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Tayfour Albeely/ APGAR Score Handout: Child Psychopathology


Within seconds of your baby being born and the cord being cut the midwife or doctor
will assess her condition according to a standard method known as the Apgar score. Five
vital signs are tested, and the baby is given 0,1 or 2 points for each.

Heart rate: 1 point is given if it is below 100 beats a minute, and 2 points are given if it
is over 100 beats a minute.

Respiratory effort: If breathing is slow or irregular and the baby does not cry, 1 point is
given. If the baby cries and her breathing is regular, 2 points are given.

Muscle tone: If the baby makes some movements 1 point is given. If there is good
muscle tone with the baby making active movements, 2 points are given.

Reflex activity: If the baby responds by grimacing when the nose is suctioned to clear it
of mucus she scores 1 point. If she sneezes, coughs or cries she gets 2 points.

Color: Pink skin tone with blue tinges on the hands and feet would score 1, while pink
all over scores 2.

If the first four signs are missing and the baby is blue all over she would not get any
points out of a possible 10, and if not helped to breathe the child would be stillborn.

Most babies score 8 or 9 out of 10 on the first scoring as the limbs are usually a little
blue during the first minute. A score of 8/10 or more indicates that the baby has not
suffered respiratory distress and has received sufficient oxygen during and before birth.
A score of between 4 and 7 indicates some breathing difficulties and the baby will be
given oxygen (some doctors do this routinely for all babies) and other mild stimulatory
measures may be undertaken.

A score of 3 or less indicates severe asphyxia or lack of oxygen and calls for swift

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