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Advantages and disadvantages of my winter holiday

Holidays are one of the most anticipated things for children. Although we have more
opportunities to have fun by learning online, the holidays still remain a much-anticipated
event. There are multiple of opinions but whether it’s a winter vacation or a summer
vacation, they still have their advantages and disadvantages
To begin with, many say that winter holidays are good because no matter how children learn,
they need to rest their brains from the vast amount of information they receive every day.
Another benefit is that children can spend more time with themselves, their friends, favorite
activities, or just allow themselves to fool around and not worry about it. It should also be
borne in mind that time spent in the fresh air, when the brain is particularly relaxed, and
children allow themselves to be fooled, not in control of their actions, be it built snow
sculptures or just walking the forest tracks listening to birds chirping.
On the other hand, if it happened that there was a lot of cold outside the window at that time,
the children would not really go outside, then the holiday time would not become a rest time,
but just a time to surf the Internet all day, which would make the brain even more difficult
and rest. For instance, if children’s holidays move to a cell phone, computer, or TV, their
brains will become even more tired, strained, and at the end of the holidays, not only will
they not rest, but they will be even more tired. In addition, load the brain would not be worth
Taking everything into account, the holiday period has its advantages and disadvantages. In
my opinion, the quality of the holidays depends on how we are able to put together our
agenda. It is important that we are able to remain productive in the face of adverse
circumstances. We should choose things that really give us pleasure and allow us to relax.

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