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Ranking of hands

There are 2 different ways, 3 Patti is played. One is by using a standard 52-card deck and
another is by adding the 2 Joker Cards, which are used in the game as wild cards. In both the
versions, the ranking rules for the card are same, Aces being the highest rank and 2's lowest.
The object of the game is to have the best 3-card hand, and to maximize the pot before the
showdown. Any hand of a higher category beats any hand of a lower category.
The categories are ranked as follows:
[edit]Three of a kind/trio/Trail
Three of the same cards. Three aces are the highest and three twos are the lowest. This hand is
also widely called 'Trail', which in some other areas the name of straight (and straight is instead
called 'Round'.)
[edit]Straight Flush/Pure Sequence/Pure Trail/Pakki Round
Three consecutive cards of the same suit. In the areas where a Trio is called Trail, this hand is
called 'Pakki Round' (Pure round).
The order of ranking from highest to lowest is: A-2-3, A-K-Q, K-Q-J, Q-J-10 and so on down to 4-
In the Deuce-to-Five High variation version that is very popular (also refer to the probabilities
below), 2-3-5 flush is the highest straight flush (higher than the A-K-Q flush). This variation
makes sense as the odds of a straight flush is then evened up with the Trio.
2-A-K is not a valid straight.
If two players have the same combination then the pot is split between the two. In another
variation, where the suits hold ranks, the player with the higher suit (spade, heart, diamond, and
club in descending order of rank) wins the pot.
The fact that a Trio ranks higher than a Pure Sequence is a serious flaw in the game, because
the ranking of hands is decided by probability (less probable hand ranks higher), and the
probability of being dealt a Pure Sequence is less than that of a Trio. This flaw is equivalent to a
Pair being higher than a Sequence.
Three consecutive cards not all in the same suit. In the areas where Trio is called trail, Straight is
referred as Round.
A-2-3, A-K-Q, K-Q-J, Q-J-10 and so on down to 4-3-2.
In the Deuce-to-Five High variation version that is very popular (also refer to the probabilities
below), 2-3-5 is the highest straight (higher than the A-K-Q).
2-A-K is not a valid straight.
If two players have the same combination then the pot is split between the two. In another
variation, where the suits hold ranks, the highest/top/rank card of the straight combination is
compared. The player with the top card of the higher suit (spade, heart, diamond, and club in
descending order of rank) wins the pot.
Colour - any three cards of the same suit. When comparing two colours, compare the highest
card; if these are equal compare the second; if these are equal too, compare the lowest. Thus
the highest colour is A-K-J and the lowest is 5-4-2.
Two cards of the same rank. Between two pairs the one with the higher value is the winner. If
the pairs are of equal value then the odd/kicker card determines the winner. Therefore the
lowest pair is 2-2-3 and the highest is A-A-K.
[edit]No Pair/High Card
If two players share a common high card, the next highest card is used to determine the winner

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