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CE 559 Watershed management and Remote Sensing Applications

Long-type Question Set-E

Q1. In a city, additional 10 hospitals need to be developed for COVID-19 patients. In order to

keep a concept of the least mortality rate, a GIS-based decision support system needs to be

planned. Plan geospatial data requirement and analysis tools for the same.

Q2. List the open source DEM data availability and their utilisation. Explain all the GIS

model steps involved for DEM to derive watershed boundary and drainage density with a

flow chart.

Q3. What are Raster analysis tools available in a GIS software ? By taking a sample data set

of 5x5 matrix, explain the function of three raster tools.

Q4. Short notes with its applications

a) Conceptual data model in GIS

b) Reclassification of vector layers

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