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In recent years one of the most important educational goals is the development of critical

thinking. The present research aimed at the relationship between critical thinking and
academic performance of students in the fifth year of secondary education of the educational
institution César Abraham Vallejo Mendoza No. 88017. The methodology used is correlational,
quantitative level with a design non-experimental correlational, for data collection a
questionnaire consisting of 30 questions was used to address two dimensions of critical
thinking and academic performance were the qualifications of the second two months of the
subject Science, Technology and Environment. The sample was 23 students. In the same way,
non-probabilistic sampling and Excel 2010 were used. The results of the research were: It was
estimated that the students are inclined in the level of development of critical thinking, it was
located in the medium level with 65.22%, followed by the level high with 21.74% and the low
level with 13.04%. And in academic performance, 69.57% of students are at a medium level in
the area of Science, Technology and Environment and only 30.43% are at a high level."
The relationship between critical thinking and academic achievement of students in the fifth
year of secondary educational institution César Abraham Vallejo Mendoza N ° 88017 , l to
methodology used is correlational quantitative degree with no correlational
design empirical sample it has been 23 students, is estimated that students are inclined to the
degree of thinking critically, the development was in the middle grade with 65.22%, followed
by the high degree to 21.74% and 13.04% low - grade and in academic performance, 69.57% of
the students remain in an average grade of the Science, Technology and Environment
subject ” .

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