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Answer the following questions. Use complete answers.

1. What’s your first name?

My Firts Name is Roberto
2. What’s your middle name?
My Middle name is Carlos
3. What’s your last name?
My Last Name is Amasifuen Espinoza
4. What’s your full name?
Roberto Carlos Amasifuen Espinoza
5. What’s your nick name?
My Nick name is Chiqui
6. What’s your cell phone/ telephone number?
7. How old are you?
I’m 39 Years Old Now
8. How old is your father?
My Father is Sixty Years Old
9. What’s your e.mail address?
My Email adress is
10. What’s your address?
My adress is Jr los Incas # 853
11. What’s your job?
I’m a Teacher in the school
12. What’s your favorite day?
My favorite Day is Monday
13. What’s your favorite color?
My favorite Color is Skyblue
14. What day is it today?
Today is Saturday January 16th 20221
15. What’s your favorite season?
My favorite Season is Winter
16. When is your birthday?
My Birthday is april five
17. When are your English lessons?
My English Lessons is Friday and
18. What’s your favorite month?
My favorite Month is april
19. What’s the name of your city?
The name of my city is Satipo
20. What’s the name of your university?
The name of my university is ULADECH

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