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Ungaran, January 16, 2021

Subject: Job Applications

HRD Manager for PT Dreamlight Word Media
Jl. Ki Sarino Mangun Pranoto 18 Ungaran, Central Java, Indonesia
in place

With respect,

Based on the information on job vacancies for the Video Editing position that I got at the PT
Dreamlight Word Media website, I hereby intend to apply for a job as Video Editing at PT
Dreamlight Word Media.

My personal data are as follows:

Name: Adin Nafauyi

Male gender
Place / date of birth: Temanggung, March 11, 1992
Address: Post, Pagergunung, Pringsurat, Temanggung
Education: Multimedia Vocational School
Phone / Mobile: 085801386366

I have video editing, writing, research and image skills, I can also work independently and in a

For consideration, I attach complete personal data as follows:

1. Photo size 3 x 4

2. Photocopy of KTP

3. List of CVs

4. Photocopy of the last diploma

5. Photocopy of SKCK

6. Photocopy of work experience letter

7. Certificate

I hope to be called an interview so that I can explain in more detail about the potential and
abilities possessed.

Thus this job application letter I made truthfully and honestly. For the attention of Mr / Ms
leadership, I thank you.

Best regards

Adin Nafauyi

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