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World History Name


Video: Mr. Mummy (Doug Goodrich 21:28)

1. Who is doing the mummification?

Preserving the body
2. What 2 ingredients were bought from the market for mummification?
Frankincense and mar
3. Why does one preserve the body?
For the after life
4. Why were kings buried in the west?
Because the sun sets in the west
5. How many days are involved in embalming?

6. During the mummification process, what is first taken out? Why?

The organs to help prevent decay

7. What special vessel are the organs placed in?

A canopic jar
8. Another word for natron?
Baking soda
9. What is natron used for?
Odor and to dehydrate it
10. How many days must one wait to see if the mummification process actually worked?
35 days
11. Who is Anubis?
God of embalming
12. For what purpose is frankincense and myrrh used in the embalming process?
To perfume it
13. What instrument is used in the “opening of the mouth” ceremony?
A priest would take an ads
14. Why is the “opening of the mouth” ceremony given?
To give a final blessing

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