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“We need guns to protect ourselves from people with guns.

” An argument typically used

to keep a loose rein on gun control in the U.S.. Well, why not have stricter laws that prevent
these people from having guns in the first place? Why not take further steps in preventing the
national 100,000 average of gun violence related deaths a year? I believe the United States
needs to take a step towards limiting deaths and instead, invoking peace.

Gun violence has been and is a monumental issue in the U.S.. According to,
31 states allow open carrying of a firearm without ANY license or permit. This allows any 18
year old to simply purchase a gun, go out, and kill or harm someone. These ridiculously loose
laws cause about 316 people to be shot in the US everyday, according to This
includes around 106 deaths. Among those deaths, 2 are children. These scary statistics prove
how a person can act with easy access to murder weapons. Allowing anyone to use and carry
firearms is almost inhumane, handing innocent people death warrants. These injuries and
deaths could be prevented with stricter gun reform, with laws that prohibit open carrying of
handguns, laws that require a permit/license to carry firearms, or bans on all guns all together.

Besides the immediate effect of gun violence, or gun usage, the immense usage of
shooting ranges produce astonishing amounts of waste. According to the Department of the
Interior’s U.S. Geological Survey, one shooting range can use up to 1.5-2 tons of lead shot and
bullets a year. Ranges located outdoors may use over 80,000 tons in the same time frame. The
population of people living near these ranges can end up having health issues due to increased
exposure to the toxic lead. Some of these health issues include paralysis, neurological damage,
and even death, according to And although this is a major red flag, these issues
receive little overlooking from the government. According to the Seattle Times investigation, in
2014, The OSH inspected only 201 gun ranges across the nation. From those inspected ranges,
about 86% had a lead-related health violation. Seattle times also reported on a gun range
manager’s blood test, which showed lead levels 56 times higher than the average human,
putting him at a great risk of organ failure. These insane statistics show yet another reason why
guns should be more heavily restricted throughout the country.

Now, many people argue that guns should be used by the general public for protection,
or that many citizens use their guns not to harm others, but for hobbies as hunting, or going to
a shooting range. And yes, protecting yourself is a very valid reason to want to keep a firearm
nearby. However, the mishandling of guns causes 483 deaths a year according to 483 unintentionally caused deaths, caused by the original idea of preventing
death. Ironic isn’t it? Now as for hunting, many Americans enjoy the activity of hunting, which is
a well liked sport or even way of getting food around the world. But, what is misinterpreted by
many is that strict gun control will not prevent anyone from hunting. Stricter gun control is
meant for guns to not be in the wrong hands, so, as long as hunters have or get a
license/permit for a gun to hunt, they are welcome to hunt as they please! Lastly, numerous
amounts of people get joy in going to shooting ranges. Gun control will allow people to still go
to shooting ranges yes, but, are you willing to go to a shooting range if it affects your health? As
said in the previous paragraph, shooting ranges can cause extreme health problems and even
death. So, with stricter gun laws, and more focus from the government on keeping shooting
ranges within the lead-related health laws, more gun control will not negatively affect going to
shooting ranges, but only improve it!

Thankfully, President Biden has shown how serious he is about gun control. Recently he
instructed a new set of executive actions on gun control, including new investments in
intervention programs in heavy gun violence-prone communities. His administration seems to
be taking a direction into an improved country, with tightened restrictions, protecting all
Americans from future gun violence.

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