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The gender gap Answer the questions. 1 What can you see? 2 Where are these people? 3 How do they feel? 66 iF you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman. 22 Margaret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister Did you 2 eden, Nora you know ...? won ny Finland are — where eine 19% century, By the most eqvalty women in Britain and the : U.S. started to fight for : the right to vote. They were called “suffragettes.” eo 890 shone” are depressed, they either eat bing. Men invade another country. a layne Booster, comedian Escaneado con CamScanner 1 Describe these pictures with a partner Then read the definitior he beliet th y different way and are suited to ifferent types of different positions in society and 2 With a partner, decide who should do these things, according to the stereotypes. Write M (men) or W (women). a go out to work b stay home and take care of the children ¢_ be physically and mentally strong 3° With a partner, discuss the qualities a man or woman should have, stereotypes. ambitious caring determined Think about it powerful p; enjoy cooking © be good at fixing things __ f do all the cleaning according to the sensi Ask and answer these questions with a partner. Then make a group and compare your answers. In what ways do parents dress small boys and girls differently? What differences are there between the toys boys hav In school, do boys and girls receive the same education? e and the toys girls have? Is there any difference in the way parents bring up boys and girls? Escaneado con CamScanner 4 1 Re ‘hese texts. Choose the correct meaning of each word in italics. Tyo family, when you were younger, . normally looked after the children? * “20 was" responsible for the cooking, washing, and ironing? * 16 your father ever do the cleaning? * which parent was most ” angry if you did something wrong? © who took out the garbage? * who © fixed things around the house if they broke? a 1 toblamefor 2 in charge of b 1 mad 2 foolish ec 1 arranged 2 repaired In your country, ... ¢ do people think it’s better to have a boy than a girl? © do girls do an ¢ unfair amount of housework compared to boys? ¢ do parents think education for boys is more important than for girls? ¢ do women expect a man to ® support them financially? © do people think it’s ' funny if a woman doesn’t marry? ¢ do husbands generally prefer their wives not to work? d 1 dishonest 2 unreasonable e 1 takecareof 2 agree with f 1 amusing 2 strange 2. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Predicting You’re going to read an extract from the _ these questions with a partner. va i at-home dad? Hee a rat a ao a typical day for a stay-at-home dad is like? diary of a stay-at-home dad. Before you read, di Escaneado con CamScanner Diary of a stay-at-home cad Monday, ine bwas awake all night. again; and she reamed Forever. T Peel sorry For t Tomvst make sre I don’t torkay, Sarah slept. Urough it re teach her cereal or hity, as always ast, I gave Blizabeth a bath More scréaming Byt when she was in clean she, wcdenly Pell asleep, so I was abot two hars’ sleep mysel. ‘tuned to Fix the TV but 2, 5 Lealled the store ~ they'll be vy around Far. ussal When sre got. home, I was macl decade it was ater nine ~ where was Une Family Lime? SHE was complaining about. -t work, CF corse, No sapige there, I don’t think the meeting went. very wel, although se rt Ulls wh any details Met Samantha in the sptrmarker. this agtemoon, she still thinks it’s funny Cor a man to bea “stay-at-home dad,” as de calls me, It has been almost. a year sree I started taking care of Elizabeth Fulltime, yet she still says things lie, Why don’t. you want. to werk, Lee?” and “I can ask Tom tonight. to Find you a job F you want.” I don’t see the problem. Most ce my Priendls support. what I clo, so why can she? I'm glad we don’t. work together anymore. For dimer, we hacl steak and salad, as 2m ‘tying to dlet. Sarah said the steak was heal tosh - = said I cocked it for teo long. She is always complaining these clays I brow shes uncer a lot stress at ve bt. i $ fEsponsible For all the arquments we have. Lie would be better & she relaxeel on a worked a little less. I con't know 'y 7 wants Lo work so hard! all the oe shoudl think about. other ‘things PAPC From her job ~ lke Elizabeth ancl me! Mechescay, ne 6 Well, T had a bi | iy shock she leet, Sarah Saicl she ‘this morning, Gepore Wants mé to at Escaneado con CamScanner Understanding the text 1 Read these questions and write your answers. . a ° Who are these people? Lee Elizabeth Sarah Samantha Tom What did Lee and Sarah have for dinner on Tuesday? Why didn’t Sarah eat any breakfast on Monday morning? What’s happening on Friday afternoon? Why did Lee want to avoid the neighbors on Monday? Escaneado con CamScanner | 2. Choose the answer to each question. a a job. She told me we need the money. That's not. true! she has a great job that pays really well. We can live comfortably without. me gétting a job, but. still she insisted I shoudl start. locking for one. It’s wo ubait... I lke taking care & Elizabeth. It’s fin to be with her as she grows op. Why co I have to let a stranger take care oF her while I go aut. and work all day? I don’t know what. to eb. scream verb + to make a loud high cry because you are hurt, frightened or excited shock noun *** something that happens unexpectedly and How long has Lee been a stay-at-home dad? makes you feel very surprised and upset 1 nearly one year 3. two years 2. a few months 4. five years When did Sarah have an important meeting? 3 Wednesday afternoon 4 Monday afternoon stranger noun someone who you do not know | 1 Tuesday morning 2. Wednesday morning Why was Sarah unhappy on Tuesday? 1 She didn’t like her dinner. 2. Elizabeth was screaming too much. Why was Lee angry on Monday night? 1 Elizabeth was crying. 2 He couldn't repair the TV. What do Lee's friends think of his role as a stay-at-home dad? 1 They all respect him, See ae 2 Most of them accept what he does, 4A few of his friends support him. 3 Her meeting went badly. 4 She felt she needed to lose weight. 3. Sarah was late for dinner. 4 Samantha upset him. Escaneado con CamScanner 3 Work with a partner. Find ... a two reasons why Lee doesn’t want to get a job, b one activity Elizabeth doesn’t enjoy. c what time Sarah came home on Monday. d when and where Lee met Samantha. © three ways Lee would like Sarah to change. 4 Why do you think Sarah wants Lee to find a job? What do you think he should do? Escaneado con CamScanner ell you ... 1 Look again at Lee's act phrases that tell y @ Sarah often comes home late. b_ Elizabeth doesn’t sleep well at night © Sarah earns a lot of money, Lee worries about his weight. € Sarah often complains about her job. £ Sarah doesn’t speak to Lee about her job. in thi: lerline them. 2. Select no more than 15 key words and phrases in this text. Underline Sex stereotyping A survey by the Equality Opportunities Commission in the U.K. asked fathers if they would like to stay home to take care of their babies. Many fathers said that they would be happy to be homemakers. In fact, four out of five new fathers said they would be happy to quit work and become homemakers. However, another : Teport found that in only four per cent of families the mother was working full-time, While the father was working part-time or was a stay-at-home dad. Estimates suggest that there are over 140,000 stay-at-home dads in the U.S., and over ten million stay-at-home moms. It seems that sex stereotyping has a big influence on us at all stages of life. It affects our views on home life, the subjects we study in school, and the jobs we choose. A separate report found that fewer than 40 Per cent of girls questioned aged 15 and 16 agreed that boys and girls are treated exactly the same way in families. As for jobs around the home, girls generally help Mom with things such as ironing, cleaning, and washing the dishes. However, boys help with jobs that Dad would normally do, such as household repairs and physical tasks like cutting the grass. In school, fewer Birls choose math and science: these are often seen as subjects more for boys. Sex stereotyping also seems to be supported by some schools Career counselors. They Sometimes advise girls to try traditional careers in nursing and teaching, rather than become scientists or engineers. 3. With a partner, compare your ideas and choos, ; , e the ten most important words and phrases. Write a list. 4 Cover the text and use your list to talk about the article with a partner, Escaneado con CamScanner mr 5 5 sxamples, and then choose the best answer to complete each sentence. jaye ye report asked fathers if they would like to stay home to take care of their b: fathers said that they would be happy to be homemakers, pe te many owever: employers often tell male workers to go back to work quickly 7] A ot of women that they would [5] some employers ask new fathers like their husbands to help more around fac much inne onl work the home. a to not taking a say D don't take b tell © not taking cask d_ not to take d refuse 6 | Workers can feel uncomfortable about asking their employers have more time off. I don’t understand why more girls are do household chores than boys. a. said them to a. that they b told that they D if they can ¢ to agree c told to 4 said that they d_ when they want 3 | My grandmother _ when she got 7 | Female workers often complain married she had to quit work. less than men for the same job. a said me a. they are paid b said me that b if they paid ¢ told me © about their pay d_ when to pay d_ told to me that 4] [often ask parents _ the children 8] Recently, more governments are more - the father or the mother. promising promote equality ato take care of between men and women. about taking care of a that c if b to when who takes care of b c d_ that they take care of Talk about it Check () the statements you agree with. Then make a group and compare your opinions. women are better at taking care of people, so they make better nu CO ws easier for a man to get a good job than a woman, (i Men make better soldiers and firefighters. J sports like boxing and weightlifting are not si | able for women, Escaneado con CamScanner

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