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The corals, 27/01/2021

School: Mario Montessori.

My name is: cristhina Fernández

1. Grammar. Complete the following exercises. Follow the example: (5 points)

If you study hard (study hard/ you) you will pass (pass). (First conditional)
a. If we _had gone_____ (go) with Rosa, we ____would have been_ (would/be) stuck here.
(Third conditional)
b. If a meteorite really __had crashed_____ (crash) on New York, all the world
_____would have known___ (would /know)! (Third conditional)
c. If you __need____ (need) me. I __wiil____ (be) there for you. (First conditional).
d. That cell phone ___wiil ring___ (ring) if you __call____ (call) to this number. (First
e. That ́s hot. If you ___touch___ (touch) it, you __burn____ (burn) yourself. (Conditional

2. Speaking. Send your audio reading the “2 tickets, please!” activity through Google
Classroom. (6 points)

3. Duolingo. Do the following lessons in Duolingo in order to get 9 points! (9 points)

4. Reading. Read the following story:

Now say if the next statements are True (T) or False (F): (5 points)
a. It ́s possible, but not certainly, that Christine will do something fun on the weekend.
( T)
b. Margaret suggests going to the ballet. (T )
c. They both agree going to the ballet in the morning. (F )
d. Christine is on a big project for her classes. ( T)
e. Christine asks Margaret to contact her, even if she doesn ́t answer (T )

5. Writing. Write a short paragraph (5 lines cap) answering the next question. Use the
conditionals! (5 points):
If I had a lot of money, i would have helped all the people of the world, I would have
helped girls and boys have all they need and want. Also, if i have a lot of power, I will help
countries in need. Apart of all that. If i were rich I would secure the future of my family,
my parents. I Will Buy a house and I would have started a business. Apart of all that. If i
were rich I would secure the future of my family, my parents. I Will Buy a really big house,
with really spacious bedrooms and a beautiful pool, so I can swim in the mornings as I
wake up. I would have started a business that provides stability to my life, and my friends
because we could work together as a team.

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