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How do you like to be remembered by your pupils when you will be a teacher in the future?

Everyone wants to be remembered, to curve a mark on everyone’s heart, to leave a legacy that
it’s you who change them. How do you want to be remembered?
When you think of the type of teacher you’d like to be, who comes to mind? The math teacher
that helped pupils conquer numbers and fractions? The English teacher who will teach them on
how to read and write stories? The history teacher who will take them back in the past? The
teacher that will help them discover a new sport, hobby, talent—or maybe even nudge them
down your current career path.
For me as a future educator, I want to be remembered in a simple but special way and that’s
being a role model not only to the kids whom I will be guiding, so as their parents and to
community I will be serving.
A role model is a person who inspires and encourages them to strive for greatness, live to their
fullest potential and see the best in themselves. A role model is someone they aspire to be like.
They will learn through me, through my commitment to excellence and through my ability to
make them realize their own personal growth.
To be an educator not only means to make them knowledgeable with things an individual must
learn. It doesn’t mean that your pupils must be intelligent for you to be so called great educator.
Let me tell you that being a good teacher , doesn’t require that pupils must perfect their exams or
receive an award , being a good teacher is when you turned their lives into good one wherein
they are not just been developed mentally, but most importantly, they are honed morally. They
are not just knowledgeable but are learned. Attitudes always matters most than brains.
I don’t want to be remembered just because I’m intelligent, beautiful or kind. I want to be
remembered the way I am. I want to be marked as their teacher who look into what they must
learn not just on books but in life. A teacher who treats every kid as her own child, equally
without looking into their capabilities. A teacher who not just love her profession, but a teacher
who loves and wants to teach to change and developed the lives of every kid who thirst with
Whoever teacher you may want to be, what really matters is who and what we are in front of
our pupils, how can we mold them to be better in the future, and how we can be remembered.
Much of what children learn from their greatest teacher is not detailed syllabus. Teacher who
help them grow as people are responsible for imparting some of life’s most important lesson.
And this is how I want to be as how I want to be remembered.

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