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Mata kuliah : B.

Inggris II

Dosen : Purwanto Hudi

Nama : Ahmad Munawar Mahulauw

Nim : 20420410015

Prodi : Teknik Perminyakan


2. Are(B)

3. Are(B)






9. Are (B)

10. Does (B)

11.Their (A)

12.Your (A)

13.Their(B). They (A)

14.Is (A)

15.Their (B)

1. The lens are focusing the students.

2. She holds woden bar firmly.
3. The boss signs the certificate.
4. They have a meeting in the hall.
5. The secretary answered the phone friendly.
6. The head of the section dictated letter slowly yesterday.
7. They drew a map carefully.
8. The job seeker writers an application letter.
9. The surveyor adjusted the tripod on the wet group.
10. He is lighting the screw slowly.

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