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My name is Julian Esteban Guerrero Blanco I’m twenty five years old this emergency was in 2017

where I had my first health complication in my life, I had never been hospitalized or left in the
emergency room, I began to experience a great headache, except that I also already had dilated
eyes that those who saw me said that I had a lost look it was a difficult moment I was washing a
bowl in the kitchen when my hands began to sweat and all that I said earlier, suddenly I began to
feel spasms in my neck so much so that I lost consciousness and my head was twisted, it was
something horrible I hit the kitchen wall and fainted, my parents especially, my mom didn't know
what to do, I was in shock, my dad, what he did was carry me, sit on the sofa, give me air, but
when I saw that it didn't improve, I got in the car. They took to the emergency hospital for 5 days
hospitalized and a few minutes I lost consciousness I remember that everyone was crying but I
wondered why they were crying if everything was fine until I recovered re the knowledge and I
saw myself bedridden in the hospital, thank God better and here I am.

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