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Setting VLAN Paket2 UKK TKJ 2020

1. Konekkan Cable UTP ke eth 1 (ke internet)  beri koment WAN 1

2. Eth 2 akan dikoneksikan ke swicth/router2  beri komen swicth
3. Eth 3 utk konfigurasi ( IP LAN )
Ip address add address= interface=ether3
Buka local area connection  masukkan ip address =
Subnetmask =
Default gateway =
4. Beri ip address di masing2 eth
- IP address add address= inteface=ether1 (dari ISP)
- Ip router add gateway
- IP dns set servers, allow remote request yes
5. Ip firewall NAT add chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1 action=masquerade
Ping ke DNS ping
Ping ke google  ping
6. Masuk ke 2 VLAN
- Interface vlan add name=VLAN1-siswa vlan-id=10 interface = ether2
- Interface vlan add name=VLAN2-Guru vlan-id=20 interface = ether2
7. Isikan IP di masing-masing VLAN
- Ip address add address= interface=VLAN1-Siswa
- Ip address add address= interface=VLAN2-Guru
8. Menambahkan IP utk interface WLAN
- Ip address add address= interface=WLAN1
9. Aktifkan DHCP Server
- Ip DHCP-SERVER setup interface =VLAN1-Siswa Address to give out =
- Ip DHCP-SERVER setup interface =VLAN2-Guru Address to give out =
- Ip DHCP-SERVER setup interface =WLAN1 Address to give out =
10. Aktifkan WLAN
- Interface wireless enable WLAN1
- Interface wireless security-profile add name= pasword mode= dynamic-keys
auntentication-types=wpa-psk,wpa2-psk wpa-pre-shared-key=12345678 wpa2-pre-
- Interface wireless set mode=ap-bridge SSID=UKK_no Absen security profile=pasword
11. Mengaktifkan HOSTPOT
- Ip hotspot setup
Select certificate=none
12. Mengubah halaman login
- Ip hotspot set login-by=http-chap number=1
- File print ( cari nomor tulisan hotspot/login.html )
- File edit number=(....) value-name=contents  enter
- Cari tulisan selamat dating lalu ubah “SELAMAT DATANG DI HOTSPOT SMK xxxx” 
13. Menambahkan 3 user
- Ip hotspot user profile add name=kepalasekolah shared-user=5 rate-limit=512k/512k
- Ip hotspot user profile add name=guru shared-user=5 rate-limit=256k/256k
- Ip hotspot user profile add name=siswa shared-user=5 rate-limit=128k/128k

Menambahkan password ke 3 user

- Ip hotspot user add name=kepalasekolah password=123 profile=kepalasekolah

- Ip hotspot user add name=guru password=456 profile=guru
- Ip hotspot user add name=siswa password=789 profile=siswa

KONFIGURASI ROUTER 2 ( Sebagai Switch )

1. System identity set name=ROUTER2

2. Bridge add name= bridge1  apply  ok
3. Bridge port add interface=Ether1
Ether2 bridge=bridge1
Ether 4
4. Switch  vlan  add vlan-id = 10  ports = Ether1
5. Switch  vlan  add vlan-id = 20  ports = Ether1
6. Switch  Ports  ether 1  Vlan mode=secure
Vlan header=add if missing

Ports  Ether 2  Vlan mode=secure

Vlan header= always strip
Default vlan id=10

Ports  Ether 3  vlan mode=secure

Vlan header= always strip
Default vlan id=10

Ports  Ether 4  vlan mode=secure

Vlan header= always strip
Default vlan id=20

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