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Class Preparation Cycle involves: Preparation – Performance – Evaluation.

PREPARATION: What is the plan?
The first component of Preparation – Performance – Evaluation cycle requires a
dialogue between the teacher and guidelines presented in the Teacher’s Guide.
While preparing a class, four elements must be taken into account: the group
which the lesson will be taught, the activities that compose the whole lesson, the
Lesson Goal and the Lesson Design.
Performance entails a plan reorganization made before class (Preparation),
according to its movement and flow. The preparation takes into account the
changes that may occur during the class, but group interaction is never predictable,
since we cannot measure and quantify students’ moods and reactions. Here, the
teacher has to deal with a human variable that constantly changes.
EVALUATION: The Analysis of the Outcome
This last component is in fact a critical analysis of the difference between the
planned (or hypothetical) class (Preparation) and the class itself (Performance).
Mind the Gaps: All Wise Up classes need gaps to be meaningful and creative. A
teacher whose class preparation and performance feature no gaps has no critical
analysis of that performance. After that analysis, restart the cycle. You can
understand those gaps as positive or negative moments that did not conform to the
plan and therefore need to be taken into consideration when you prepare the
following class. Positive elements should be incorporated, naturally, while negative
ones need to be understood and problems need to be solved.

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