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Equine vet. Educ. (2013) 25 (11) 585-589
doi: 10.1111/eve.12064

Review Article
Assessment of the equine neonate in ambulatory practice
S. M. Austin
Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Equine Primary Care, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Illinois, USA.
Corresponding author email:
Keywords: horse; neonatal; foal; assessment

Summary gestational age), arrive during adverse environmental

The ambulatory practitioner is usually the first to evaluate the conditions, are the result of dystocia or experience a ‘red-bag’
equine neonate and must assess the foal and determine its delivery should be examined immediately by a veterinarian.
health status. If there is suspicion of one or more abnormalities, If risk factors for an abnormal foal are absent, then the
then the ambulatory veterinarian must initiate appropriate timing of the first examination is dependent upon the foal
treatment and determine if the foal can be successfully treated achieving certain predictable milestones for extrauterine
in the field or should be referred to a specialty hospital. This transition: the foal should become sternal by 5 min after
article will describe the examination procedure including delivery, develop a suckle response within 10 min, successfully
an accurate history, a comprehensive physical examination, stand by 1 h and nurse by 2 h after delivery. Larger breed foals
laboratory evaluation and application of point-of-care may take slightly longer to achieve these milestones. Any
diagnostics. The initial examination is the basis for the correct delay in this progression should prompt the owner or manager
determination of health or illness and informing the owner of to seek veterinary advice and will likely necessitate a
the correct course of action for the neonatal foal. veterinary visit. If the foal successfully achieves these
developmental milestones, then the first examination should
occur between 12 and 24 h of age (Stoneham 2006). The
Introduction placenta should be kept for examination and protected from
Research and literature on neonatal foal care have made predation, damage or freezing.
considerable advances over the past 30 years and have led
to a decrease in mortality and an increase in the level of Examination of the neonate
care available at referral centres around the world. However, A complete history is imperative, especially if the veterinarian
equine practitioners in the field remain the first line of is not familiar with the mare or client. Items of importance
treatment and are critical to the early recognition and proper include history of previous foals produced by the mare, length
treatment of sick neonates. If abnormalities are detected, of gestation and presence of abnormalities during the
then the field practitioner must decide if the foal can be pregnancy. It is especially important to ascertain whether the
managed on the farm or should be referred to a specialty mare has leaked colostrum prior to parturition. The caretaker
hospital for further care. The primary care clinician is in a should be questioned about the foal’s behaviour since birth
unique position to evaluate historical, environmental and and if nursing, urination and defaecation have been
management considerations that may impact the ability to observed. Examination of the foal should begin at a distance
successfully manage the foal on the farm and to begin early and include assessment of nursing behaviour, musculoskeletal
intervention which will improve patient outcome. The value abnormalities and resting respiratory rate. It is also important to
and insurance status of the foal, availability of referral centres observe the foal’s interactions with its dam, the environment
and prognosis of any identified abnormalities all factor into the and handler. Changes in behaviour are an early predictor of
decision to refer. An additional challenge during the current sepsis or neurological dysfunction. A foal will usually nurse in
period of economic recession is the expectation of owners short bouts of about 90 s, 7–10 times per h. Milk staining on the
and managers for the practitioner to do more care in the field. muzzle and forehead are suggestive of potential problems. As
the foal stands and moves around the stall, a base-wide
stance, mildly hypermetric gait and flexed head posture are
Assessing the newborn foal
typical when compared to adults. Signs of prematurity should
Timing of examination be noted and include a short, soft hair coat, pliant lips and
Successful management of a potentially ill foal is contingent ears, laxity of the distal limbs and a domed forehead. Lower
upon the early recognition and institution of appropriate birthweight or poor body condition may indicate prematurity
therapy. The timing of the initial foal examination is dependent or intrauterine growth restriction (Stoneham 2006).
upon multiple factors, but includes an assessment of the The ‘hands on’ portion of the physical examination
disease risk during the perinatal period. Maternal factors that usually begins with obtaining a rectal temperature. Normal
increase the likelihood of an abnormal foal include previous or body temperature of a foal is 37–39°C (99–101.5°F) (Table 1).
concurrent disease, prolonged transport during pregnancy, Healthy full-term foals are able to maintain body temperature
malnutrition, poor perineal conformation, placentitis, at birth, but are susceptible to hypothermia because of low
premature lactation, twinning and a history of delivering a levels of subcutaneous fat, minimal energy reserves and
previous sick foal (LeBlanc 1997). High risk pregnancies should relatively high heat loss because of an increased body surface
be carefully monitored and foaling attended by a veterinarian to bodyweight ratio. They are dependent upon continuous
if possible. Also, foals that are premature (<320 days ingestion of milk and high activity to maintain body

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586 Assessment of the equine neonate in ambulatory practice

TABLE 1: Normal values for newborn foals Neonates should be examined for limb, joint or tendon
abnormalities. The umbilicus should be inspected and the
Age Heart rate Respiratory rate Temperature
abdominal wall examined for hernias (umbilical and inguinal).
(h) (beats/min) (breaths/min) °C (°F)
The umbilicus should be dipped in 0.5% chlorhexidine to
0–2 120–150 60–80 37–39 (99–100.5) decrease the risk of bacterial contamination. The addition
>2 90–120 20–40 37–39 (99–101.5) of surgical alcohol to the navel dip will speed drying and
help seal the umbilicus (Madigan 1990; Kavan et al. 1994). The
eyes should be examined for cataracts, corneal ulcers and
temperature, so hypothermia may be an early indication entropion; abnormal injection or colour of the sclera should
of potential problems (Stoneham 2006). Increased body be noted. The menace response is a learned behaviour and is
temperature is most frequently associated with sepsis or not reliably present between birth and 2 weeks of age
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), although (Enzerink 1998).
both conditions may also be seen in foals with normal or low Signs of illness are usually quite nonspecific and typically
body temperatures and should prompt laboratory evaluation. include decreased activity, loss of suckle, decreased
Lung sounds are typically louder in foals than adults due to the interactions with the mare, increased sleepiness and a
thin body wall. However, there is poor correlation between decreased or increased body temperature. In many instances,
audible sounds and the presence of lung pathology, so to the first thing that is noticed is the mare streaming milk.
assess pulmonary function, close attention to the effort of In addition to the foal, both the placenta and mare should
breathing is necessary. Normal respirations are characterised be examined. The placenta should be examined to ensure the
by a gentle in and out motion. At birth, the respiratory rate may entire placenta has been passed and to identify abnormalities
be 60–80 breaths/min before decreasing to a rate of 20–40 suggestive of placentitis. Increased weight of the placenta has
breaths/min within the first 24 h after birth (Table 1). The thorax been associated with foal abnormalities (Whitwell and Jeffcott
should be carefully palpated to detect rib fractures which may 1975). Normal umbilical cords measure 36–83 cm in length and
click upon palpation. Subcutaneous swelling and oedema are cords measuring outside this range have been associated with
often found at the fracture site. Fracture of 3 or more ribs is increased foal abnormalities (Cottril 1991a; Cottril et al. 1991b).
associated with an increased risk of fatality (Schambourg et al. Examination of the mare should include temperature, pulse
2003). A ‘flail’ chest that moves in as the chest expands and respiration, mucous membrane colour, inspection of the
indicates that surgical intervention is necessary. An early sign udder and evaluation of perineum for foaling injuries.
of respiratory disease is a persistently elevated respiratory rate.
Signs of increasing respiratory difficulty include exaggerated
Ancillary diagnostic testing
intercostal movement with synchronous abdominal effort
and an expiratory grunt. Finally, paradoxical movement of Evaluation of passive transfer
the chest and abdomen are seen as the foal approaches Although foals are practically immunocompetent at birth,
respiratory failure (Stoneham 2006). they are immunologically naïve and must rely upon the
A grade 1–4 holosystolic murmur can be auscultated over absorption of maternal antibodies from the colostrum for
the left heart base for 24–48 h. Also, irregularities in heart rate protection until sufficient time has passed to mount a primary
may be transiently present immediately after birth due to high antibody response against environmental pathogens. Failure
vagal tone and hypoxia associated with delivery (Yamamoto to ingest adequate amounts of colostrum has been
et al. 1992). Murmurs grade 4 and louder, holosystolic associated with increased risk of sepsis and the incidence of
or pansystolic, bilateral, continuous, diastolic or right-sided failure of passive transfer (FPT) has been estimated to
murmurs are more likely to be associated with a pathological, between 3 and 38% of foals. Failure of passive transfer has
rather than physiological, cause (Chope 2006). Persistent been established as serum IgG at less than 4 g/l and levels
arrhythmias and murmurs detected beyond the first 96 h between 4 and 8 g/l have been termed partial failure of
should be investigated further. Normal heart rate may be high passive transfer (McGuire et al. 1977; Perryman and McGuire
(150 beats/min) when the foal first stands and will remain 1980; Morris et al. 1985; Kohn et al. 1989; Baldwin et al. 1991;
increased (90–120 beats/min) through the first 2 days of life, Clabough et al. 1991; Stoneham et al. 1991; Raidal 1996;
before decreasing to between 60 and 80 beats/min by McClure et al. 2003).
2 days of age (Table 1) (Rossdale 1967). The most common causes of FPT are poor quality
Prolonged capillary refill time (>2 s) with cool ears and colostrum, loss of colostrum before suckling, failure to ingest
distal extremities is indicative of decreased peripheral adequate amounts before 24 h of age and insufficient
perfusion and must be further evaluated. In addition, the absorption of colostral antibodies. Mares produce between
mucous membranes should be examined for potential 1.8–2.8 l of colostrum late in gestation (Kohn et al. 1989).
abnormalities. Pale mucous membranes are suggestive of Colostrum quality appears to increase in the later parts of the
anaemia or decreased perfusion, while sepsis is associated foaling season as the amount of solar radiation increases;
with mucous membrane, sclera, ear (pinnae) and coronary however, antibody concentration declines in the face of mare
band hyperaemia and/or petechiation. Yellow mucous illness during pregnancy, ingestion of endophyte-infected
membranes may be seen with elevations in bilirubin secondary fescue and mares greater than 10 years of age (Clabough
to liver disease or haemolysis. Dehydration may be associated 1990; LeBlanc et al. 1992). Colostral quality can be assessed
with tacky mucous membranes, sunken eyes, decreased by measurement of specific gravity with a ‘colostrometer’
urination and a prolonged skin tent. Tenting the skin of the (Equine Colostrometer)1; good quality colostrum should have
eyelids is more reliable than the skin on the neck for assessing a specific gravity of at least 1.060 (LeBlanc et al. 1986).
hydration status. Frequent urination with dilute urine is Absorption of colostrum in the neonatal gut occurs
associated with normal hydration. by nonselective pinocytosis through specialised intestinal

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S. M. Austin 587

epithelial cells. Normal foals begin absorbing colostral TABLE 2: Normal reference values for neonatal foals
antibodies at first nursing and capacity declines rapidly to 22%
Parameter 1 day 2–7 days
by 3 h after birth and reaches less than 1% by 20 h (Jeffcott
1971, 1974). A delay in nursing does not appear to delay Red blood cells (¥1012/l) 9.5–11.5 8.46–10.6
closure of the equine neonatal gut (Raidal et al. 2005). Haemoglobin (g/l) 13.3–15.5 12.0–14.4
Therefore, foals slow to nurse will have a decreased ability Packed cell volume (%) 38–46 33–40
to absorb intact immunoglobulin from the gastrointestinal MCV (fl) 36.6–43.8 37.1–41.6
tract and are at risk for the development of FPT. Premature MCHC (%) 31.8–35.8 35.1–37.5
or dysmature foals may actually ingest adequate amounts Total WBC (¥109/l) 6.1–11.2 6.9–11.3
Neutrophils (¥109/l) 4.2–8.6 4.5–8.5
of colostrum but fail to absorb antibodies through the
Lymphocytes (¥109/l) 1.0–2.2 1.6–2.8
gastrointestinal tract. Numerous studies have demonstrated a
Monocytes (¥109/l) 0.05–0.4 0.05–0.5
link between foals with failure of passive transfer and an Eosinophils (¥109/l) 0 0–0.2
increased risk for the development of sepsis (McGuire et al. Neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio 3.2 3.0
1977; Perryman and McGuire 1980; Kohn et al. 1989; Baldwin Platelets (¥109/l) 100–3250 140–315
et al. 1991; Clabough et al. 1991; LeBlanc et al. 1992; Raidal Total plasma protein (g/l) 54–69 58–70
1996; Raidal et al. 2005). Since sepsis is recognised as among Albumin (g/l) 25–34 25–34
the leading causes of foal mortality (Cohen 1994), all foals Fibrinogen (g/l) 1.7–3.1 2.2–4.0
should be evaluated for FPT. Serum amyloid A (mg/l) <30 <50
Maternal antibodies peak in the foal at 18–24 h of age Sodium (mmol/l) 134–146 135–144
Potassium (mmol/l) 3.5–5.3 4.1–4.9
(Sheoran et al. 2000), so foals can be tested as early as 12–18 h
Chloride (mmol/l) 100–107 97–105
of age (LeBlanc 2001). There are numerous commercial
Calcium (mmol/l) 2.7–3.2 2.7–3.1
tests available that have been shown to be suitable as Phosphate (mmol/l) 1.3–1.9 1.8–2.3
screening tests for detection of FPT (Davis and Giguere 2005). Magnesium (mmol/l) 0.8–1.0 1.0–1.2
All commercial tests have a sufficient sensitivity to correctly Bicarbonate (mmol/l) 23 24
identify foals with failure of passive transfer, but at higher Glucose (mmol/l) 5.3–9.8 6.7–10.0
antibody concentrations between 4–8 g/l, the commercial Urea (mmol/l) 3.5–4.0 2.3–4.0
tests kits may underestimate serum IgG levels and result in the Creatinine (mmol/l) 150–256 88–150
unnecessary treatment of a few foals that actually had Total bilirubin (mmol/l) 19–111 16–94
adequate serum immunoglobulin levels. Determination of Congugated bilirubin (mmol/l) 5–12 7–20
Bile acids (mmol/l) 0–8.0
serum total protein, although simple, is not accurate enough
Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) (iu/l) 8–43
to determine if adequate transfer of antibodies has occurred Alkaline phosphatase (iu/l) 1182–3382 849–590
(Davis and Giguere 2005). It is recommended that healthy, Gamma glutamyltransferase (iu/l) 15–45 11–26
vigorous foals with complete failure and high risk foals with Aspartate aminotransferase (iu/l) 99–209 165–285
either partial or complete failure of passive transfer should be Lactate dehydrongenase (iu/l) 387–487 390–590
treated to increase serum immunoglobulin to greater than
8 g/l.

Laboratory tests marker, serum amyloid A (SAA), increases significantly within

A complete blood count (CBC) is recommended for any 24–48 h after bacterial infection to >100 mg/l (normal range
foal suspected of being abnormal and is required by some 0–27 mg/l). Levels between 27 and 100 mg/l may occur with
insurance companies before issuance of foal insurance. inflammation or changing SAA status and should prompt serial
Packed cell volume (PCV) and red blood cell (RBC) count testing. Levels of SAA also decrease rapidly in response to
are influenced by the transfer of placental blood flow, appropriate therapy and serve as a useful monitor of
catecholamine secretion and fluid balance. A low PCV and therapeutic response (Stoneham et al. 2001).
RBC count may be associated with premature rupture of Creatine kinase (CK), an enzyme marker of muscle
the cord or neonatal isoerythrolysis (Table 2). damage, is generally within the normal adult range at
In a newborn foal, it is normal for the neutrophil:lymphocyte birth, but may be increased with prolonged recumbency,
ratio to be greater than 2:1 and this finding is indicative dystocia, convulsions or white muscle disease. Serum alkaline
of normal adrenocortical function. Neutropenia with the phosphatase originates from bone, gastrointestinal tract
presence of band or degenerative neutrophils, toxic and liver and is elevated in foals at birth to several weeks
neutrophils and neutrophilia are suggestive of a systemic of age due to an increase in the isoenzymes associated
inflammatory response and should prompt intervention with bone metabolism. Bile acids are increased, when
(Koterba et al. 1984). Lymphopenia is associated with infection compared to adult levels, in foals aged 1–7 days. Bilirubin
with equine herpesvirus (EHV) or equine arteritis virus (EAV) elevations are not uncommon at birth. Levels normally
and may be seen in Arabian foals with severe combined decrease rapidly and should be monitored in conjunction
immunodeficiency. with PCV to rule out concurrent neonatal isoerythrolysis.
Platelet numbers should be similar to adult values and Serum creatinine levels in foals are typically at the upper
decreased levels may be associated with immune-mediated level of the adult range. Elevations in serum creatinine
disease. Fibrinogen levels increase over the first few months of found in the first few days of life usually reflect placental
age from 2–4 g/l (Harvey et al. 1984). A minimum of 48 h is pathology, rather than renal disease in the foal, and should
necessary before fibrinogen levels increase in response to an decline rapidly in otherwise normal foals (Table 2). Failure to
inflammatory insult, so elevations present at birth indicate an decline should prompt further investigation of kidney function
intrauterine insult. An additional acute phase inflammatory (Stoneham 2006).

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588 Assessment of the equine neonate in ambulatory practice

Point-of-care testing can be used to assess intestinal motility, identify retained

The availability of stall side testing allows ambulatory meconium, and determine if distention is the result of free
practitioners to obtain additional information at the fluid within the abdomen vs. fluid accumulation within the
point-of-care that can establish and monitor the health status gastrointestinal tract.
of a foal. In addition, these tests can provide invaluable
information regarding response to treatment which can be Final assessment of foal
used to determine prognosis or establish the need for referral
The goal of the initial examination is to determine if the foal
to a hospital.
is normal, has adequate passive transfer of antibodies, and
Elevations of lactate are not diagnostic of a specific
to ensure that the foal is nursing adequately to maintain
condition but do indicate that a severe disease process is
strength. If the foal is abnormal, it must be determined if the
present and signals the need for prompt intervention. The
foal can be treated on the farm or be referred to a hospital for
highest values of lactate are seen in foals with septic shock,
treatment. Many foals can be successfully treated on the farm.
haemorrhagic shock, prematurity and complicated neonatal
Early identification of abnormalities and prompt institution of
asphyxia syndrome (Henderson et al. 2008; Castagnetti et al.
appropriate therapy greatly improve outcome. The decision
2010). The handheld scout analyser (Lactate Scout)2 measures
to refer requires a frank discussion regarding the possible
lactate concentration in whole blood and has been shown
abnormalities, the prognosis for use, the value of the foal, the
to be reliable for use in neonatal foals (Castagnetti et al.
insurance status of the foal, availability of referral facilities,
2010). Blood lactate may be elevated in apparently normal
experience of the practitioner, experience of farm personnel
foals at birth, but stabilises at 2.1 mmol/l (range 1.0–3.7 mmol/l)
and a determination that the foal’s needs can be met on the
by 24 h of age. Because of the variation in blood lactate levels
in normal neonates, lactate clearance has proven to be
the more useful indicator for survival. The persistence of
hyperlactataemia in the face of appropriate treatment has Author’s declaration of interests
been associated with nonsurvival (Henderson et al. 2008) and No conflicts of interest have been declared.
can be used to determine the prognosis of a sick foal.
Hypoglycaemia can be a potentially fatal problem that Manufacturers’ addresses
can be rapidly identified by use of a stall-side glucometer. 1Lane Manufacturing Co, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Periodic monitoring can identify the problems in glucose 2SensLab, GmbH, Leipzig, Germany.
metabolism and allow rapid corrections in the field. A
glucometer designed for veterinary use is preferable, as
devices designed for human glucose measurement may
Baldwin, J.L., Cooper, W.L., Vanderwall, D.K. and Erb, H.N. (1991)
be highly variable when utilised to measure equine blood Prevalence (treatment days) and severity of illness in
glucose. If a human POC device is used, it should be hypogammaglobulinemia and normogammaglobulinemia foals.
periodically compared to laboratory standards to evaluate J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 198, 423-428.
performance for stall-side monitoring (Hackett and McCue Bellezzo, F., Hunt, R.J., Provost, P., Bain, F.T. and Kirker-Head, C. (2004)
2010). An in-depth discussion of laboratory derangements is Surgical repair of rib fractures in 14 neonatal foals: case selection,
surgical technique and results. Equine Vet. J. 36, 557-562.
available in an article by Wilkins (2011).
Castagnetti, C., Pirrone, A., Mariella, J. and Mari, G. (2010) Venous
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Imaging Theriogenol. 73, 343-357.
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heart (Bellezzo et al. 2004) and ultrasound has proven to be in Standardbred foals. Proc. Am. Coll. Vet. Intern. Med. 8, 555-558.
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Cohen, N.D. (1994) Causes of and farm management factors
investigation lethargic, febrile foals or those that develop
associated with disease and death in foals. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass.
patent urachus. The size of umbilical structures should be 204, 1644-1651.
compared to normal values to help determine if infection is Cottril, C.M. (1991a) Placental evaluation in the field. Equine Vet. Educ.
present (Table 3) (Reef and Collatos 1989; Franklin and Ferrell 3, 204-207.
2002). When abdominal enlargement is present, ultrasound Cottril, C.M., Jeffers-Lo, J., Ousey, J.C., McGladdery, A.J., Ricketts, S.W.,
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Structure Location Dimensions (cm) Davis, R. and Giguere, S. (2005) Evaluation of five commercially
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Umbilical vein Caudal to umbilicus 0.61 ⫾ 0.20 concentration via refractometry for the diagnosis of failure of
Mid abdomen 0.52 ⫾ 0.19 passive transfer of immunity in foals. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 227,
At liver 0.60 ⫾ 0.19
Umbilical arteries Single artery 0.85 ⫾ 0.21 Enzerink, E. (1998) The menace response and papillary light reflex in
Both arteries plus urachus 1.75 ⫾ 0.37 neonatal foals. Equine Vet. J. 30, 546-548.
Franklin, R.P. and Ferrell, E.A. (2002) How to perform umbilical sonograms
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