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Which two topics from last week’s discussion board were interesting? Why?

This week’s discussion board is rather interesting. The two topics from last week’s
rationale pt. 2 that I found interesting was “The Need for Victim Advocates” by
Gabrielle, and “Interventions to Reduce Test Anxiety in Students” by Kayla. I think
that these are both very important topics that need to be talked about more and
“normalized” within society. The thing that I liked, was how both writers talked about
their personal experiences with both topics, and how in detail their annotated
bibliographies were. 

Where are you in building your portfolio? Do you have any questions so far?
In terms of building my portfolio, I am slowly getting there. It is a process and I just
need to put it all together. I do not have any questions about the final assignment
currently, but I probably will in the upcoming 2 weeks. 
Good luck on your last two weeks of the semester! 

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