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critic is a professional who communicates an assessment and an opinion of various

forms of creative works such
as art, literature, music, cinema, theater, fashion, architecture, and food. Critics may
also take as their subject social or government policy. Critical judgments, whether
derived from critical thinking or not, weigh up a range of factors, including an
assessment of the extent to which the item under review achieves its purpose and its
creator's intention and a knowledge of its context. They may also include a positive or
negative personal response.
Characteristics of a good critic are articulateness, preferably having the ability to use
language with a high level of appeal and skill. Sympathy, sensitivity and insight are
important too. Form, style and medium are all considered by the critic.
In architecture and food criticism, the item's function, value and cost may be added
Critics are publicly accepted and, to a significant degree, followed because of the quality
of their assessments or their reputation. Influential critics
of art, music, theater and architecture often present their arguments in complete books.
One very famous example is John Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture and The
Stones of Venice. Critics may base their assessment on a range of theoretical positions.
For instance, they may take a feminist or Freudian perspective.[1]
Unlike other individuals who may editorialize on subjects via websites or letters written
to publications, professional critics are paid to produce their assessment and opinions
for print, radio, magazine, television, or Internet companies. When their personal
opinion outweighs considered judgment, people who give opinions, whether on current
events, public affairs, sports, media or art are often referred to as "pundits" instead of
Critics are themselves subject to competing critics, since the final critical judgment
always entails subjectivity. An established critic can play a powerful role as a
public arbiter of taste or opinion. Also, critics or a coordinated group of critics,
may award symbols of recognition.

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