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Q1 Write in detail the method of performing two rakah salah.

Ans. After the preparations for prayer are complete, the actual act commences. A clean and tidy
place is selected for this purpose. For woman, any place which offers privacy and peaceful
atmosphere. The worshipper stands facing the Qibla and makes intention for prayer. The Holy
Prophet pbuh said Intention is compulsory for all deeds."

Then declaring Takbeer, the hands are raised to the ears. This is called Takbeer e Tehrima. The
believer stands with both arms folded below the navel. This posture is called ' 'Qiyam." Now the
following are recited.

• Sana
• Tawwudh
• tasmia
• Surah Al Fatiha

Qirat : Any other portion from the Holy Quran. Again takbeer is recited and the worshipper bows
into Ruku. During the ruku Tasbeeh e Ruku is recited thrice. The believer than stands upright saying
takbeer with both hands hanging on either side. This posture is called Quoma. Tasmee and Tehmeed
are recited and then Sujud are performed. The believer prostrate, his nose and forehead touching
ground while both palms are resting on either side and God is in both the sajdahs. Brief sitting
between the two sajdah is called the Jalsah. Now the worshipper recite the tashhud, durood and
dua. Then addressing his right and then left side as he/she turns the head says "Assalam Alaikum wa

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