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Diagnosa Gejala darah pada urin

BTM Hematuria
Leadterm Hematuria
Identasi -
ICD 10 Vol 3 R31
ICD 10 Vol 1 R31
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R31
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -


Diagnosa Gangguan renal tabulo interstitial akibat bruselosis

BTM Disorder renal tubule interstitial bruselosis
Leadterm Disorder
Identasi -Tubulo interstitial
- - Bruselosis
ICD 10 Vol 3 A23.-† N16.0*
ICD 10 Vol 1 A23.-† N16.0*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition A23.-†
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition N16.0*


Diagnosa Gagal ginjal kronik stadium 5 dengan uremic pericarditis

BTM Renal failure chronic stadium 5 with uremic pericarditis
Leadterm Failure
Identasi -Kidney
- - End-stage (Chronic)
ICD 10 Vol 3 N18.5† I32.8*
ICD 10 Vol 1 N18.5† I32.8*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition N18.5†
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition I32.8*


Diagnosa Hidronefrosis dengan batu ginjal infeksi + e coli

BTM Hydronephrosis with renal calculus with infection + e coli
Leadterm Hydronephrosis
Identasi -With
- - Infection
- - - Renal calculus
ICD 10 Vol 3 N13.6 dan B96.2
ICD 10 Vol 1 N13.6 dan B96.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition N13.6
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition B96.2


Diagnosa TB Prostate
BTM Tuberculosis Postate
Leadterm Tuberculosis
Identasi -Prostate
ICD 10 Vol 3 A18.1† N51.0*
ICD 10 Vol 1 A18.1† N51.0*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition A18.1†
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition N51.0*

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