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Book Response Form

When you finish reading a book, complete a copy of this form and give it to your teacher.

Book Response Form


Author: Claude Violer
Publisher: PT Gramedia ,jakarta
Date published: february 1985 Number of pages: 221
Genre (Type of book)—Circle one:
novel mystery science fiction romance biography
history science/technology other:
Why did you decide to read this book?
Because this book so interest me and tell me to be more careful about something, even it jus a ;ittle thing

Were you glad that you decided to read it? Explain.

Of course I’m heppy when I read this book. It’s a wonderfull book. It’s tell about a group of friends try to find

who the person that try to steal the pearl necklace.

What did you like best about this book?

This book is easy to read and don’t have a thick pages. And this book also improve my knowladge.

What did you like least?

I like how the george’s dog help them to find the thief.

Would you recommend this book to a friend? Explain.

Maybe I will recomend this book to my friend. But I don’t know that my friends will like this book or not

Because we have a different taste. But I will try to recomenede this book to them to add our knowledge.

On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book for you? (1 = easy, 10 = difficult) Why?
I give this book 5 point, because sometime 1 still confuse to understand this book because this book is

translated from German language.

24 Extensive Reading

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