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Romeo and Juliet

English IV

Sebastian Solano Sotelo

University of Cordoba - Sahagún

Systems engineer
It was once a young man named Romeo, and a young woman named Juliet who
lived in New York. Romeo was well into a street gang and Juelit sold magazine
products on the streets. Romeo and Juliet met over hot dogs on the corner of the
boulevard of broken dreams. From the moment they felt love at first sight. They
started dating and also felt that they wanted to fall in love.
Juliet had a friend named Maria and she had a brother who was in another street
gang who was also in love with Juliet. The gang to which Romeo belonged and
that of Maria's brother were enemies, they had always had a fight to kill those of
the opposite gang. One day Romeo was walking with Juliet, when two men from
Maria's brother's gang kidnapped Romeo and Maria was left crying. The men took
Romeo to a man named Tony, who had a jet that voted smoke jets. They wanted
to take it out to sea, see a shark from above and shoot it from the jet.
It turns out that Juliet got an inflatable boat with a very fast motor and when Romeo
was thrown she caught him with the boat. What an exaggerated story, we continue.
When they reached the coast of New York they found out that Meria's brother was
the one who gave the order to kidnap Romeo. In this story, Romeo and Juliet were
not killed because they were not allowed to be together. They looked for Maria's
brother and did what he planned to do to Romeo, they grabbed him and threw him
at the sharks. But then a shark knocked them off the boat and they ate them too,

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