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Onur Kaan ONAY


Loft MdP / FFWD Arquitectes

“Loft MDP” building was made in 2016, in Barcelona, Spain. Designers of this

Project is the team that “FFWD Architects”. The purpose of this house is using the building as

a workshop in a way. A small building to welcome frequent visitors during the year and at the

same time, the “Loft MDP” uses as a studio(workshop) while no visitors are in the house.

Hence, the house is conceived with two seperated spaces that can be used as house and studio.
The singularity of the house lies in the combination of materials and styles. Main areas

generated, space is organized with the use of closed boxes. They contain the more private uses

of the house, such as bathrooms and dressing rooms. With its positioning, bedroom spaces are

also generated, remaining separated from the daytime areas of the house.

The main aim was to arrange this space for inhabitation while the main constructive

components were maintained. They gave charm and singularity to the space.
Brick and stone walls were hidden under thick linings of gypsum and mortar, as well

as the ceiling surface was. The existance of an inner patio allowed us to use translucentt glass

in the Street Windows to keep the house privacy. The kitchen tables, sofa and some bathroom

sinks are made of brick and covered with concrete lining as the floor is.

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