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Max Christensen


Ms. Emanuel


Gatherings Await

Every family and friend group has a place of congregation, a place where everyone feels

at home, this place for me is my basement. We moved into the house we live in 14 years ago, and

ever since then our basement has been a place where my brothers and friends all hangout.

As you walk down into the basement nowadays there is a ping pong table and pool table,

a couch for everyone to sit on and a tv to usually watch sports on. In the back there is a

bathroom, and bedroom and a storage area. This basement is so great because there is enough

room to have a bunch of people down there and it still not be crowded. When we were younger

we drilled a mini basketball hoop into the wall and used to play on it all the time, it is still up

there to this day. There are markers and the walls from us all over and stains in the carpet from

many spilled drinks over the years. From those descriptions you might think it's beat up, which it

is in some ways, but it's from many great memories and lots of fun, and we love our beat up

messy basement.

About 6 years ago my family remodeled the basement, but before this it was pretty

crappy and we could do anything down there. When me and my brothers were little we used to

play hockey in the basement and we would play for hours on end. I also first learned how to ride

a bike in that basement since it was winter out then. The basement is especially important to me
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and my friends because that’s where we have been most weekends for the past 4 years. We have

been through a lot in that basement and that basement has seen us all mature, grow up, and turn

into the men we are today. It has as well been the place where we did many of our “firsts” in life

and we all have felt at home down there.

That basement is also very important to my family. The main reasons it's important is

because when we were remodeling the main floor of our house all of us had to live down there

for months. It was a tight fit and many fights at times but in the need we were all closer. Some of

the memories I have from living down there is sharing a room with my brothers, playing a lot of

mini basketball, and watching a lot of movies with them. This also made our family a lot closer

because being forced to live in the basement made all of us bond together and hang out with each

other a lot more. I remember it being the worst and best thing in the world sharing one room with

my brothers. Yes we would fight a lot but at the same time we had so much fun being up late at

night together and watching countless movies in our room.

About 6 years ago we remodeled the basement. Before we did that it was tile floor and

wood walls, and frankly not nice. So me and my brothers set up hockey goals and played hockey

down there since there was no fear of damaging anything. Those are some of my best memories

with my brothers because even though there was a fight about every game it was so much fun

and we will all remember it forever. We also played about as many sports as you can think of

down there from mini basketball to soccer. One time we put up a soccer net downstairs and put

mattresses in front of it so the goalie could try to make some crazy diving saves, we probably

played that for 6 hours each night for about a week.

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Finally, my basement means a lot to me for many reasons. I have so many memories

down there from fights with brothers and friends to playing countless hours of hockey, pingpong,

pool, and video games. So, with all of that said my basement means a lot to me, my family, and


Word count: 704

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