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LISTENING: “Cancer Treatment”

1. Which word best describes the man's initial reaction right after he found out that he had
been diagnosed with cancer?
A. shock
B. anger
C. self-pity
2. What did the man do after he first learned of his illness?

A. He underwent immediate surgery.

B. He retired from his job.

C. He researched cancer treatments.

3. After several months with the disease, what was the man's main source of consolation?

A. his family and friends

B. his belief in God

C. his doctors' encouragement

4. Who was mainly responsible for checking on and adjusting the man's medications in the

A. relatives

B. his wife

C. a hospice

5. According to the story, what can we learn from such difficult and emotional experiences?

A. All people will face death, and thus, we must prepare for it spiritually.

B. Our characters can be strengthened by such adversity.

C. Families provide the best support system during such a crisis.

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