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Mind is always an intersting subject.

We feel our own minds and know each others

minds through different expressions and actions. But still we do not know what is
mind , how does it function internaly. Still we need to reveal many misteris about
mind and it’s faculties.

Living being are the combinations of body mind and soul. Mind is neither body nor
soul or consciousness. It is because of the soul and body mind become conscious and
active. The soul is consciousness, soul is a spiritual entity different from the mind.
Mind is an ever chaning, restless immeterial but unconscius entity. The soul is
imutable, eternal and blissful consciousness. The soul is omnitelepathyc and
witnessing entità. It is because of the soul and brain mind is conscious, active and we
are alive.

According to spiritual philosophy mind functions with the help of body specialy
with the brain and nervous system. I am aware of my own existence, I feel this is my
body, I feel emmotions, I have the feeling of pain and pleasures. I have the will to do
actions. It is my own mind which gives the feeling of “I”- the feeling of my
existence . That i feeing is me - the subjejactive part of my mind. I donot belive ghost
in the brain but i belive myself which my mind.

1.Any action need exixtence and ………subject?

2.How body mind soul works?

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