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Intro Lesson 16 Figurative Seal, Trumpet, and New Song Part 2

1. Figurative Trumpet: Person who testifies the Word of God

Main Reference: Mt24:29-31

Mt24 Signs of the end times

v29-31 - Sun, moon & star: will be darkened and fallen
- Son of Man (Jesus) will come with the clouds
- will send angels with a loud trumpet call and will gather his elect
Sound of the Trumpet: Salvation
Physical Characteristics of Trumpet
- to create sound
- also used in the war to gather the soldiers

Lev23:24 Trumpet is used to commemorate the day of sabbath rest

Num10:1-8 To make known to the chosen people:
- When is the gathering
- When to continue their journey
- When there is an enemy
- When they are going to make a sacrifice
Jos6:1-21 Seven priests marching around the city and blowing the seven trumpets for six
- On the 7th day, the wall of Jericho collapsed and the chosen people took the
<Old Testament Prophecy>
Isa18:3, 7 Isaiah: like a trumpet to proclaim the sin of the nation of God
Ez33:1-6 Watchman: Trumpet → to give a warning
Joel2:1,15-16 Blow the trumpet in Zion, gather the people

<Fulfillment> Time of first coming

Trumpet: Jesus + 12 disciples → will testify
Hear and believe (keep): Blessings

X hear & X believe (X keep): Curses

<New Testament Prophecy>

Mt24:29-31 Loud trumpet call: will gather God’s elect
Rv8,9 trumpets
Rv10:7 sound of the 7th trumpet → mystery of God will be accomplished
Rv11:15 the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of God and of His Christ
1Cor15:51 Mystery: we will all be changed

2. Figurative New Song: Gospel of the Physical Fulfillment

Main Reference: Rv15:2-3

Rv15:2-3 Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb

Rv14:3 New Song
Ps119:54, 72 Song: Word/Decrees of God
Dt32, Dt31:30 Commandments given to Moses: Song of Moses
Isa29:18 Blind → See, Deaf → Hear
Ps33:1-3 Sing a new song
Who can sing the new song?
Rv14:1-3 Those who can sing the new song → 144,000 on Mt. Zion

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