No Cost Associated With Borrowing. If The Money Was Borrowed As A Loan Then

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Calling it a psychological disorder is akin to calling it a mental disorder which is a medical

condition. I don't think there is a need to call debtors that.

There was a real case I learnt about someone who borrowed huge sums of money from many to
speculate in the stock market. He made good profits initially but at some point the market
crashed and he lost everything. The repayment dates were looming and the guy simply vanished
from his town. After a long time, and after roping support from his family, close friends, powerful
members of his community and prominent members of his town he drafted a strategy to repay
some amounts. So what was the "repayment strategy" ?

 Guys from whom there was a threat to life and limb would be paid first, in full and
with full interest.
 Guys who are not that violent, but who are well connected and can significantly
tarnish your reputation would be paid next, in full and with reduced interest.
 Guys who are from the wife's close family, from the same community, and so on
would be paid, in full but with no interest.
 All the rest will be asked to go take a hike.
There could be 3 possible reasons that people who borrow money may not want to return it.

1. No cost associated with borrowing. If the money was borrowed as a loan then
there are mechanisms to ensure that the person does not "forget" repaying it. There
are costs involved with missing payments. Fines are imposed, reputations are
tarnished, creditworthiness is affected, after a point one may get jailed or even worse
get mobbed and beaten when dealing with shady lenders. So it is possible that if there
is no cost associated with borrowing there are no checks and balances.
2. Borrowing within friends/family. Within families at least it can be observed that
people borrow and may not return money within the agreed time. It is possible
because things may move on trust. The lender may implicitly trust the borrower to
payback eventually in cash or in some other form that everyone agrees on.
3. Not caring to repay, plain and simple. Yes, this too happens. Something like this
especially in friends/families. This is the worst case and the borrower too eventually
ends up in a dead-end when no one trusts and lends money to him/her.
So in short, the borrower's behavior is calibrated by what he/she has got to lose.

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