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<h1 id="hdrDescription">Muhammad Saad</h1>

flag = 0

pass_hash = input("md5 hash: ")

wordlist = input("File name: ")


pass_file = open(wordlist,"r")


print("No file found :(")


for word in pass_file:

enc_wrd =word.encode('utf-8')

digest =hashlib.md5(enc_wrd.strip()).hexdigest()

# print(word)

# print(digest)

# print(pass_hash)

if digest.strip() == pass_hash.strip():

print("password found")

print("Password is " + word)

flag = 1


if flag == 0:

print("password not in list")

<hr class="intro-divider">

<h2> <a class="email-address" id="lnkEmailAddress" href="mailto:m"></a></h2>




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