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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2019;100:769-81


Do Active Video Games Improve Motor Function in

People With Developmental Disabilities? A
Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Darren R. Hocking, PhD,a Hassan Farhat, BPsych (Hons),a Rebeca Gavrila, MSc,a
Karen Caeyenberghs, PhD,b Nora Shields, PhDc
From the aDevelopmental Neuromotor and Cognition Lab, School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria;
Microstructural Imaging and Rehabilitative Plasticity Program, School of Psychology, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Victoria; and
Department of Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Sport, School of Allied Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Objective: To conduct a meta-analysis to examine the effectiveness of active video games (AVGs) interventions on motor function in people with
developmental disabilities.
Data Sources: An electronic search of 7 databases (PubMed, EbscoHost, Informit, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Proquest, PsychInfo) was conducted
for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating AVGs to improve motor function in people with developmental disability, published through to
May 2018.
Study Selection: Only articles in a peer-reviewed journal in English were selected and screened by 2 independent reviewers for RCTs that
compared AVGs to conventional therapy. Twelve RCTs involving 370 people with developmental disabilities met the inclusion criteria for
quantitative analysis.
Data Extraction: Two independent reviewers assessed risk of bias and study quality using the Egger’s R, grading of recommendation, assessment,
development and evaluation, and Template for Intervention Description and Replication checklists.
Data Synthesis: Three meta-analyses revealed a large effect size for AVGs to improve gross motor skills (Hedges’ gZ0.833, 95% confidence
interval [95% CI]Z0.247-1.420), small to medium effects for balance (gZ0.458, 95% CIZ0.023-0.948), and a small, nonsignificant effect for
functional mobility (gZ0.425, 95% CIZ 0.03 to 0.881). Training frequency (ie, number of sessions per week) moderated the effect of AVGs on
motor function in people with developmental disabilities.
Conclusion: We conclude that AVGs show task-specific effectiveness for gross motor skills but the effects are moderated by training intensity.
However, because of the low number of trials, diverse diagnoses, variable dosage, and multiple outcome measures of the included trials, these
results need to be interpreted with caution.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2019;100:769-81
ª 2018 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

Motor impairments are a pervasive and prevalent feature in people may predict later sociocommunicative impairments in develop-
with developmental disabilities,1 including autism spectrum dis- mental disability.4 Children with delay or impairment in motor
order, developmental coordination disorder, attention-deficit/ development are also at an increased risk for unhealthy weight
hyperactivity disorder, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. status and physical inactivity.5,6 Given the effect of motor im-
There is evidence that early development of motor function has a pairments on developmental outcomes, there has been a renewed
cascading effect on a child’s language and participation,2,3 and focus on providing opportunities for task-specific practice in
developmental disabilities, with the goal of promoting long-lasting
improvements in motor and cognitive functioning.7-10
A common challenge among people with developmental
Darren R. Hocking was supported by an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Grant
(grant no. DE160100042).
disability is a lack of motivation to adhere to the requisite amount
Disclosures: none. of repetitive practice over long periods required to improve motor

0003-9993/19/$36 - see front matter ª 2018 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

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770 D.R. Hocking et al

function. Consequently, the large amount of practice necessary to gaming on cognitive functioning in people with neurologic
improve motor function can become monotonous and tedious. Yet, disorders,10 none of the reviews examined the effects of active
an assumption of motor learning principles is that intensity, video gaming on motor function in people with developmental
duration, and variability in intervention are critical for sustained disability. This highlights the need to explore a broad range of
improvements in movement skills. One potential strategy is to moderators on specific motor skill improvements to inform
incorporate active video gaming (also known as exergames), evidence-based practice.
which require users to engage in movement during game play. Considering the growing interest in the role of AVGs in the
Off-shelf examples include Nintendo Wii Fit and Dance Dance pediatric setting, the primary aim of this study was to conduct a
Revolution, Microsoft Xbox Kinect, Playstation Move, and Sony meta-analysis on the effect of active video gaming interventions
Eye Toy. Recently, active video gaming as a training intervention for improving motor function (specifically gross motor skills,
has gained popularity for practicing motor skills. These active balance, functional mobility) in people with developmental
video games (AVGs) include features, such as novelty, diversity, disability. A secondary aim was to describe the intervention and
effort, feeling of successfulness, and enjoyment that are in line participant characteristics (eg, dosage, frequency of practice,
with recommendations for promoting brain plasticity and cogni- setting) to inform decisions by clinicians on when and how to
tive skills.11 incorporate active video gaming into practice.
Several trials have examined the efficacy of active video
gaming to improve gross motor skills, balance, and functional
mobility in people with developmental disability; however, the Methods
results from these trials have been inconsistent. Recent trials have
shown the effectiveness of active video gaming on improving Search strategies
motor proficiency in children with developmental coordination
disorder,12 cerebral palsy,13,14 and Down syndrome.15 In contrast, Relevant trials were identified through searching 7 electronic da-
other trials found either no improvement16 or superior effects from tabases (PubMed, EbscoHost, Informit, Scopus, ScienceDirect,
neuromotor task training for children with developmental coor- Proquest, PsychInfo) from inception to May 6, 2018. The
dination disorder.17,18 Thus, it remains difficult to make an following search terms were used: exergame, AVG, active video
evidence-based recommendation for the effectiveness of active game, active video gaming, Wii, PlayStation, Kinect, virtual re-
video gaming in improving motor function in people with devel- ality, or virtual reality and ADHD, ASD, autism, fragile X syn-
opmental disability. drome, cerebral palsy, CP, developmental coordination disorder,
Recently, 2 systematic reviews have summarized the effect of DCD or Down syndrome. In addition, the reference lists of
AVGs on motor function in children with developmental dis- included studies were manually searched to identify further
abilities. Hickman et al7 concluded that active video gaming was potentially relevant published papers. Citation tracking on google
feasible for children with developmental disabilities; however, scholar was used to identify influential papers in the field or pa-
the level of evidence based on the Centre for Evidence-Based pers that have been cited by other influential authors.
Medicine for their use as a therapeutic intervention was low.
Page et al8 also reviewed the effectiveness of active video Eligibility criteria
gaming on gross motor skills in children and adolescents with All RCTs that compared the effect of AVGs with conventional
developmental disabilities and concluded there was consistent therapy on motor function in people with a developmental
evidence of active video gaming (particularly the Wii console disability were included. All included trials needed to be pub-
platform) that led to improvements in balance for children with lished in a peer-reviewed journal in English and no conference
cerebral palsy.8 Despite these promising conclusions, these re- abstracts were included. Any acquired conditions without a
views were limited because the authors included study designs developmental origin including traumatic brain injury were
other than randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Moreover, the excluded, or trials involving children with cerebral palsy after
effect of dosage (eg, total dose, frequency of practice) on im- surgery. Trials were excluded with only cognitive or physiological
provements in motor function was not investigated in detail. outcomes in response to training, or where the trial used a non-
Finally, none of the reviews performed quantitative analyses to commercially available game.
reveal the effects of moderators such as intervention and
participant characteristics (eg, age, diagnosis, setting). Apart Types of outcome measures
from one meta-analysis, investigating the effect of active video Outcome measures were classified using the International Clas-
sification of Functioning, Disability and Health model, after
List of abbreviations: selecting broad categories within disability and identifying
outcome measures that best fit the description codes. These
95% CI 95% confidence interval
AVG active video game broad categories included functional mobility (ie, changing and
BOTMP/BOT-2 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor maintaining body position including balance) and neuromuscular
Proficiency (ie, gross motor). Data were extracted from validated and reliable
GRADE grading of recommendation, assessment, measures to improve the quality of the overall review. The most
development and evaluation common measures used were the Movement Assessment Battery
MABC-2 Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 for Children-2 (MABC-2) and the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of
PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Motor Proficiency (BOTMP/BOT-2). Other measures included
Reviews and Meta-Analyses functional mobility, balance, or agility centered tasks. The
RCT randomized controlled trial
outcome measures were grouped based on their similarity and
TIDieR Template for Intervention Description and
sorted into 3 different motor domains based on clinical judgment
of 2 reviewers (D.R.H., neuropsychologist and N.S.,
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AVGs and developmental disabilities 771

Fig 1 PRISMA flow diagram.

physiotherapist): functional mobility (including timed walk tests, criteria then the full-text versions was retrieved for review. Any
timed Up and Go tests, running speed, walk tray and talk tests), disagreements between the 2 reviewers were settled through discus-
balance (including standardized balance scales and center of sion. If a consensus could not be reached, a third reviewer was asked
pressure sway measures), and gross motor skills (including to decide, and this occurred for 3 studies. The search and selection
aiming and catching, bilateral coordination, and jumping and processes are shown in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
joint coordination tests). Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram (fig 1).

Risk of bias within and across trials

Data extraction and assessment of study validity
1. Risk of bias for individual trials was rated using a checklist
Selection of studies developed by Page et al.8 The risk of bias assessment rated
Two reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts of the each study on a 10-point scale whereby each point corre-
search results. Where it was unclear if a trial met the inclusion sponded to the presence of an item in the checklist (box 1).
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772 D.R. Hocking et al

Box 1 Risk of bias items based on Page et al8 measurement (immediately after the intervention) was used if the
last interval was a follow-up. When the data were not reported, the
Risk of Bias Item authors were contacted to provide the missing information.
a. Randomization was clear.
b. Validity of the measures was provided. Data analysis
c. Blinded outcome assessment.
d. Participant data were not excluded. The analysis was conducted using the Comprehensive Meta-
e. Covariates have been adjusted for. Analysis Software version 2.22,a For trials that reported inter-
f. Power calculated was reported. quartile ranges and medians, we approximated the means and
g. Baseline characteristics were presented. standard deviations using a method recommended by Wan.23 The
h. Dropout <30%. small sample sizes of the studies warranted the use of Hedges’ g
i. Summary of effect size given. as an estimate of effect size. Hedges’ g, although similar to
j. Precision of effects given. Cohen’s d, has been found to be better suited to smaller sample
sizes (N<20). The results were interpreted using Cohen’s guide-
lines, with 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 representing small, medium, and large
effect sizes, respectively.24
For the aim of the quantitative analyses, a standardized change
2. The grading of recommendation, assessment, development and score and a pre-post treatment correlation coefficient of each study
evaluation (GRADE)19 system was used to rate the overall are required. However, these correlations were not reported in the
quality of the trials according to the motor outcomes. The scale studies, and therefore a conservative estimate of rZ0.7 was used,
includes 5 subtraction rules that reduce the overall quality of as recommended by Rosenthal.25 To ensure validity, a sensitivity
the studies and 3 addition rules that improve the overall quality analysis was conducted for a range of other correlation co-
of the studies (box 2). efficients (0.5-0.9). If the way the results can be interpreted
3. The TIDieR20 checklist was used to assess the replicability of remained consistent across the correlations, the estimate of 0.7
the individual studies by rating the presence of 12 items out- was retained.
lined by the list including study duration, dose, location, Three meta-analyses were conducted to estimate the overall
blinded assessment, and other items. effect of risk of bias on different domains of motor function
including functional mobility, balance, and gross motor skills,
Data extraction and data management respectively, when compared to conventional therapy. Trials
that used >1 measure to assess a single motor domain had the
A customized Google Forms and Google Sheets document was most commonly reported measure used across studies instead.
developed to standardize the data extraction. The data were These commonly reported measures were also the primary
exported into Excel. The characteristics extracted were popula- outcomes for most of the trials minimizing the risk of bias
tion: condition, age, number of participants; methods: design, in reporting.
intervention setting, risk of bias, platform used, outcome mea- Publication bias was assessed using funnel plots generated
sures, exposure frequency and time, total training duration; re- using the comprehensive meta-analysis program and via the
sults: a short description of the outcome of the study, results calculation of Egger’s R.26 The presence of outliers was examined
obtained (pre- and posttrial means and standard deviations for using the 1 study removed method, which assesses whether the
experimental and control groups, effect sizes if reported). effect changes if 1 study was individually removed from the
In the case of a randomized crossover controlled trial, only pre- analysis. The robustness and replicability of study designs were
and postdata from the first period (before the crossover) were rated using the TIDieR checklist.20
used.21 If a combined result from both periods was reported, this Finally, a meta-regression was conducted to examine whether
was used instead. The latest measurement was used if measure- the changes in motor skill performance in response to training was
ments were taken at multiple intervals, whereas the latest moderated by frequency, session length, number of weeks, or total
training duration, setting, age, and diagnosis.
Box 2 GRADE addition and subtraction rules

Item Subtraction Rule Addition Rule Results

1 Score of 40% on risk 1 point for large effect
of bias assessment. size, 2 for very large. Study inclusion
2 Results between studies There is evidence to a
The search strategy identified 574 potentially relevant articles.
inconsistent. dose response.
After screening titles and abstracts, and citation tracking, 90 full-
3 Studies used indirect Confounding variables
text articles were retrieved for full-text scanning. After inclusion
measures to test were accounted for.
and exclusion criteria were applied, 12 RCTs were included in the
final quantitative analysis.
4 The accuracy of the way
the data was collected
raises concerns. Risk of bias
5 There is evidence of
publication bias. Two independent reviewers conducted a risk of bias assessment
using a set of criteria based on the PRISMA guidelines27 (table 1).
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AVGs and developmental disabilities 773

Table 1 Risk of bias assessment

Study A B C D E F G H I J Total
Alsaif and Alsenany X X e X e e X X e e 50%
Ashkenazi et al28 X X X X e e X X e e 60%
Cho et al29 X X X X e X X X e X 80%
Gatica-Rojas et al14 X X e X e X X X e X 70%
Hammond et al12 X X e X e e X X e e 50%
Chiu et al30 X X X X e X X X e X 80%
Mombarg et al31 X X e X e e X X X e 60%
Sajan et al32 X X e X e e X X X e 60%
Salem et al33 X X X X e e X X X e 70%
Silva et al15 X X X X e e X X X e 70%
Tarakci et al34 X X e X e e X X X e 60%
Ürgen et al35 X X e X e e X X X e 60%

Heterogeneity was assessed using Cochranes indices for each of their domains and assessed collectively for the quality of evidence.
the following domains: functional mobility: QZ21.16, dfZ8, All studies were ranked as high quality of evidence initially for
PZ.007, I2Z62.184; balance: QZ27.06, dfZ8, PZ.001, being RCTs. One point was removed from all domains for
I2Z70.44; and gross motor: QZ13.3, dfZ4, PZ.01, I2Z69.92. inconsistency based on the high I2 values resulting in rating of
moderate quality. A further point was removed from gross motor
TIDieR checklist skills for accuracy of data concerns and 1 point was added for a
The replicability of the studies was assessed using the TIDieR large effect size.
checklist (fig 2). The items lacked the following information:
where the measures can be acquired (3b), whether the intervention
was tailored to the individual (9) or modified during the study
Study characteristics
(10), and whether participants adhered to the interventions (11 of The characteristics of the trials included are presented in table 3.
12). All studies reported the number of sessions, duration, and
intensity (8a, 8c, 8d), and most studies (9 of 12) reported who Participants
carried out the intervention(s) and where the training was carried Trials included 370 participants with developmental disability.
out (home environment, rehabilitation center) (5, 7). Most participants had a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (nZ228,
61.6%), followed by developmental coordination disorder (nZ77,
GRADE assessment 20.8%) and other various developmental disabilities including
The results of the GRADE assessment for overall quality of trials developmental delay (nZ40, 10.8%), and Down syndrome
are presented in table 2. The studies were grouped according to (nZ25, 6.7%). Most of the participants with cerebral palsy

Fig 2 Number of included trials achieving each TIDieR checklist item.
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774 D.R. Hocking et al

Table 2 GRADE assessment

No. of Quality of
Outcomes No. of Studies Participants the Evidence* Comments
Functional mobility 8 231 Moderate Quality reduced due to inconsistency results
Balance 9 255 Moderate Quality reduced due to inconsistency
Gross motor 5 173 Moderate Quality increased for large effect size, but reduced
for inconsistency and imprecision
* All studies started with high quality of evidence for being RCTs.

suffered from spastic hemiplegia or diplegia, with gross motor results showed that active video gaming had a small to moderate
function classification levels I-III.13,14,29,30,32,34 Apart from 1 nonsignificant effect on functional mobility (Hedges’ gZ0.425, 95%
study31 using the MABC-2, all studies diagnosed participants with confidence interval [95% CI]Z 0.03 to 0.881, PZ.067) (fig 3).
developmental coordination disorder using the Developmental There was no evidence of publication bias. The 1 study removed
Coordination Disorder Questionnaire. Eleven of the 12 studies analysis revealed that with the removal of trials by Alsaif and Alse-
included children or adolescents (age range 4-18y, MageZ9.08, sex nany13 (Hedges’ gZ0.263, 95% CIZ 0.061 to 0.588, PZ.112) and
M/FZ148/109), whereas 1 study15 included adults with Down Silva et al15 (Hedges’ gZ0.323, 95% CIZ 0.076 to 0.721,
syndrome (age range 18-60y). PZ.112), there was a decrease in the effect size, whereas the removal
of the study by Ashkenazi et al28 (Hedges’ gZ0.525, 95%
Study design CIZ0.138-0.912, PZ.008) showed an increase in the effect size. The
Eleven studies used a randomized controlled trial design and 1 other trials remained within the range of 0.411-0.483 with P values
study used a randomized crossover controlled design.12 between .031 and .069.

Characteristics of the active video gaming intervention

The Nintendo Wii was the most popular platform used across The effect of AVGs on balance
studies (11 of 12 trials). One trial used the PlayStation EyeToy, a Nine trials included at least 1 measure of balance. Four trials
motion capture camera similar to the Xbox Kinect. The mean total found significant effects of AVGs on balance.12-14,31 When
dose across trials was 807 minutes (range of 120-1680min). Six combining the measures of balance in the meta-analysis, the
trials administered the interventions 3 times per week, 3 trials results showed that AVGs had a significant small to medium
twice a week and 3 trials once, 6 and 7 times per week respec- effect on balance (Hedges’ gZ0.458, 95% CIZ0.023-0.948,
tively (MfreqZ3.12). PZ.039) (fig 4). There was no evidence of publication bias. The
1 study removed analysis revealed that with the removal of trials
Motor function outcome measures by Alsaif and Alsenany13 (Hedges’ gZ0.352, 95% CIZ0.049-
Across the 12 studies included in this meta-analysis, there were 34 0.786, PZ.113), Hammond et al12 (Hedges’ gZ0.396, 95%
different outcome measures used, which included upper extremity CIZ0.059-0.871, PZ.101), and Mombarg et al31 (Hedges’
function, balance, walking, functional mobility, or other related gZ0.420, 95% CIZ 0.080 to 0.920, PZ.099), there was a
functions. Functional mobility skills and balance were the most decrease in effect sizes, whereas the removal of the study by
commonly examined outcomes in 9 of 12 and 8 of 12 studies, Gatica-Rojas et al14 (Hedges’ gZ0.638, 95% CIZ0.247-1.028,
respectively. The most frequently used measures were the MABC- PZ.001) showed an increase in effect size. The other trials
213,28,31 and the BOT-2/BOTMP.12,13,31 Measures of functional remained within the range of 0.476 and 0.510 with P values
mobility included the 10-meter walk test and the 2-minute walk ranging from 0.033 to 0.076.
test,29,33,34 timed Up and Go test,33,35 running speed, walk tray
and talk test,36 and gross motor function measure subsection
E.29,33,35 The most common measures of balance were the balance
The effect of AVGs on gross motor skills
subtests of the MABC-2 Balance Scale and the gross motor
function measure subsection D. Other measures included center of Five trials included at least 1 measure of gross motor skills. Two
pressure sway with eyes closed as assessed with a force plate trials found significant effects on gross motor skills in the AVG
platform.14,32 Gross motor skills were often examined using the intervention groups.12,13 When all the measures of gross motor
MABC-2 aiming and catching subtests, BOT-2 bilateral coordi- skills were combined in the meta-analysis, the results revealed
nation subtests, and jumping and joint coordination tests. that AVGs had a large significant effect on gross motor skills
(Hedges’ gZ0.883, 95% CIZ0.247-1.420, PZ.005) (fig 5).
The effect of AVGs on functional mobility There were a limited number of trials focusing on gross
motor skills as an outcome, and therefore results should be
Nine trials included at least 1 measure of functional mobility. Of these interpreted with caution. The 1 study removed analysis revealed
studies only 2 reported significant effects.13,29 Alsaif and Alsenany13 consistent results across trials, with Hedges’ g ranging from
found significant improvements in the 1-minute walk test in the AVG 0.943 to 1.022 and P values ranging from .003 to .034. The trial
intervention compared to conventional therapy. When all the mea- by Hammond et al12 (Hedges’ gZ0.598, 95% CIZ0.143-1.053,
sures of functional mobility were combined in the meta-analysis, the PZ.010) and Alsaif and Alsenany13 (Hedges’ gZ0.715, 95%
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AVGs and developmental disabilities

Table 3 Study characteristics
Intervention AVG Platform, Frequency, and Exposure Motor Skill Assessed; Assessment
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Study (Author) Condition Age (Sex) Sample Size Setting Length (min) Tool
Alsaif and Alsenany13
exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

CP spastic diplegia 6-10 y old* (NSL) 40 Home Wii BB, 20 min/d for 12 wk 1680 MABC-2, BOT-MP
Ashkenazi et al28 DCD MageZ5.2 (25 M, 5 F) 30 School Eye Toy PS2, ten 60-min sessions 600 MABC-2, Walking and Talking Test,
once a week for 10 wk 6MWT, DCD-Q
Cho et al29 Spastic CP MageZ9.8. (NSL) 18 Unclear Wii remote, one 30-min session/d 720 Manual muscle testing, GMFM,
3 times/wk for 8 wk 10MWT, 2MWT, PBS
Gatica-Rojas et al14 CP, spastic hemiplegia MageZ10.5 (NSL) 30 Laboratory Wii Balance board, three 30-min 540 GMFCS, GMFCS-ER, FSIQ,
or diplegia sessions/wk for 6 wk posturographic measures
Hammond et al12 DCD MageZ9 (14 M, 4 F) 18 School Wii balance board and remote, 120 BOT-2, CSQ, SDQ
three 10-min sessions/wk for
4 wk
Chiu et al30 Hemiplegic CP MageZ9.5 (28 M, 32 F) 60 Home based, Wii, 40 min 3 times/wk for 6 wk 720 Coordination of elbow or finger,
supervised by hand dex with 9-hole peg test
clinician or and self-reported measures
Mombarg et al31 Balance problems MageZ9.6 (23 M, 6 F) 29 School Wii balance board, 30 min/r 540 MABC-2, BOT-2
session, 3 times/wk for 6 wk
Sajan et al32 Diplegic/triplegic/ MageZ11.5 (11 M, 9 F) 20 Clinical Wii Remote, control: 36 h of 810 Static posturography, Berg Balance
quadriplegic CP intervention per week. Scale, Box and Blocks Test,
Experimental: 36 h of QUEST, TVPS-3, walking distance
intervention þ six 45-min or speed
sessions/wk for 3 wk
Salem et al33 Developmental delay MageZ4 (22 M, 18 F) 40 Clinical Wii balance board þ remote, two 600 10MWT, TUG, 5 times Sit-to-Stand
30-min sessions/wk for 10 wk Test, timed Up and Down stairs
test, 2MWT, GMFM
Silva et al15 Down syndrome 18-60* (NSL) 25 Unclear Wii Balance board, three 1-h 1440 EuroFit test battery, TUG, BOTMP,
sessions/wk for 8 wk beanbag overhead throw
Tarakci et al34 Diplegic, hemiplegic, MageZ10.5 (11 M, 19 F) 30 Laboratory Wii balance board, two 50-min 1200 FFRT, FSRT, TGGT, STST, 10MWT,
dyskinetic CP sessions/wk for 12 wk 10SCT, Wee-FIM
Ürgen et al35 Spastic hemiplegic CP MageZ11.2 (14 M, 16 F) 30 Unclear Wii fit, two 40-min sessions/wk for 720 GMFM, GMPM, SFEO, single leg
9 wk balance, jumping balance, TUG,
Abbreviations: 2MWT, 2-minute walk test; 6MWT, 6-minute walk test; 10MWT, 10-meter walk test; CP, cerebral palsy; DCD-Q, Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function
Classification System; GMFM, gross motor function measure; NSL, no sex listed; TUG, timed Up and Go; MP, motor proficiency; PBS, Pediatric Balance Scale; FSIQ, Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient; CSQ, Client
Satisfaction Questionnaire; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; TVPS-3, Test of Visual Perceptual Skills; FFRT, Functional Forward Reach Test; FSRT, Functional Sit and Reach Test; TGGT, Timed Get Up
and Go Test; STST, Sit to Stand Test; 10SCT, 10 Second Climbing Test; GMPM, Gross Motor Performance Measure; SFEO, Soft Floor Eyes Opened.
* Studies that did not report a mean have their age ranges listed.

776 D.R. Hocking et al

Functional mobility
Study name Statistics for each study Hedges' g and 95% CI
Hedge's Standard Lower Upper
g Error Variance limit limit Z value P value
Alsaif and Alsenany13 1.459 0.350 0.123 0.772 2.145 4.165 .000
Ashkenazi et al28 –0.423 0.359 0.129 –1.127 0.282 –1.176 .240
Cho et al29 0.054 0.449 0.202 –0.826 0.934 0.120 .905
Hammond et al12 0.476 0.459 0.210 –0.423 1.375 1.038 .299
Salem et al33 –0.042 0.310 0.096 –0.649 0.566 –0.135 .893
Silva et al15 1.249 0.426 0.181 0.415 2.083 2.935 .003
Tarakci et al34 0.425 0.359 0.129 –0.280 1.130 1.182 .237
Urgenet al35 0.273 0.357 0.127 –0.427 0.972 0.764 .445
0.425 0.232 0.054 –0.030 0.881 1.830 .067
–2.00 –1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

Conventional Exergames

Fig 3 Meta-analysis and funnel plot results for functional mobility, Egger’s PZ.29.

CIZ0.053-1.377, PZ.034) had the largest effect on effect size Discussion

when removed from the analysis.
Although previous systematic reviews have gathered evidence for
the use of AVGs in children with developmental disability,7,8 this is
Moderator analysis the first meta-analysis of RCTs to specifically examine the effect of
Because of the limited number of trials within each motor domain, AVGs interventions for improving motor functions in people with
meta-regression on all studies using 7 moderators (total dose, developmental disability. Although there were only a small number
frequency per week, length of session, total number of weeks of of high-quality RCTs (nZ12), results indicated a strong effect of
AVG exposure, age, diagnosis, setting) was conducted. Duplicate AVGs on improving gross motor skills, while support was weak for
trials were removed, and the most relevant measure for each trial the efficacy of AVGs interventions on improving balance and
was chosen based on whether it was the most commonly used functional mobility in people with developmental disability.
measure or if it was the primary outcome measure to ensure the Importantly, our analysis showed dose frequency influenced motor
same sample of participants was not included multiple times. outcomes in response to AVGs interventions. These findings have
Frequency per week (test of change; QZ4.27, dfZ1, implications for clinicians in recommending AVGs platforms for
PZ.0387, R2Z0.36) was a significant moderator of the relation people with developmental disability.
between AVGs and motor function outcomes. Length of session
(QZ3.66, dfZ1, PZ.056, R2Z0.17), total dose (QZ0.41, dfZ1, The effect of AVGs on motor domains in
PZ.5215, R2Z0.5125), and number of weeks (QZ0.17, dfZ1, developmental disability
PZ.68, R2Z0.00) had no significant moderating effects on the
relation between AVGs and motor outcomes. Diagnosis (test of The overall large effect size (Hedges’ gZ0.833) for AVGs to
change; QZ1.94, dfZ3, PZ.584, R2Z0.00), age (test of change; improve gross motor skills is in keeping with previous findings in
QZ0.03, dfZ1, PZ.8682, R2Z0.00%), and setting (test of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.31,37-39 In this popu-
change; QZ3.47, dfZ3, PZ.3245, R2Z0.00) also had no lation, the strongest level of evidence has been found for the use of
moderating effects on motor function outcomes. interactive game play to improve gross motor outcomes.40
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AVGs and developmental disabilities 777

Study name Statistics for each study Hedges ’ g and 95% CI
Hedge's Standard Lower Upper
g error Variance limit limit Z value P value
Alsaif and Alsenany13 1.411 0.348 0.121 0.729 2.092 4.056 .000
Ashkenazi et al28 0.583 0.363 0.132 –0.129 1.294 1.604 .109
Cho et al29 0.294 0.452 0.204 –0.591 1.179 0.650 .515
Hammond et al12 1.360 0.505 0.255 0.369 2.350 2.690 .007
Gatica-Rojas et al14 –0.731 0.357 0.127 –1.430 –0.032 –2.050 .040
Mombarg et al31 1.010 0.385 0.148 0.256 1.764 2.625 .009
Sajan et al32 0.495 0.456 0.208 –0.400 1.390 1.085 .278
Salem et al33 –0.011 0.310 0.096 –0.618 0.597 –0.035 .972
Urgen et al35 0.166 0.356 0.127 –0.532 0.863 0.466 .641
0.485 0.236 0.056 0.023 0.948 2.059 .039
–2.00 –1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

Conventional Exergames

Fig 4 Meta-analysis and funnel plot results for balance, Egger’s PZ.18.

However, only 5 trials were included in the overall effect size motor development.8 It is noteworthy that many people with
estimate, and the 1 study removed method indicated 2 trials12,13 developmental disability show prominent impairments in balance
were primary to the significance of the effect. There were some and postural stability,41-43 which highlight the potential for AVGs
limitations of these studies that should be acknowledged. For to target these core impairments in so far because they resemble
example, the Hammond et al12 trial included only 10 children with real-world balance skills in a more effective way when compared
developmental coordination disorder, the specific gains in gross to conventional therapy. However, inspection of individual studies
motor proficiency were seen in only a selective subscale of the revealed several inconsistencies. There were a number of inter-
BOT-2 (bilateral coordination), and there was a lack of blinding of vention studies using Nintendo Wii that did not reveal any sig-
researchers in a crossover controlled trial. In respect of Alsaif and nificant effect for balance in children with developmental
Alsenany,13 the large effect of Wii Fit games on gross motor disability28,29,32,33,35; however, the reasons for these discrepancies
performance in children with cerebral palsy may relate to the large are unclear. In addition, the 1 study removed method indicated
intervention dose (20min/d over 12wk; total 1680min) relative to several influential studies12,13,31 were driving the significance of
other studies and there was an inadequate level of detail provided the effect, and therefore the effect of AVGs on balance also needs
on the type of supervision given in the home setting. In addition, to be interpreted with caution.
because of the small number of trials, it was difficult to ascertain The nonsignificant effect for AVGs on functional mobility in
the effect of AVGs on upper extremity skills versus whole body people with developmental disability is consistent with a lack of
activity, which may or may not generalize to overall gross motor transfer of trainingdthat is, a lack of skill generalization from 1
skills. Therefore, the results for the large effect of AVGs on gross domain to different onesdand suggests that AVGs interventions may
motor outcomes should be interpreted with caution. only benefit performance on specific motor skill domains that are
The current finding of a significant small to medium effect commonly the target of conventional AVGs. This is perhaps not
(Hedges’ gZ0.458) on balance for people in AVGs interventions surprising given that AVGs focus on balance skills and bilateral co-
is consistent with a previous systematic review that concluded ordination and less so on general abilities regarding moving around
AVGs improved balance in youth with nontypical patterns of the environment. As a whole, the AVGs interventions using
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778 D.R. Hocking et al

Gross Motor

Study name Statistics for each study Hedges'g and 95% CI

Hedges' Standard Lower Upper
g error Variance limit limit Z value P value
Alsaif and Alsenany13 1.267 0.341 0.116 0.599 1.935 3.718 .000
Hammond et al12 2.218 0.584 0.341 1.074 3.363 3.800 .000
Chiu et al30 0.251 0.256 0.066 –0.251 0.754 0.979 .327
Silva et al15 0.481 0.393 0.154 –0.290 1.251 1.223 .221
Urgen et al35 0.471 0.360 0.130 –0.236 1.177 1.306 .191
0.833 0.299 0.090 0.247 1.420 2.784 .005

–4.00 –2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00

Conventional Exergames

Fig 5 Meta-analysis and funnel plot results for gross motor, Egger’s PZ.06.

conventional games in people with developmental disability focus session, total dose, number of weeks), setting (eg, clinical, home,
less on other motor domains including fine motor skills and func- school), diagnosis, and age were not significant moderators in this
tional mobility. Given that very few off-the-shelf AVGs focus on review, and regardless of other intervention components (eg, total
improving fine motor skills, and studies have shown that fine motor dose of practice), training programs with more frequent practice
skills are predictors of academic outcomes for school-aged chil- schedules significantly enhanced effects of AVGs interventions on
dren,44,45 future interventions using AVGs to improve fine motor gross motor skill proficiency. These findings provide support for a
performance of children with developmental disability are warranted. focus on the frequency of time on task in increasing training effects
on motor performance in response to AVGs interventions, and this
may be because of people with developmental disability requiring
The effect of moderators on motor outcomes in more frequent bouts of time in motor skill learning compared to the
response to AVGs interventions typically developing population.47
There were 2 previous systematic reviews that highlighted difficulty
in determining the relation between dosage of AVGs interventions Study limitations
and effects on motor proficiency.7,8 Specifically, there was no
consistent pattern of higher dosage in length and duration and better There are a number of limitations of this review. First, the results
motor outcomes in people with developmental disability. From the are based on data from only 12 RCTs with insufficient sample
present synthesis of the data, the current review found that fre- sizes, interventions of variable intensities, and multiple outcome
quency per week is the only significant moderator of the relation measures and included participants with diverse diagnoses.
between the effect of AVGs and motor outcomes in people with Therefore, our conclusions should be considered preliminary.
developmental disability. We found that frequency per week Despite the advances in this research area and limited period of
explained 18% of the variance of the treatment effects, which is time that AVGs have been used in developmental disability, our
consistent with previous reviews evaluating the evidence for motor- confidence in these preliminary findings will only be strengthened
based interventions in people with developmental coordination with further adequately powered RCTs. As such, the findings of
disorder.46 In contrast, other dosage characteristics (eg, length of our review should be interpreted with caution. Future studies will
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AVGs and developmental disabilities 779

also enable a full consideration of potential moderators such as cognitively challenging tasks, and the link between motor skills
setting (eg, clinic, laboratory, school), type of intervention (eg, and a range of cognitive, social, and academic outcomes in
most studies used Nintendo Wii), and nature of control condition childhood through adolescence,4,49,50 a focus of future studies
(eg, usual care or other training programs). Second, the trial should be the evaluation of far transfer effects to other domains in
design of included studies was limited by inadequate descriptions response to AVGs interventions.
of blinding and description of control conditions, and it is there-
fore likely that a high risk of bias exists for several of the studies.
Third, the 1 study removed method indicated that several influ- Conclusions
ential trials were driving the significance of the effect and given This review is the first to provide a quantitative synthesis of the
the small number of studies included in balance and gross motor effects of AVGs on motor function in people with developmental
domains, results from the current meta-analysis should be inter- disability and consider potential moderating factors that influence
preted with caution. In addition, several trials included multiple the strength of training effects. It is concluded that AVGs in-
outcome measures for each domain, and inclusion of each mea- terventions appear to show task-specific effectiveness for gross
sure for a domain was based on clinical judgment as to the most motor skills over the short term in people with developmental
appropriate motor measure, which may have led to a loss of some disability; however, the effects are influenced by the frequency of
information. Finally, there were only a limited number of trials the intervention supporting the importance of more frequent bouts
that examined the extent to which training effects were retained at of practice. Because of the diverse range of diagnoses, dosage
a longer-term follow-up, and the beneficial effect of AVGs on intervals, age range, and multiple outcome measures, future
sustained improvements in motor performance could not studies with adequately powered RCTs will be required to draw
be evaluated. stronger conclusions about the effects of AVGs on motor function
in developmental disability.
Future directions
From this systematic review and synthesis of the data, there are Supplier
several avenues for future research. First, there is a need for in-
vestigators to conduct more RCTs with high methodological
a. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Software version 2; Biostat, Inc.
quality including randomization with concealed allocation,
blinding of assessors and participants, and a priori statistical
power calculations to avoid underpowered trials. In addition, a
more detailed description of potential moderators would enable a Keywords
clearer picture of the true effects of AVGs on motor performance
in people with developmental disability. This would enable the Developmental disabilities; Exercise; Gait; Movement; Posture;
consideration of other factors that may influence the magnitude of Randomized controlled trial; Rehabilitation
training effects including comorbidity and heterogeneity of the
children, setting and level of supervision, and treatment approach
in the control condition.
Second, there is a need for future trials to increase adherence
Corresponding author
and engagement of people with varying levels of cognitive ability Darren R. Hocking, PhD, Developmental Neuromotor and
by developing customized AVGs that target a greater range of Cognition Lab, School of Psychology and Public Health, La
motor domains (eg, fine motor, gait, postural control) in a Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC 3086, Australia. E-mail
personalized approach. One particularly important criterion will address:
be the capacity to customize level of difficulty, in motor and
cognitive load, to adapt to individual limitations and gradually
progress between sessions to ensure people are sufficiently chal-
lenged in task-specific training. It has been noted that a consistent
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