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-label: ‫ملصق‬ -agri-business:‫الزراعة التجارية‬ -charges:‫المستحقات‬

étiquette Les charges

-package: ‫غالف‬ -marketing: ‫التسويق‬ -rent: ‫الكراء‬
Colis/boitier/paquet location
-ingredients:‫المكونات‬ -complain: ‫يشكي‬ -lease: ‫عقد الكراء‬
Acte de location
-expiry date:‫تاريخ نهاية الصالحية‬ -letter of complaint: ‫رسالة شكوى‬ -toxic: ‫سام‬
Date d’expiration Une lettre de réclamation

-poison: ‫س َم‬ -radical changes:‫تغييرات جذرية‬ -preservatives: ‫المحافظات‬

Changements radicals

-bills: ‫فواتير‬ -stuff: ‫أشياء‬ -manipulate: ‫التحكم‬

Les factures manipuler
-protesters: ‫المحتجون‬ -staff: ‫فريق عمل‬ -endorse:‫ تعزيز‬/‫دعم‬
Les protestataires/ revendicateurs Soutenir/donner son appui à/ avaliser
-proponents: ‫المؤيدون‬ -entertainment./leisure: ‫الترفيه‬ -billboards: ‫الفتات إشهارية‬
Auteurs d’une proposition ( ceux qui Panneaux / grande affiche publicitaire
sont pour)
-opponents:‫المعارضون‬ -compete: ‫ينافس‬ -steel:‫الفوالذ‬
Les contradicteurs/adversaires rivaliser L’acier

-conventional: ‫ المألوف‬/‫المعتاد‬ -energy balance:‫التوازن الغذائي‬ -iron:‫الحديد‬

Conventionnel/le La balance énérgétique Le fer

-GMFs: Genetically Modified Food -encounter: ‫يواجه‬ -persuade: ‫يقنع‬

‫األطعمة المعدلة جينيا‬
Les aliments genetiquement modifiés Rencontrer/croiser
- Genetic engineering : ‫الهندسة الوراثية‬
Le génie génétique
-Purchase: ‫شراء‬ -fat & sugar: ‫السكر و الدهون‬ -debate: ‫ يجادل‬/‫يناقش‬
L’achat Débattre/discuter

-drawbacks:‫ النقائص‬/‫عيوب‬ -fibres:‫األلياف‬ -facsimile:‫نسخة‬

disadvantages/problems copie

-ban: ‫منع‬ -rotten/decaying food: ‫متعفن‬ -residential: ‫مأهولة‬

-flavourings:?‫منكهات‬ -centre: ‫مركز‬
-colourings: ‫ملونات‬ -beriberi disease: ‫مرض إلتهاب األعصاب و‬ -facilities: ?‫مكان مدعم بتسهيالت‬
Colorants 1‫فشل القلب بسبب نقص فيتامين ب‬ Facilités/ complexes/installations
-irritability: ‫التهيج‬/‫القلق‬ -eco-labels:‫تسميات بيئية‬/‫ملصقات‬ Junk food/fast food: products that
irritabilité Étiquettes écologique contain a large amount of sugar and
fat. ‫الوجبات السريعة‬/‫األطعمة‬
-organic food:‫األطعمة العضوية‬ -greed: ‫جشع‬ -promote: ‫ترويج‬
L’avarice promouvoir


Know knowledge Knowledgeable

Expire expiry Expiratory

Advertise Advertising/advertismenet advertising

Consume Consumption/consumer/consumerism consumable

Protest Protestation/protestor Protesting

Do deed doable
Justify justification Justifiable

Poison poison Poisonous

Save safety Safe

İnform information İnfprmative

Disappear disappearance Disappeared

Harm harm Harmful/harmless

Ban ban Banned

Irritate İrritation/irritability İrritating/irritated/irritable

Prefer preference preferable

Farm Farming/farmer Farming

Require requirement required

Breathe breath breathless

Cultivate cultivation cultivated

Export exportation Exporting/exportable

Reduce reduction reducible

Live life liveable

Produce prduction productive

Promote promotion Promotional

Compete Competition/or competitive

React Reaction reactive

Oppose Opposition/opposer opposite

İntroduce introduction introductory

Reject rejection rejected

Treat treatment treatable

Manage mnagement Manageable/managing

Farm farming Farmable/farming

Pay payment payable

Commercialize commercialization commercial

Modify modification modifiable

Place placement placed

Appear appearance Apparent

Provide provision (provisional)

Protect protection protective

Complain complaint complaining

Cause cause Causeless

Accuse accusation accusing

Publicize Publicization/publicity Public/publicized

Regulate regulation Regulating/regulatory

/ Addiction Addictive/addicted

Entertain entertainment entertaining

Lose loss lost

İnfluence influence influencial

Need need Needful/needless

Expose exposition exposed

Advise advice advisable

Suffer sufferance suffering

Hospitalize Hospitalization/(hospitability) (Hospitable)

Result Result resultant

/ Awareness aware

Speed Speed speedy

Worry Worry Worrying/worried

Select selection selective

Synthesize synthesis synthetic

Encourage encouragement Encoraged/encouraging

Maintain Mainatnance maintainable

modernize Modernity modern

persuade persuasion Persuasive

Endorse endorsement endorsed

Believe belief believable

Heat heat hot

express expression Expressive

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