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Submitted to Arife Billah (AfB) sir
Rashik Hasan
Case study: Producing toys-child’s play?
1. Reading the case and putting yourself in the role of the product manager, what
would your immediate gut reaction be?
From reading the case, we know that in Europe that workers are only allowed to work
after a certain age and they are paid each a standard wage, which they can use to support
themselves or families. So when seeing a family like this working for their livelihood.
Even the children at first my gut feeling would be terrible. I am so used to seeing grown
men work that what these people are doing is heartbreaking and should be illegal. A 5-
14-year-old children should not be in the factory making toys. There might be an
occupational hazard that can be very lethal. They should be in school studying and
working on their future.
2. Based on your spontaneous immediate decision, can you set out the reasons for your
choice? Also, can you relate those reasons back to some underlying values or
principles that are obviously important to you?

Again the reason for doing having this gut reaction is because of what I am used to seeing
in Europe, where children are sent to school and not to work. They do chores which are
needed for households. However, they do not have any need to work in the factories for their
daily lives. My personal values are that children are to be in school and learn mathematics
and things which are essential and have a better life. Not work in factory and slave away
without any personal development. Just because it is cheaper to make doesn’t mean it is the
right thing to do. One man profiting from the slavery of children is not the most ethical thing
to do.

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