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The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 1988, 6, 11-22

Verbally-Governed and Event-Governed Behavior

Ernest A. Vargas
West Virginia University
A number of statements prescribe behavior: apothegms, maxims, proverbs, instructions, and so
on. These differing guides to conduct present varieties of the dictionary definition of "rules."
The term "rules" thus defines a category of language usage. Such a term, and its derivative, "rule-
governed," does not address a controlling relation in the analysis of verbal behavior. The pre-
vailing confounding of a category of language with a category of verbal behavior appears related
to a lack of understanding as to what distinguishes verbal behavior from other behavior. Verbal
behavior is a behavior-behavior relation in which events are contacted through the mediation of
another organism's behavior specifically shaped for such mediation by a verbal community. It
contrasts with behavior that contacts events directly, and shaped directly by the features of those
events. Thus we may distinguish between two large classes of behavior by whether it is behavior
controlled by events, or behavior controlled verbally. However, the functional controls operative
with both classes of behavior do not differ.

The current conventional treatment of a verbal relation outside of those already

rules accepts the presumption that there is mentioned in our analysis of verbal behavior.
a subset of verbal behavior, represented by Why the confusion? Any answer simply
mexims, proverbs, apothegms, instructions, speculates. But it appears as if the behavior-
and other guides to conduct, that deserves ological analysis of verbal behavior, thirty
a special analysis. The presumption is not years after its inception, still is not well
correct. The subset is not of verbal behavior, understood. People can recite well enough
but one of language usage, and perhaps the basic categories into which Skinner (1957,
deserves a category there, alongside those in Verbal Behavior,) sorts out the differing
categories of nouns, propositions, sentences, controlling relations of verbal behavior. But
and other linguistic types. Nothing in that the central heart of the book-why verbal
language subset justifies a new category of behavior deserves a special analysis-seems
verbal behavior that would be called "rule- yet to elude those who at least glance at what
governed behavior," and that would stand a functional analysis of verbal behavior
alongside the current categories of tacts, implies. What verbal behavior shares with
mands, and the rest. other behavior, and how it idiosyncratically
The literature on rules confounds and con- differs, needs to be spelled out in order to
understand why "rule-governed behavior"
fuses the theoretical issues more than it is a conceptual will-of-the-wisp.
clarifies them. The problem resides with the
term "rules," or more accurately, "rule- VERBAL BEHAVIOR:
governed." It never should have been ITS UNIQUE CHARACTERISTIC,
coined. Skinner probably wishes he never AND ITS SHARED ONES
had done so (Skinner, in press). The term Four critical characteristics of verbal behav-
has not only led to a misguided analysis, but Ior underlie its behaviorological analysis. It
one away from the behaviorological formula- is mediated, selected by consequences,
tion of verbal behavior. Slowly but surely a nonautonomous, and relational. The latter.
cognitive interpretation is given to so-called three characteristics it shares with all
"rule-govemed behavior." Even pigeons are behavior. The first sets it apart.
now said to formulate rules. But so-called
"rule-governed behavior" does not address Its Unique Characteristic: Mediated Behavior
I would like to thank Guy Bruce, Barbara Kaminski, Ted Organisms either directly contact their
Hoch, Lawrence Fraley, Albert Keamey, and Julie Vargas, physical, biological, and behavioral environ-
for a reading of this manuscript in draft. ments, or have that contact mediated.
In direct contact, the movements of an
organism and its parts directly effect changes ENU I RONMENT
in its immediate world. An organism grasps > / re~~~~~~~~~nvironment
a door knob and pushes, and a door opens. mediating cntact
It approaches a water faucet, opens a spigot, organinm organ sm agency ~~~~hrough
(< -tmediating (3)
and drinks water. It spots a ripe apple on a agency
tree, and pulls and picks the apple. It smells
a foul odor, and avoids rotten meat. It grasps
a wasp, is stung, and releases it. The
examples are as numerous as the everyday rence of an organism behaving due to an
interaction of organisms with their world. We unknown event when that event affects the
may portray such direct contact, in its simp- behavior of another organism. The second
lest fashion, as follows: and third examples illustrate social behav-
ior-organisms acting in concert, with con-
sequent advantage to the group. The third
example additionally portrays that special
social behavior in the human organism
organism environment (1)
called "verbal behavior."
Intraverbal Behavior-sequelic, codic, duplic.1
We easily observe the mediational effect in
intraverbal behavior, that is, in verbal
behavior under the control of verbal stimuli.
In mediated contact, the behavior of a An individual learns to talk and write and
second organism (or organisms) intervenes gesture about many things he or she never
or stands between the behavior of a first encounters. A civil war buff recalls the Bat-
organism and an environment. We may por- tle of Bull Run without having heard the roar
tray such mediation as follows: or smelled the smoke of that battle. A
paleontologist presents a lecture on dino-
l saurs without having encountered one. A
geologist describes a volcanic explosion
orgar sm ;Imediating environme.nt (2) without having seen a volcano. A typical
organism agency scenario for the geologist's mediated
I behavior might be where an observer des-
cribes in writing a volcanic explosion she
witnesses; the geologist reads about that
explosion, and later lectures on it.
The first organism contacts the mediating The advantage is obvious in talking about
agency. The mediating agency, a second events we have never encountered. We gain
organism or group of organisms-a verbal from the entire community's contact with
community in the case of the human the world around it. Most of what we know
organism-contacts the environment. The of the world, we know through others. We
result of that contact, the response of the do not directly experience it. That advantage,
mediating agency, determines in large however, carries a cost: such talk easily leads
measure the behavior of the first organism to to discussions of elves, leprechauns, gods on
the environment. Mount Olympus, gods elsewhere, ghosts in
The mediation relationship is a common the machine, and other such reifications as
one in nature. An animal suddenly hears all if they were real-as if the speaker were
others become quiet, and it too freezes into directly describing contacts with events.
immobility. A prairie dog yelps a waming, Those listening then react to reifications as
and the rest of the colony, without having they do to reality.
seen or heard the source of the danger, Reactions to fictional events as if they were
rushes to shelter. A boy cries "wolf," and the
villagers, without having seen the wolf, take 1. For a discussion of these verbal behavior categories,
up arms. which follow but differ slightly from Skinner's (1957),
The first example typifies the usual occur- see Vargas (1986).
actual events lead some analysts to confound
words with objects, to argue that we react to
words as we do to objects. But words about ENUIJRONMENT
events are not the events themselves. We do environment
not behave to words as we do to objects? organism > >/ mediator
organism contact
-with (4)
verbalizing mediating
More accurately stated, we do not behave to agency
verbal behavior about events as we do to the
events themselves. We do not react to the
word "elephant" as we do to the elephant.
We do not hunt the word, ride it, or feed it
peanuts. We might, however, talk about (1) With Mediating Agency. A specific verbal
doing all three. Such talk differs from the response would not be emitted for the first
doing (though emotional concomitants time without a mediator or mediating agency
might to some degree be similar); and the who pairs a verbal utterance with an object
controls over doing and talking considerably or an event. A father and daughter walk
differ. along the beach. They spot a sea shell. As his
Extraverbal Behavior-the Mand. We can also daughter picks it up, the father says, "That's
observe clearly in the verbal relation called a queen conch." A little further along the
"the mand," the difference between behav- walk, his daughter says, "Oh, dad, here's
ior that directly contacts events, and behavior another queen conch." The father says,
with respect to those events mediated. One "That's right." A teacher in an electronics
may reach for the butter at the dinner table class states, "We reviewed the parts of a com-
or request someone to pass the butter. One puter this morning. When I point to the part,
may turn down the volume of the radio or state its name." She holds up a part. "Class,"
demand from whomever is playing it to she says. The class responds, "CPU." The
lower it. One may reach for a glass of water teacher then says, "Good." (Note that both
or ask someone to get it for him. In short, the person verbalizing and the person med-
action can be direct with respect to what iating must be in the presence, that is, in cur-
someone wants, or someone else's behavior rent stimulus contact, of the object, or the
can mediate that want. event, tacted. If not under immediate stimu-
Extraverbal Behavior-the Tact. The "tact" lus control of the object or the event, then it
relation presents a slightly more complex pic- is not a tact. It is "reference." Typically a
ture of behavior mediated through others. It referent is controlled by other verbal stimuli.
would appear that the person verbalizing The language category of reference is either
directly contacts his environment. He does. an autoclitic or intraverbal relation. People
But the verbal behavior of issue here initially often refer to objects and events that they
occurs only with the intervention or media- never contacted, and that may never have
tion of another person's behavior. In the existed. Skinner's distinction between tacts
basic tact relation, the person contacts a cur- and referents clarifies a number of epistem-
rent event, verbally responds to it, and a ological problems on whether the events
mediator presents a generalized reinforcer. someone may talk about actually exist. [See
However, once the verbal relation is in place, Skinner, 1957, chapter 5, especially pages
changes begin to occur in it according to well- 114-129.])
known processes. Once in place, and in the presence of the
object or event that now evokes the verbal
2. This distinction is not a new one. For some time it has utterance, the tact may be emitted an
been so commonly made by logicians and philosophers
that they even make it in their "popular" writing. unspecified number of times without the
Grnbaum (1987/1988, Winter, p. 23) provides an inter- delivery of generalized reinforcement. The
esting example in commenting on the ". orthodox Jew- daughter may spot another queen conch and
ish practice of showing reverence by omitting the letter say, "Here's another queen conch, daddy."
'o' in the spelling of 'God.' . .. (S)o doing... displays the But the father may be preoccupied and not
inveterate semantic confusion between a name and its respond. The daughter may continue to say,
object...." But emotional reactions that are much the "Queen conch, daddy, queen conch, queen
same may occur to words and objects if these are paired
together. Clinicians take advantage of this fact. See, for conch." The familiar effects of schedules of
example, Cautela and Kearney, in press, and Hekmat, reinforcement operate with verbal behavior
1972. as they do with any other behavior. Some-
times reinforcement is not forthcoming the similarity of the stimulus features of the
either through happenstance or by design. new situation may be sufficiently alike to the
Much verbal behavior, once in place, con- prior one so that the art student would say
tinues to be emitted without reinforcement. to herself, or to anyone else, that she is sure
How long such verbal behavior would be it is by Hopper.
emitted would depend on past contingency There is an issue of vital significance here
schedules, and on contextual stimulus in the analysis of verbal behavior. The pro-
features similar to those in the prior situation cess of induction provides the mechanism
in which the verbal response was reinforced. for verbal responses to be made in cir-
(2) Without a Mediating Agency. Once in cumstances and to stimulus events for which
place through the effects of a mediating there was no specific training. This latter
agency, a given form of a verbal response (for situation is the conceptual bugaboo psycho-
example, "CPU") may be emitted in the linguists raise with the behaviorological posi-
absence of a mediating agency. The next time tion: How do you account for verbal behavior
the student sees a CPU, he may say, "Here's not previously taught? The psycholinguistic
the CPU the teacher was talking about." Fur- answer is that a set of cognitive mechanisms
thermore, a tact may also be emitted in the generate an infinity of sentences never
presence of objects and events with which previously learned.
the mediating agency had no prior contact. The behaviorological answer given to the
The process at work here is induction. question that psycholinguists raised has
In induction (or as typically called, gen- been that induction of common physical pro-
eralization), a verbal response under control perties accounted for emergent verbal
of a prior stimulus situation is emitted in a behavior not specifically trained. Physical
new situation due to stimulus properties that induction did cover a certain number of cases
overlap with the properties of the prior situa- such as, for example, extended tact behavior.
tion. A mediator typically reinforces (or But what if there were no physical stimulus
punishes) the new verbal response, though properties that overlapped with the former
not necessarily on its first occurrence. A per- shaping situation?
son is shown a picture, "Nighthawks," and Formerly, in the domain of emitted verbal
told it is by Edward Hopper. Later that same behavior that was not taught, the procedures
person comes across another picture by responsible for the induction of verbal
Hopper about which she has not been behavior covered a certain number of cases:
informed, and she says, "Oh, this one is by those where there were some overlapping of
Hopper, also." The art teacher, if present, physical properties. Stimulus equivalence3
confirms it by saying, "Yes, that's right." But extends our explanation further with respect

3. Stimuli are functionally equivalent or belong to the of such names and pictures, each matched with the
same stimulus set (or class) if the same response is made other. In a separate training session, the individual may
to them (Goldiamond, 1%2). Such equivalence of phys- also have pictures ("B") presented, and taught to select
ically dissimilar stimuli can be specifically trained by a a written name ("C") for each. The individual is then
procedure in which all the members of one stimulus set tested to ascertain whether when "A" is dictated, "C,"
are made equivalent to all the members of another stim- the written name, is selected. Such transitivity occurs
ulus set by sharing at least one common member. Imag- between "A" (the oral name) and "C" (the written
ine a stimulus set, I, consisting of two stimuli, A, and name) without the individual taught to match the
B, that are equivalent to each other. Imagine a second printed name to the oral name if all prior pairings were
stimulus set, II, consisting of two stimuli, A, and C, that reflexive and symmetric, including "N' and "C" (Sid-
are equivalent to each other. Under certain training pro- man & Tailby, 1982). In short, verbal behavior, not pre-
cedures that guarantee identity and symmetry of the viously in the individual's repertoire, is emitted with-
stimuli involved in the two stimulus sets I and II, a third out specific training of it. (Currently, the exact nature of
set, m, emerges without specific training in which B and the controls responsible for this extension of the induc-
C, are equivalent, that is, this set controls responses that tion process is unclear. [See the discussion in Sidman
the paired relations in stimulus sets I and II controlled. & Tailby, 1982; Sidman & Cresson, 1973; Spradlin, Cot-
This results in a larger stimulus set, 1, in which A, B, ter, & Baxley, 19731. Response transfer is possible, but
and C, are equivalent. None of the stimuli may share unlikely when there is no variation in responses. It ap-
common physical properties. For example, when a name pears that induction takes place along the lines of the
for a picture is orally stated (let's call the dictated name functional relations between the properties of the stim-
"A"), pictures are presented (let's call the picture "B"), uli involved, rather than just between the properties
and an individual taught to select the correct name ("A') themselves, as no physical overlap of those properties
for the correct picture ("B"). There may be a number is present.)
to how verbal behavior not specifically and the person verbalizing (however done).
shaped may come to be emitted. The proce- The term that should be used in the develop-
dures now cover those instances in which mentally disabled field (or for that matter in
stimuli that physically do not resemble each any practical application, or in any theoreti-
other control the emission of verbal behavior. cal analysis, of verbal behavior) is "media-
Instead of inferred mechanisms, we directly tive." "Mediative behavior" maintains what
observe the process of the emission of is connoted by a behaviorological analysis of
untrained verbal behavior. Furthermore, we verbal behavior. Practical applications like
can carry-out procedures to put that process Sundberg's (1987) that keep clear the media-
into place, and produce emergent verbal tive function in the verbal relation result in
behavior. radically different training programs than
The prior summary of the basic verbal rela- those designed from traditional psychologi-
tions does no more than to point out why cal assumptions.
Skinner (1957, p. 224) defines verbal behavior
as behavior reinforced through the media- Shared Characteristics: Non-Mediated Behavior
tion of another person specifically trained to The other three characteristics of verbal
do so by a verbal community. The media- behavior is that it is (1) selected; (2) non-
tional aspect of verbal behavior forces an autonomous; and (3) relational. It shares
analysis that must take such mediating these characteristics with all other behavior,
activity into account. To ignore the media- that is, with behavior that directly contacts
tional quality of this behavior leads to a its environment.
cognitivizing of the analysis of verbal
behavior since mediative relations are Selected
hypothesized as a set of special operations in
the mind of the speaker or the listener that "Selected" simply means that the dyna-
are responsible for either the listener's or mic principle of change is "selection by con-
speaker's performance. Such a hypothesis sequences." As with behavior that directly
ignores the contingency relations between contacts the environment, verbal behavior is
the behaviors of verbalizing and mediating, changed by the consequences produced by
and ignores behaviorological parameters, it. A person twists a doorknob to open a
such as deprivation, that enter into those door, and the door opens. Such an outcome
relations. increases the probability of that same behav-
We do not deal here with merely a theore- ior in the same or similar situations. A per-
tical quibble. A behaviorological analysis of son asks someone to open the door, the
verbal behavior carries practical implications. other person (the mediator) opens it, and
Take, for example, the term "receptive" in that outcome increases the probability of
the developmentally disabled literature. emitting that verbal behavior again.
Such a term implies that language, and thus Mediational behavior must have strong
by extension, verbal behavior, is a process by adaptive advantages. It is quite prevalent in
which we communicate with each other. It a variety of animal species. It is exhibited
assumes a "communication" that the media- through a variety of social behaviors, phylo-
tor (generally referred to as "the listener") genetically controlled and shaped through
"receives" and "understands." This then natural selection. The individual organism is
calls for an analysis of what now is construed predisposed to mediate in certain ways by
as language performance in the listener- the visual, aural, and gestural cues of its
how he receives the information, and how he "biological community." E. 0. Wilson pro-
comes to understand it. It thus takes us away vides many examples in his book Socio-
from the listener's mediative function, and biology (1975). The following are a few:
transforms the listener into a speaker. Not (L)arger flocking birds that cannot take
only is such an analysis unnecessary, it is flight easily have evolved special
completely wrong from our theoretical for- signals to induce simultaneous depar-
mulation. The term "receptive" shifts the tures by members of the flock. Mallards
analysis away from the purely mediative "talk" back and forth with rising inten-
function of the individual intervening sity while moving their beaks in what
between an environment (however defined), appears to be a ritualized flight inten-
tion movement... .Other kinds of p. 176) does say, despite his being quite
birds use auditory as well as visual influenced by the psycholinguistic tradition,
signals. Cockatoos emit a loud shriek. " the study of animal behavior no
Domestic pigeons and their wild rock operational criteria has yet been developed
dove ancestors (Columbia livia) clap other than the change in patterns of overt
their wings loudly, with the duration of behavior, and it would be a retreat into
the signal indicating approximately mysticism to try to add mental criteria."
how long the bird intends to fly. For The prior examples by Wilson would
short flights, no signal at all is given. A appear to be verbal behavior. The mediative
long journey is encoded by a prolonged behavior, however, is not shaped by onto-
bout of clapping before take-off. genetic contingencies, but by phylogenetic
... (N)ote the remarkable similarity ones. We might define this apparent verbal
that exists between this graded signal behavior as behavior mediated through
and the straight run of the honeybee another organism shaped through natural
waggle dance, which increases in dura- selection; an organism that is a member of a
tion with the distance from the hive to verbal community-or perhaps better stated,
the target (p. 213). a signaling community-defined by its
Interestingly, Wilson's definition of com- species characteristics. It lies at one end of a
munication comes quite close to Skinner's continuum (see Diagram 5) in the analysis of
definition of verbal behavior. Wilson (1975, verbal behavior.
p. 176) states, "Biological communication is
the action on the part of one organism (or
cell) that alters the probability pattern of Selection by Consequences
behavior in another organism (or cell) in a
fashion adaptive to either one of the par-
ticipants. By adaptive I mean that the signal- (5)
ing, or the response, or both, have been Natural Cultural
genetically programmed to some extent by
natural selection. Communication is neither
the signal by itself nor the response; it is Verbal (Signal)
Behavior Behavior
instead the relation between the two." Their
definitions are not identical but they agree on Such a continuum is part of a larger one
these major points: (1) that verbal behavior (see Diagram 6) where all behavior is shaped
or communicative behavior is behavior that by the selection of consequences. The adap-
alters the probability of another organism's tive power of mediated behavior appears as
behavior; (2) it is a relation between two sets prevalent in other species as it does in the
of behaviors (cf. Skinner [1957, p. 2], "The human one. The ratio of phylogenetic to
behaviors of speaker and listener taken ontogenetic controls over this behavior
together compose ... a total verbal epi- simply differs. Each type of behavior is a
sode."); and (3) the prime mechanism subset of the other: verbal behavior is a
through which such probability change subset of social behavior, and social behavior
occurs is selection by consequences, though is a subset of behavior.
the agency of such selection differs as Wilson
emphasizes natural selection and Skinner Nonautonomous
cultural selection. As with any kind of behavior, the organism
Wilson's analysis of communication, how- is simply a locus at which the variables
ever, lacks the central point of Skinner's responsible for verbal behavior have their
analysis of verbal behavior: that it is med- play. Unfortunately, we typically state that
iated. This results in a number of differences the organism is an agent for whatever action
in the analysis of behavioral interactions, it takes. This is especially the case when we
primarily in the analysis of the receiver's speak of verbal behavior. Our language-the
behavior, and even, from the behaviorolog- typically reinforced utterances of our verbal
ical point of view, whether a presumed com- community-impells us to describe action
munication interaction should be construed that way. But no agent is responsible as
as verbal behavior. Though Wilson (1975, creator. We can only point to a nexus of

Direct Contact Mediated Contact


Behavior: Behavior Behavior Social Social Verbal(Signal) Verbal

Behavior Behavior Behavior Behavior
Selection Phylogenetic Ontogenetic Phylogenetic Ontogenetic Phylogenetic Ontogenetic

causality relations. The organism does not analysis shifts to that of verbal behavior. Note
originate verbal behavior as "speaker" in that if it is argued that mediative behavior is
any of its modes, whether writing, talking, also verbal behavior, then that dispenses
or gesturing. The organism drops out of the with the special analysis we make of verbal
equation in the analysis of the variables behavior as behavior that is verbal because
responsible for verbal behavior and its char- it is mediated.
acteristics, except as the place at which verbal If the distinction between the locality
behavior occurs due to certain characteristics where verbalizing occurs and that one where
of the organism (characteristics that may mediating takes place is not maintained,
eventually be shared by the non-organic then the lack of the distinction results in the
entity, the computer [Vargas, in press]). Any attempt to make a separate analysis of
organism at which verbal behavior is possi- mediating behavior and give it the charac-
ble presents a point of convenience for the teristics of verbalizing behavior. Psycholo-
analysis. gists make a great deal of the cognitions of
We note two place relations: the place of the listener, and in the behavioral psychol-
emission, and the place of mediation. A par- ogy community there seems to be some
ticular topography of behavior, called "ver- enthusiasm for a separate analysis of the
bal behavior" because it is (and has been) so-called "listener's" behavior, an analysis
mediated, is emitted at a locality traditionally that credits that so-called listener with
called a "speaker." This behavior is rein- "understanding," and other such states
forced (and punished) not by an environ- defined apart from the speaker's role. But if
ment to which it refers, but by social behavior the analysis takes place within the
that mediates the contact of verbal behavior behaviorological theory of verbal behavior,
with its environment. The locality of the then that "listener" is simply a "speaker,"
behavior that mediates has traditionally been when the controlling relations at that locality
called a "listener." are those of verbal behavior. We have simply
The analysis of verbal behavior properly shifted the focus of the locality of the
concentrates on the behavior being medi- variables we are addressing with respect to
ated. It is this set of separate relations with the behavior of concern.
its special controls that calls for a separate It is important to keep in mind the
and special analysis. The behavior that is nonautonomous nature of the behavior of
mediating is already under analysis within the parties we choose for the current focus
the framework of the analysis of behavior in of our analysis for it underlines the fact that
general. If an analysis construes the it is behavior that our analysis addresses. In
mediating behavior as itself mediated, then a very real sense, individuals verbalizing and
such a construction changes the "mediating mediating are not our concern here, just as
behavior" to verbal behavior. The focus of pigeons and rats are not the concern of
experimenters analyzing behavioral prin- biologists study behavior. They, by and large,
ciples in the laboratory, and sweet peas and concern themselves with phylogenetic vari-
fruit flies are not the concern of geneticists ables. But whether the variables of concern
searching for the laws of genetics. We are not are phylogenetic or ontogenetic, the subject
dealing with people. We are dealing with matter is behavior-the interaction of organ-
behavior, and with systems of variables-the isms with their environments. Such com-
mutual effects of response and stimulus monality of subject matter poses a lack of
interactions. distinction between behaviorology and the
Unfortunately, it is easy to reify the loci of other behavioral sciences with respect to
verbal behavior and give special status to subject matter. What does distinguish behav-
them-the traditionally called "speaker" iorologists is our theoretical approach to the
and "listener" for the ubiquitous verbal subject matter. This approach is encapsu-
community called "our culture" has shaped lated in our analysis of the contingent rela-
a complex of connotations to those two tions behavior has with events. The con-
terms, not least is that one, the speaker, com- tingency analysis of behavioral relations
municates and the other, the listener, under- defines our epistemology, determines our
stands. For that reason, when analyzing methodology, and dictates our terminology.
verbal behavior, the terms "speaker" and The topography of a behavioral event, if
"listener" should no longer be used. Other not a trivial event is simply a starting one. We
terms are more technically descriptive. "Ver- understand the topography of a behavioral
balizer" and "mediator" more accurately event only in relation to other events. A
describe both the subject matter, and the response, or a group of responses, has a
relations addressed. We verbalize in a variety physical meaning only as movement. A
of modes, not only speaking, but writing and response obtains a behaviorological meaning
gesturing. And of course, the critical action when we analyze it as a member of a class of
of the mediator is not that he, or she, has responses functionally defined by a common
heard (or seen or felt) what was verbalized, effect; what we call an operant. We interpret
but that she or he mediates that behavior physical and biological events from within
either directly, or in reference, to an environ- the contingency relations described by
mental feature, or with respect to the form behaviorological theory. (By theory is meant
of the verbal behavior uttered. the inductive accumulation of behaviorolog-
ical principles-slow but sure.) A hit in the
Relational arm is a gesture of hostility or a gesture of
The last characteristic verbal behavior camaraderie. Calling someone a behaviorist
shares with other behavior is that it is rela- denotes either contempt or respect. And so
tional, or rather the analysis is. Behavior on. Behavioral topographies gain signifi-
analysis is a misleading label. We do not cance only in their relations to controlling
analyze behavior. We analyze behavioral rela- circumstances.
tions. (A position adumbrated by Skinner as Nowhere is such relational analysis more
early as his 1931 paper, "The concept of the evident than in verbal behavior. Skinner
reflex in the description of behavior." in (1957, p. 186) illustrates the different mean-
Cumulative Record [1972, 3rd. ed]; see ings of the word "fire" as follows: "Fire may
especially p. 448.) We capture the analysis of be (1) a mand to a firing squad, (2) a tact to
these behavioral relations in the phrase a conflagration, (3) an intraverbal response
"contingencies of reinforcement." to the stimulus Ready, aim..., or (4) an
The phrase points to an important distinc- echoic or (5) textual response to appropriate
tion between behaviorology and other verbal stimuli." The word "star" provides a
behavioral sciences. All of the behavioral second example. Such a term has different
sciences take behavior, in one sense or meanings when said by an astronomer look-
another, as their subject matter. Anthropol- ing at the night sky, by a press agent touting
ogists, economists, psychologists, political a Hollywood movie, by a child drawing a
scientists, sociologists, and other behavioral five-pointed object, and so on. But any term
scientists study behavior. They, by and large, chosen at random will do. Take the term
concern themselves with ontogenetic vari- "apple" for example. It may be a tact of a fruit
ables. Ethologists, naturalists, and socio- or a machine depending on which is present.
It may be a mand if one wishes to eat it or to bal utterances classified by their use by a
type upon it. If controlled by a prior verbal speaker. Behaviorologists would engage in
stimulus, it may be a duplic, codic, or such an analysis if we took sentences that we
sequelic response. The word, as a physical defined as mands and classified them by
event, measured by the dimensional system whether they told the mediator to behave as
of physics (for example, discrete marks when we ask: to do something, or to get some-
typed or acoustical properties when thing, or to avoid something-all of which,
spoken), has no behaviorological signifi- by the way, so-called rules presumably do.
cance. Only with respect to the controlling We would also engage in such an analysis if
relations denoted for an utterance, does it we took sentences that we defined as tacts
become a significant behavioral event. and classified them by the sorts of features
What is true for a word is true for a group of the world they discriminated-another
of words. A similar analysis applies to that presumed characteristic of rules.
group of words called a "rule." There are The entire effort concerning so-called rules
groups of statements, that due to their formal is misguided. As Lee (1981, p. 35) points out,
characteristics, are classified traditionally as .the psychological referent of 'rule' in
apothegms, maxims, instructions, proverbs, itself guarantees the irrelevance of this con-
and so on. These are lumped together as cept to the analysis of behavior...." Depend-
rules-guides for conduct. But what does ing on the kinds of controls over verbal utter-
this "analysis," or at best, classification ances, verbal relations may be extraverbal
system, have to do with a functional such as mands and tacts, or intraverbal, such
analysis? What are the controls over this as codics, duplics, and sequelics, or they may
verbal behavior as it is emitted? What are the be autoclitic. Formal grammatical categories
relations such utterances have to other such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives may be
events? Are these verbal statements under any of these relations. But nouns, and verbs,
the control of establishing operations? Under and other linguistic categories can be
the control of prior discriminative stimuli? Or explained by referring to properties of verbal
other verbal stimuli? These questions utterances within another scheme of
address functional controls. But unfor- analysis-a psychological one. The term
tunately, a great deal of effort currently takes "rules," also, is a formal classification of
place to define the essential characteristic of utterances within such a psychological
these statements by what they apparently analysis. And within such a psychological
do, or attempt to do. Such effort succeeds scheme of analysis the question is easily
only in treating them as linguistic not as raised as to what sorts of utterances rules are.
behaviorological phenomena. Like prior pioneers in this endeavor, those
Traditional psycholinguists and gram- searching for the answer would discover that
marians sort language, the linguistic the immediate answers would not be satis-
topographies (or reinforcing practices) of a factory. Those inquiring within this frame-
verbal community, into categories such as work would then find they would have to go
nouns and verbs, and the like. This analysis to fundamentals and ask, "What are
proceeds by classifying verbal utterances as words?" and finally "What are sentences-
sentences and its parts as words, and classi- what do they do?" They would receive a
fying those parts by their roles in a sentence great deal of help, an extensive literature in
and by what they refer to. "What does it traditional linguistics and current psychol-
do?" is the central question asked by the inguistics ready to guide their efforts. Even-
linguist or grammarian of a word or group tually they would find that what these
of words, for language to a linguist is a tool statements are is determined by what the
speakers and listeners use. Note the same speaker "intends" by them, and by what the
question asked of those verbal utterances listener "understands" of them.
called "rules." Various answers are given. There is no mystery as to what any of these
These verbal utterances called rules specify verbal utterances are, from nouns to rules.
discriminative stimuli, or direct the listener, Depending on the variables that control
or enhance the reinforcing property of them, they are one of the verbal relations
formerly neutral stimuli, and so forth. Thus, describedby our functional analysis of verbal
linguistic analysis results in a category of ver- behavior. The nour "apple" may be a tact,
or a mand, or any one of the verbal relations efficacy of postcedent events to reinforce or
so far described. We can analyze any rule in punish verbal behavior, antecedent events
like fashion. The rule "A stitch in time saves when paired with reinforcers or punishers
nine" may be a tact-one observes someone can evoke or devoke verbal behavior, certain
taking an action that prevents a great deal of stimulus arrangements increase its proba-
effort later on; or a mand "take action bility in circumstances in which no shaping
early;" or a codic-one reads it from a took place, and schedules of reinforcement
text; or any other verbal relation. We can pur- and punishment determine rates of emis-
sue a similar analysis for so-called "instruc- sion. What are the new principles of the
tions," for example, an "instruction" on functional analysis of behavior that control
opening a door is a mand, when the ver- and are uniquely pertinent to mediated
balizer wants the mediator to open the door, behavior, but not found in non-mediated
a tact when both verbalizer and mediator behavior? Certainly none have been pointed
face the door and the verbalizer demon- out that cannot be reduced, transformed, or
strates how it opens, an intraverbal of some translated into the principles we now know.
sort when uttered by an actor in a play, and Julia's (1983) remarks on the tendency to
so on. If we specify the variables controlling call for special principles in the analysis of
the verbal behavior, we know what verbal verbal behavior are pertinent here:
relation any utterance we call a "rule" is. An experimental analysis makes a clear
CONCLUSION distinction between behavior shaped
and maintained by direct environ-
There is nothing special about the set of mental contingencies and behavior
utterances topographically defined as dependent upon instructions, what the
"rules" anymore than there is about those subject has to say about the prevailing
utterances called "nouns," or called "excla- conditions (inside or outside the lab-
mations," "questions," and "interjections," oratory), and the like. Instructions,
or more generally called "sentences." The laws, rules, and so on often have an
term "rule" was an inappropriate one, for important place among the discrimina-
the phrase "rule-governed" behavior was tive stimuli maximizing effective behav-
inappropriate. What was meant, and should ior. They must be understood, how-
be meant, and must be meant, in order to ever, as the product of an analysis of
avoid theoretical confusion, is "verbally- relevant contingencies: they are state-
governed" behavior. Skinner (in press)
himself has said as much, "Rule-governed 4. An antecedent stimulus can increase the probability
is not a very satisfactory term." of a response. We denote such a relation, when shaped
through operant conditioning, as "evoked." The
Skinner discussed the contrast between behaviorological term "evoke," is extended, in its tech-
verbally-governed behavior and event- nical meaning, from the typical meanings of "evocation"
governed behavior under their former and "evoke." In its various meanings, evocation stands
rubrics of "rule-governed" and "contin- for a literal calling forth or calling out. For example, the
Oxford English Dictionary (Compact Edition, p. 911)
gency-shaped," not only to emphasize the gives as the definition of evocation, "The action of evok-
difference between the two classes of ing; a calling forth or out." (Under 5.a, the OED states,
behavior due to their controlling relations "The action of evoking or calling forth into existence or
(entirely different behaviors and controls are activity;..." and interestingly, under 5.b "With refer-
ence to the Platonic theory of recollection.. .: a calling
involved in describing how to drive a car and up of knowledge acquired in a previous existence.")
in actually driving one), but to point out "Evoke" the OED defines as "to call forth; esp. to sum-
some of the properties associated with each mon up spirits" and later, "to call (a feeling, faculty, . . .)
larger class of behavior relations. Such a into being or activity." Webster's Third International
distinction never meant to imply that there agrees; but it does have the following under 2 a: "to call
forth a response: ELICIT." But an antecedent stimulus
were special and unknown behaviorological can also decrease the probability of a response.
laws, heretofore not yet discovered, opera- "Devoke" would be the appropriate term here, ex-
ting with verbal behavior. For other than its tended technically from the usual meaning of "devoca-
mediational characteristics, verbal behavior tion" and of "devoke" which is "to call down" (Not an
exact quote; from the OED, p. 291 and p. 292). Such a
shares the commonality of controls of all term has the further advantage of being obsolete, and
other behavior described through a func- with no current connotations; Webster's Third Edition,
tional analysis. Operations establish the for example, does not list it.

Verbal Establishing Antecedent
timuli Operations Stimuli

lntraverbal Interverbal Autoverbal R+

Responses pp

Verbal Discriminative/Conditional/Contextual (7)

Episode Stimuli

Mediative Behavior

Community Environmental
Control Control

ments about conditions and conse- be complex because in a behaviorological

quences and they are, therefore, dif- analysis events have no ontological status
ferent from those conditions and con- standing by themselves, but only in relation
sequences themselves. So are the to other events, specifically only in the
behaviors generated in either case. functional relations designated. The follow-
Laboratory research has made a direct ing diagram (Diagram 7) portrays the relation
analysis of the terms composing such between verbal behavior and mediative
contingencies possible without a behavior.
deceptive recourse to other dimen- Note that mediative behavior is event-
sional systems.... governed, unless it in turn is mediated. It is
The special conditioning required for like any other behavior-behavior5 relation.
rule-following behavior is a particularly Behavior, however, to be defined as verbal
important point to keep in mind in any requires the mediative function. A confusion
discussion of linguistic behavior, where easily occurs in distinguishing between ver-
"rules" enjoy an unusual prestige. bal behavior and mediative behavior since
Although we must assume speech to mediative behavior appears to be verbally-
be as lawfully determined as the rest governed, that is, under the control of prior
of behavioral repertoires, the assump- verbal stimuli. But it is best not to call those
tion that the regularities commonly stimuli "verbal" for this latter class of
observed in most verbal activity are of behavior. As said earlier, this mediative
a different, universally rule-deter-
mined sort, is clearly misleading and 5. Physical or biological or behavioral events, or
dangerous. (pp. 146-147) their combined effects always control behavior. A
For a study relevant to Julia's remarks, see behavior-behavior relation denotes a controlling relation
where both the dependent and independent variables
Stoddard, Sidman and Brady (1988). are behavioral. The controlling behavior may be the
Relations between verbally-governed organism's own behavior or the behavior of a different
behavior and event-governed behavior can organism.
behavior in turn would have to be mediated rently favorite term for it-rule-governed.
to define it as verbal and thus define those But such a label only confounds the pro-
controlling behavioral events as verbal. Let's cesses and the effects involved when
say a person turns his head to a shout in behavior is controlled by direct contact with
another language, for example, "hombre." events and when it is controlled by having
He turns due to the loudness and sharpness that contact mediated.
of the noise, just as he would to any other
sound with those characteristics. The noise, REFERENCES
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