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Multiple Regression

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Multiple regression is part of linear regression analysis, authors use multiple regression to

predict the estimation of a variable which shows two diverse factors. The variable over which the

multiple regression is applied is known as the dependent. The elements which are used to predict

the estimation are independent. This paper discusses the article “Use of multiple regression

analysis on the improvement plan in a beverages industry” studied by Elenice Kall[ CITATION

Ele16 \l 1033 ]. This is a quantitative article that uses multiple regression testing to develop an

improvement plan in the beverage industry.

1. Why did the authors use multiple regression?

 There are multiple reasons for which the authors used multiple regression testing such as

there exist several misconceptions about the beverages industry. The author used multiple

regression analysis because he wanted to predict the relationship of one variable with a set of

other variables presented in the study[ CITATION Fra201 \l 1033 ]. The author could also use

linear regression analysis but he wanted to test more than one independent variable and this is

only possible by using multiple regression analysis.

Another reason for using multiple regression testing is that author wanted to state the

independent variables in detail by identifying them in the research. Multiple regression allows

the researcher to test more than one independent variable. Therefore the author identified a

correlation between the loss of gas (dependent variable) with the torque and sequence of days

(independent variables).

2. Do you think it’s the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?

Multiple regression is the appropriate choice for this research as using this provided the

author flexibility in identifying several independent variables. It also provided the ability to

correct errors and predict the relationship between one dependent variable and other independent

variables[ CITATION Ele16 \l 1033 ]. Even using a set of independent variables can negatively

influence the research observations but multiple regression analysis provides an adaptable

approach through which the author can fix the errors through critical thinking.

3. Did the authors display the data?

Yes, the research authors displayed the data from the various methods such as ANOVA,

Adjusted R square, and multiple regression analysis in a very concise and descriptive manner.

The author used several methods along with multiple regression analysis for improving or

enhancing the study. The author displayed data in the form of tables, graphs, and diagrams in the

research[ CITATION Ele16 \l 1033 ]. 

4. Do the results stand alone? Why or why not?

No, the results of this study stand alone because there exists a high value of significance and

p-value of (0.000481). Also because this study was successful in identifying an equation to

forecast the association of carbonic gas reduction with the help of multiple regression analysis.

However, the main restraint of this equation is that it doesn’t honestly signify the dynamical

process[ CITATION Wag202 \l 1033 ].

5. Did the authors report effect size? If yes, is this meaningful?

Yes, the authors reported effect size by stating that there is a negative, strong correlation

between dependent variable carbonic gas reduction and days & torque two independent

variables. The tables under the results section also show regression between the variables and

reported p-value of 0.000481, 0.003170, and 0.052233. As the p-value is greater therefore the

effect size is meaningful[ CITATION Ele16 \l 1033 ].



Frankfort-Nachmias. (2020).  Social statistics for a diverse society . “Regression and

Correlation”,  (9th ed.)., (pp. 401-457).

Kall, E. (2016, December). Use of multiple regression analysis on the improvement plan in a

beverages. doi:DOI: 10.22409/engevista.v18i2.831

Wagner. ((2020).).  Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research. social science statistics .

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