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Motivation in Learning

Article  in  Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies · September 2020

DOI: 10.9734/AJESS/2020/v10i430273

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4 authors, including:

Jacob Filgona Augustine Ugwumba Okoronka

Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Adama Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Adama


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Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies

10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

ISSN: 2581-6268

Motivation in Learning
Jacob Filgona1*, John Sakiyo1, D. M. Gwany1 and A. U. Okoronka2
Department of Environmental and Life Sciences Education,
Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
Department of Physical Sciences Education, Modibbo Adama University of Technology,
Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author JF designed the article, wrote
the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Authors JS, DMG and AUO supervised the
work and corrected the first draft of the manuscript. Author JF managed the literature searches.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/AJESS/2020/v10i430273
(1) Dr. Vlasta Hus, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
(1) Gabriel Julien, University of the West Indies, West Indies.
(2) Chiotelis Ioannis, University of Patras, Greece.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 28 June 2020

Review Article Accepted 04 September 2020
Published 09 September 2020


Motivating the learner to learn is pertinent to curriculum implementation. This is because motivation
is an influential factor in the teaching-learning situations. The success of learning depends on
whether or not the learners are motivated. Motivation drives learners in reaching learning goals. It
is important to recognize the fact that motivating learning is a central element of good teaching.
This implies that learners’ motivation is probably the single most important element of learning.
Learning is inherently hard work; it is pushing the brain to its limits, and thus can only happen with
motivation. Students’ motivation to learn is of special importance because students’ mere presence
in the class is of course, not a guarantee that students want to learn. It is only a sign that students
live in a society where children are required to attend school. Highly motivated learners are likely to
learn readily, and make any class fun to teach, while unmotivated learners may likely learn very
little and generally make teaching painful and frustrating. Since modern education is compulsory,
teachers cannot take learners’ motivation for granted, and they have a responsibility to ensure
learners are motivated to learn. Teachers must persuade learners to want to do what they ought to
do. This task— understanding and therefore influencing learners’ motivations to learn—is the thrust
of this article. In order to ensure that the aims and objective of the curriculum is achieved, this

*Corresponding author: Email:;

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

article focuses on providing the teachers and educators with insight to the concept and types of
motivation, motives as a goal, factors affecting motivation, importance of motivation, and strategies
for motivating the learners.

Keywords: Motivation; teachers; learners; learning.

1. INTRODUCTION in determining how much learners will learn from

the activities they perform or the information to
Motivation is a complex part of human which they will be exposed to. Learners who are
psychology and behavior that influences how motivated to learn something use higher
individuals choose to invest their time, how much cognitive processes in learning about it.
energy they exert in any given task, how they Motivation to do something can come about in
think and feel about the task, and how long they many ways. It can be a personality characteristic
persist in the task (Bakar, [1]). Bakar added that or a stable long-lasting interest in doing
motivation reflects in students’ choices of something. It is pertinent to note that achieving
learning tasks, the time and effort they devote to high level of motivation in the classroom leads to
them, their persistence on learning tasks, and in higher levels of understanding (Vansteenkiste et
coping with the obstacles they encounter in the al., [10], [11]), creativity (Koestner et al., in
learning process. According to Luthans [2], Gibbens, [12]), productivity (Das Carlo, Swadi, &
motivation is a process which starts with Mpofu, [13]), and achievement (Moulaert et al.,
physiological or psychological deficiency or need [14]; Sobral, [15]). Together these positive
that activates a behavior or drive which is aimed outcomes make motivation one of the most
at a goal or incentives. This is why motivation is important elements of learning (Carl Wieman
refer to as “the reasons underlying behavior” Science Education Initiative, [16]).
(Guay et al., [3], p. 712). Learners assign various
meanings and attitudes to academic activities— Motivating students to learn in school is a topic of
personal meanings and attitudes that arouse and great concern for educationist today, and
direct their energies in different ways. These motivating students so that they can succeed in
associated energizing and directing effects are school is one of the greatest challenges of
referred to as motivation or sometimes education. Student motivation is an essential
motivation to learn. Motivation is the key to element that is necessary for quality education.
success in the teaching-learning process. Hadre et al. [17] argued that motivation is among
Motivation, as the name suggests, is what the most powerful determinants of students’
‘moves’ us. It is the reason we do anything at all. success or failure in school. In the learning
Paraphrasing Gredler, Broussard and Garrison sphere, spurring students’ motivation to engage
[4], motivation is defined as “the attribute that in academic activities is part of teachers’
moves us to do or not to do something” (p. 106). teaching-learning strategy if the teacher wants to
It is an internal impetus or drive to do a specific see consistent and quality results. For a learner
action or behavior (Ryan & Deci, [5]). Motivation to make an effort there must be a motive. Motive
is a critical component of teaching and learning. simply means a desire, need, urge, or drive to
For teachers, a lack of motivation has long been achieve a certain goal (Makokha & Ongwae,
one of the most frustrating obstacles to students’ [18]). It is that drive which makes one does what
learning. Teachers are the key factor in one does. The motive will also include interests,
motivating students to engage with learning attitudes, and purposes. Seifert and Sutton [19]
activities within their specific educational classified these motives and their sources as (i)
contexts (Ryan and Deci, [6], Wood, [7]). A motives as behavior change, (ii) motives as
teacher whose behaviours reveal a positive goals, (iii) motives as interests, (iv) motives as
attitude and enthusiasm for learning within a attributions about success, (v) motives as beliefs
specific curricula subject is more likely to have about self-efficacy, and (vi) motives as self-
students who develop positive affect and determination. Seifert and Sutton asserts that
enthusiasm for learning and achievement within motives are affected by the kind of goals set by
the subject (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris [8]; students—whether they are oriented to mastery,
Tymms, Bolden, & Merrell, [9]). performance, failure-avoidance, or social contact.
They are also affected by students’ interests,
Motivation is important in getting students to both personal and situational. They are affected
engage in academic activities. It is also important by students’ attributions about the causes of

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

success and failure—whether they perceive the al., [27]; Fredricks et al., [8]; Marsh & Martin,
causes are due to ability, effort, task difficulty, or [29]; Reeve, [30], [31]). Instructors strive to
luck. motivate their students so that they will be
interested and engaged during class and will
Nashar [20] explains that the motivation to learn continue valuing the material well into the future
has an internal and external impulse that causes (Gibbens, [12]). As an instructor/teacher, you
a person (people) to act or reach his/her should understand your learners' needs,
destination so that changes in his/her behavior interests, purposes, and attitudes so that you are
occurs. Hamzah [21] argues that the nature of able to encourage them to learn. You should
motivation to learn is internal and external provide the environment that motivates the
encouragement to students who are learning to learners because if they are not motivated, they
hold a change of behavior. Students' motivation may not come back to classes after the first few
in the learning process can be seen from their lessons. It is your duty to create and sustain
behavior in learning. Students who have high interest in learning. Intelligence and abilities are
motivation to learn are diligently working on the not necessarily preconditions of learning.
task, resilient in the face of adversity, show Remember that having abilities does not mean
interest in a variety of problems, prefer to work that the learners will in fact learn. They have to
independently, and not get bored in doing the wish to learn. They have to have some kind of
task (Bakar, [1]). More so, Baron and Donn [22] interest in what they are learning. They need to
added that students with a high level of also aspire to master certain skills. As a teacher,
motivation have some characteristics, such as you need to work hard to sustain and build on
initiative, diligence and active in learning, not learners’ motivation. As rightly pointed out by
easy to satisfy, punctual and disciplined, always Sanfeliz and Stalzer [24], many high school
trying to learn with the best result. Additionally, science teachers believe that one of their most
motivated students achieve academically by important instructional responsibilities is to foster
engaging in behavior such as studying, question students’ motivation to learn. Also, it is important
asking, advice seeking, and participating in that you seek to understand each individual’s
classes, labs, and study groups (Schunk, motive for wanting to learn so that you make the
Pintrich, &Meece, [23]). According to Sanfeliz learning experience more relevant to the
and Stalzer [24], motivated students enjoy learner’s needs. This means that motivation is
learning science, believe in their ability to learn, not only important in encouraging students to
and take responsibility for their learning. High learn, but also in helping students in
academic success of high ability students is their achievement (Anni, [32]). The approach you use
high level of motivation to continue their for teaching should be more in line with the
education (Kozochkina, [25]). Highlighting some learners’ wishes, by so doing you can best help
of the qualities of motivated students, Palmer the learners.
[26] stated that students, who are motivated pay
attention, begin working on tasks immediately, The teacher must be well trained, must focus and
ask questions and volunteer answers, and monitor the educational process, be dedicated
appear to be happy, eager and enthusiastic to and responsive to his or her students, and be
learn. This proves the efficacy of motivational inspirational (William & William, n.d [33]). The
strategies in enhancing students’ learning in and content must be accurate, timely, stimulating,
outside the classroom. and pertinent to the students’ current and future
needs. The method or process must be
Getting students to learn and sustaining their inventive, encouraging, interesting, beneficial,
interest in what they are learning should be the and provide tools that can be applied to the
sole objective of teachers in the classroom. The student’s real life. The environment needs to be
instructor; an expert in the subject, is uniquely accessible, safe, positive, personalized as much
qualified to show students why the material is as possible, and empowering. Motivation is
important, intellectually interesting, and valuable optimized when students are exposed to a large
for them to learn. Conveying this message is an number of these motivating experiences and
important goal of any effective instructor. variables on a regular basis (William & William,
Teachers’ ability to engage students’ interest and n.d [33]). That is, students ideally should have
participation in their schooling in general many sources of motivation in their learning
(Christenson, Reschly & Wylie, [27]; Klem & experience in each class (Debnath, [34]; Palmer,
Connell, [28]) is regarded as essential for a [26]; D’Souza & Maheshwari, [35]). Teachers
sustained academic achievement (Christenson et need to be aware of attention cycles and strive to

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

improve students’ attention by using student- towards the affective components of cognition.
centred enhanced techniques (Bunce, Flens, & Within the affective components, motivation is
Neiles, [36]). Interactivity is important in lesson becoming important because of the crucial role
and can take many forms: pop quizzes, that its play in the process of cognitive
questioning and discussion, problems, visual engagement and conceptual change (Tuan,
aids, films, questions on the board, questions Chin, & Shieh, [44]; Tang & Neber, [45]).
through e-mail, hand-outs, and simulations Evidence documents motivation as an important
(Gillentine & Schultz, [37]). determinant predicting students’ achievement
(Beal & Stevens, [46]; Broussard & Garrsion,
Learners may have more than one motive for [47]; Sandra, [48]; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, [49]; Zhu
attending classes. However, the basic motive of & Leung, [50]). According to Steward, Bachman,
a learner is the need for achievement and reward and Johnson [51], motivational orientations act
(Makokha & Ongwae, [18]). A learner also needs as a driving force that encourages a person to
to feel good about something. No responsible engage in a task. Motivation has been reported
learner wants to go and waste time in the class. in primary, secondary and college education to
Usually, motives vary from one individual to influence academic performance through study
another, one area to another or one institution to effort as a mediator (Vansteenkiste, et al. [10]).
another. There are several theories of motivation According to Busato, Prins, Elshout, and
that exist. Some state that motivation is tied to Hamaker [52], intellectual ability and
the idea that behaviours that have been achievement motivation were positively
rewarded in the past will be more likely to be associated with academic success. Kushman,
repeated in the future (operant conditioning Sieber, and Harold (as cited by Broussard, [53])
theory). Therefore, past experiences will motivate stated that high motivation and engagement in
a student to perform in future ones. Other learning have consistently been linked to
theories prefer to think of motivation as a way to reduced dropout rates and increased levels of
satisfy certain needs (the needs theory of student success. For example, in a 2006 survey
motivation). Some basic needs people must exploring why students dropped out of school,
satisfy are food, shelter, love, and positive self- 70% of high school dropouts said they were
esteem. Therefore, motivation to do something unmotivated (Bridgeland, DiIulio, & Morison,
may be based on the achievement of these [54]). These results demonstrate the fact that
needs. Yet another theory (the attribution theory) motivation could affect students’ learning.
seeks to understand people’s explanations and
excuses when it comes to their successes and It is important to note that motivation, which is a
failures. The expectancy theory of motivation is psychological construct, is also a teaching
based on the belief that learners’ efforts to technique that could be used to enhance
achieve depend on their expectations of rewards. learning in the classroom. As the quality of
Learners will be motivated to do something students’ academic achievement continues to
based on whether they think that they will be fluctuate year in year out, the need to develop
successful and be rewarded. When learners feel strategies for motivating learners to enhance
that they have control over their success in their learning outcomes is imperative. Without
something, then they are more motivated to proper motivation of learners, learning may not
achieve in it (Reeve, Hamm, & Nix, [38]). An take place, and if learning does not take place,
advantage of this approach is that when students the objective of developing the curriculum may
are given the freedom to determine their not be achieved. Therefore, this literary
academic tasks, they are more likely to benefit contribution was primarily designed to acquaint
from them (Glynn & Koballa, [39]). If learners feel the teachers and educators with strategies for
that they will not have any control in their motivating the learners to ensure that the goal of
success they might not be as motivated to curriculum is achieved.
achieve. This is why Hamalik [40] stated that a
motivated group will be more successful than 2. CONCEPT OF MOTIVATION
those who do not have the motivation.
There are several definitions of motivation.
A pedagogical shift has led to a change in the Motivation has been related to the amount of
role of the teacher from a transmitter of intellectual energy typically used in learning
knowledge to that of a facilitator, guide and activities, and this led to a belief that motivation
motivation optimizer in the learning environment could be seen as a stable characteristic of the
(Palmer, [41]; Cavas, [42], Ongowo, & Hungi, individual, on a par with personality. Motivation is
[43]). A number of studies have been directed what causes a person wants to know, act,

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

understand, believe or gain particular skills. and compulsion to participate and be successful
Motivation can also be defined as the drive to in the process of learning.
satisfy the individual’s need e.g. a learner who
wants to learn how to read and count so that Motivation is seen as a mental impulse that
he/she won’t be cheated when s/he goes out drives and directs human behaviour, including
shopping. Other scholars have also defined learning behaviour. Motivation has a willingness
motivation in several ways. The existence of this to activate, mobilize, channel and direct the
variety of definitions shows the difficulty in attitudes and behaviour of a learner (Dimyati &
describing motivation and its role in the process Mudjiono, [67]). Brown [68] defines motivation
of learning. Consequently, the first step is to based on behaviouristic and cognitive point of
clarify some of the problematic aspects of the view. In the behaviouristic perspective, Brown
term “motivation” as it was described in Rodicio defines motivation as anticipation of
[55]: Motivation is not a physical feature; that is, it reinforcement which is a powerful concept for the
cannot be observed directly. Madrid [56] classroom. Based on cognitive perspective,
explained the concept of motivation as an Brown classified motivation definition into three
individual state that is influenced by categories. The first definition is hinged on the
different factors such as beliefs, interests, drive theory, which means that motivation stems
goals, and wishes that demand an effort from from basic innate drives; this definition shows
students. that motivation have been in existence within us
since we are born. This shows that motivation is
Recently, other scholars have also added their an internal state that activates, guides, and
voices. Spolsky [57] described motivation as the maintains behavior (Green, [69]). The second
amount of time a learner is prepared to spend on definition is based on hierarchy of needs,
learning tasks. Ortega-Martín [58] explained that meaning that motivation is something that comes
motivation is an individual’s disposition to from individual’s needs. Third, based on self-
learning a task that can be modified both by him- control theory, motivation is something that
or herself and by the surrounding circumstances. appear if there is opportunity to make someone
According to Bhatia, motivation is the stimulation to make own choices about what to pursue and
or action towards a particular goal where what not to pursue (self-control). Summarily,
previously there was little or no attraction these definitions show that motivation is one of
towards that goal (Bhatia, [59]). Cole [60] defined influential stimulating factor in teaching-learning
motivation as the internal state that instigates, situations that drives learners to struggle to reach
directs, and maintains behaviour. Hikmat [61] their goals.
says motivation is the impetus or stimulus given
The foregoing are general ideas considered in
to a person in order to have the will to act.
defining “motivation” in this article. That is,
Sardiman [62] says that motivation can be
motivation will be understood as what
considered as the overall driving force in
encourages or drive learners to freely devote
students that lead to learning activities.
their time to a specific academic activity
Motivation is the internal state or condition
(Redondo & Ortega-Martín, [70]). It encourages
sometimes described as a need, desire or want
learners not only to initiate the activity but also to
that serves to activate or energizes behaviour
continue working on it throughout their lives.
and give it direction (Kleinginna & Kleinginna,
These reasons are personal and different in each
[63]). Motivation has been defined as a cognitive
individual context, and they can come from the
and affective force that initiates, sustains and
learners themselves or from external stimuli.
directs engagement behaviours; as an
internalized process of formation drawn from the 2.1 Types of Motivation
individual’s experiences, perceptions and
interpretations (Reeve, [31]). It consists of an Based on Self-determination Theory (SDT),
inner psychological drive leading to action, i.e. learners may be driven to learn by two sources—
engagement behaviours (Abrahams, [64]). internal and external. Generally, there are two
According to Robbins, Judge and Campbell (as types of motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic
cited by Cleary, [65]), motivation is the processes motivation:
that account for an individual’s intensity, direction
and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal. 2.1.1 Intrinsic motivation
Additionally, in accordance to Yunus et al. (in
Wagner, [66]), in school context, motivation Here stimulus is internal to the person; it can be
refers to a student’s willingness, need, desire biological, emotional, spiritual, or social. In this

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

case, there are no external rewards. The activity increasing the motivation of students (Niemiec &
is undertaken for self-pleasure and individual Ryan, [73]). If the students do not enjoy learning
satisfaction. It may be characterized by curiosity a subject in a class, the material taught will be
and a desire to meet challenges. Intrinsic difficult to be assimilated, so, as stated earlier,
motivation is driven by an interest or enjoyment intrinsic motivation is created by an individual’s
which a person feels in a task. It is within the self-influenced-personal-factors that are needs,
individual and does not rely on external pressure. interest, and enjoyment. This shows that learners
Ryan and Deci [71] explained intrinsic motivation can create motivation by their self.
as the choices people make for their own sake
without considering any external component, Intrinsic motivation is more influenced than
such that they are intrinsically rewarded. extrinsic motivation because intrinsic motivation
According to Ryan and Deci [71], Deci and Ryan rises from learner self not influenced by an
[72]; Niemiec and Ryan [73], learners are external factor. Gagne and Deci [78] reported
intrinsically motivated, and engage in activities that intrinsic needs derive satisfaction from
because of their internal interests, joy, and performing the activity itself; from the
excitement. Matt and Dale [74] stated that implementation of an activity without receiving
intrinsic motivators include fascination with the any apparent reward. This makes a learner be
subject, a sense of its relevance to life and the aware that he/she needs to learn. Brown [79]
world, a sense of accomplishment in mastering it, reported that intrinsically motivated activities are
and a sense of calling to it. Harter (in Chow ones for which there is no apparent reward
&Yong, [75]) explained that intrinsic motivation is except the activity itself. Brown added that
the true drive in human nature, which drives people seem to engage in the activities for their
individuals to search for and to face new own sake and not because they need an
challenges. Deci (as cited by Ayub, [76]), refers extrinsic reward.
to intrinsic motivation as being in an activity
for itself, and the pleasure and satisfaction Matt and Dale [74] argued that intrinsic
derived from participation. motivation can be long-lasting and self-
sustaining. Efforts to build this kind of motivation
Intrinsic motivation is an inner force that are also typically efforts at promoting students’
motivates students to engage in academic learning. Such efforts often focus on the subject
activities, because they are interested in learning rather than on rewards or punishments.
and they enjoy the learning process as well Csiksezentmihalyi and Nakamura (in Chow &
(Schiefele in Chow &Yong, [75]). Their (learners) Yong, [75]) stated that intrinsically motivated
abilities are put to the test and they are eager to individuals possess the following characteristics:
learn even when there are no external rewards to they engage in both mental and physical
be won (Chow &Yong, [75]). Students with activities holistically, they remain highly focused
learning goals of seeking understanding for throughout these activities with clearly defined
mastery of science content and skills are said to goals, they are self-critical, they self-reflect on
be intrinsically motivated (Cavallo, et al., [77]). their own actions realistically, and they are
usually relaxed and not afraid to fail during
The needs of students can engage them to learning. Moreover, a research study done by
achieve the learning goals. For example, a Stipek (in Chow & Yong, [75]) concluded that
learner who learns the English Language intrinsically motivated students learn
because he/she needs English skill to independently and always choose to do
communicate in his/her social life, and a learner challenging tasks. They persevere to complete
who needs the knowledge of mathematics in the tasks they have undertaken. They integrate
order not to be cheated when purchasing goods their knowledge acquired in school with their
from the store may demonstrate a high level of experiences gained from outside school. They
motivation in learning English and Mathematics often ask questions to broaden their knowledge
respectively. This is to help him/her master the and learn regardless of any external push factors
subject in order to survive in the social world. or help from teachers, and they take pride in their
Seifert and Sutton [19] assert that interest (an work and express positive emotions during the
affective and intrinsic component) also has a role learning process. Highly intrinsically motivated
in increasing the motivation level of students. If a students are able to learn new concepts
student is interested to study Geography, the successfully and show better understanding of
student may easily reach the learning goal. the subject matter. However, efforts at fostering
Enjoyment or satisfaction is also important in intrinsic motivation can be slow to affect behavior

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

and can require special and lengthy preparation. another problem with extrinsic motivators is that
Students are individuals, so a variety of they typically do not work over the long term.
approaches may be needed to motivate different Once the rewards or punishments are removed,
students. It is often helpful to know what interests students lose their motivation (Matt & Dale, [74]).
one’s (teacher) students in order to connect Extrinsically motivated students tend to focus on
these interests with the subject matter. This earning higher grades and obtaining rewards. Lei
requires getting to know one’s students. Also, it [83] props this view stating that individuals who
helps if the instructor is interested in the subject, are motivated extrinsically rely solely on rewards
to begin with. and desirable results for their motivation. This
implies that students who are motivated
2.1.2 Extrinsic motivation externally are at a greater risk of performing
lower academically than intrinsically motivated
Here stimulus is outside the person, it can be students. Biehler and Snowman (in Chow &
there in the form of operant conditioning or social Yong, [75]) also believed that extrinsic
cognition. It refers to the performance of a task motivational factors can diminish students’
for attaining an outcome. It may be in the form of intrinsic motivation. Such observation has also
some kind of reward, social approval, or been echoed by Bain [84] who concluded that
appreciation. Harmer [80] explained that extrinsic rewards have negative impacts on
extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of intrinsic motivation.
outside factors that might include the hope of
financial reward; need to pass an exam or the
Some other types of motivation are also found in
possibility of the future level. In addition, Marsh
[81] defines motivation as an external stimulus
that follows as a result of a certain response. So,
1. Instrumental motivation: It is extrinsic in
extrinsic motivation is any stimulus that comes
nature where students perform an activity
from outside of learner, and which drives the
in order to obtain tangible rewards.
learner in the learning process. According to
2. Social motivation: Students perform a task
Ryan and Deci [71], Deci and Ryan [72]; Niemiec
in order to earn praise from those they
and Ryan [73], learners are externally driven to
respect or admire e.g. teachers, parents.
perform an action with an anticipation of some
3. Amotivation: This is the situation in which
outcome other than the learning itself. Chow and
the learner lacks the intention to engage in
Yong [75] posit that extrinsic motivation drives
the learning activity—not feeling
students to engage in academic tasks for
worthwhile to make any effort in the
external reasons. According to Benabou and
study—as a result of being externally
Tirole [82], extrinsic motivation promotes effort
controlled (Assor et al., [85]; Deci & Ryan,
and performance with rewards serving as
positive reinforcers for the desired behavior.
4. Achievement motivation: Learners learn
According to Matt and Dale [74], extrinsic the hope of success. Ausubel suggested
motivators include parental expectations, three elements in this type of motivation.
expectations of other trusted role models,
earning potential of a course of study, and good  Cognitive drive: Students tries to satisfy
grades. Matt and Dale [74] argued that extrinsic his/her need ‘to know’
motivators more readily produce behavior  Self-enhancement: Students tries to satisfy
changes and typically involve relatively little effort his/her self-esteem.
or preparation. The author added that efforts at  Affiliation motivation: Students wants to
applying extrinsic motivators often do not require earn approval from others.
extensive knowledge of individual students.
Extrinsic motivation typically produces immediate These different types of motivation yield different
results and requires less effort in comparison to effects on students’ learning. With intrinsic
intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, [5]). However, motivation, learners learn better (Niemiec &
extrinsic motivators can often distract students Ryan, [73]) and are more process-oriented (Garn
from learning the subject at hand, or independent & Jolly, [86]), more persistent in learning (Cho,
learning. Matt and Dale submit that it can be [87]; Deci & Ryan, [72]) and more prone to self-
challenging to devise appropriate rewards and learning and development (Deci & Ryan, [72];
punishments for students’ behaviors. Often, one Ling, [88]; Niemiec & Ryan, [73]; Taylor et al.,
needs to escalate the rewards and punishments [89]). However, some forms of extrinsic
over time to maintain a certain effect level. Also, motivation may be necessary for the situation

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

where the educational activities are not that the group that was paid to solve puzzles
interesting or enjoyable by nature—serving as a stopped solving puzzles as soon as the
springboard for learning (Cho, [87]; Niemiec & experiment—and the payment—ended (Ken,
Ryan, [73]). To engage learners in such tasks, [96]). However, the group that wasn’t paid kept
the teacher can help regulate the learners’ solving the puzzles even after the experiment
engagement by highlighting the importance of was over. They had found the puzzles
the task—pointing out how it can support the intrinsically interesting. Deci argued that the
learner’s own goals and interests in real life group that had been paid to solve puzzles might
(Assor, Kaplan, & Roth, [90]). For learners with have found the puzzles intrinsically interesting as
amotivation, they are more likely to quit learning well, but the extrinsic, monetary reward had
as soon as possible (Noels, Pelletier, Clément, & reduced their intrinsic interest (Ken, [96]).
Vallerand, [91]). Students who are extrinsically Therefore, the teacher should know when and
motivated have been found to be less how to apply rewards in order to motivate
psychologically satisfied with outcomes than learners.
those who were intrinsically motivated
(Vansteenkiste, Simons, Lens, Sheldon, & Deci, To enhance learners’ motivation, previous
[92]). According to Ryan and Deci [71], studies have suggested that teachers’ behaviors
understanding students’ types of extrinsic and instructional practices play an important role
motivation is important for educators because (Assor et al., [85]; Bernaus & Gardner, [97];
educators may not be able to depend solely on Corpus, McClintic-Gilbert, & Hayenga, [98];
intrinsic motivation to encourage student Dweck, [99]; Gottfried, Fleming, & Gottfried,
learning. Educators sometimes may provide [100]; Jang, Kim, & Reeve, [101]; Lai & Ting,
tasks that may not be intrinsically motivating for [102]; Loima & Vibulphol, [103], [104]; Niemiec &
students; therefore, encouraging students to Ryan, [73]; Papi & Abdollahzadeh, [105];
pursue active and volitional types of extrinsic Urhahne, [106]). Studies have shown that
motivation becomes necessary for successful teachers can promote or suppress students’
teaching. natural curiosity in learning (Niemiec & Ryan,
[73]; Reeve, [107]). Jang, Reeve, and Deci [108]
Motivation to learn, according to Brophy [93], explained that the more space the teacher gave
prefer the cognitive response, that is, the to students’ individual learning, the more
tendency of students to achieve meaningful and intrinsically motivated the students would be.
useful academic activities as well as trying to Loima and Vibulphol [103], [104] found this to be
profit from these activities. Students who are true in classrooms in Thailand as well. This goes
motivated to learn will pay attention to lessons to show that teachers have a great role to play in
delivered, read the material so that they can motivating students to learn.
understand, and use supportive, specific learning
strategies (Bakar, [1]). Students who have the 2.2 Motives as Goals
motivation to learn will depend on whether the
activity has interesting content or a fun process. One way motives vary is by the kind of goals that
The achievement of academic competencies is students set for themselves, and by how the
related to the acquisition of knowledge and skills goals support students’ academic achievement.
that will be productively utilized in learners who As you might suspect, some goals encourage
live outside the school. Hamdu and Agustina [94] academic achievement more than others, but
found that the motivation to learn and the even motives that do not concern academics
learning achievement of students are significantly explicitly tend to affect learning indirectly. Seifert
related. and Sutton [19] classified students’ achievement
goals into four categories viz: (i) mastery goal (ii)
Tokan and Imakulata [95] argued that intrinsic performance goal (iii) performance-avoidance
and extrinsic motivation affects the learning goal or failure-avoidance goal (iii) social goals.
achievement of the students. However, research
indicates that extrinsic rewards can have a 2.2.1 Mastery goals
negative impact on intrinsic motivation (Ken,
[96]). In one series of experiments conducted by Mastery goals tend to be associated with the
psychologist Edward Deci (Ken, [96]), two groups enjoyment of learning the material at hand, and
of college students play with a puzzle called in this sense represent an outcome that teachers
Soma. One group of students was paid for each often seek for students. By definition therefore
puzzle they solved; the other wasn’t. Deci found they are a form of intrinsic motivation. As such

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

mastery goals have been found to be better than less deliberately, doing only the minimum work
performance goals at sustaining students’ necessary to avoid looking foolish or to avoid
interest in a subject. In one review of research serious conflict with the teacher. Avoiding failure
about learning goals, for example, students with in this way is an example of self-handicapping—
primarily mastery orientations toward a course deliberate actions and choices that reduce the
they were taking not only tended to express chances of success. Students may self-handicap
greater interest in the course, but also continued in a number of ways; in addition to not working
to express interest well beyond the official end of hard, they may procrastinate about completing
the course, and to enroll in further courses in the assignments, for example, or set goals that are
same subject (Harackiewicz, et al., [109]; unrealistically high.
Wolters, [110]).
2.2.4 Social goals
2.2.2 Performance goals
Most students need and value relationships, both
Performance goals imply extrinsic motivation and with classmates and with teachers, and often
tend to show the mixed effects of this orientation. (though not always) they get a good deal of
A positive effect is that students with a positive support from the relationships. But the
performance orientation do tend to get higher effects of social relationships are complex and at
grades than those who express primarily a times can work both for and against academic
mastery orientation. The advantage in grades achievement. If a relationship with the teacher is
occurs both in the short term (with individual important and reasonably positive, then the
assignments) and in the long term (with overall student is likely to try pleasing the teacher by
grade point average when graduating). But there working hard on assignments (Dowson &
is evidence that performance-oriented students McInerney, [113]). Note, though, that this effect is
do not actually learn the material as deeply or closer to performance than mastery; the student
permanently as students who are more mastery- is primarily concerned about looking good to
oriented (Midgley, Kaplan, & Middleton, [111]). A someone else. If, on the other hand, a student is
possible reason is that measures of especially concerned about relationships with
performance—such as test scores—often reward peers, the effects on achievement depend on the
relatively shallow memorization of information student’s motives for the relationship as well as
and therefore guide performance-oriented on peers’ attitudes. The abilities and
students away from processing the information achievement motivation of peers themselves can
thoughtfully or deeply. Another possible also make a difference, but once again the
reason is that a performance orientation, by effects vary depending on the context. Low
focusing on gaining recognition as the best achievement and motivation by peers affect an
among peers, encourages competition among individual’s academic motivation more in
peers. Giving and receiving help from elementary school than in high school, more in
classmates is thus not in the self-interest of a learning mathematics than learning to read, and
performance-oriented student, and the more if there is a wide range of abilities in a
resulting isolation limits the student’s classroom than if there is a more narrow range
learning. (Burke & Sass, [114]). In spite of these
complexities, social relationships are valued so
2.2.3 Failure-avoidant goals highly by most students that teachers should
generally facilitate them, though also keep an
Failure-avoidant goals by nature undermine eye on their nature and their consequent effects
academic achievement. Often they are the on achievement.
negative by-product of the competitiveness of
performance goals (Urdan, [112]). If a teacher Many assignments can be accomplished
(and sometimes also fellow students) put too productively in groups, for example, as long as
much emphasis on being the best in the class, the groups are formed thoughtfully. But the
and if interest in learning the material as such majority of students’ social contacts are likely
therefore suffers, then some students may always to come from students’ own initiatives
decide that success is beyond their reach or may with each other in simply taking time to talk and
not be desirable in any case. The alternative— interact. The teacher’s job is to encourage these
simply avoiding failure—may seem wiser as well informal contacts, especially when they happen
as more feasible. Once a student adopts this at times that support rather than interfere with
attitude, he or she may underachieve more or learning.

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2.3 Dimensions of Students’ Motivation i. The activities in the teaching/learning

process: This factor is important because a
Researchers generally agree on four major great part of the learner’s interest in the
dimensions that contribute to students’ subject will depend on the types of
motivation (Bandura, [115]; Dweck, [116]; activities developed in class.
Murray, [117]; Pintrich, [118]; Ryan & Deci, [5];
Seifert, [119]). At least one of these dimensions ii. The final results: Good results are
must be satisfied for a student to be motivated. understood as a reward for the learner,
The more dimensions that are met, and the more whereas bad results are similar to a
strongly they are met, the greater the motivation punishment. In this case, motivation is the
will be. These dimensions are: consequence of these results: Students
with good final results are going to be more
 Competence: The student believes he or motivated than students with bad results.
she has the ability to complete the task.
iii. Internal motivation: This is connected to
 Control/autonomy: The student feels in the student’s inner drive about the subject
control by seeing a direct link between his as a consequence of previous experiences
or her actions and an outcome and retains and the use of the subject to their daily
autonomy by having some choice about lives.
whether or how to undertake the task.
iv. Extrinsic motivation: The influence of
 Interest/value: The student has some external stimuli such as rewards or
interest in the task or sees the value of punishments.
completing it.
Dörnyei [121] presents three main types of
 Relatedness: Completing the task brings motivational sources:
the student social rewards, such as a
sense of belonging to a classroom or other i. Course-specific components: the syllabus,
desired social group or approval from a teaching material, teaching method, and
person of social importance to the student. learning tasks.

ii. Teacher-specific components: the

The interplay of these dimensions—along with
teacher’s behaviour, personality, and
other dynamics such as school climate and home
teaching style.
environment—is quite complex and varies not
only among different students but also within the
iii. Group-specific components: the dynamics
same students in different situations. Still, this
of the learner group.
basic framework can be helpful in designing or
analyzing the impact of various strategies to
Sukmadinata [122] says motivation is influenced
increase students’ motivation.
by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The intrinsic
factors, among others, are students’ attitudes,
3. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE interests, intelligence; and extrinsic factors are
LEARNERS’ MOTIVATION factors beyond the students, such as the social
life of students, teacher, environmental factors,
Some of the most interesting authors and their family, school, or community environment. This is
classifications factors that influence learners’ further explained in the ensuing paragraph.
motivation will be mentioned as follows.
According to Spolsky [57], the most meaningful Internal (intrinsic) factors that influence
factors that affect the teaching/learning process motivation include needs, interest, and
are the teaching method, the age, the aptitude, enjoyment (Marsh, [81]). The needs of students
the attitude of learners. Among these factors, the can engage them to achieve the learning goals.
last factor (attitude) is the one that most affects Interest also has a role in increasing the
motivation because it directly relates to the motivation level of students. Then, enjoyment is
education context (teachers, friends, and family) also important in increasing the motivation of
that surrounds the learner (Redondo & Ortega- students. When a learner’s needs, interest, and
Martín, [70]). Skehan [120] lists four motivating enjoyment is addressed in a particular subject
factors as the most significant: matter, the likelihood for the learner to be highly

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

motivated is there. As stated earlier, the external need to learn. Therefore, motivation
(extrinsic) factors which influence students’ provides the effort and energy that a
motivation level may include the students’ social learner needs to achieve the task. It brings
life, the teacher, the method, and the learning the learner to the proper frame of mind for
environment (Sukmadinata, [122]). The view of learning. It concentrates the attention and
learning a subject in a society will influence the energy of a person on the activity or
students’ attitude toward studying the subject, knowledge to be learned. Motivation
and the nature and the strength of this attitude determines whether a student will pursue a
will have a profound effect on the degree of task (even a difficult one) with enthusiasm
motivation the student brings to the class or a lacklustre attitude.
(Harmer, [80]). Another factor of students’
motivation is the teacher. High or low student s’ iii. Motivation is a significantly important factor
motivation is influenced by the teacher as a for academic learning and achievement
motivator. Previous studies have shown that across childhood through adolescence
teachers’ behaviors and instructional practices (Elliott & Dweck, [123]). Inspiring learners
play an important role in students’ motivation to to learn is a major concern in any training
learn (Loima & Vibulphol, [103], [104]; Niemiec & situation. Motivation is one of the prime
Ryan, [73]; Papi & Abdollahzadeh, [105]; tasks of teaching. The instructor should
Urhahne, [106]). Teachers can set the learning- ensure that it is built in every lesson
teaching process to create the situation to be presentation. Motivation should be started
interesting so the students can be motivated. The during the introduction of the lesson to
teaching method is also a vital factor that ensure the learners’ interest and to direct
influences student motivation. If the teacher attention to what is to be learned. It should
apply appropriate method in teaching a subject, not stop at the introduction stage but be
the students can be more comfortable in the continued throughout the entire lesson
learning process. The goal of learning that presentation.
subject will be easy to be reached. The last
factor which influences the students’ motivation iv. The motivation of learning activities helps
level is the learning environment. Classrooms the learner to concentrate on what he/she
can be decorated to make students be more is doing, and thereby gain satisfaction.
comfortable in the learning process. The sitting Continuous motivation is needed to help
arrangement could also be structured in a way to learners concentrate on the lessons to be
make students comfortable in receiving the learned. If an individual is motivated,
learning material. he/she will exude some form of
satisfaction. This helps in the self-
4. IMPORTANCE OF MOTIVATION IN development of the learner.
v. Motivation directs learners’ behavior
i. Learning the motivation of students in toward particular goals. It determines the
education is important. A learner learns specific goals toward which learners strive;
best when he/she recognizes the need and thus, it affects the choices students make.
develops the desire to learn. This is For example, whether to enroll in an art
through motivation. Motivation stimulates class or science, whether to attend a
learners to think, concentrate, and learn school football game during the week or
effectively. Bakar [1] stated that motivation complete an assignment that is due the
increases the performance of learning. next day.
Learning is an active process
requiring a participative role. It influences vi. Motivation increases the initiation and
the rate of learning, the retention of persistence of learning activities. It
information, and the desire to learn. increases students' time on task and is
also an important factor affecting their
ii. Motivation increases the speed of work learning and achievement.
that a learner is putting to achieve a goal.
In education, motivation is a factor of high vii. Motivation enhances cognitive processing.
or low points of the goal (Brown, [79]). It actually affects what and how information
When not well-motivated, a learner learns is processed, because motivated students
very little with difficulty as he/she sees no are more likely to pay attention and try to

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

understand the material instead of simply emphasize the links between real life and school
going through the motions of learning in a subjects, design assignments, and experiments
superficial manner. that use everyday materials and
situations, and use personal anecdotes
viii. Motivation determines what consequences (Palmer, [26]). Tasks that are meaningful to the
are reinforcing and punishing. For students’ real life motivate them (Frey & Fisher,
example, students with a high [127]).
level of motivation for classroom
achievement and high GPAs are 5.3 Arouse and Maintain Students’
reinforced by receiving a grade of 'A' and Interest
they'll feel punished if they receive a grade
of 'F.' When the teacher is enthusiastic about a topic,
then the students will be more inclined to believe
5. STRATEGIES FOR MOTIVATING THE that the topic has value for them (William &
LEARNERS William, n.d [33]). That is, teacher enthusiasm
can motivate students. Add some facts and
Dewandini [124] note that the final process of figures to spice up your lesson and before your
motivation is completing an action that can lesson starts, ask some relative questions to get
provide satisfaction, the following are learners' attention. Be interesting in your
techniques that the teacher can employ to lesson presentation. Be enthusiastic, illustrative,
motivate learners: and exemplary. Use effective teaching aids. Be
humorous and reasonably entertaining. But
5.1 Set Clear Goals your task is to teach, and not to entertain or
According to Singh [125], the learners should be
familiar with the aims and objectives of the
subject and topic. In addition, Matt and Dale [74]; 5.4 Increase Chances of Early Success
Nilson [126]; Ken [96] suggest that the teachers
should set realistic performance goals and help According to Singh [125], when we take up the
students achieve them by encouraging them to task, it is natured to be completed as soon as
set their own reasonable goals. The authors possible; and that knowledge gives us
added that the teachers should design satisfaction and encouragement. Encourage
assignments that are appropriately challenging in learners at the early stages of the lesson to work
view of the experience and aptitude of the class. on projects that they can complete successfully.
The teacher should ensure that learners Matt and Dale [74]; Nilson [126]; Ken [96] stated
understand what you are teaching them, and that the teacher should give students as much
what they have to know and do, as a result of control over their own education as possible.
learning. Some techniques for ensuring this Teachers can increase motivation by
success include: state the goal for the lesson; encouraging students to do their best, setting
provide simple and clear explanations; ask the high expectations, allowing students some
students to express their comments, questions, choice where possible, and using lessons that
and ideas; question the students; provide hand- involve higher-order thinking, collaboration, and
on activities as often as possible; and student participation, among other strategies
assessment tasks should be flexible (National Research Council, [128]). Let students
(Palmer, [26]). If the students are choose paper and project topics that interest
not aware of the purposes of the lesson, them. Success motivates learners, it encourages
the students may not have an interest in extra effort. Matt and Dale; Linda; and Ken
learning. added that the teacher should assess learners in
a variety of ways (tests, papers, projects, and
5.2 Show the Need for the Lesson presentations) to give students more control over
how they show their understanding to you. Give
Do not assume that learners recognize the students options for how these assignments are
lessons’ importance. Show the benefit of the weighted. Achievement brings pleasure,
lesson to the learners’ needs. Let learners study confidence, and stimulation to greater effort.
or do what they can put into practice. The work Failure during the early stages destroys
and the knowledge should be functional and motivation, every student desire to know the
profitable to the learners. Teachers should result of his/her effort.

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

5.5 Be Free with Praise and Constructive conduct you are dealing with learners, e.g. start
in Criticism class in good time, keep learners well occupied
doing their work. Students are partners in
The teacher must try to understand the nature of learning and not inferiors. Be motivated to teach
students and then appreciate and criticize them and the learners will be motivated to learn. It is
in motivating and inspiring manner (Singh, [125]). important to note that a dissatisfying style of
Give recognition and credit where due. teaching, poor training facilities, inefficient
Appreciate heartily where a learner does a good training and administration, and poor
job. Individuals crave for social approval; give interpersonal relationships are demotivating to
credit where it is due. Praise generously learners learners.
with correct and good responses. Positive verbal
statements of encouragement and praise can 5.8 Provide Necessary Facilities/
strongly influence students’ motivation (Williams Resources
& Williams, n.d [33]). Praise for effort and for
improvement can build a student’s self- Provide learners the opportunity to do what is
confidence. Esteem can be boosted by expected of them on their own. This instills
emphasizing his or her performance relative to confidence and increases motivation. When the
personal goals (Palmer, [26]). Give opportunities students are offered opportunities, it makes them
for learners to show what they know. Do not more responsible, they can learn more about the
embarrass slow learners. Praise is a powerful consequences of their choices. Students should
reward and incentive for work well done. be given choices in subjects, methodologies, and
Encourage the efforts made by learners by word learning processes in their choice of interest.
of praise. Blame is destructive. Matt and Dale Human beings are naturally curious and self-
[74]; Nilson [126]; Ken [96] stated that negative directed, that is, they want to learn, make
comments should pertain to particular choices, and achieve (Truby, [129]). As a result,
performances, not the performer. Offer students will be more motivated when they are
constructive criticism in a positive diplomatic given choices. Doing something one chooses
manner. Start with the good points of a learner rather than what one has been told to do, can be
before mentioning suggestions for improvement. very motivating (Palmer, [26]). As such, the
During the class, the encouragement of the various choice options need to be based on
students is very necessary; it can help improve students’ needs, interests, goals, abilities, and
confidence in the students. Use expressions that cultural backgrounds. Choices need to not be too
praise the learners for achievement attained e.g. numerous or complex as well as congruent with
“well done” “good of you” “clap for him”, the students’ values (Katz & Assor, [130];
avoid the outright use of negative comments. Try Simmons and Page, [131]; Garger, Thomas, &
to be positive enough to recognize efforts Jacques, [132]). Students should be
made by learners. The positive ending of the confident to find alternative techniques for the
lesson can motivate the students very solution of problems, and then they will be able
well. to argue any problem with their merits and
5.6 Avoid Emotional Responses
5.9 Assign Responsibilities
Emotional reactions to learners' anger and
frighten them. This distracts them from the As a teacher, you will be able to better tailor your
subject being taught. Emotional instruction to the students’ concerns and
outbursts interfere with learning and are backgrounds, and your personal interest in them
demotivating. will inspire their personal loyalty to you (Matt &
Dale, [74]; Nilson, [126]; Ken, [96]). Give learners
5.7 Be a Professional or a Role Model the opportunity to do what is expected of them on
their own. Display a strong interest in students’
Set an exemplary example. Learners emulate learning and faith in their abilities. This instills
instructors. S/he is the model. Be punctual as confidence and increases their level of
this will make learners want to be in class early motivation. Reeve et al. [38] observed that when
and feel that they are valued. Deliver your students believe that they have some degree of
presentations with energy and enthusiasm (Matt control over their learning, overall motivation is
& Dale, [74]; Nilson, [126]; Ken, [96]). Set and increased. Teachers who are most effective at
keep a routine and be regular in the way you diagnosing and improving student motivation

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

tend to focus on interpersonal dealings with Explain concepts practically, experimentally, and
students, link education with things students’ give examples from the daily lives of learners.
value, and encourage autonomy more than The teacher should create a sense of teamwork
control in their classrooms (Hardré & Sullivan, and group studies between the students. The
[133]). Give learners work that is challenging and use of a variety of student-active teaching
yet which they can do successfully. The work activities directly engage students in the material
should neither be too easy that they’ll lose and give them opportunities to achieve a level of
interest nor should it be too difficult to discourage mastery (Matt & Dale, [74]; Nilson, [126]; Ken,
them. [96]).

5.10 Treat Learners as Special Individuals 5.13 Provide Incentives

MacGrath [134] stated that relationships are at
the heart of teaching, since it is an activity based Rewards play an important role in motivating the
on communication. Give each learner his/her due students. Special privileges make students most
respect as it befits him/her. Recognize individual active in the process of knowledge. Prizes and
skills and promote them. Attend to individual rewards should be according to the personality of
needs. Take interest in learners as individuals. the students. Make learning itself ends up being
Listen to their problems and show them they are rewarded; it should be a useful process for the
people worthy of respect and consideration. students. However, it is not compulsory to give
Some of the necessary elements that build and learners big and expensive rewards, small
maintain constructive relationship include trust, rewards like candy, pen, and pencils, should be
be on their side, treat everyone with respect all of given to encourage them. Praise is also a good
the time, be in charge and lead them to reward. Rewards and punishment both affect the
achievement, work together, and show you can students either positively or negatively, because
listen and accept what the student says. these strategies come from external factors.
MacGrath added that empathy can help to build According to Ahmed, Loh and Zairi [138];
a trusting relationship. Lesson need to respect MacGrath [134] rewards unique to the
the learners by utilizing students’ multiple educational environment could include the
intelligences (Gardner, [135]) and learning styles valuing of ideas, attention and support from the
(Dunn & Dunn, [136]), e.g., visual, auditory, or educator or educational organization, respect for
tactile/kinaesthetic learners. beginning ideas, celebration and awards for
accomplishments, the implementation of
5.11 Give Correct Guidance suggestions, and encouragement. However, the
reward should not be used repeatedly. This is
According to McGlynn [137], reaching out to because research indicates that extrinsic
students will help in finding a connection rewards can have a negative impact on intrinsic
between how students learn and how instructors motivation (Ken, [96]). Additionally, rewards and
teach. Know your students and build on their punishments work at controlling the students’
strengths. Provide correct and good support immediate classroom behavior, but they do not
when needed, especially at the time of foster an intrinsic, long-term desire or
difficulties, i.e. sickness, lack of fees, hunger, commitment to learning (Daniels, [139];
and slow learning. Let the learners know the Campbell & Niles, [140]).The work done by the
result of that work and give guidance on what to students should be displayed in the class. This
do. can make students and their teachers proud and
create a sense of recognition.
5.12 Use Teaching Methods and Aids
that are Interesting and Stimulating 5.14 Ego Involvement

Variety is very relevant to students’ motivation. The teacher should adopt those activities which
Different forms of variety can be added into the raise the status of students among the class
content via dramatizations, model making, and members (Singh, [125]). The ego depends on
out-of-classroom activities (Palmer, [26]). The attitudes relating to the self. Every student would
use of audio-visual aids directly helps the want to maintain his/her status and self-respect.
teachers in motivating the students as well The teacher should take cognizance of the
(Singh, [125]). Revive and maintain interest by students’ ego and motivate them with positive
using a selection of different methods and aids. behaviour.

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

5.15 Challenge the Students learning outcome in a healthy competitive

Motivational techniques should encourage the
students to take intellectual risks. It should give 5.18 Place Appropriate Emphasis on
students opportunities to find out the relationship Testing and Grading
between achievement and effort, incentive, and
success and try to develop better According to Matt and Dale [74]; Nilson [126];
self-concept in learners. A student should be Ken [96], tests should be a means of showing
challenged, and for this purpose, the teacher what students have mastered, not what they
should give them some tasks according to their have not. Tests need to have thematic relevance,
abilities. Some students are very brilliant; that is, they need to aim at checking what
therefore, giving them easy tasks will demotivate students have learned and whether they can
them. apply it to real-life tasks. In addition, tests that
are more demanding or challenging than
5.16 Provide a Conducive Learning anything practiced in class will have negative
Environment effects on students’ motivation. In general, test-
taking instructions, terminology, layout, and item
The learning environment should take into choices need to not be ambiguous, confusing,
consideration the intrinsic and extrinsic students’ illogical, unclear, imprecise, or poorly designed
motivations and the opinions of students and (Trugman, [143]). Avoid grading on the curve and
teachers in arranging the environment. This give everyone the opportunity to achieve the
engagement results in students feeling that their highest standard and grades.
teachers have a special interest in them.
Teachers should create a conducive learning It is also important to involve parents or guardian
environment where the students are relaxed and in encouraging and motivating their children to do
participate in their learning. Many students fail well in school (McGlynn, [137]; Fulton & Turner,
because they do not know how to deal with [144]). There are several ways in which parents
problems that come up in a lesson. The teacher could motivate their wards in school. This
should create an atmosphere where learners are include: (i) Hold high expectations for your
free to express themselves without fear. children’s learning and believe in their
Students need to be encouraged to engage and competence. (ii) Emphasize effort over innate
to participate (Celikoz, [141]; Daniels, [139]; ability. (iii) Praise children when they’ve
Adkins- Coleman, [142]) in the lesson. When mastered new skills or knowledge instead of
students have positive social interactions with praising their innate intelligence. (iv) Encourage
their peers or teacher, they will become more children’s curiosity, exploration, persistence, and
engaged in learning. Social interaction can occur problem-solving. Expose them to new
when students work in groups, have group experiences. (v) Take an active interest in your
discussions, group projects, and group children’s education. Provide a stimulating
presentations. However, the students need to be learning environment at home, which does not
properly prepared in the skills needed to make have to involve elaborate resources. (vi) Make
the group operate effectively (Palmer, [26]). reading materials available and discuss new
Positive interaction with the instructor and in the ideas or experiences with your children. Other
classroom overall are important. motivational factors may include rewarding
students for their success, appreciating them
5.17 Encourage Healthy Competition both verbally and in writing, providing them with
among Students opportunities to improve themselves and use
their creativity, and allowing them to participate in
the decision-making process and to assume
Competition is a technique that enhances or
responsibility (Celikoz, [141]).
reduces the motivation in students depending on
how it is used. The result may be in the form of
fewer winners and more losers. Students who 6. HOW TO MAKE THE SUBJECT
are not motivated most of the time are truants. APPEAL TO STUDENTS
Therefore, the teacher should help students to
struggle through their own shortcomings instead When encouraging learners to find the subject
of competing with other students. Encourage matter interesting, use cues to show students the
students to improve the quality of their appeal of the subject matter as shown in Table 1.

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

Table 1. How to Make the Subject Appeal to Students

S/n Appeal Examples of Cues

1. Novelty “I think that is really neat—I haven’t seen anything quite the same.”
2. Utility “This next topic is something that we’ll use again and again. It contains
valuable ideas that we’ll use throughout the later sections of the course.”
3. Applicability “As you work through the next section, I think that you’ll be pleasantly
surprised how relevant it is.”
4. Anticipation “As you read through, ask yourself what this section of work is hinting at
as the next logical step.”
5. Surprise “We’ve used X in a lot of different ways. If you thought you’d seen them
all, just wait for the next assignment.”
6. Challenge “Who’s up for a challenge? I think that you’ll find the next piece of work
very interesting.”
7. Feedback “When you try this, you’ll find out whether you really understood
yesterday’s lesson.”
8. Closure “A lot of you have asked me about X. Well, finally we’re going to find out
why that’s so.”
Source: Matt and Dale [74]

7. SUMMARY possible that learners will be energized and

enthusiastic to reach the learning goal.
The motivation of learners is essential for their
academic success in school. Motivation has 8. CONCLUSION
been related to the amount of intellectual energy
typically used in learning activities, and this led to Students’ motivation is a critical part of success
a belief that motivation could be seen as a stable in education and later life, but it has often been
characteristic of the learner, on a par with overlooked by educators. This article has
personality. Motivation is what causes a person demonstrated that, in the process of teaching
to want to know, act, understand, believe, or gain and learning, the motivational variable have a
particular knowledge, skills, attitude, or values. potentiating effect on students’ learning. Efforts
There are several types of motivation as geared towards improving the quality and
contained in the literature; however, the major effectiveness of teachers is unlikely to improve
types of motivation discussed in this article were students’ achievement if large numbers of
the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Learners students are unmotivated to learn. Therefore, the
have different types of motives as a goal that present article provides teachers and educators
propels them toward academic success. These with valuable information on students’ motivation
achievement goals include mastery goal, to learn. Understanding of how each of the
performance goal, performance-avoidance goal motivational goals, types, and dimensions
or failure-avoidance goal, and social goals. influences learning will place teachers and
Motivation can be influenced by some factors. educators in a better position to help and support
These factors include needs, interest, enjoyment, students who have long been struggling with
the social life of students, the teacher, the learning. The role of teachers in motivating
teaching method used, and the learning learners cannot be overemphasized. It is
environment. Motivation is important because it recommended that teachers should create an
stimulates and energizes the learners to think, active learning environment that enhances
concentrate, and learn effectively. In improving students’ perceived autonomy and competence,
students’ motivation, the teacher must pay providing students with choices and opportunities
attention to some factors. These include setting a for self-directed learning, and planning
clear goal, showing the need for the lesson, learning activities that might increase their feeling
arousing and maintaining learners’ interest in the of mastery. Finally, teachers are encouraged to
lesson, and increasing chances of success employ all the motivation strategies earlier
among others. Finally, if the teacher can apply all discussed. This will enhance students’
the motivational strategies discussed in this learning and improve their academic
article in the teaching-learning process, it is achievement.

Filgona et al.; AJESS, 10(4): 16-37, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60760

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