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Script English


Class : 1B
o Opening

Good morning ladies and gentleman, I ‘d like to quickly introduce myself, I am

Suryani Meiranda from health promotion,
Did you know that liquor can kill you?
What I want to share with you is the content contained in liquor
In the next section I will show you the diseases caused by alcoholism
If you have any question, please don’t hesilate to intrrupt me, I am happy to
answer any question as we go along.
o Content
liquor is a beverage that contains ethanol. Ethanol is a psychoactive
substance and its consumption causes loss of consciousness. When consumed
in excess, alcoholic drinks can cause side effects of organic mental disorders
(GMO), which are disturbances in the function of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
The emergence of GMOs is due to the direct reaction of alcohol to the central
nerve cells. Because of the addictive nature of alcohol, people who drink it over
time without realizing it will increase the dose / dose to the dose of poisoning or
alcohol can cause decreased concentration and loss of self-control, which
can increase the risk of accidents. Meanwhile, if drunk continuously for a long
time, alcohol can cause various chronic diseases, even death.

 Illness caused by alcohol :

 Liver disease
 Heart and blood vessel disease
 Cancer
 Brain and nerve disorders
 Depression
 Alcohol addiction
o Closing

Thank you so much for your interest and attention

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