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Common life events

You opened a business

as we often hear about business, business is 100% of our own to get
results and so on. In the business world, falling and getting up is
common. In the beginning I started the business, for me I was very
tired and not in continuing the business activities because I was
cheated here and there, did not bring results, changed another
business to another business until I gained experience in business.
automatically, the thing is so mature I am in business that I am able to
do business to this day

Personal experience
next is my personal experience where I remembered something
about it. like the first time I played the piano and there was a feeling
of wanting to play again and have it to learn. Of course, if we want to
play a musical instrument we have to attend classes, practice by
practice until we are proficient to play. Not for me, all the basics until
I can play the piano well, it's all by learning on my own to be fluent. i
don't attend classes just youtube being my teacher.
how I took the first drive in a lesson was I didn’t easily give up
on what I was interested in. music is my soul and life, of course it will
be a part of my daily life and I am sure music will be a big part of
influencing the world of entertainment positively.

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