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Winter 2021

Children’s Learning and Development (CLD) Process Form

Bachelor of Early Learning Program Development

Student Name: Hailey Near

Child (rens) Age (s)/ Age Group: 3 Years 4 Months

Be specific and write about what you observed happening with the child (ren) in the video segment, in relation
to a child or some of the children’s interests and/or emerging skills? Explain what exactly you have seen the
child or some children do/say?

During my observation I observed many things that included Boy #1 (B1), Boy #2 (B2), Girl #1 (G1), Girl
#2 (G2), and Girl #3 (G3)
- B1 pushing the sand down a funnel with a metal spoon
- B2 putting sand from a metal tin into the big box of sand with a yellow shovel
- B2 asked G1 for some of her sand and she gave it to him then B2 shared his sand with B1
- B2 and G1 have a conversation about the sand as the continued to help each other with filling
- Once the metal tin is full of sand B2 pats it down then starts to sing happy birthday and puts it
in a wooden block he refers to as the oven to bake the cake
- B2 puts a yellow and red cup full of sand in the blocks and claps
- G2 shows B2 an empty cup and he says no sand
- B2, G1 and G2 continue to fill up more containers with sand while working together with
wooden spoons to carry the sand
- G3 takes over the baking of the cakes and tells the other kids when and when they cannot take
the cakes out of the oven
- B2 takes cake out of the ‘oven’ and puts it on green tray and starts singing happy birthday then
everyone else joins in
- G2 decides the cake is not done yet and take the cake from B2 to put it back in the ‘oven’ to
bake some more
- B2 then gets a different cake and starts to sing happy birthday to G2

Inferences (Interpretations/Questions): Based on your above observations, explain what you think it
means? Consider possible emerging interests, curiosities, misunderstandings, concept exploration, and
developmental aspects. Also consider your own curiosities, questions and wonderings.

- These children are very creative and intelligent while it comes to them making those cakes and
pies out of sand and letting them bake in the wooden blocks they made the oven.
- Girl #1 was very curious and helpful to boy #2 during the first half of the segment where the
boy was playing with the sand with the small containers than eventually filling them and
making the cakes. – working together to achieve goals
Winter 2021

- Children interested in baking

- Development seen in sharing and social skills
- Girl #3 takes control of the baking and tells everyone else what to do about the cake and
refuses to let anyone take it out of the oven – this shows how she is aware that she is older and
that the younger kids will obey her
- I wonder what would have happened if one of the children didn’t listen to G3

Based on the above observations, how would you support the child (rens) learning and
How would you respond? What would you do for the child or children? How would you provoke further
learning? What provocations or invitations would you use? Title/Name your experience…

I would support the children’s learning and development by responding to these children in a very
positive and engaging way as they are using the materials around them to create something and
include their classmates while doing so. While doing this I would observe the children’s actions and
note how they are developing many major skills. I would continue to encourage them and provide
more resources for them to continue building on their ideas and explore more through play. This being
said the children will be able to learn from the play in a positive astrosphere with many resources.
To further provoke these children’s learning I would set out buttons, pom poms, string, etc. to help
them be able to decorate their cakes to their desire and to continue learning throughout play. By
provoking further learning they are able to develop in more than one or two ways. A title I would use
for this experience would be ‘Sand and Cake’

2014. Excerpts from ELECT. Foundational knowledge from the 2007 publication of Early Learning for
Every Child Today: A framework for Ontario early childhood setting. Ministry of Education,

2014. How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years. Ministry of Education,

Preparation and Implementation

How would you facilitate learning and development and support the learning process for the

A) Through environment: How would you introduce the children to and engage them with the
materials/provocation provided? How would you guide them? How would you use your resources,
props etc.?
- I would engage the children in the environment with the materials provided as they can be creative and
build anything they set their minds to as well as they can imagine that certain materials are different
materials to play with in a different way then they have already been used
- I would guide them by showing them different materials and asking what else can be done with them
- I would create props to get their creative minds thinking and to show them that not everything has to be
used for its original purpose
Winter 2021

B) Through teacher-guided experience: Describe in detail how you would begin the experience, how you
would use props, materials, resources, etc., what questions you would ask, how you would end and
transition the children out of the experience.
- At the beginning of this experience I would let the children play with the sand for a bit to get used to it
and ensure that they know that the sand is not to eat or to throw.
- Next I would give the children buckets, shovels and shapes to help the children build with the sand
- While they are playing I would ask the children what that is, if it is an animal what does it sound like,
what do you use the object for, what else they could make?
- To end and transition the children out of the experience I would take pictures of everyone’s creations
and then ask them to clean up and wash their hands

C) Through child-guided experience: How would you enhance/extend the children’s idea or initiative?
What strategies would you use to further engage the children?
- To enhance the children’s ideas I would ask them questions
- Provide any more resources they may need to continue with this idea
- Strategies to get the children further engaged I would use are to ask questions and provide further
resources to continue their learning

Learning and development

Describe how your experience would support children’s learning and development? Consider a variety of
learning aspects as well as various aspects of development from How Does Learning Happen, Integrative
Curriculum, ELECT etc. (Use a minimum of 2 curriculum documents to support your response use APA citation).

My experience would support children’s learning and development as I have seen how the children
developed from first playing with the sand then continued to build with it and make the cakes. This
experience has showed the children during engagement and expression from How Does Learning
Happen as “every child is an active and engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind, and
senses and every child is a capable communicator who expresses himself or herself in many ways”
(How Does Learning Happen, 2014, p 23). Each child was very engaged in making the cakes and B2, G1
and G3 were showing their expression through words very often. ELECT states “Play is a means to early
learning that capitalizes on children’s natural curiosity and exuberance” (ELECT, 2014, p 9). Children
were curious during this experience as they were making different types of cake and sauce in different
containers as well as children who were not actually putting the sand in the containers would watch
and be curious as to what the other children were doing.

Continuation of Learning and Development

Consider how you could continue the learning, are of interest…How could this experience be expanded to
address emerging interests/abilities? Be specific and consider “Now What?”
Winter 2021

To continue the learning of these children I could bring out more materials and ask what else could be
made or see what they would do if I replaced certain objects and see how the children react to the
change in their learning to get them thinking more of how they can continue to learn while overcoming
change in ‘baking’ process. To continue the children’s learning I will ask them questions about what
they are doing and how they are doing so as well as what they plan to do next.


For the first CLD form, I would discuss more of the exploration concepts in my inferences as
well as add materials into my continuation of learning and development section of the form as
that would be my plan and how I would implement it in the future.

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