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Brudzinski 1

Babinski : the Babinski reflex tests the integrity of the corticospinal tract (CST)  The presence of a
Babinski sign suggests damage to the CST. Because the CST fiber tracts run from the brain, through
the brainstem and into the spinal cord, lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) often affect the
integrity of the CST. important indicator of an upper motor neuron lesion

When the Babinski reflex is present in a child older than 2 years or in an adult, it is often a
sign of a central nervous system disorder. The central nervous system includes the brain and
spinal cord. Disorders may include:

 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig disease)

 Brain tumor or injury
 Meningitis (infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord)
 Multiple sclerosis
 Spinal cord injury, defect, or tumor
 Stroke


- Kan ad gejala kaku kuduk juga

- Stroke ad yg iskemik ada yg krn rupture arteri
- Ppp :
o x ray missal ad kardiomegali ppenanda adny hiperttensi untuk resiko stroke , ct / mri
ada hipodens kalau stroke iskemik . kalau stroke hemoragik dia hiperdens .
o bisa dilakukan transcranial dopler daan dopler carotis untk melihat adany
- In this present study, we found that the incidence of Babinski sign was 32.8% in the acute
stage of overall ischemic stroke. The presence of Babinski sign was associated with higher
NIHSS score and infarct in the basal ganglia. However, patients with Babinski sign did not

have a worse functional outcome than those without this reflex, suggesting that the
presence or absence of Babinski sign cannot be used to predict the prognosis of acute
ischemic stroke patient

- Planning :


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