregnancy; unable to drink water; slight of it causes vomiting; must close her
eyes while bathing (Lys.).

Respiratory System

• Pain: Acute especially in the chest, < from pressure, even slight, in intercostal287 spaces,
and lying on left side; excited by slightest chill; open air intolerable.

• Heaviness of chest, as if a weight were lying on it.

• Cannot talk, the larynx288 is so painful; is dry, raw, rough, sore.

• Cough: Going from warm to cold air (reverse of Bry.); < from laughing, talking, reading,
drinking, eating, lying on the left side (Dros., Stann.).

• Hemoptysis.


• Aggravation: Evening, before midnight (Puls., Rhus-t.); lying on left or painful side;
during a thunderstorm; weather changes, either hot or cold.

• Cold air relieves the head and face symptoms but aggravates those of chest, throat and

Hydrant: a pipe in the street through which water can be sent using a pump in order to put out fires
or to clean the streets.
Intercoastal: located between the ribs (= the curved bones that go around the chest).
Larynx: [syn. voice-box] the area at the top of the throat that contains the vocal cords.
88 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Amelioration: In the dark; lying on right side; from being rubbed or mesmerized289;
from cold food, cold water, until it gets warm.


• Complementary: Arsenic, with which it is isomorphic [=identical]; All-c., its ‘vegetable


• Incompatible: With Causticum, must not be used before or after.

• Phos. removes the bad effects of iodine and excessive use of table salt.

• Follows well: After, Calc. or Chin.

• Hahnemann says: “Acts most beneficially when patient suffers from chronic loose stool
or diarrhea.

Mesmerize: [Hypnotize] to have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of
anything else.
Vegetable Analogue: parallel or similar to the medicine prepared from vegetable kingdom (Dr S. K.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 89

A Product of Psora A Nosode


• Especially adapted to the psoric constitution291.

• Extremely psoric patients; nervous, restless, easily startled.

• Children are pale, delicate, sickly. Sick babies will not sleep day or night but worry,
unhappy, cry (Jal.); child is good, plays all day; restless, troublesome, screaming all night
(reverse of Lyc.).

Mental Generals

• Anxious, full of fear; evil forebodings292.

• Religious melancholy: Very depressed, sad suicidal thoughts; despairs of salvation

(Meli.), of recovery.

• Hopeless: Fears he will die; that he will fail in business; during climaxes [=
the period of greatest intensity, as in the course of a disease]; making his own life and
that of those about him intolerable.

Psoric Constitution: The persons having this constitution are over-sensitive both physically and
mentally and frequently suffer from functional disturbance arising from emotional disturbance. Skin
dry, unwashed appearance with numerous eruptions. Itching, ameliorated by scratching, but skin
burns and smarts afterward. Hands and feet burn, flushes of heat, especially over the face: desires hot
foods and meats. Cannot stand still; the patient must walk or lean against something if he is on his
feet. Very much susceptible to cold; complaints ameliorated by heat; aggravated by winter;
ameliorated by summer. A psoric patient is always afraid of dying but lives on for years.
Foreboding: a strong feeling that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen.
90 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Physical Generals

• Ailments: From suppressed293 itch or other skin diseases, when Sulphur fails to relieve;
severe, from even slight emotions.

• In chronic cases when well selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently improve (in
acute diseases, Sulph.); when Sulphur seems indicated but fails to act.

• Lack of reaction after severe acute diseases. Appetite will not return.

• Great weakness and debility: From loss of animal fluids; remaining after acute diseases,
independent of or without any organic lesion, or apparent cause.

• Body has a filthy smell, even after bathing.

• The whole body painful, easily sprained and injured.

• Great sensitiveness to cold air or changes of weather; wears a fur cap, overcoat or
shawl even in hottest summer weather.

• In stormy weather he feels acutely restless for days before or during a thunderstorm
(Phos.); dry, scaly eruptions disappear in summer, return in winter.

• Feels unusually well day before attack.

• Hungry in the middle of the night; must have something to eat (Cina, Sulph.).

• Profuse perspiration after acute diseases, with relief of all suffering (Calad., Nat-m.).

• Sleepless from intolerable itching, or frightful dreams of robbers, danger, etc. (Nat-m.).

• All excretions [= secretions] — diarrhea, leucorrhea, menses, perspiration — have a

carrion294-like odor.

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Carrion: the decaying (= becoming destroyed by natural processes) bodies of dead animals.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 91


• Headache: Preceded, by flickering before eyes, by dimness of vision or blindness (Lac-

d., Kali-bi.), by black spots or rings.

• Headache: Always hungry during; > while eating (Anac., Kali-p.); from suppressed
eruptions, or suppressed menses; > nosebleed (Meli.).

• Hair — dry, lusterless, tangles295 easily, glues together (Lyc.). Plica polonica296 (Bar-c.,
Sars., Tub.).

• Scalp: Dry, scaly or moist, (fetid [= smelling very unpleasant], suppurating eruptions;
oozing a sticky, offensive fluid Graph., Mez.).


• Intense photophobia, with inflamed lids; cannot open the eyes; lies with face buried in


• Ears: Humid scurfs and soreness on and behind ears; oozing an offensive sticky fluid

• Otorrhea: Thin, ichorous297, horribly fetid [= smelling very unpleasant] discharge, like
decayed meat; chronic, after measles or scarlet fever.


• Quinsy298, tonsils greatly swollen, difficult, painful swallowing; burns, feels burnt;

Tangle: a twisted mass of hair that cannot be easily separated.
Plica polonica: a state of the hair in which it becomes twisted, matted, and crusted, usually as a
result of neglect, filth, and infestation by vermin.
Ichorous: a thin watery or blood-tinged discharge.
Quinsy: an abscess in the tissue around a tonsil usually resulting from bacterial infection and often
accompanied by pain and fever.
92 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

cutting, tearing, intense pain to ears on swallowing (painless, Bar-c.); profuse, offensive
saliva; tough mucus in throat, must hawk continually, to not only > acute attack but
eradicate the tendency.

• Hawks up cheesy balls, size of pea, of disgusting taste and carrion-like odor (Kali-m.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Belching299, tasting of rotten eggs (Arn., Ant-t., Graph.).

• Diarrhea: Sudden, imperative (Aloe, Sulph.); stool watery, dark brown, fetid [= smelling
very unpleasant]; smells like carrion; involuntary, < at night from 1 to 4 a.m.; after
severe acute diseases; teething; in children; when weather changes.

• Constipation: Obstinate, with backache; from inactivity of rectum; when Sulphur fails to

Urinary System

• Enuresis [=bed-wetting]: From vesical paresis [= slight paralysis]; during full moon,
obstinate [=difficult] cases, with a family history of eczema.

Male Reproductive System

• Chronic gonorrhea of year’s duration that can neither be suppressed nor cured; the best
selected remedy fails.

Female Reproductive System

• Leucorrhea: Large, clotted lumps of an intolerable odor; violent pains in sacrum;

debility; during climaxes [= menopause].

• During pregnancy: Most obstinate vomiting, fetus moves too violently; when the best

Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 93

selected remedy fails to relieve; to correct the psoric diathesis300 of the unborn.

Respiratory System
• Asthma, dyspnea [= difficult respiration]; < in open air, sitting up (Laur.); > lying
down and keeping arms stretched far apart (reverse of, Ars.); hopeless, thinks he will

• Cough returns every winter.

• Hay fever: Appearing regularly every year the same day of the month; with an asthmatic,
psoric or eczematous history. Patient should be treated the previous winter to eradicate
the diathesis and prevent summer attack.

• Cough: After suppressed itch, or eczema; chronic, of year’s duration < mornings on
waking and evenings on lying down (Phos., Tub.); sputa301 green, yellow or salty mucus;
pus-like; coughs a long time before expectorating.


• Driven to despair with excessive itching.

• Acne: All forms, simplex, rosacea302; < during menses, from coffee, fats, sugar, meat;
when the best selected remedy fails or only palliates303.

• Skin: Abnormal tendency to receive skin diseases (Sulph.); eruptions easily suppurate304
(Hep.); dry, inactive, rarely sweats; dirty look, as if never washed; coarse, greasy, as if

Diathesis: a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition.
Sputa: liquid from the throat or lungs, especially when it is coughed up (= forced up from the lungs,
etc) because of disease.
Rosacea: a chronic inflammatory skin disorder typically involving the nose, forehead, and chin
that is characterized especially by redness....
Palliate: to make a disease or an illness less painful or unpleasant without curing it.
Suppurate: (of a cut, wound, etc.) to produce a thick yellow liquid (called pus) because of infection
94 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

bathed in oil; bad effects from suppression by Sulphur and Zinc ointments.

• Psorinum should not be given for psora or the psoric diathesis, but like every other
remedy, upon a strict individualization—the totality of the symptoms and then we realize
its wonderful work.


• Complementary: Sulphur and Tuberculinum.

• Is followed well: By, Alum., Borx., Hep., Sulph., Tub.

• After: Lac-ac., in vomiting of pregnancy. Arn. in traumatic affections of ovaries.

• Sulphur follows Psorinum well in mammary cancer.

• “Whether derived from purest gold or purest filth, our gratitude for its excellent service
forbids us to inquire or care.”— P.B. Bell.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 95

Anemone Ranunculaceae


• Adapted to persons of indecisive, slow, phlegmatic305 temperament; sandy306 hair, blue

eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears; affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, soft
nature—the woman’s remedy.

• Women inclined to be fleshy, with scanty [=little] and prolonged menstruation


Mental Generals

• Weeps easily: Almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping (weeps when
thanked, Lyc.).

• Feels better by consolation.

Physical Generals

• Especially in diseases of women and children.

• The first serious impairment of health is referred to puberty307 age, have “never been
well since”—anemia, chlorosis308, bronchitis, phthisis309.

Phlegmatic: easily suffers from cold and cough.
Sandy: having a light colour, between yellow and red.
Puberty: the period of a person’s life during which their sexual organs develop, and they become
capable of having children.
Chlorosis: an iron-deficiency anemia especially of adolescent girls.
Phthisis: a progressively wasting or consumptive condition.
96 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Secretions from all mucous membranes are thick, bland and yellowish- green (Kali-s.,

• Symptoms ever changing; no two chills, no two stools, no two attacks alike; very well
one hour, very miserable the next; apparently contradictory (Ign.).

• Pains: Drawing, tearing, changeable, rapidly shifting from one part to another (Kali-
bi., Lac-c., Mang-act.); are accompanied with constant chilliness; the more severe the
pain, the more severe the chill; appear suddenly, leave gradually, or tension much
increases until very acute and then “lets up with a snap”; on first motion (Rhus-t.).

• Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints.

• Mumps310; metastasis311 to mammae [= breast] or testicle.

• Sleep: Wide awake in the evening, does not want to go to bed; first sleep restless, sound
asleep when it is time to get up; awakes languid, unrefreshed (reverse of, Nux-v.).


• Styes312: Especially on upper lid; from eating fat, greasy, rich food or pork (compare,
Lyc., Staph.).


• Great dryness of mouth in the morning, without thirst (Nux-m.—mouth moist, intense
thirst, Merc.).

• Toothache: Relieved by holding cold water in the mouth (Bry., Coff.); worse form warm
things and heat of room.

Mumps: a disease, especially of children, that causes painful swellings at the sides of the face and
under the ears.
Metastasis: the development of tumours in different parts of the body resulting from cancer that has
started in another part of the body; one of these tumours.
Stye: an infection of the eyelid (= the skin above or below the eye) which makes it red and painful.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 97

Gastro-intestinal System

• Gastric difficulties from eating rich food, cake, pastry, especially after pork or sausage;
the sight or even the thought of pork cases disgust; “bad taste” in the morning.

• “All-gone” [=empty] sensation in stomach, in tea drinkers especially.

• Diarrhea: Only, or usually at night; watery, greenish-yellow, very changeable; soon as

they eat; from fruit, cold food or drinks, ice-cream (Ars., Bry.; eating pears, Verat., Chin.;
onions, Thuj.; oysters, Brom., Lyc.; milk, Calc., Nat-c., Nicc., Sulph.; drinking impure
water, Camph., Zing.).

Female Reproductive System

• Derangements at puberty; menses, suppressed313 from getting the feet wet; too late,
scanty [=little], slimy, painful, irregular, intermittent314 flow, with evening chilliness;
with intense pain and great restless and tossing about (Mag- p.); flows more during day
(on lying down, Kreos.). Delayed first menstruation.

• Threatened abortion; flow ceases and then returns with increased force; pains spasmodic,
arouse suffocation315 and fainting; must have fresh air.

Respiratory System

• Unable to breathe well, or is chilly in warm room.


• Nervousness intensely felt about the ankles.

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Intermittent: stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly.
Suffocation: the process of dying because there is no air to breathe
Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet
98 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Aggravation: In a warm close room; evening, at twilight; on beginning to move; lying

on the left, or on the painless side; very rich, fat, indigestible food; pressure on the well
side if it be made toward the diseased side; warm applications; heat (Kali-m.).

• Amelioration: In the open air; lying on painful side (Bry.); cold air or cool room; eating
or drinking cold things; cold applications (Kali-m.).


• Complementary: Kali-m., Lyc., Sil., Sul-ac.;Kali-m. its ‘chemical analogue’317.

• Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla in nearly all ailments.

• Follows, and is followed by, Kali-m.

• One of the best remedies with which to begins the treatment of a chronic case (Calc.,

• Patients, anemic or chlorotic, who have taken much iron, quinine and tonics, even years

• Ailments: From abuse of chamomile, quinine, mercury, tea drinking, Sulphur.

• Follows well: After, Kali-bi., Lyc., Sep., Sil., Sulph.

Chemical Analogue: one medicine of vegetable kingdom becomes similar or parallel to another
medicine of mineral or chemical (Dr. S.K. Dubey).
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 99

Poison Oak Anacardiaceae


• Adapted to persons of rheumatic diathesis318.

Mental Generals

• Great anxiety at night; fears he will die of being poisoned; cannot remain in bed.

• Dreams of great exertion [= physical or mental effort]; rowing, swimming, working hard
at his daily occupation (Bry.).

Physical Generals

• Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being over-heated.

• Ailments: From spraining319 or straining320 a single part, muscle or tendon (Calc., Nux-
v.); over-lifting, particularly from stretching high up to reach things; lying on damp
ground; too much summer bathing in lake or river.

• Affects the fibrous321 tissue, especially (Rhod.—serous, Bry.); the right side more than
the left.

• Great restlessness, anxiety, fear (Acon., Ars.); cannot remain in bed, must change
position often to obtain relief from pain (from mental anxiety, Ars.).

Diathesis: a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition.
Sprain: to injure a joint in your body, especially your wrist or ankle, by suddenly twisting it.
Strain: to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work too hard.
Fibrous: made of many fibres; looking like fibres. Fibre: a material such as cloth or rope that is made
from a mass of natural or artificial threads.
100 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Restless, cannot stay long in one position.

• Great sensitiveness to open air; putting the hand from under the bed- cover brings on
cough (Bar-c., Hep.).

• Great thirst, with dry tongue, mouth and throat.

• Pains: As if sprained; as if a muscle or tendon was torn from its attachment;

as if bones were scraped with a knife; worse after midnight and in wet, rainy weather;
affected parts sore to touch.


• Vertigo, when standing or walking; worse when lying down (better when lying down,
Apis); < rising from lying, or stooping322 (Bry.).

• Headache: Brain feels loose when stepping or shaking the head; sensation of swashing
[= splashing323 sound] in brain; stupefying324; as if torn; from beer; returns from least
chagrin325; < from sitting, lying, in cold, > warmth and motion.


• Corners of mouth ulcerated, fever blisters around mouth and on chin (Nat-m.).


• Tongue: Dry, sore, red, cracked; triangular red tip; takes imprint of teeth (Chel., Podo.).

Stooping: bending one's head or body forwards and downwards.
Splashing: (of liquid) to fall noisily onto a surface.
Stupefying: making you unable to think clearly.
Chagrin: a feeling of being disappointed or annoyed.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 101

Gastro-intestinal System

• Diarrhea: With beginning typhoid; involuntary, with great exhaustion; tearing pain
down the posterior [=back] part of limbs [legs] during stool.

Male Reproductive System

• External genitals inflammed, erysipelatous326, edematous327.

Respiratory System

• A dry, teasing cough, before and during chill, in intermittent328 fever; cough, with taste
of blood.


• Back: Pain between the shoulders on swallowing; pain and stiffness in ‘small of back’329
< sitting or lying, > by motion or lying on something hard.


• Lameness330, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning,
> by walking or continued motion.

• Muscular rheumatism, sciatica331, left side (Coloc.); aching in left arm, with heart

Erysipelas: An acute bacterial infection of the skin and superficial lymphatic vessels, caused by
streptococci and marked by localized inflammation and fever.
Edema: a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside the body and makes it swell (=
become larger or rounder than normal).
Intermittent: stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly.
Small of back: The lower part of the back where it curves in most. Generally located above where
most people wear their pants.
Lameness: the condition of being unable to walk well because of an injury to the leg or foot.
Sciatica: pain in the back, hip and outer side of the leg, caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve.
102 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Nervous System

• Paralysis: With numbness of affected parts; from getting wet on lying on damp ground;
after exertion, parturition [=giving birth], sexual excesses, ague332 or typhoid; paresis333
[= partial paralysis] of limbs; ptosis334.


• When acute diseases assume a typhoid form.


• Erysipelas, from left to right; vesicular, yellow vesicles335; much swelling, inflammation;
burning, itching, stinging.


• Aggravation: Before a storm; cold, wet rainy weather; at night, especially after
midnight; from getting wet while perspiring; during rest.

• Amelioration: Warm, dry weather, wrapping up; warm or hot things; motion;
change of position; moving affected parts.

• The great characteristic of Rhus-t. is that with few exceptions the pains occur and are <
during rest and are > by motion.

Ague: a disease such as malaria that causes a high temperature and shivering.
Paresis: a condition of muscular weakness caused by nerve damage or disease;
Ptosis: a drooping of the upper eyelid.
Vesicles: [blister] a small swelling filled with liquid under the skin.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 103


• Complementary: To, Bryonia.

• Inimical: To, Apis, must not be used before or after.

• Compare: Arn., Bry., Rhod., Nat-s., Sulph.

• Sepia, often quickly > itching and burning of Rhus-t., the vesicles drying up in a few

• Rhus-t. is best antidoted by the simillimum; the potentized remedy given internally. The
dermatitis336 should never by treated by topical medicated applications; they only
suppress, never cure.

Dermatitis: a skin condition in which the skin becomes red, swollen (= larger or rounder than
normal) and painful.
104 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Cuttle Fish Mollusca


• Adapted to persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition (Puls.).

• Pot-belliness [= belly swollen like a pot] of mothers (of children−Sulph.).

Mental Generals

• Anxiety: With fear, flushes of heat over face and head; about real or imaginary evils;
towards evening.

• Great sadness and weeping. Fear of being alone, of men; of meeting friends; with
uterine troubles.

• Indifferent: Even to one’s family; to one’s occupation (Fl-ac., Ph-ac.); to those whom
she loves best.

• Greedy, miserly (Lyc.).

• Lazy: Does not want to do anything, either work or play; even an exertion to think.

Physical Generals
Diseases of women: Especially those occurring during pregnancy; childbirth and lactation;
or diseases attended with sudden prostration337 and sinking faintness (Murx., Nux-m.);
“the washerwoman’s remedy,” complaints that are brought on by or aggravated after
laundry work.

• Pains extend from other parts to the back (reverse of, Sab.); are attended with trembling

Prostration: extreme physical weakness.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 105

(with chilliness, Puls.).

• Particularly sensitive to cold air, “chills so easily”; lack of vital heat, especially in
chronic diseases (in acute diseases, Led.).

• Sensation of a ball in inner parts; during menses, pregnancy, lactation; with constipation,
diarrhea, hemorrhoids, leucorrhea and all uterine affections.

• Faints easily: After getting wet; from extremes of heat or cold; riding in a carriage; while
kneeling at church.

• All the coverings of the neck felt too tight and were constantly loosened (Lach.).

• Erythrism [=abnormal redness]; flushes of heat from least motion; with anxiety and
faintness; followed by perspiration over whole body; climacteric[= menopause] (Lach.,
Sang., Sulph., Tub.); ascends, from pelvic338 organs.


• Coldness of the vertex with headache (Verat.—heat of vertex, Calc., Graph., Sulph.).

• Headache: In terrific shocks; at menstrual nisus, with scanty [=little] flow; in delicate,
sensitive, hysterical339 women; pressing, bursting < motion, stooping, mental labor, > by
external pressure, continued hard motion.

• Great falling of the hair, after chronic headaches or at the climacteric.


• Yellowness: Of the face; conjunctiva; yellow spots on the chest; a yellow saddle across
upper part of the cheeks and nose; a “tell-tale face340” of uterine ailments.

Pelvic: connected with the pelvis. (pelvis: the wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that
the legs and spine are connected to).
Hysteria: a state of extreme excitement, fear or anger in which a person, or a group of people, loses
control of their emotions and starts to cry, laugh, etc.
Tell-Tale Face (Sep.): The face that tells the story of sufferings (Dr S. K. Dubey); indicative face.
106 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Tongue foul, but becomes clear at each menstrual nisus, returns when flow ceases;
swelling and cracking of lower lip.

Gastro-intestinal System
• Painful sensation of emptiness, “all-gone [= empty] feeling,” in the epigastrium341,
relieved by eating (Chel., Murx., Phos.).

• Constipation: During pregnancy (Alum.); stool hard, knotty, in balls, insufficient,

difficult; pain in rectum during and long after stool (Nit-ac., Sulph.); sense of weight or
ball in anus, not > by stool.

Urinary System

• Urine: Deposits a reddish clay-colored sediment which adheres to the vessel as if it had
been burned on; fetid [= smelling very unpleasant], so offensive must be removed from
the room (horribly offensive after standing, Indium).

• Enuresis [= involuntary urination]: Bed is wet almost as soon as the child goes to sleep
(Kreos.); always during the first sleep.

Male Reproductive System

• Gleet342: Painless, yellowish, ‘staining linen’ [=leaving marks on cloth]; meatus [= a

natural body passage] glued together in morning; obstinate [= difficult to get rid of], of
long standing (Kali-i.); sexual organs, weak and exhausted.

Epigastrium: the part of the upper abdomen immediately over the stomach.
Gleet: a chronic inflammation (such as gonorrhea) of a bodily orifice usually accompanied by an
abnormal discharge.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 107

Female Reproductive System

• Violent stitches upward in the vagina; lancinating [= stabbing sensations] pains from
the uterus to the umbilicus [= navel].

• Prolapsus of uterus and vagina; pressure and bearing down as if everything would
protrude343 from pelvis; must cross limbs tightly or “sit close” to prevent it; with
oppression of breathing (compare Agar., Bell., Lil-t., Murx., Sanic.).

• Irregular menses of nearly every form—early, late, scanty, profuse, amenorrhea344 or

menorrhagia345—when associated with above named symptoms.

• Morning sickness of pregnancy; the sight or thought of food sickens (Nux-v.); the smell
of cooking food nauseates346 (Ars., Colch.).

Respiratory System

• Dyspnea [= difficult respiration]; < sitting, after sleep, in room, > dancing or walking


• Herpes circinatus [= ringworm] in isolated spots on upper part of body (in intersecting
rings over whole body, Tell.).

• Itching of skin; of various parts; of external genitalia; is not > by scratching, and is apt
to change to burning (Sulph.).

Protrude: to stick out from a place or a surface
Amenorrhea: a condition in which an adult woman does not menstruate (= there is no flow of blood
from her womb every month).
Menorrhagia: abnormally profuse menstrual flow.
Nauseates: to make somebody feel that they want to vomit.
108 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Aggravation: In afternoon or evening; from cold air or dry east wind; sexual excesses;
at rest; sultry [= very hot and uncomfortable], moist weather; before a thunderstorm

• Amelioration: Warmth of bed, hot applications; violent exercise.

• Many symptoms, especially those of head, heart and pelvis347, are both < and > by rest
and exercise.


• Complementary: Natrium mur.

• Inimical: To Lach., should not be used before or after; to, Puls., with which it should
never be alternated.

• Similar: To, Lach., Sang., Ust., in climacteric irregularities of the circulation.

• Frequently indicated after: Sil., Sulph.

• A single dose often acts curatively for many weeks.

• It antidotes mental effects of overuse of tobacco, in patients of sedentary habits who

suffer from over-mental exertion.

Pelvis: the wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are connected
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 109

Stavestcre Ranunculaceae


• Ailments from dissatisfied pride, envy or chagrin348.

• For the bad effects of: Onanism [= masturbation] , sexual excesses, loss of vital fluids;
chagrin, mortification [= disgrace]; unmerited [= unfair] insults; indignation [= anger],
with vexation or reserved displeasure (Aur.).

• For the mental effects of onanism and sexual excesses.

• Very sensitive to slightest mental impressions; least action or harmless word offends [=
insults] (Ign.).

• Great indignation about things done by others or by himself; grieves about


• Apathetic, indifferent, low-spirited, weak memory from sexual abuses (Anac., Aur., Nat-
m., Ph-ac.).

• Ill-humored children cry for things which, after receiving, they peevishly push or throw
away (Kreos.).

• Was insulted; being too dignified to fight, subdued his wrath [= anger] and went home
sick, trembling and exhausted (the reverse of Nux-v.).

Physical Generals

• Nervous weakness; as if done up after much hard work.

• Craving for tobacco.

Chagrin: a feeling of being disappointed or annoyed.
110 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Extreme hunger even when stomach is full of food.

• Sleepy all day, awake all night; body aches all over.


• Sensation of a round ball in forehead sitting firmly there even when shaking the head.


• Styes349, chalazae350 on eyelids or upper lids, one after another, leaving hard nodosities
in their wake (Con., Thuj.).


• Toothache: During menses; sound as well as decayed teeth; painful to touch of food or
drink, but not from biting or chewing; < drawing cold air into mouth; < from cold drinks
and after eating.

• Teeth turn black, show dark streaks [=lines] through them; cannot be kept clean;
crumble; decay on edges (at the roots, Mez., Thuj.); scorbutic351 cachexia352.

Stye: an infection of the eyelid (= the skin above or below the eye) which makes it red and painful.
Chalazae: a hard, round, transparent tumour, developed in different parts of the body, more
especially in the substance of the eyelids.
Scorbutic: relating to or affected with scurvy.
Cachexia: weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 111

Gastro-intestinal System

• Sensation as if stomach and abdomen were hanging down relaxed (Agar., Ip., Tab.).

• Colic: After lithotomy353 or ovariectomy354; attending abdominal section (Bism., Hep.).

Urinary System

• Urging to urinate, has to sit at urinal for hours; in young married women; after coition;
after difficult labor (Op.); burning in urethra when not urinating; urging and pain after
urinating in prostatic troubles of old men; prolapse of bladder.

Male Reproductive System

• Onanism; persistently dwelling on sexual subjects; constantly thinking of sexual


• Spermatorrhea355: With sunken features; guilty, abashed look; emission followed by

backache, weakness; prostration356 and relaxation or atrophy357 of sexual organs.

Female Reproductive System

• Painful sensitiveness or sexual organs, vulva358 so sensitive can scarcely wear a napkin

Lithotomy: surgical removal of a calculus (stone) from the bladder, kidney, or urinary tract.
Ovariectomy: surgical removal of one or both ovaries.
Spermatorrhea: a condition of excessive, involuntary ejaculation.
Prostration: extreme physical weakness.
Atrophy: the condition of losing fat, muscle, strength, etc. in a part of the body because it does not
have enough blood.
Vulva: the outer opening of the female sex organs.
112 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Respiratory System

• Cough, only in the daytime, or only after dinner, worse after eating meat; after vexation
or indignation; excited by cleaning the teeth.

• Croupy cough in winter alternating with sciatica359 in summer; cough excited by tobacco
smoke (Spong.).


• Backache, < at night in bed, and in the morning before rising.


• Arthritic nodosities of joints, especially of the fingers (Caul., Colch., Lyc.);

inflammation of phalanges360 with sweating and suppuration361.


• In fever; ravenous hunger for days before attack.


• Mechanical injuries from sharp-cutting instruments; post-surgical operations; stinging,

smarting362 pains, like the cutting of a knife.

Sciatica: pain in the back, hip and outer side of the leg, caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Phalanges: the bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot. There are
56 Phalanges in the human body, with fourteen on each hand and foot.
Suppuration: the production of a thick yellow liquid (called pus) in a cut, wound, etc. because of
Smarting: feeling of a sharp pain in a part of your body.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 113


• Eczema: Yellow, acrid moisture oozes from under crusts; new vesicles form from contact
of exudation [= fluids]; by scratching one place after itching ceases, but appears in

• Fig-warts363: Dry, pediculated [= the narrow base of a tumor], cauliflower-like; after

abuse of mercury (Nit- ac., Sab., Thuj.).


• Aggravation: Mental affections; from anger, indignation, grief, mortification; loss of

fluids; tobacco, onanism; sexual excesses; from the touch on affected parts.


• Compare: Caust., Coloc., Ign., Lyc., Puls., and Staph. act well after each other; Caust.,
Coloc., Staph., follow well in order named.

• Inimical: Ran-b., either before or after.

Fig warts: a soft, bright red, pointed or tufted tumor found about the genitals, often massed into
groups of large size. It is a variety of condyloma.
114 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Brimstone; Flowers of Sulphur The Element


• Adapted to persons of a scrofulous364 diathesis365, subject to venous congestion;

especially of portal system366.

• Persons of nervous temperament, quick motioned, quick tempered, plethoric367, skin

excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes (Hep., Kali- c., Psor.).

• For lean, stoop-shouldered368 persons who walk and sit stooping; walk stooping like old

• Children: Cannot bear to be washed or bathed (in cold water, Ant-c.); very thin and
weak, big-bellied; restless, hot, kick off the clothes at night (Hep., Sanic.); have worms,
but the best-selected remedy fails.

• Dirty, unclean people, prone to skin affections (Psor.).

Mental Generals

• Happy dreams, wakes up singing.

• Everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to; even rags369 seem beautiful.

Scrofulous: same as strumous [= goitrous] constitution. Scrofula: a disease in which
the glands swelled (= became bigger and rounder).
Diathesis: a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition.
Portal system: a system of veins that begins and ends in capillaries.
Plethoric: characterized by plethora or excess of blood.
Stoop-shouldered: a posture in which the head and shoulders are habitually bent forwards.
Rag: a piece of old, often torn, cloth.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 115

• Too lazy to rouse [=awake] himself; too unhappy to live.

• Movement in abdomen as of a child (Croc., Thuj.).

Physical Generals

• Aversion to being washed; always < after a bath.

• When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute
diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive powers of the system; clears up the
case (in chronic disease, Psor.).

• Complaints that are continually relapsing (menses, leucorrhea, etc.); patient seems to
get almost well when the disease returns again and again.

• Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients; they cannot stand; every
standing position is uncomfortable.

• Scrofulous, psoric, chronic diseases that result from suppressed370 emotions (Caust.,

• Congestion to single parts; eyes, nose, chest, abdomen, ovaries, arms, legs, or any organ
of the body marking the onset [=beginning] of tumors or malignant growths, especially
at climacteric [= menopause].

• Sensation of burning: On vertex [= top of the head]; and smarting in eyes; in face,
without redness; of vesicles in mouth; and dryness of throat, first right then left; in
stomach; in rectum; in anus, and itching piles, and scalding [=boiling] urine; like fire in
ripples (Ars.); in chest, rising to face; of skin of whole body, with hot flushes; in spots,
between scapulae [= shoulder blades] (Phos.).

• The discharge both of urine and feces is painful to parts over which it passes; passes
large quantities of colorless urine; parts around anus red, excoriated371; all the

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Excoriate: to make a person’s skin painful, and often red.
116 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

orifices372 of the body are very red; all discharges acrid, excoriating wherever they touch.

• To facilitate absorption of serous or inflammatory exudates [=fluids] in brain, pleura373,

lungs, joints, when Bryonia, Kalium mur. or the best selected remedy fails.

• Chronic alcoholism; dropsy and other ailments of drunkards; “they reform,” but are
continually relapsing374 (Psor., Tub.).

• Hot flushes during the day with weak, faint spells, passing off with a little moisture.


• Sick headache every week or every two weeks; prostrating, weakening (Sang.); with hot
vertex and cold feet.

• Constant heat on vertex.


• Bright redness of lips as if the blood would burst through (Tub.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Weak, empty, gone or faint feeling in the stomach about 11 a.m. (10 or 11
a.m. > by eating, Nat-c.); cannot wait for lunch; frequent weak, faint spells during the day
(compare, Zinc.).

• Diarrhea: After midnight; painless; driving out of bed early in the morning (Aloe,
Psor.); as if the bowels were too weak to retain their contents.

• Constipation: Stools hard, knotty, dry, as if burnt (Bry.); large, painful, child is afraid

orifice: a hole or opening, especially one in the body; i.e: the nasal orifice.
pleura: one of the two membranes that surround the lungs.
relapse: a recurrence of symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 117

to have the stool on account of pain, or pain compels child to discontinue on first effort;
alternating with diarrhea.

• Hemorrhoids, that have been treated with ointments.

Female Reproductive System

• Menses: Too early, profuse, prolonged.

• Menorrhagia375, has not been well since her last miscarriage. “A single dose at new

Respiratory System

• Nightly suffocative attacks− wants the doors and windows open; becomes suddenly wide
awake at night; drowsy in afternoon after sunset, wakefulness the whole night.

• Cold feet in daytime with burning soles at night, wants to find a cool place for them
(Sang., Sanic.); puts them out of bed to cool them off (Med.); cramps in calves and soles
at night.


• Boils: Coming in crops in various parts of the body, or a single boil is succeeded by
another as soon as first is healed (Tub.).

• Skin: Itching, voluptuous [= giving physical pleasure]; scratching >; “feels good to
scratch”; scratching causes burning; < from heat of bed (Merc.); soreness in folds (Lyc.).

• Skin affections that have been treated by medicated soaps and washes.

Menorrhagia: abnormally profuse menstrual flow.
118 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Aggravation: At rest; when standing; warmth in bed; washing, bathing; changeable

weather (Rhus-t.).

• Amelioration: Dry, warm weather; lying on the right side (reverse of Stann.).


• Complementary: Aloe, Psor.

• Ailments from the abuse of metals generally.

• Compatible: Calc., Lyc., Puls., Sars., Sep.

• Sulph. Calc., Lyc., or Sulph., Sars., and Sep. frequently follows in given order.

• Calcarea must not be used before Sulphur.

• Sulphur is the chronic of Aconitum and follows it well in pneumonia and other acute
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 119

Tree of Life; White Cedar Coniferae


• Thuja bears the same relation to the sycosis of Hahnemann—fig warts376, condylomata
[=genital wart] and wart-like excrescences377 upon mucous and cutaneous [=relating to
the skin] surfaces—that Sulphur does to psora or mercury to syphilis378.

• Adapted to hydrogenous constitution379 of Grauvogl, which is related to sycosis380 as

effect is to cause.

• Acts well in lymphatic381 temperament, in very fleshy persons, dark complexion, black

Fig warts: a soft, bright red, pointed or tufted tumor found about the genitals, often massed into
groups of large size. It is a variety of condyloma.
Excrescence: an ugly part that has grown on a part of an animal’s body caused by disease.
Syphilitic Miasm: A patient of syphilitic miasm is dull, stupid, stubborn, sullen, morose and usually
suspicious; Melancholic and condemn themselves; very silent; wants to commit suicide; Forgetful
and slow comprehensive. Complaints are aggravated at night, become restless and anxious.
Complaints aggravated in summer and ameliorated in winter. Ulceration and discharge of pus with
offensive odour but it ameliorates the complaints. Eruptions crusty and oozing pus, skin greasy and
sweaty, much offensive odour; sweat does not relieve. Hair tends to fall out. Desires cold food and
aversion to meat (Dr. S. K. Dubey).
Hydrogenous Constitution: Von Grauvogl has enlisted this constitution in one of his three
constitutional groups. It refers to a constitution which has increased water content in blood vessels
and tissues.
Sycotic: Patients of this constitution are suspicious, cross and irritable, deceitful, jealous, cruel, and
vindictive. They suffer from diseases associated with proliferation and infiltration of tissues, warty
growths, and gouty affections, valvular diseases of the heart. Complaints ameliorated by abnormal
discharges (e.g., Leucorrhoea, coryza, etc.) They are prone to be attacked by Asthma, Rheumatism,
disease of genito-urinary organs (Dr. S. K. Dubey).
Lymph: a clear liquid containing white blood cells that helps to clean the tissues of the body and
helps to prevent infections from spreading.
120 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

hair, unhealthy skin.

Mental Generals

• Fixed ideas: As if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated;
as if a living animal were in abdomen; of being under the influence of a superior power.

• Insane [=severely mentally disordered] women will not be touched or approached

[=come near].

Physical Generals

• Ailments from bad effects of vaccination (Ant-t., Sil.); from suppressed382 or maltreated
gonorrhea383 (Med.).

• Sensation as if body, especially the limbs, were made of glass and would break easily.

• Flesh feels as if beaten, from the bones (Phyt.—as if scraped, Rhus-t.).

• Chill, beginning in the thighs.

• Sweat384: Only on uncovered parts; or all over except the head (reverse of Sil.); when he
sleeps, stops when he wakes (reverse of Samb.); profuse, sour smelling, fetid [=smelling
very unpleasant], at night.

• Perspiration, smelling like honey, on the genitals.

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.
Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that is transmitted by sexual contact. Men with gonorrhea may have
a yellowish discharge from the penis accompanied by itching and burning.
Sweat [syn. Perspiration]: drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot,
ill or afraid.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 121


• Vertigo385, when closing the eyes (Lach., Ther.).

• Headache: As if a nail had been driven into parietal bone386 (Coff., Ign.); or as if a convex
[=curved outward] button were pressed on the part; < from sexual excesses; overheating;
from tea (Sel.); chronic, or sycotic or syphilitic origin.

• While scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out.


• Eyes: Ophthalmia neonatorum387, sycotic or syphilitic; large granulations, like warts or

blisters; > by warmth and covering; if uncovered, feels as if a cold stream of air were
blowing out through them.

• Eyelids: Agglutinated [=firmly stuck together] at night; dry, scaly on edges; styes388 and
tarsal tumors; chalazae, thick, hard knots, like small condylomata; after Staphysagria
partially > does not cure.

• Ears: Chronic otitis389; discharge purulent [= containing pus], like rotten meat;
granulations, condylomata; polypuses, pale red, cellular, bleeding easily.

Vertigo: the feeling of dizziness and fear, and of losing your balance.
Parietal bone: a bone forming the central side and upper back part of each side of the skull.
Ophthalmia Neonatorum: acute inflammation of the eyes of a newborn from infection during
passage through the birth canal.
Stye: an infection of the eyelid (= the skin above or below the eye) which makes it red and painful.
Otitis: Otitis is a general term for inflammation or infection of the ear.
122 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)


• Chronic catarrh: After exanthema390; thick, green mucus, blood and pus (Puls.).


• Teeth decay at the roots, crowns remain sound (Mez.—on edges, Staph.); crumble
[break], turn yellow (Syph.).

• Ranula391: Bluish, or varicose veins on tongue or in mouth (Ambr.).

• Toothache from tea drinking.

• “On blowing the nose a pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at the side of it (Culex)”.—

Gastro-intestinal System

• Constipation: Violent pains in rectum compel cessation of effort; stool recedes [=moves
back], after being partly ejected (Sanic., Sil.).

• Piles swollen392, pain most severe when sitting.

• Diarrhea: Early morning; ejected forcibly with much flatus (Aloe); gurgling, as water
from a bunghole; < after breakfast, coffee, fat food, vaccination, onions.

• Anus fissured, painful to touch, surrounded with flat warts, or moist mucus condylomata.

• Abdomen: As if an animal were crying; motion as if something alive; protrudes 393 here
and here and there like the arm of a fetus394 (Croc., Nux-m., Sulph.).

Exanthema: an eruptive disease (such as measles) or its symptomatic eruption.
Ranula: A ranula is a fluid collection or cyst that forms in the mouth under the tongue.
Swollen: (of a part of the body) larger than normal, especially as a result of a disease or an injury.
Protrude: to stick out from a place or a surface
Fetus: a young human before it is born, especially more than eight weeks after fertilization.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 123

Urinary System

• Sensation after urinating, as of urine trickling395 in urethra396; severe cutting at close of

urination (Sars.).

Male Reproductive System

• Suppressed gonorrhea: Causing articular rheumatism; prostatitis397; sycosis;

impotence; condylomata and many constitutional troubles.

Female Reproductive System

• Distressing, burning pain in left ovarian region when walking or riding, must sit or lie
down (Croc., Ust.); worse at each menstrual nisus.

• Coition398 prevented by extreme sensitiveness of the vagina (Plat. — by dryness, Lyc.,

Lys., Nat-m.).


• When walking the limbs feel as if made of wood.


• Skin: Looks dirty; brown or brownish-white spots here and there; warts, large, seedy,
pedunculated399 (Staph.); eruptions only on covered parts, burn after scratching.

Trickle: to flow slowly in a thin stream.
Urethra: the tube that carries liquid waste out of the body. In men sperm also flows along this tube.
Prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate gland.
Coition: sexual intercourse.
Peduncle: a narrow stalk by which a tumor or polyp is attached. p edun culated: having,
124 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

• Nails: Deformed, brittle (Ant-c.).


• Aggravation: At night; from heat of bed; at 3 a.m. and 3 p.m.; from cold, damp air;


• Complementary: Med., Sab., Sil.

• Compare: Cann-s., Canth., Cop., Staph.

• Cinnb. is preferable for warts on the prepuce [=foreskin].

• Follows well: After, Med., Merc., Nit-ac.

growing on, or being attached by a peduncle.

Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 125

Pus (with Bacilli) from Tubercular Abscess A Nosode


• Adapted to persons of light complexion; blue eyes; blonde401 in preference to burnette402;

tall, slim, flat, narrow chest; active and intelligent mentally, weak physically; the
tubercular diathesis403.

The potencies of Fincke and Swan were prepared from a drop of pus obtained from a
pulmonary tubercular abscess or sputa. Those of Heath from a tuberculous lung in which
the bacillus tuberculosis had been found microscopically; hence the former was called
Tuberculinum and the latter Bacillinum. Both preparations are reliable and effective.

Blonde: pale gold in colour
Brunette: (of hair, eyes, skin, etc.) of a dark color or tone.
Tubercular Diathesis: The individuals of this diathesis are tall, lean, and thin with a narrow
flat chest, narrow subcostal angle, narrow facies (facies = a facial expression characteristic
of a disease or pathological condition) due to their peculiar mental make-up, and are easily
affected by hurry, worry, and emotional stress.

They take cold easily and suffer from glandular swellings, tonsillitis, cough, and catarrhal
inflammation. Usually, they give a history of Tuberculosis in their family and are very much
susceptible to be attacked with Tuberculosis (=an infectious disease that may affect almost
any tissue of the body, especially the lungs, caused by the organism Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, and characterized by tubercles) (Dr. S. K. Dubey).
126 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Mental Generals

• Melancholy, hopeless; gloomy, irritable, restless, peevish404; reserved, sulky405;

naturally of a sweet nature, now on the edge of insanity [= madness].

• Everything in the room seemed strange as though in a strange place.

Physical Generals

• Symptoms ever changing; ailments affecting one organ, then another— the lungs,
brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous system—beginning suddenly, ceasing suddenly.

• Takes cold easily without knowing how or where; seems to take cold “every time he
takes breath of fresh air” (Hep.).

• Emaciation406 rapid and noticeable; losing flesh while eating well (Abrot., Calc., Con.,
Iod., Nat-m.).

• When with a family history of tubercular affections the best selected remedy fails to
relieve or permanently improve, without reference to name of disease.


• Headache: Chronic, tubercular; pain intense, sharp, cutting, from above right eye to
occiput [back part of head]; as of an iron hoop [=a large ring] around head (Anac.,
Sulph.); when the best selected remedy only palliates.

• School girl’s headache: < by study or even slight mental exertion; when using eyes in
close work and glasses fail to >; with a tubercular history.

• Acute cerebral or basilar meningitis, with threatened effusion; night-time hallucinations;

wakes from sleep frightened, screaming; when Apis, Hell., or Sulph., though well

Peevish: easily annoyed, often by things that are not important.
Sulky: in a bad mood or not speaking because you are angry about something.
Emaciation: the state of being abnormally thin or weak.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 127

selected, fail to improve. Plica polonica ; several bad cases permanently cured after
Borx. and Psor. failed.


• Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose; green, fetid
[= smelling very unpleasant] pus (Sec.).

Gastro-intestinal System

• Diarrhea: Early morning, sudden, imperative (Sulph.); belching408 though eating well
(Iod., Nat-m.), stool dark, brown, watery, offensive; discharged with great force; great
weakness and profuse night sweats.

Female Reproductive System

• Menses: Too early; too profuse; too long-lasting; tardy in starting; with frightful
dysmenorrhea409; in patients with a tuberculous history.

Respiratory System

• Tubercular deposit begins in apex of lungs, usually the left (Phos., Sulph., Ther.).


• Eczema: Tubercular over entire body; itching intense, < at night when undressing, from

Plica Polonica: a state of the hair in which it becomes twisted, matted, and crusted, usually as a
result of neglect, filth, and infestation by vermin.
Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.
Dysmenorrhea: painful menstruation.
128 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

bathing; immense quantities of white bran-like scales; oozing behind the ears, in the hair,
in folds of skin with rawness and soreness; fiery red skin. Ringworm.


• Complementary: Psor., Sulph.

• When Psor., Sulph., or the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve;
follows Psor. as a constitutional remedy in hay fever, asthma.

• Belladonna, for acute attacks, congestive or inflammatory, occurring in tubercular


• Hydrastis to fatten patients cured with Tub.

Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 129

Acrid: having a strong, bitter smell or taste that is unpleasant.

Agony: extreme physical or mental pain.

Ague: a disease such as malaria that causes a high temperature and shivering.

Alae Nasi: the expanded outer wall of cartilage (the strong white tissue that is important in
supporting and connecting parts of the body) on each side of the nose.

Amenorrhea: a condition in which an adult woman does not menstruate (= there is no flow
of blood from her womb every month).

Aphonia: loss of voice and of all but whispered speech.

Ascites: abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

Assimilation: The process of incorporating nutrient material into cells after digestion and

Atrophy: the condition of losing fat, muscle, strength, etc. in a part of the body because it
does not have enough blood.

Baldness: the fact of having little or no hair on the head.

Balm of Gilead: In ancient time the ‘Balm of Gilead’ was thought to be a remedy for all
type of wounds; similarly, Conium is considered as a remedy for the sufferings of
old maids and old bechaors (Dr S. K. Dubey).

Belch: to let air come up noisily from your stomach and out through your mouth.

Bending double: the top part of their body is leaning forward towards their legs, usually
because they are in great pain.

Bilious: relating to an illness, caused by too much bile, that can cause vomiting.

Bilious Attack: a group of symptoms consisting of headache, abdominal pain,

and constipation

Blonde: pale gold in colour

130 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Borborygmus: intestinal rumbling (= a long deep sound or series of sounds) caused by

moving gas.

Brood: to think a lot about something that makes you annoyed, anxious or upset.

Bruise: a blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after somebody has fallen,
been hit, etc.

Brunette: (of hair, eyes, skin, etc.) of a dark color or tone.

Bubo: a lymph node under the arm or in the groin that has become painful and swollen (=
larger than normal).

Buckshot: balls of lead that are fired from a shotgun.

Cachexia: weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness.

Carcinoma: the most common type of cancer. It begins in the epithelial tissue of the skin,
or in the tissue that lines internal organs, such as the liver or kidneys.

Carotid: either of the two large arteries in the neck that carry blood to the head.

Carrion: the decaying (= becoming destroyed by natural processes) bodies of dead animals.

Cataleptic: causing somebody to become stiff and unconscious for a short time.

Catarrh: thick liquid (called phlegm) that you have in your nose and throat because, for
example, you have a cold.

Catarrhal Ischuria: reduction in the flow of urine resulting from taking cold and cough.

Cathectic: People having a general lack of nutrition and wasting, occurring in course of a
chronic disease (Dr S. K. Duby).

Cauterization: a medical practice or technique of burning a part of a body to remove or

close off a part of it.

Celibacy: the state of not being married and never having sex, especially for religious

Chagrin: a feeling of being disappointed or annoyed.

Chalazae: a hard, round, transparent tumour, developed in different parts of

the body, more especially in the substance of the eyelids.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 131

Chancre: an area with an infection on the body that is not painful, especially one on the
outer sex organs, caused by disease (especially : the initial lesion of syphilis).

Chancroid: a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial infection that is

characterized by painful sores on the genitals.

Chemical Analogue: one medicine of vegetable kingdom becomes similar or parallel to

another medicine of mineral or chemical (Dr. S.K. Dubey).

Chlorosis: an iron-deficiency anemia especially of adolescent girls.

Choke: to be unable to breathe because the passage to your lungs is blocked or you cannot
get enough air.

Chop: to cut something into pieces

Cicatrices: the scar [=a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has got better] of a healed

Coccyx: [tailbone] the small bone at the bottom of the spine.

Coition: sexual intercourse.

Collapse: a state of extreme prostration and physical depression (as from circulatory
failure or great loss of body fluids).

Confinement: the time when a woman gives birth to a baby.

Congestion: the state of part of the body being blocked with blood or mucus.

Convulsion: a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled.

Corrode: To slowly destroy by chemical action.

Croup: a disease of children that makes them cough (= force air through the throat noisily) a
lot and have difficulty breathing.

Crumbling: breaking something into very small pieces.

Crust: a hard layer or surface, especially above or around something soft or liquid.

Curvature: the state of being curved.

132 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Debauchery : behaviour involving too much sex, alcohol or drugs.

Debility: physical weakness, especially as a result of illness

Delirium: a mental state where somebody becomes excited and not able to think or speak
clearly, usually because of illness.

Dermatitis: a skin condition in which the skin becomes red, swollen (= larger or rounder
than normal) and painful.

Diathesis: a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition.

Dilated Pupils: pupils that are larger than normal in size.

Diphtheria: a serious disease of the throat that causes difficulty in breathing.

Dissection wound: a poisoned wound incurred during the dissection of a dead body.

Distended: larger than normal due to pressure from inside.

Droop: hang or move downwards, especially because of being weak or tired.

Dropsy: [Edema] a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside the body and
makes it swell (= become larger or rounder than normal)

Drought: a flow of cool air in a room or other small space.

Dysmenorrhea: painful menstruation.

Dyspnea: difficult or labored respiration.

Edema: a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside the body and makes
it swell (= become larger or rounder than normal).

Emaciation: the state of being abnormally thin or weak.

Epidemic: a large number of cases of a particular disease or medical condition happening

at the same time in a particular community.

Epigastrium: the part of the upper abdomen immediately over the stomach.

Epiglottis: a thin piece of tissue behind the tongue that prevents food or drink from entering
the lungs.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 133

Erysipelas: An acute bacterial infection of the skin and superficial lymphatic vessels,
caused by streptococci and marked by localized inflammation and fever.

Exanthema: a skin rash accompanying a disease or fever.

Excoriate: to make a person’s skin painful, and often red.

Excrescence: an ugly part that has grown on a part of an animal’s body caused by disease.

Expectorate: to cough and make phlegm (= a thick substance) come up from your lungs
into your mouth so you can spit it out.

Expectoration: to eject from the throat or lungs by coughing.

Exposure: [contact] the state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection
from sth harmful or unpleasant.

Extremities: the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands
and feet

Eyelash: one of the hairs growing on the edge of the eyelids.

Fauces: the narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx between the soft palate and
the base of the tongue.

Feces: solid waste material that leaves the body through the anus.

Fetus: a young human before it is born, especially more than eight weeks after fertilization.

Fibrous: made of many fibres; looking like fibres. Fibre: a material such as cloth or rope
that is made from a mass of natural or artificial threads.

Fidgety: (of a person) unable to remain still or quiet, usually because of being bored or

Fig warts: a soft, bright red, pointed or tufted tumor found about the genitals, often massed
into groups of large size. It is a variety of condyloma.

Flatulence: an uncomfortable feeling caused by having too much gas in the stomach.

Flatus: gas in the stomach or intestines.

Flexor: a muscle that allows you to bend part of your body.

134 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Fluttering: moving lightly and quickly.

Fontanelle: a space between the bones of a baby’s skull, which makes a soft area on the top
of the baby’s head.

Foreboding: a strong feeling that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen.

Frenulum: an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects
the foreskin (prepuce) to the vernal mucosa, and helps contract the foreskin over the

Fright: a feeling of fear.

Furrow: a deep line in the skin of the face.

Gag: to have the unpleasant feeling in your mouth and stomach as if you are going to vomit.

Gleet: a chronic inflammation (such as gonorrhea) of a bodily orifice usually

accompanied by an abnormal discharge.

Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that is transmitted by sexual contact. Men

with gonorrhea may have a yellowish discharge from the penis accompanied by
itching and burning.

Gush: [sudden outpouring] a large amount of something produced in a short time.

Hallucination: the experience of seeing something that is not really there because you
are ill or have taken a drug.

Hemoptysis: the coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx,
trachea, or lungs. In other words, it is the airway bleeding. This can occur with lung
cancer, infections such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, or pneumonia, and certain
cardiovascular conditions.

Hemorrhage: a medical condition in which there is severe loss of blood from a

damaged blood vessel inside a person’s body.

Hippocratic Face: the face as it appears near death and in some debilitating conditions
marked by sunken eyes and temples, pinched nose, and tense hard skin.

Hoarseness: the quality in somebody's voice of sounding rough and unpleasant, especially
because of a sore throat.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 135

Hollow: (of parts of the face) sinking deeply into the face.

Hydrant: a pipe in the street through which water can be sent using a pump in order to put
out fires or to clean the streets.

Hydrocephalous: an abnormal increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the

cranial cavity (as from obstructed flow, excess production, or defective
absorption) that is accompanied by expansion of the cerebral ventricles and often
increased intracranial pressure, skull enlargement, and cognitive decline.

Hydrogenous Constitution: Von Grauvogl has enlisted this constitution in one of his three
constitutional groups. It refers to a constitution which has increased water content in
blood vessels and tissues.

Hypertrophy: an increase in the size of an organ or tissue because its cells grow in size.

Hypochondriac: worried all the time about your health and believing that you are ill when
there is nothing wrong with you.

Hysteria: a state of extreme excitement, fear or anger in which a person, or a group of

people, loses control of their emotions and starts to cry, laugh, etc.

Ichorous: a thin watery or blood-tinged discharge.

Icicle: a pointed piece of ice that is formed when water freezes as it falls down from
something such as a roof

Ileo-Caecal: the valve formed by two folds of mucous membrane at the opening of the
ileum into the large intestine

Indurated: having become hard.

Induration: any pathological hardening or thickening of tissue.

Inflammation: a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, painful and swollen
(= larger than normal) because of infection or injury.

Ingest: to take food, drugs, etc. into your body, usually by swallowing (= making them go
down your throat).

Insular: connected with an island or islands.

136 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Intercoastal: located between the ribs (= the curved bones that go around the chest).

Intercurrent: occurring during and modifying the course of another disease.

Intermittent Fever: a malarial fever in which feverish periods lasting a few hours alternate
with periods in which the temperature is normal.

Intermittent: stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly.

Intertrigo: a fancy name for a rash that shows up between the folds of skin. The most
common areas affected include larger skin-fold areas such as: Armpits. Beneath the

Inverted: turn upside down.

Ironing: the task of pressing clothes, etc. with an iron to make them smooth.

Jar: an unpleasant shock, especially from things being suddenly shaken or hit.

Lameness: the condition of being unable to walk well because of an injury to the leg or foot.

Larynx: (syn. voice-box) the area at the top of the throat that contains the vocal cords.

Leucophlegmatic: Flabby, calm, apathetic, slow to act or react; unexcitable (Dr S. K.


Lithotomy: surgical removal of a calculus (stone) from the bladder, kidney, or urinary tract.

Lumbago: pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back.

Lumbar vertebrae: consist of five individual cylindrical bones that form the spine in
the lower back. These vertebrae carry all the upper body's weight while providing
flexibility and movement to the trunk region.

Lymph: a clear liquid containing white blood cells that helps to clean the tissues of the body
and helps to prevent infections from spreading.

Malicious: having a desire to harm somebody.

Malignant: In medicine, the word malignant is a term referring to a condition that is

dangerous to health. While it is often used interchangeably with cancer, the term is
also used to describe medical and psychological conditions other than cancer that are
dangerous or ominous.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 137

Marasmus: a form of malnutrition. It happens when the intake of nutrients and energy is
too low for a person’s needs. It leads to wasting, or the loss of body fat and muscle.
A child with marasmus may not grow as children usually do.

Meatus: the opening to the ear canal

Menorrhagia: abnormally profuse menstrual flow.

Mesmerize: [Hypnotize] to have someone's attention completely so that they

cannot think of anything else.

Metastasis: the development of tumours in different parts of the body resulting from cancer
that has started in another part of the body; one of these tumours.

Metrorrhagia: irregular uterine bleeding especially between menstrual periods.

Mortification: disgrace.

Mucous Membrane: a thin layer of skin that covers the inside of the nose and mouth and
the outside of other organs in the body, producing mucus to prevent these parts from
becoming dry.

Mumps: a disease, especially of children, that causes painful swellings at the sides of the
face and under the ears.

Nausea: a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.

Nauseates: to make somebody feel that they want to vomit.

Necrosis: the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue caused by injury, disease
or a loss of blood supply.

Nocturnal Enuresis: involuntary urination that happens at night while sleeping, after the
age when a person should be able to control his or her bladder.

Nostrum: a medicine that is not made in a scientific way, and that is not effective.

Occiput: the back part of the head.

Ophthalmia Neonatorum: acute inflammation of the eyes of a newborn from infection

during passage through the birth canal.

Orifice: a hole or opening, especially one in the body; i.e: the nasal orifice.
138 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Ossification: the natural process of bone formation.

Otitis: Otitis is a general term for inflammation or infection of the ear.

Otorrhea: a discharge from the external ear.

Ovariectomy: surgical removal of one or both ovaries.

Palliate: to make a disease or an illness less painful or unpleasant without curing it.

Paraphimosis: a condition in which the foreskin is retracted behind the glans penis and
cannot be brought back to its original position.

Parchment: the skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on.

Paresis: a condition of muscular weakness caused by nerve damage or disease;

Parietal bone: a bone forming the central side and upper back part of each side of the skull.

Paroxysm: a sudden short attack of pain, causing physical shaking that cannot be

Patch: a small area of something, especially one which is different from the area around it.

Peduncle: a narrow stalk by which a tumor or polyp is attached. pedunculated: having,

growing on, or being attached by a peduncle.

Peevish: easily annoyed, often by things that are not important.

Pelvic: connected with the pelvis. (pelvis: the wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the
body that the legs and spine are connected to).

Pelvis: the wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are
connected to.

Periosteum: the membrane of connective tissue that closely invests all bones except at
the articular surfaces.

Phalanges: the bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot. There
are 56 Phalanges in the human body, with fourteen on each hand and foot.

Phimosis: A condition in which the foreskin of the penis is too tight to be pulled back to
reveal the glans.
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 139

Phlegmatic: easily suffers from cold and cough.

Phlegmonous: relating to a phlegmon (= a purulent inflammation and infiltration of

connective tissue).

Phthisis: a progressively wasting or consumptive condition.

Physometra: distension of the uterus due to the presence of gas or air.

Piercing: sharp and able to make a hole in something.

Pit of stomach: the bottom of the stomach where people say they feel strong feelings,
especially fear.

Plethoric: characterized by plethora or excess of blood.

Pleura: one of the two membranes that surround the lungs.

Plica polonica: a state of the hair in which it becomes twisted, matted, and crusted, usually
as a result of neglect, filth, and infestation by vermin.

Portal system: a system of veins that begins and ends in capillaries.

Predispose: to make it likely that you will suffer from a particular illness.

Prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate gland.

Prostration: extreme physical weakness.

Protrude: to stick out from a place or a surface

Psoric Constitution: The persons having this constitution are over-sensitive both physically
and mentally and frequently suffer from functional disturbance arising from
emotional disturbance. Skin dry, unwashed appearance with numerous eruptions.
Itching, ameliorated by scratching, but skin burns and smarts afterward. Hands and
feet burn, flushes of heat, especially over the face: desires hot foods and meats.
Cannot stand still; the patient must walk or lean against something if he is on his feet.
Very much susceptible to cold; complaints ameliorated by heat; aggravated by
winter; ameliorated by summer. A psoric patient is always afraid of dying but lives
on for years.

Ptosis: a drooping of the upper eyelid.

140 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Ptyalism: [hypersalivation] excessive salivation.

Puberty: the period of a person’s life during which their sexual organs develop, and they
become capable of having children.

Purgative: a substance, especially a medicine, that causes your bowels to empty.

Quack: a person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills.

Quinsy: an abscess in the tissue around a tonsil usually resulting from bacterial infection
and often accompanied by pain and fever.

Racking: to make somebody suffer great physical or mental pain.

Rag: a piece of old, often torn, cloth.

Ranula: A ranula is a fluid collection or cyst that forms in the mouth under the tongue.

Rattling: making a series of short loud sounds when shaking or hitting against something

Rawness: the fact of being red and painful because the skin has been damaged.

Regurgitation: the act of bringing food that has been swallowed back up into the mouth

Relapse: a recurrence of symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement.

Rosacea: a chronic inflammatory skin disorder typically involving the nose, forehead,
and chin that is characterized especially by redness....

Sacrum: a bone in the lower back, between the two hip bones of the pelvis. Pelvis: the wide
curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are connected

Sallow: (of a person’s skin or face) having a slightly yellow colour that does not look

Sandy: having a light colour, between yellow and red.

Satiety: the state or feeling of being completely full of food.

Saucer: a small shallow round dish that a cup stands on.

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Sausage: a mixture of meat, fat, bread, etc. cut into small pieces, put into a long tube of skin,
cooked and eaten whole or served cold in thin slices.

Sciatica: pain in the back, hip and outer side of the leg, caused by pressure on
the sciatic nerve.

Scirrhus: a firm, densely collagenous cancer.

Scorbutic: relating to or affected with scurvy.

Scrofulous: same as strumous [= goitrous] constitution. Scrofula: a disease in which

the glands swelled (= became bigger and rounder).

Sighing: taking and then letting out a long deep breath that can be heard, to show that you
are disappointed, sad, tired, etc.

Small of back: The lower part of the back where it curves in most. Generally located above
where most people wear their pants.

Smarting: feeling of a sharp pain in a part of your body.

Sneezing: to have air come suddenly and noisily out through your nose and mouth in a way
that you cannot control, for example because you have a cold.

Spermatorrhea: a condition of excessive, involuntary ejaculation.

Spinach: a vegetable with large, dark-green leaves that are cooked or eaten in salads.

Splashing: (of liquid) to fall noisily onto a surface.

Sprain: to injure a joint in your body, especially your wrist or ankle, by suddenly twisting it.

Sputa: liquid from the throat or lungs, especially when it is coughed up (= forced up from
the lungs, etc) because of disease.

Sputum: liquid from the throat or lungs, especially when it is coughed up (= forced up from
the lungs, etc) because of disease.

Squirm: to move around a lot making small twisting movements, because you are nervous,
uncomfortable, etc.
142 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

Standstill: a situation in which all activity or progress has stopped.

Stockings: a pair of thin pieces of clothing that fit closely over a woman’s legs and feet.

Stoop: a posture in which the head and shoulders are habitually bent forwards.

Stooping: bending one's head or body forwards and downwards.

Stoop-shouldered: a posture in which the head and shoulders are habitually bent forwards.

Strain: to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work too hard.

Strangle: to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of.

Strangulated Hernia: a hernia in which the blood supply of the herniated viscus is so
constricted by swelling and congestion as to arrest its circulation. (Strangulated =
made so narrow by pressure that blood etc. cannot pass through it)

Stunned: that has not been able to grow or develop as much as it should.

Stupefying: making you unable to think clearly.

Stye: an infection of the eyelid (= the skin above or below the eye) which makes it red and

Suffocating: making it difficult to breathe normally.

Sulky: in a bad mood or not speaking because you are angry about something.

Suppress: to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing.

Suppurate: (of a cut, wound, etc.) to produce a thick yellow liquid (called pus) because of

Suppuration: the production of a thick yellow liquid (called pus) in a cut, wound, etc.
because of infection.

Swallow: to take through the mouth into the stomach.

Sweat [syn. Perspiration]: drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you
are hot, ill or afraid.

Swollen: (of a part of the body) larger than normal, especially as a result of a disease or an
Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1) 143

Sycotic: Patients of this constitution are suspicious, cross and irritable, deceitful, jealous,
cruel, and vindictive. They suffer from diseases associated with proliferation and
infiltration of tissues, warty growths, and gouty affections, valvular diseases of the
heart. Complaints ameliorated by abnormal discharges (e.g., Leucorrhoea, coryza,
etc.) They are prone to be attacked by Asthma, Rheumatism, disease of genito-
urinary organs (Dr. S. K. Dubey).

Syphilitic Miasm: A patient of syphilitic miasm is dull, stupid, stubborn, sullen, morose and
usually suspicious; Melancholic and condemn themselves; very silent; wants to
commit suicide; Forgetful and slow comprehensive. Complaints are aggravated at
night, become restless and anxious. Complaints aggravated in summer and
ameliorated in winter. Ulceration and discharge of pus with offensive odour but it
ameliorates the complaints. Eruptions crusty and oozing pus, skin greasy and sweaty,
much offensive odour; sweat does not relieve. Hair tends to fall out. Desires cold
food and aversion to meat (Dr. S. K. Dubey).

Taciturn: tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfriendly.

Tangle: a twisted mass of hair that cannot be easily separated.

Tell-Tale Face (Sep.): The face that tells the story of sufferings (Dr S. K. Dubey); indicative

Tenesmus: continuing to exist, have influence, etc. for longer than you might expect.

Throb (of a part of the body): to feel a series of regular painful movements.

Tossing about: move restlessly from side to side or un and down (Dr. S. K. Dubey).

Transverse Colon: the middle portion of the colon that extends across the abdominal

Trickle: to flow slowly in a thin stream.

Tubercular Diathesis: The individuals of this diathesis are tall, lean, and thin with a narrow
flat chest, narrow subcostal angle, narrow facies (facies = a facial expression
characteristic of a disease or pathological condition) due to their peculiar mental
make-up, and are easily affected by hurry, worry, and emotional stress. They take
cold easily and suffer from glandular swellings, tonsillitis, cough, and catarrhal
inflammation. Usually, they give a history of Tuberculosis in their family and are
144 Allen’s Keynotes Easy (Part-1)

very much susceptible to be attacked with Tuberculosis (=an infectious disease that
may affect almost any tissue of the body, especially the lungs, caused by the
organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and characterized by tubercles) (Dr. S. K.

Typhus: a bacterial infection that a person can acquire when they come into contact with
infected insects.

Umbilical Hernia: an abnormal bulge that can be seen or felt at the umbilicus (belly button).
This hernia develops when a portion of the lining of the abdomen, part of the
intestine, and / or fluid from the abdomen, comes through the muscle of the
abdominal wall.

Uremia (uremic syndrome) is a serious complication of chronic kidney disease and acute
kidney injury (which used to be known as acute renal failure).

Urethra: the tube that carries liquid waste out of the body. In men sperm also flows along
this tube.

Vegetable Analogue: parallel or similar to the medicine prepared from vegetable kingdom
(Dr S. K. Dubey).

Vertigo: the feeling of dizziness and fear, and of losing your balance.

Vesicles: [blister] a small swelling filled with liquid under the skin.

Vicarious: occurring in an unexpected or abnormal part of the body instead of the usual
one. e.g.: vicarious menstruation manifested by bleeding from the nose.

Vulva: the outer opening of the female sex organs.

Waterbrash: a sudden flow of saliva associated with indigestion.

Wean: to gradually stop feeding a baby with its mother’s milk and start feeding it with solid

Wheeze: to breathe noisily and with difficulty.

Whooping cough: a disease, especially of children, that makes them cough and have
difficulty breathing).
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Windgall: a soft tumor on a horse's leg in the region of the fetlock joint.

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