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In this final activity a study will be carried out to remember all the units studied in this course in

order to collaboratively carry out the inspection of these and through this final activity we

consolidate the knowledge acquired so that we can have a more organized panorama of the work,

learned and studied in this important course that as engineers in training contributes us greatly.

General purpose.

 To translate the knowledge acquired in the different units of study.

Specific objectives.

 Make the final compilation.

 Solve the points raised in the guide.

 Develop and socialize what you have worked on


As a final assessment of the course, the students relate the concepts studied along all steps,

developing the following activities:

1. Review all references and activities developed along the previous steps.

2. Choose your role and post your selection on the Collaborative Learning forum:

Compiler, Reviewer, Evaluator, Deliveries and Alerts.

Student Role

Victoria Alvarez Ordosgoitia Compiler

Manuel David Garizao Reviewer

Yesica Camila Romero Evaluator

Cristian De Jesus Menco Deliveries

Jose Angel Meneses Alerts

• Research Problem Description Diagram (From Step 1)


GROUP NUMBER 212032_70
¿How to promote digital transformation in Colombia entreprises?
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION In Colombia there is still a widespread culture of illegality,which,
along with an outdated education system and the lack of
government strategies, does not allow companies to realice the
benefits of the Economy 4.0. many medium and small entreprises
do not perceive the leverage effect of information
technologies,which are essential due to globalization,as they do not
see themselves as actor of it, they do not realize all the benefits
received by the implemetation of these technologies. companies
must then understand the importance of challeing themself inside an
ever-changing world, at the time they are generating value for their
customers while being able to monetize that value , and must
understand that their competitiveness is increasingly dependent on
their presence in the cloud, more than half of the world population
currently has internet service and depends on it for many of its daily
tasks, since they control their life from their smartphone.

Through innovation and modernization of the technologies that

companies currently use, it is how we can begin to implement a
digital transformation in Colombia, supporting medium and small
companies to leave obsolete technologies that they still use with
systems that are safe for demand and for the digital transformation
that welcomes the world

M.D.J(22 DE 08 DE 2018). Pragma obtenido de
REFERENCES es-tan-importante-para-las-empresas.

Research Justification Description Diagram (From Step 2)

According to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies
(MinTIC) and iNNpulsa Colombia, digital transformation is related to the use
and appropriation of information technologies that, combined with leadership
capacity and organizational change, improve or radically change the
performance and business model of companies.
212032_72Group number

Global justification.
Digital business transformation not only favors the growth of companies; it also
contributes significantly to the country's development. “On the one hand, it
makes us more competitive; This makes the economy grow and that goes hand
in hand with the economic revival plan that we have from the beginning of the
Government. This makes us grow globally.

National justification
allows companies to grow; We already have testimonies of very young
companies that thanks to technology have grown, have reached new markets
and, finally, have become more productive, since having more income also
improves the conditions of workers and their quality of life.

Industrial Engineering justification

or engineering industry Digital transformation helps an organization keep pace
with emerging customer demands, keeping them in the future. Digital
transformation enables organizations to compete better in an economic
environment that is constantly changing as technology evolves.


Research Methodology Description Diagram (From Step 3)

Methodology to research the
problem of digital

G rou p n u m b er
transformation in Colombian

Type of research
scientific method
2 12 0 32 _ 7 0
Phases of the methodology
El método científico es una
metodología para obtener nuevos
conocimientos, por lo que podemos
crear nuevas herramientas que nos
ayuden a la transformación digital.

4. According to the graphs, the group writes an analysis of at least 80 words, for each

question describing its trends in relation to the problem of study: How to promote

digital transformation in Colombian enterprises?, according to the following chart:

Colombian Enterprises Digital Transformation Diagnosis Graphs and Analysis

212032_70 Date: 21/05/2020

Question Analysis Graph

7. Does the In this

company have question, you
branches or want us to
points of sales? understand if
the company
has other
branches or
points of sale.

As we can see
in the graph,
three of the
companies do
have, and the
other two do
not. in other
words, 60% of
the companies
have a point
of sale and
40% do not.
Size of the This question
company is formulated
Microenterprise to imply how
big is the
company with
which we are
working. As
we can see in
the graph,
80% of the
companies are
and 20% of
the companies
are Small-

You are
interested in
starting that As we can see
process, but this question
does not know is formed to
how see if we have
an idea but we
do not know
how to
execute it. As
we can see in
the graph,
40% are in The
company has
processes in
search of a
n, the other
40% is in a
process of
n and 20%.
Interested in
starting that
process, but
don't know

11. Number of
employees (in

Time of One
constitution of paragraph of
the company 80 words
12. Average
annual sales

13. Value of total


14. Does your

company have a
sales team

15. Do you have

statements with
a monthly cu
Briefly describe
the need for
your company in
the area
identified in the
question: :
machinery with

Do you have any

budget to
based solutions
for the
improvement of
your company?"

Does the
company have
Number of
computers in the
company (in

If your answer to
the previous
question was
"Yes", please
indicate what
5. Based on the contents studied and the analysis of the information, each student must

record a YouTube video including a 2 to 3 minutes video, where the student appears

himself explaining in English one proposal to solve the problem of study including:

• Student´s name

• Date

• Analysis of the main answers and graphs according to the activity 5

• A proposal to solve the problem of digital transformation in Colombia entrerprises.

Make sure the proposal includes arguments from intellectual property, technology valuation and

technology negotiation, and mention some statistics from the Colombian Enterprises Digital

Transformation Diagnosis Database.

The student must include the YouTube link in the final inform trough the following chart:

Colombian Enterprises Digital Transformation Problem Solutions

Group number: Date:

Student YouTube Link


Student 2. Cristian Menco

Student 3. Yesica Romero

Student 4. Name

Student 5. Name

6. As a conclusion each student writes one paragraph 100 to 200 words answering the

following question (one conclusion per student):

Why industrial engineers need to understand valuation and negotiation of technology in order to

lead companies to achieve its strategic goals?

The student must include the conclusion paragraph in the final inform trough the following chart:

Industrial Engineering Conclusions

Group number: Date:

Student Conclusion

Jose Angel meneses Because technology is currently a key element for

us to design innovative processes that help us
achieve the objectives we want to achieve within
a company, making use of all the tools available
for the production, planning, supervision,
improvement and optimization of processes.

Cristian Menco Diaz Thanks to this work I was able to understand the
importance of technology for companies. New
technologies help the commercial drive and aims
to be a fundamental help for large and medium

Student 3. Yesica Romero In the business field, management systems have

been applied (and still continue to be applied)
whose need was determined as an objective to
obtain a certificate. At other times it had its
justification, but now you cannot understand an
expense without adding any value to the
company. These methods, along with similar ones
whose lack of efficiency is notorious, have led
many companies to very negative and irreversible

Student 4. Name One paragraph 100 to 200 words

Student 5. Name One paragraph 100 to 200 words

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