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Dear Jason

I hope you are doing fine!

Sorry for not writing sooner, I had to catch up with some assignments I didn’t complete before holidays
and I kind of lost track of time. I just managed to complete everything, so I have more free time.

I cannot thank you enough for receiving me! It was the best holiday I’ve had in years and I managed to
make my friends here jealous. They would have never believed me I managed to pet a live tiger if it
weren’t for your videos. That’s the other thing, thanks a lot for the videos! I didn’t know you had
recorded so much; I will make sure I upload them to Facebook tomorrow morning!

Whenever you have the opportunity, come and visit! I will make sure to make you have a great time!
We can go to the beach and we can visit the local amusement park!

Have a nice day!



While technology has advanced enormously the last century there are many things that have not
disappeared as someone may think. Many people would have thought that with the advances of
technology and information storage, the book should have disappeared or should be disappearing. The
reality could not be farther from this.

With access to internet and computers, we have at our disposal most of the knowledge on the tip of our
fingers. Many devices have been created in order to read scientific papers, novels or articles on the go;
for example, the Kindle, which is a tablet made specifically for reading. Nevertheless, most families
should have at least a couple of books, probably passed down from their grand-parents and other
percent of the population prefers buying physical books instead of digital ones.

I disagree with the assumption that the book is disappearing and that reading the digital copy is better.
There is something special about opening a book and reading it. I had the chance to have around a
dozen books when I was younger. Even though I have not read as much as I did years ago, I like to buy
and read them from time to time. From the act of having one in my hands and being disconnected from
everything else. In addition, being in front of the computer too much is not very good for my sight.

Another great thing about having a physical copy, is that I can take it with me wherever I go. If I want to
travel out of the city, I can take a book with me, something I cannot do with my computer as I do not
own a Kindle. The act of sharing a book with someone else means that you trust them, for me at least. I
was taught from a very young age that books are a treasure, therefore, If I lent one it means I trust that

I wish I could own more books; I enjoy seeing my bookshelf filled to the brim with books from different
genres. I do not think the written word will disappear in the near future because of the simplicity and
easiness of its use, and hopefully prices will not increase so people would have easy access to them.

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